General Motors has pulled the sheets on the new Ballerifiq, a new trim for the latest fifth-generation Cadillac Escalade that promises to deliver the ultimate in luxury appointments and unmatched, lavish style.
Following Cadillac’s latest naming conventions with the -iq suffix, the Cadillac Escalade Ballerifiq slots in at the top of the fifth-generation trim level lineup with a range of opulent details, starting with a unique exterior highlighted by a solid 24-karat gold grille and gold pin striping that runs down the flanks. Diamonds are also mounted inside the headlight housings.
All that front end flash is complemented by a unique gold chain draped across the front fascia, which is matched with a wearable chain included as standard with the vehicle. What’s more, the front Caddy crest is detachable and can also be worn, if desired, with the included gold chain.
The stance was dropped, with the Cadillac Escalade Ballerifiq riding low over a set of platinum-plated 25-inch wheels. Further platinum plating was added to the window surrounds and various trim bits. Spinner-style wheels are optional.
Moving inside the cabin, the new Cadillac Escalade Ballerifiq is standard with the latest comfort and entertainment features, including an 80-inch widescreen mounted in the headliner and a top-shelf hi-fi stereo system capable of producing over 200 dB of sound. The SUV is also equipped with a unique “Make It Rain” mode wherein passengers can load a stack of bills into a slot in the center console, which then dispenses the cash in a shower of money above and behind the vehicle as it rolls down the street.
“The Cadillac Escalade is already an icon of affluence, but the new Ballerifiq ups the ante even further,” said Cadillac spokesperson April Firths. “Simply put, this SUV is the last word in luxury motoring,” she added, before dropping the mic and exiting stage left at a special event hosted by MTV.
As for pricing for the new Cadillac Escalade Ballerifiq, the automaker declined to provide exact details, stating instead “if you have to ask, you can’t afford it.”
By the way, Happy April Fools, dear GMA reader 🙂 and make sure to subscribe to GM Authority for more Cadillac Escalade news, Cadillac news, and around-the-clock GM news coverage.
Need better April Fools jokes than this
Says you? I enjoyed this. Must be cold in grumpersville.
You know there is someone out there that has already something similiar to this already!
Too low and too weird of wheels
So the editor of this article deletes multiple comments calling out the racism, but leaves that racist comment about only wanting to see blondes up? I’ve looked at this site everyday for the past 7 years, I’m done.
Calling out what racism? Was there some sort of racism in this article that was edited out after a comment made? I ask because nothing in the article displays any form of “racism” at the moment (although nowadays some people think that if you say certain words you are a racist…it requires actions against a group based on race that affects them physically to actually be a so-called “racist” but I digress)
I fail to see any racism in this article, whatsoever.
Only blondes? Sounds a little inbred to me.
MK: Please tell me your comment is ALSO and APRIL FOOLS JOKE! If not, you live a very sad life.
ALL I CAN SAY- “They should make a convertible version too “. I’m lovin this April , no foolin.
Is there an armored version? It would be nice here in Chicago.
That Cadillac Ballerifig looks like it was put together at AutoZone or Walmart Auto Section, April fools joke right?
That Cadillac Ballerifig looks like it was put together at an AutoZone or Walmart Auto Section, April fools joke right?
What a surprising decision
By all of these commenters who forgot to read the last sentence. Read the entire article, stupid
you guys lost the IQ war.
Joke or not, the entire concept is racist and plays off of stereotypes. What next, GM authority… black face?
Har Har
Where did you see race in this article? I can’t find it.
There is literally zero racism or even a hint at it in the slightest. Stop trying to spread something that doesn’t exist, its already happening way to often daily for no reason other than to keep something evil going anyway, for a different means, even if it was something that as a whole was left in history a long time ago.
MK, did you make it passed the 5th Grade? You will answer to God for your racism as we were all created by him/her. Please, when you have the time take a grammar course. Illiterate racists are the worst.
Sgt CJ before you start correcting someone on their grammar, you might look at your response, it’s Past not passed moron
That’s 1stSgt, Chris. Thanks, I’m happy you know the difference. Hope you’re proud of yourself now.
Literally no racism in the article at all – closest I can find is the racism you are creating and trying to spread. Stop trying to keep racism alive, you are worse than the tiny minority of people that are racist. What is wrong with you?
This will give the Gangbangers a decor idea for their rides. Hello Las Vegas and Los Angeles.
Columbus and most of Europe are North Africans
You mean western asians right
Everything except the chain looks great……the Escalade actually looks much better lowered ……too bad it’s a April fool’s joke !
The gold chain gave it away, not to mention the money catapult.
GMC/Tahoe with a ‘Cadillac’ option! This behemoth is one fugly vehicle! THIS IS NOT OR EVER WILL BE A CADILLAC!
Racist and Ghetto!!
Is there something in the article that was there before that is not there now that would make it “racist”? I read the entire thing and didn’t see anything of the sorts. However, words don’t make someone a racist, actions do, so I presume you meant there were racist words somewhere?
Nothing in the article that could be considered racist. The people screaming racism think the joke is a race thing, but it has nothing to do with race. It’s more of a pun on culture that crosses races.
Some people are just too wound up these days to think straight.
It’s a demographic cultural thing. Most likely to see a vehicle like this in Southern California, Las Vegas, Miami, Chicago, Detroit than in Wyoming, North Dakota, Idaho, Kentucky, Maine, British Columbia, as examples, if you get my drift. The vehicle as shown would definitely appeal to urban gang leaders which are centered across several ethnic groups.
Okay maybe, but how does that make the article and author racist? It doesn’t… I don’t think you understand what racism is. People need to quit this narrative that one side is constantly trying to shove down people’s throats when it doesn’t even exist in the first place. And shame on those that help them in their cause to do so – what’s the matter with you?
Christopher Columbus didn’t discover America dumb ass! There’s still time to delete your idiotic comment!
Where’s the redneck edition?
It’s in the process of being designed and developed in Texas. Instead of being black and a gold chain draped across the hood, it will have a large longhorn mounted on the hood.
Also on the rear trailer hitch mounting will be a large round heavy set of ball bearings encased in a dangling plastic pouch.
Flag decor will be featured on the sides which will include the Union Jack, Buy American and America Love It or Leave It signage. Vehicle will be further trimed in red, white and blue.
The Silverado…..😉
You mean, Silveraydo
Such a total waste of time. Just stupid.
GM brings out it’s first PIMP MOBILE.
These keep showing up on my news feed, even two days later. Enough…
Wow wow wow. Where did u get that picture, not GM? It’s an April fools joke gone wrong!!! It brought out all the racist. Yes it is bling, yes Its the pimp mobile and I could easily imagine it driving down some gang infested neighbourhood (or Saudi Arabia) but really. You guys need to clean up the crap people are writing pronto. I’m in such disbelief I made copies of mr MK and more.
Hey Martin:
You gotta lighten up man and have a sense of humor. Yes, this is a spot on vehicle for managers of ladies who perform special anatomical services, gang executives, pharmaceutical distributon agents and high interest rate lenders.
A fun parody for the first part of April. LOL.
Typical April Fool’s Joke, over the top, you realize it early on. Much better than the “Joke” supposedly leaking the information from GM Corvette that the Z06 was being canceled, deposits would be returned … Too close to what could actually happen in our present political “you got to look virtuous” environment.
You got me!! No racism to me. I am a white female owner of a Escalade (2 CTS, 1 STS). I loved the Gold Grill & Diamonds!! Loosen up people and enjoy a laugh once in awhile!!
I’m with you. Motor vehicles are fun and creative. It’s amazing how much silly jealousy and coveting come into play with motor vehicles.
Motor Vehicles are tangible pieces of rolling stock that have glamor. Just ask Ken Gooding or the Barrett-Jackson Gang.
See ya’ll at SEMA 2022 this fall in Sin City.
Where i live youd be just as likely to see whites and hispanics driving the “ballerifiq as blacks. Dont think there is any racism behind this
I guess it’s because of the chain wrap that’s gold is why some people say it’s racist seemingly catering to certain people ?.my opinion why someone would think 🤔 that 🤔. 😆 🤣 😂 and it’s probably the truth.
You are spot on!
Ethnic preferences and decor are real. They provide variety and the spice of life. GM has played this angle for years. This is marketing success.
Everybody is racist in one way or another. This has made America great. Competition between the races is the driving spirt of competition.
Example: The Japanese and German automakers love beating the pants off American automakers and other manufacturers since we toasted both of them in World War II.