The Environmental Protection Agency has announced it will issue an emergency waiver that will allow for the legal, year-round sale of gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol.
The move to allow for the year-round sale of E15 fuel was announced by President Biden ahead of a planned visit to the corn-concentrated state of Iowa on Tuesday. The sale of gasoline containing up to 15 percent ethanol is typically outlawed between June 1st and September 15th of the calendar year due to concerns that it contributes to localized smog, however the Biden Administration has decided to temporarily do away with this law in an attempt to lower fuel prices.
The EPA issued an order in 2019 under former President Donald Trump that would have permitted the year-round sale of E15, however this decision was overturned by the U.S. Court of Appeals last summer. A senior administration official told CNN that Biden’s decision differs from Trump’s as it is “based on the current circumstance, which is a fuel supply emergency.” The White House estimates that allowing for E15 fuel to be sold throughout the summer will lower gas prices by about 10 cents per gallon on average.
“The President believes that the actions of a dictator half a world away should not impact what families pay at the pump here at home,” the White House said in a fact sheet that was distributed to media on Tuesday. “Today’s actions also reinforce the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of achieving real energy independence and commitment to a long-term strategy to spur smart development and adoption of sustainable, homegrown fuels.”
A study published by the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences in February found that ethanol mix fuels are at least 24 percent more carbon-intensive than gasoline as a result of the land use changes required to grow the corn, as well as the processing of the fuel and its combustion. The findings from the study prompted its lead author, Dr. Tyler Lark, assistant scientist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment, to proclaim that ethanol is “not a climate-friendly fuel.”
It should be noted that the E15 fuel mix mentioned in the EPA’s new waiver contains 15 percent ethanol. This is not to be confused with E85, another commonly used fuel type that contains 85 percent ethanol and 15 percent gasoline.
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10 cents a gallon savings is about 2.5%
What is the effect on gas mileage? If it goes down by more than 2.5% then this doesn’t save any money.
gas mileage does drop
Ethanol. Bad for vehicles, bad for the environment, contributor to world hunger. Mr. President: Are you aware that Russia has taken 13% of the world’s grains off the market? Oof.
It’s $3.63 for regular and $3.33 for E15 here. So it’s almost 10% cheaper.
I tested comparing regular and E15 in a rental with highway driving recently and gained 1 out of 35 MPG, I’d say that’s indistinguishable. E15 has a slight octane boost too.
You should still see the mileage drop if anything though. It’s simply a less efficient fuel per gallon (less BTU).
However, 5%? “Indistinguishable” is probably right.
As far as octane, I’d bet they take that into account when they mix it, and don’t give any away for free.
No, they do not. Refineries make two grades of gasoline blendstock, regular and premium, which are designed to hit normal octane levels mixing with 10% ethanol. During the transport process, this is completely fungible, it’s mixed with everybody else’s fuel in pipelines and tank cars and at the fuel terminals.
E15 volume is so small, it would be far too expensive to mix and handle the blendstock separately. Similarly, ethanol free is premium blendstock minus the ethanol, so it’s premium minus a few points.
Why would the E15 volume be small? What if they just switched everyone over to it?
Most older vehicles cannot use it at all. Even a lot of vehicles that are rated for 10% cannot use the E15. Last article I read, there are no motorcycles rated for E15 without voiding their warranty if newer or possible problems down the road.
And the simple yet intelligent common sense solution is (fill in the blank to win a prize). ___________________________________.
Brandon is a stupid fool, 20% worse gas mileage, 3% of gas stations sell E85, using corn will increase food shortage, increased pollution, damage to vehicles. This moron and his sidekick Camela gotta go!
Take the politics out of it and do some research or QFT because it’s clear you have no idea what you’re talking about.
So he cares about the environment but he does this? Proof his agenda for electric cars is full control. Also, look up Blood Batteries and see how these electric car companies get their battery components. Maybe gasoline wouldn’t be so high if he didn’t stop the pipeline. How much arrogant pride can one have to not admit they were wrong on something that affects so many people?
NonSpecific Motors
1500 more miles of pipeline (Keystone XL) needed to be built. From Lincoln Nebraska to Edmington Alberta. It would have taken decades. Definitely would have never been finished by either Biden term.
Not true! It was very far along…regardless it should never have been canceled, as well as stopping Anwar, off shore, shale, etc. We are going to need oil, coal, natural gas, nuclear, etc. for a very long time! Wind, solar, batteries, EVs, and the like are not going to allow us to stop using fossil fuels, it is just plain simple facts.
Follow the money. If the Keystone XL pipeline was “very far along” Trans-Canada would be suing the U.S. for financial restitution. (their not)
Which is why the dumb @$$ didn’t need to stop it. Stopping that pipeline was the liberals trying to break automakers faith in the internal combustion engine just as the Union tried to break the Confederate’s pride during the Civil War with Sherman’s March to the Sea. The government likes to control the market with little oop’s, I didn’t mean to do that but I changed the whole path of humanity crap. This regime change in automobiles isn’t needed because we have perfected the internal combustion engine. Switching to an all electric architecture is going to waste years of tax payer dollars, way more than a gm bailout. But, people are never satisfied. That’s what’s going to end mankind eventually. We run towards what we think we are running from. 81 million votes people…
Tax payers made money on the GM bailout/LOAN, which was fully repaid, with interest.
Aren’t you the union boot licker?
it really doesn’t matter when the pipeline would be finished and in use. the problem is the signal the administration sent. without any discussion Biden completely reversed all of trumps pro energy policies. Oil companies are not going to invest billions when there is that much uncertainty in regulations and market. That is why the gas price is absolutely 100% the fault of Joe Biden.
He’s out of his mind, his policy seems to be reliving his dreams of the ole days, when him and Barack were holding hands skipping through the rose garden.
Some experts have said it could have been completed in as little as 18 to 24 months is nothing got in their way.
TransCanada had 4 years, and they only built 50 miles of pipeline.
Ethanol is only 66% as energy dense as 87 unleaded. This comes with several ***.
Ethanol can be more power dense, but only under high compression and longer detonation cycles than a regular NA, or some turbo Engines.
You will burn through Ethanol about 30-33% faster than regular Gasoline.
lol ethanol is a joke. it’s a political fuel like coal is too.
Wasn’t there a third party study done by various multi-nation universities that said if fuel became single standardized at 91 octane it would be 1. cheaper than 87, and 2. would allow manufacturers to improve power and efficiency of engines. And all the major manufacturers agreed it would be a good thing.
I would never use 15% ethanol Gas in my vehicles, with some vehicles specifically stating it is not supported.
yep I have a few Subarus and they both say- Avoid 10% if you can, and DO NOT use 15% as it will damange your engine, fuel system and void any warranty.
This is going to damage the older cars, lawn equipment and will lower our mileage.
Also with the war in the Ukraine corn prices are going to rise do to the loss of crops and fertilizer.
So this will fix nothing.
Brandon needs to announce more permits and clear them for use asap. Restart the pipe lines and that will over night drop the oil tradings and drop the prices now. He keeps hiding behind the lie you must have oil in hand to lower prices but that is not true.
The other effect is we could once the oil and gas flows it will cut prices to the point it would break Putin. It also would let us and Canada supply Europe for their needs.
Biden is speaking now and nothing he is saying is true or going to fix the economy.
Will we survive him 3 more years?
My boats, ATV, and small engine equipment all get premium ensured to be ethanol free.
Biden hopes he’ll still be around when the all electric C9 debuts. Just as there will be a “Zora” C8, there will also be a “Joe Blow” C9. Which one you say? All of them, because an electric Corvette isn’t a Corvette. It’s an electric skateboard with a Corvette name on it.
You are exactly right C8R. The American Motorcycle Association has been doing studies with high ethanol use for many years this fuel is not good for older vehicles and is less efficient. Once again the this is nothing more than trying to fool the people so he can stay in office. Energy Independence can only come from below the ground not above. We are just not there yet as a country. I will not put anything E15 gasoline in my C8 or any high performance type engine I have.
Someone please – Who is Brandon?
Look it up yourself. You’re on the internet now are you that incapable of typing in who is Brandon?
Brandon Brown drives NASCAR’s #68 Camaro
During a live interview, after a race, the NASCAR crowd started chanting that they are gay for Biden. The reporter tried to cover it up by saying: Listen to that crowd chant “Let’s go Brandon”
Since then “Let’s go Brandon” has meant “Gay for Biden”
The crowd was chanting fjb, that’s why the nbc tried to change it.
Yes, that’s what I said: Gay for Biden.
Ok… kinda weird to try and change it to gay for Biden but whatever.
I didn’t change anything. Go ask an adult what the “F” means.
You mean the dictionary? Aren’t you the same peter g that was saying f republicans? If so does that mean you are gay for them?
You mean DumbFkingRepublicans
Referring to a current activity going on between multiple Republicans
You never said that I did. Are you claiming to be me?
You better get used to the Idea of Biden being President for 2 terms. He’s done a good job, and the Republicans no one to run against him.
Biden won’t run in 24, approval ratings matter and once November gets here and they lose both the house and senate his ratings will go down more. You can have wishful thinking but joe will not run for a second term.
Biden will run again. Everyone runs again, once their team is in place. Most poles have Biden around ~ 42% approval and rising. Also he’s a moderate. The more liberal wing of the Democratic Party is not that happy with him. Come election time, they will be back in his tent.
Also who’s going to run against him? Trump destroyed any Republican who stood up against him. The rest are enablers unfit to be president
Haha April Fools! He won’t even make it to the end of this term let alone another 4 years. Compare his videos and speeches from 2016 and 2017 to 2019 and current. Anybody with any intelligence can see a huge difference and a very obvious decline in mental capacity. It’s so bad his own staff are covering for him and pulling him away from answering questions from fear of him saying something off the wall. Even the Easter bunny steered bumbling Joe away from crowds recently so you know things are bad. He will NOT be running for another term!
It doesn’t matter which side you cheer for or what president (party) is in the white house. Gas prices have little to nothing to do with any president. Yet it’s one of the first things people throw at the person in the white house. It’s about money. It’s about power. It’s about which senators and congressmen benefit most from oil prices. With that said, this president hasn’t done anything that made the prices go up and anything he does to try and drop the prices isn’t/won’t work to any extent that it will help us. Case in point: Just under two months ago, prices were jumping on an hourly basis at the pumps and crude was at a high of around $130/barrel. You were lucky (at least in southern California) to pull in and not have the price go up before you could pump your gas. Then about three weeks ago, the crude was just under $100/barrel and the gas prices at the pumps didn’t come down. Just now I looked up and the crude is still at $100.47 per barrel today and yet the gas stations I normally buy my fuel at is still the same price it was a month ago. Still same price as almost 2 months ago. The system is rigged and it’s all about the money and power.
So tell me again how this president or any president thinks they can help us? They can’t. The US President is powerless when it comes to our gas prices and we all need to accept that. Now our senators and congressmen? That’s another story.
The price has gone up as soon as Biden cut back of permits to drill and shut down pipelines.
Crude oil is one of the most actively traded commodities in the world, and its price affects those of many other commodities, including gasoline and natural gas. However, the ripple effect of crude oil prices also impacts the prices of stocks, bonds, and currencies around the globe.1 It remains a major source of energy for the world, despite increased interest in the renewable energy sector.2
Crude oil is one of the better commodities to trade on a futures contract, because the market is incredibly active, and it is well known to traders around the world. Oil prices fluctuate on the faintest whisper of news regarding pricing, which makes it a favorite of swing and day traders who are looking for an edge. This volatile environment can provide some solid trading opportunities, whether your focus is on day trading futures or longer-term trading. It can also cause heavy losses if you are on the wrong side of a price movement.
C8.R: The current resident of the white house cutting back on permits and shutting down the pipelines truly has nothing to do with the price of gas immediately going up. The reason it went up is because, as you actually pointed out, the oil producers and market took advantage of that decision only as an excuse to raise the prices. Had Biden not done that, they would have found/used another “reason” to raise the price. You may not see it, but you are confirming exactly what I said above. The pipeline you speak of wasn’t fully done and wasn’t pumping and it has zero affect on supply.
If you really wish to place blame on anyone in politics, point your finger at the senate and house of reps. Point your finger at the oil companies who once again have just announced record profits as we are paying sky high prices at the pumps. Last time I checked, it’s the senators and congressmen who have the power to pass legislation that could and would help us. We both know that if they sent something to Biden’s desk to curtail the gas prices that he would sign it. How do we know? Because if he didn’t, his political career would be instantly over.
He rescinded permits that weren’t being use. They need to poop or get off the pot.
No matter if used or not it effects the trading price of oil.
Don’t believe the lies that keep coming from Biden.
He is sacrificing our economy and Ukraine for the green agenda. He sold his soul to them to get elected and he is delivering to them what they want.
He could shut Putin down with just resending his presidential decrees he did the first day in office.
The Democrats need to stop trying to Putinize everything as the lies are falling apart. The oil prices rose the week Biden took office not the invasion of the Ukraine.
If anything they helped Putin by driving up the prices.
The hate from the right is certainly on full display on GMA, that’s for sure. So which GOP do you relate to? The GOP from years ago that I also related to and still align with or the deplorable party of today?
The true lies flow from both sides. The majority of those lies flow the greatest from what is supposed to be the GOP today. Yup, the party of Gaetz, Greene, Trump, Desantis and the pathetic list goes on and on. Sadly there isn’t enough of the Romney’s and Collins and Cheney’s left to ever make me go back.
as a retired person i know my pension $$$ went farther under trump than they do under biden. my weekly grocery bill was about $40 under trump and for the same items it is now $65 for the same items not counting the gas it cost me to go shopping.
motorman: You say under Trump vs. Biden. What about under Obama? Bush? Clinton?
You see, there is a pattern that you avoid by only going from the current to the previous admin.
I know that my grocery bill was cheapest under Obama if we go back for 20 years now and about the same under Bush. Under Trump, they went up as did other costs. Now under Biden, they went up again. The difference between myself and others on here is that I’m not going to blame Trump for that increase because it was caused by the pandemic and not him (although he totally botched the handling of it). Likewise, I can’t blame Biden for them going up more and/or gas prices shooting up because Trump’s buddy (Putin) invaded a country on the other side of the world. In fact, the prices I was paying for gas going from Trump to Biden admin’s were quite stable and similar and it wasn’t till Putin’s play that things began to go nuts. Blaming Biden for this is no different than blaming Trump for the pandemic.
biden is taking credit for saving the planet with his anti carbon fuel plans so he has to absorb the down turns. check and see the price of fuel the day biden took office before he shut down the american petroleum industry that same day..the libs did blame trump for the pandemic and the reason trump lost the election.
That’s the problem. Republicans like to point at anything and anyone other than themselves. They refuse to give Dems any credit when the price of gas went down (Obama years??) and play the blame game the second they go up. My entire point all along has been that it doesn’t matter who’s in that office or what party. That person has little to no control over the prices, although many on here attempt to claim otherwise.
And you may wish to pull your head out of your (blank). I challenge you to come up with anything resembling proof that the “libs” blamed Trump. You won’t. You can’t. There is no proof because it didn’t happen and listening to Fox lie isn’t proof of anything other than they can’t tell anything truthful. Trump was blamed, rightfully so, for botching how he handled the pandemic.
inflation happens all the time as i am 88 years old and have been retired for 28 years
so i can judge inflation and its effect on my budget. the rate of inflation has never been this fast, go look at the govt statistics.
$40 for a weekly grocery bill? You must be eating most meals from a dumpster!
toolmaker i am a retired tool and die maker and i go out a couple days a week to eat with friends and family. i only eat 2 meals a day to keep my weight down to 175 and at 88 i don’t get much exercise.
OK motorman, that $40 is cost of dining out a couple times each week. That sounds very reasonable no matter who is in the White House. That is assuming tips are not included in the $40. You do tip don’t you? or do you “tRump” them.
Mine was about $45 and now up to $70-75.
Dan B, you don’t understand how gas prices are set, or just how much the actions of the president and his administration, have on the price. The oil companies don’t set the price of gasoline. Speculators in the commodities market set the price of a barrel of oil. The cost of a gallon of gas is determined by what the oil companies have to pay for the barrel of oil they buy to produce gasoline from.
The day that Biden took office, he shut down development of the pipeline, cut back on permits, and promised to kill the US oil industry. That signaled to the commodities market that going forward there would be less oil exploration and less oil available. As a result, the price of a barrel started upward the next day, and it hasn’t stopped since.
The administration likes to talk about the 9000 leases currently “available” for exploration. But of them, about 2800 are tied up in litigation by environmental and other groups. Of the remaining 6200, the oil companies still have to go through multiple environmental studies, and obtain local, state and Federal permits, before they can even begin to consider exploration. Because of the administration’s position on oil, the Feds are currently slow walking those permits, as are many states and local communities. There’s also a percentage of those permits that are for land they already know won’t produce. Finally, since Biden promised to shut down the US oil industry, many in the oil industry have become very cautious about investing in exploration in the US. Why spend the time and money to explore for new wells, if they know that any day Biden could pull the plug on them, with just a stroke of his pen. The oil companies have a responsibility to their shareholders to make a profit and protect the shareholder’s investment in the companies. You don’t do that when you knowingly spend money on a project that the government has already told you they plan on making difficult, if not impossible, for you to succeed at.
The price of a gallon of gas means very little to the oil companies, because it has little to no effect on what the companies actually make. Whether gas is selling for $2.00 or $5.00 a gallon, their profit margin remains about the same. The dollar figure may go up, but by the cost of what they pay for a barrel going up, the percentage of profit of their gross income doesn’t usually change. Generally, Exxon makes about an 8% profit on their operations, after expenses, taxes, etc, no matter what the price at the pump is.
Now Biden has decided to take corn off of the tables of America, and use it instead to power our cars. Just how stupid this is is unbelievable. Ethanol is dirtier and more expensive to make, plus it’s not as efficient as gasoline. Also since corn goes into almost everything we eat, either as feed for animals, a food ingredient (corn syrup, corn meal, corn starch, etc), a snack (pop corn), or as a food in it’s whole form, diverting it to use as fuel will cause more shortages and price increases for everything we eat. Corn is also a commodity like oil, that’s traded by speculators in the commodity market, making it quite likely that any savings realized by increasing the percentage of ethanol in gas, will be offset by increases in the basic cost of corn. Corn is already one of the top 5 traded commodities, as is crude and natural gas.
gbvette62: Thanks for the wonderful list of republican talking points. But I’ll pass thank you.
You give (falsely) way too much power to the president, both current and past. What you said looks good on paper and to the many out there not able to think for themselves or maybe even tie their own shoes any more. But this all comes down to power and money. Period.
Biden doesn’t have the power to do anything significant, but the senators and congressmen do. Yet they all fail to do anything (both parties!!).
What I really wish to know more than anything is why when a republican president is in office and gas prices go up, where are all of you then? Not a word and yet you somehow find a way to still falsely blame democrats. Then when a democrat is in office, the second gas prices go up for any reason, it’s all their fault. Quite frankly, I’m tired of the pathetic mentality of the right.
It’s mainly something for people to throw in the face of whomever they don’t care for, relevant or not. It’s very handy in exposing completely biased and uneducated people though.
Well Dan B, at least he’s doing something, LOL!
FYI, that comment was meant to be a cynical remark to Dan B. from yesterday, Dan knows what I’m talking about. My personal opinion of the Biden administration ” God help us all”.
Dan B-
The reason your gas price hasn’t gone down despite the cost of a barrel of oil going down is because your gas station owner is gouging you and you should notify your attorney general if they have any guts to pursue the matter of price gouging! Of course, California is a whole other story in itself!
I was able to change the course of hurricane with a black sharpie.
Just imagine what I could’ve done to gas prices!
You’re talking about Biden right?
Gas will go up 30 cents this summer regardless as China comes out of lockdown. That’s before the 20 cents summertime hike.
This will do nothing! Still almost $4 for 87 here, very few stations carry E15! Drill baby drill! It is the best and only way out of high gas prices! Common sense people!
They don’t even have to drill they just need to set fourth plans to do so and investors bail out of the market if the plans are to increase capacity.
Oil is traded like silver and gold. Just supply or expectations of supply control prices. It is a very volatile market.
We also need more refinery capacity. There have been NO new refineries built in the last 30 years. Part of that is not due to politics but a “Not In My Back Yard” attitude.
I would think that the current administration would be partying over gas prices. I mean if you really want a carbon tax, well, we have the equivalent of it at the moment. High gas prices will make the green dream of ev’s happen more quickly. But I suppose someone besides the greens would be getting the windfall, and we can’t have that. Of course my electric utility just sent out notice they are going to raise electric rates. Surprised? Nope. City of austin needs a new pair of shoes, and well, they skim revenues off the electric utility. They run it. And want 10% of revenue off the top for pet projects.
They are as this is not just bad luck.
C8, you and Dan B go on and on about anything and everything! I think you guys just like to hear yourselves talk? Jack of all trades, master of none!
But you contribute so,,,,,,,,just what is it you contribute over poorly delivered cynical remarks?
Getting sensitive are we? What exactly are contributing, long winded commentaries? Don’t talk about it, do it, man up, make a change. don’t hide behind GMA!
Not hiding. They took my rather funny post about you too.
That’s ok, they took my sensitive post about Dan B. off too, GMA censorship. You two make me laugh, I liken you two to Lewis and Martin. But seriously, where do you find the time? At least your commentaries have some depth, maybe a little too much. But not as bad as J Lo and Sam Mc. Any way gotta go, got sh*t to do, talk to you and Dan B tomorrow.
What ever gets you off I guess,
This is just stuff I have to contend with daily as I work in the Automotive market on a global scale. I have to contend with the automakers are doing to even what the politicians are doing.
Just a few months ago I had a governor and House of Reps member at my desk telling me they were going to fight for the firm I work for,
If one of our employees makes a mistake with the laws out there it can cost millions of dollars too.
So it does not take much time to have a reply when it is stuff you deal with daily.
Too bad it does not pay like being elected to office.
You might want to post something of value now and then so they stop removing your post.
And yours! But yet, being as busy as you sound you still find the time to dick around all day on this website? And what did you tell me “if you don’t like it, don’t read it”. Wah, wah, wah run for office, like I said do something about it and stop crying.
C8.R: You and I don’t always agree and that’s ok. I’ve always like a spirited debate or when two or more people can carry on some type of educated and sensible discussion.
Bill not so much. I think he was dropped on his head as a baby and now just wants to come here and “contribute” something. I have no clue what it is besides trolling. But hey, it’s a free country.
Wah , wah, now Dan B wants to weigh in! Two long winded cry baby’s and what exactly does Lewis and Martin have to contribute, long ass commentaries? GMA is a world changing website, do you think this is the appropriate vessel for you two clowns to make a global impact on? I don’t know, you two are such characters. And Dan B. you should have been dropped on your head probably would knocked some sense in you! Really is that best you can do, jeez!
Yup. It’s confirmed. Bill was dropped on his head and it’s why he can’t comprehend much.
Funny. when someone leaves a comment directly to someone else and then that person becomes inflamed when the other person comments back? Really?
Sorry Bill. This may be getting too long for your limited attention span.
Tomorrow’s another day, crybabies. I’ll be looking for you. I need another spirited conversation with the two know it all’s. All mouth and no action, as usual! The queens of rhetoric!
Are you saying that you are the one who is selling the stolen classic cars to the Arabs? And paying off those already on the public dole?
Bill your post here are so relevant If I unplug your life support to charge my cell phone no one would notice.
If you don’t like my post stop reading them, It works for me on your post.
Getting sensitive are we, back at you! I know you hate it when I call you out.
Do as you feel as makes little difference to me. You are not first or last troll.
His motives are not for people to save money at the pump, but he is being opportunistic to use that reason to push the ethanol / renewable agenda.
My truck will run better on 89 octane e15 than it would on 88 octane e10 though, so I’m all for it.
If I could just buy a 91 octane e20 for 87 prices or less I’d be smitten! Higher ethanol content is great for pre ignition resistance and not just due to the increased octane. The increased volume of fuel has a cooling effect further reducing the chances of pre-ignition.
Mr. Mike. You are absolutely right about ethanol cooling effect and pre-ignition. Ethanol and methanol have been used in high compression racing engines for more than 70 years.
My truck’s engine came from the factory with more than 11:1 compression. With the engines high compression ratio, the trade-off in the lower btu density vs gasoline very nearly becomes a mute point.
Anybody remember running on alcohol using high compression Ardun heads on flathead Ford V8″s.
Those were the days!
It Pollutes the air so I thought that’s why we’re going to electric cars?? Am I wrong. I’m confused Joe Biden!!!
Yup, it’s confirmed Dan B is a long winded crybaby 😭. Gee it’s funny whenever I call you guys out, you get sensitive and inflamed, why is that?
I can appreciate a difference of opinion base on proven fact and differing view points. However I would rather not see some of these comments end up in personal attacks.
there is a world wide shortage of food and old joe wants to use a food source for fuel when we have oil under our feet to get votes in the mid terms.
A whole dime?? Combine that with the reduced fuel economy I’ll get and I’ll bet I’m actually in the negative. Joe Biden has single-handedly ruined America’s economy and a large portion of my fixed income lifestyle. I know that’s not a popular statement and no true liberal will agree, but a fact is a fact.
Joe had very little to do with any of this. It was pretty much baked in. The money printing to escape the economic losses from covid was just delaying the inevitable. Much like you cannot live off your credit card forever. Eventually the bill comes due. Well the bill is coming due. Couple that with Russia invading Ukraine, and possibly turning off the energy supply to the EU completely and well, its bad. And its going to get worse I fear as Russia is not going to back down. I expect in the near term, Russia will turn off the spigot to the EU. I find it schizo anyway that while the west is sanctioning russia they keep buying the oil/gas. The pain of the loss of raw materials/food from Ukraine is only going to get worse. The cost of the massive exodus of Ukrainians to safe havens is only going to get worse. All of this is going to keep pushing up inflation. And we still owe on that credit card from covid too. I think 3T if I remember right from fed QE printing.
As if 10% corn fuel didn’t corrode engines enough already.
We cannot digest corn, so why would they use it in cars in the first place (and increase it even more) ??!!
Seacrest, out!
I think it’s all about politics, but isn’t that true of virtually all decisions made by any presidential administration?
The Volumetric Ethanol Excise Tax Credit gives producers a 40 cent credit for every gallon of ethanol produced, and now the overturn of the US court of Appeals decision is a huge boon for the Iowa corn growers, and the economy of Iowa.
I think the decision by the administration is another taxpayer funded move to help ensure a key voting state stays in the Democrat fold.
I agree with almost everything you say, except that Iowa is not a Democrat State. It is a key voting state but is mostly Republican. Once you get away from Des Moines and Iowa City, it’s actually a red state.
You’re correct, red/blue with the metropolitan blue areas growing.
With any kind of luck, the blue areas will never overtake the red in Iowa.
gbvette62, couldn’t have said it better… regarding the permits, this administration has put several roadblocks to complete the permits that could take up to 10 years to complete before the drilling roadblocks, production, and supply chain roadblocks to get the gas to the 95% mom and pop gas stations. Recall, Biden passed a bill to stop building gas stations and told banks to stop the loans for any fossil fuel businesses.
Secondly, corn has different types, the best corn produced is for human consumption and not impacted by ethanol consumption. General corn production goes toward human chemical consumption for packaged ingredients, and lastly, the “dirty” corn goes toward to feed and ethanol production.
The crisis is about to happen this fall. What commodities are in stores today was produced last year for this years consumption. This year, fertilizer shortage and prices and diesel prices impacted farmers this years crops and transportation prices show up later this year in shortages and doubling the store prices. BTW, this will impact many industries.
If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. Instead, just eliminate it!
how come gas is $2.50 american a gallon in russia if what old joe said would happen if we tighten our belts to bring down the russian economy to stop the war.
alcohol burn 2:1….how much more are you going to spend by using more fuel to go less distance???
In November these clowns will be toast!
Another Bad Biden Idea. You can count on Joe to get it wrong, every single time. Even his Buddy Obama told us to never underestimate Joe’s ability to F something up.
Ha, Ha I like that!
How do you open a pipeline that’s never been built?
It’s been proven E-85 really isn’t good for engines. Here’s another thought, what percentage of vehicles can actually use E-85 on a regular basis? And lastly … we need that corn produced to eat, as does our animals. As a owner of a hobby farm that works with horses and seen “sacked horse feed” go up nearly $10 a bag since Obiden took office there’s likely to be a flood of horses sent up to Canada to be sold … not to new horse lovers, but to the meat factories.
Right-On! My dog, half wolf, loves horse meat! BTW, hobby farms are nothing but money pits anyway, so why whine about a bag of feed.
Ethanol mixed gas was to do one thing, reduce the demand for imported oil. During the height of the pandemic lockdown gas hit $1.89 a gallon here in Central Florida. Why? Economics 101, supply and demand. Right now the demand is up and the war is making th3 market jittery so the privacy goes up.
As I see it, there are no gas lines or rationing, that is good. It wasn’t much fun during the 1970’s when pumps were closed, on line for over an hour to get your 10 gal per fill and gas was 39 cents a gallon. Price means nothing if there is no supply.
The President is absolutely to blame for fuel prices. I live in ND which used to be the nations #2 oil producer. We have dropped production by 4million barrels per day because investors are covering their asses after Biden came to office and immediately put restrictions on Fossil Fuel extraction. The true story is not greedy oil companies, it’s the uncertainty Biden put into the whole industry causing them to scale back. They are not holding supply to increase profits. At the price of oil right now they are stupid to not open the floodgates and get stupid rich on the current price of oil. The problem is there is no long term commitment. Transportation is a huge problem. Many pipelines are needed to move this huge amount of oil we have in the US. Hauling by rail or truck is dangerous and very expensive. It takes years to get a pipeline approved and Biden added many regulations making new pipelines and refineries almost impossible build. His budget adds 15 more restrictions on oil development. These guys aren’t stupid. If they are going to be shut down they have no reason to invest billions into new wells (the Permits sitting unused according to the WH) when they will likely get taxed to the point of losing profits. The bottom line is the oil market is volatile because of all the regulation and projects getting shut down (Keystone, DAPL, and others). When there is uncertainty and no stability, no new investment will take place. All Biden needs to do is change his outlook on completely shutting down the oil industry and Fracking needed to make it possible, and the oil industry will come back to life and we will see normal fuel prices come back to the Trump era pricing. This is all because of all the executive orders 46 signed his first day in office. The price of fuel has been rising every day since he took office.
We can have a green future, we can’t just shut off oil, gas and coal and expect our huge nation to adopt renewables overnight. We need a long term plan to wean off while allowing time to develop batteries that don’t come crime rate earth metals coming from Russia, china and Africa.
Ethanol mixed gas was to do one thing, reduce the demand for imported oil. During the height of the pandemic lockdown gas hit $1.89 a gallon here in Central Florida. Why? Economics 101, supply and demand. Right now the demand is up and the war is making the market jittery so the price goes up.
As I see it, there are no gas lines or rationing, that is good. It wasn’t much fun during the 1970’s when pumps were closed, on line for over an hour to get your 10 gal per fill and gas was 39 cents a gallon. Price means nothing if there is no supply.
I beg to differ. In 1999 Congress revised the Clean Air Act of 1977 and as a result the petroleum companies had to come up with a way to make the fuel less polluting. At the time it was all about the Ozone hole. The solution was to add ethanol.
I think there is some confusion about the Clean Air Act of 77 and the ozone hole. The ozone killer chemicals were the “chloro’s” produced primarily by Dupont. Aerosol cans, AC refrigerants, usage etc.
A few years ago I tried E85 in my E85 rated Chevy V8. It felt so good saving dollars at every fill-up. Then I ran the numbers. On a 200 mile express-way trip I saved under $1.50, but got 2-3 fewer miles per gallon. And after a few weeks on E85 my trusty 5.3 engine was running like dog doo-doo. That was the end of that experiment. Ethanol has always been a political farce. And it is death to the small engines in chainsaws and lawn mowers that we use everyday. Ask any lawn equipment retailer. There is no way that I want any more ethanol in my tank than I can get away with. The people making the laws regarding this probably don’t drive much themselves, instead they have government limos to get from point A to point B. A lot of them may not even own a car or truck. But they sure burn a lot of jet fuel.
All of these arguments make for entertaining reading but they all will become moot points in the near future. If there is not at least one person left in the Kremlin with an ounce of humanity in his soul, Putin will go nuclear. He is an insane reptile. Barring that, we WILL need the corn to feed people. The war and climate change will alter our lives in ways that nobody, left or right, blue or red, rural or urban, will be happy about. Enjoy your Camaros and Corvettes while ye may.
This assessment by Vanman is the most accurate yet.
the only action Brandon has to do is Start up the pipeline construction … Hey ask yourself (( are you better off now than 16 months ago))) ,,enjoy paying all high prices !!!!!
Eu quero que os americanos se fodam, por a culpa nos outros é típico de incompetência, criar golpes e guerras em países que não comem no mesmo coxo, para alimentar os fabricantes de armas onde se sustentam. invadir outros países que tem petróleo para manter essa desgraça do mal ativo é canalhice, mais parece que o tiro saiu pela culatra, tentando por a culpa na Rússia, e todo mundo sabe quem financia a Ucrânia para manter os nazistas. Vcs americanos.
Want to save at the gas pump? Whatever happened to car pooling? If you have a regular working hours at an office or factory, you be amazed how easy it is to find a co worker to car pool with. About twenty years ago during a gas price hike, a co worker and I would meet at a nearby parking lot. One week you drive 2 days, the other 3 days. It was not always possible to pool everyday but it averaged about half the cost per week for gas.
I like to follow the GMA, but unfortunately I commented on this topic, and since I have been deluged by a series childish emails. Does anyone know how to stop following this particular thread without stopping my daily GMA?
Never ever give a politician credit for fixing a problem THEY CREATED.