A bill introduced in the West Virginia House this month seeks to ban over-the-air updates for vehicles, likely in order to help safeguard automotive dealers’ profits.
The bill, HB4560, aims to prohibit automakers from issuing over-the-air updates on vehicles that would alter software to change the vehicle’s functionality. As the law currently states, warranty and recall repair work on vehicles are not to be performed “by any entity other than a new motor vehicle dealer.”
This bill would introduce new text to the existing law that would also prohibit automakers from offering “post-sale software and hardware upgrades or changes to vehicle function and features,” over the air, as this circumvents automotive dealer service centers. The bill also says the language “shall not include any post-sale software upgrades to the motor vehicle’s navigation or entertainment system,” which indicates automakers would still be free to push updates to vehicles regarding their infotainment system operation, so long as they did not impact overall vehicle performance.
This bill was introduced by West Virginia’s automotive dealership trade association. From the outside, it seems as though these dealers are worried that increasingly common over-the-air updates in new vehicles will reduce the chances that owners will come into the dealership for physical repairs, which could negatively impact profits. The bill goes beyond addressing over-the-air updates and would also prohibit manufacturers from engaging in direct-to-consumer sales and even “advertising to sell, lease, exchange or convey a new motor vehicle.”
As first reported by Clean Technica, a major automotive industry lobbying group called the Alliance for Automotive Innovation has written a letter hitting out against HB4560, which says that many of the proposed changes in the bill “would benefit dealers but would ultimately impose costs and inconvenience on the citizens of West Virginia.” The Alliance for Automotive Innovation represents a handful of major international automakers, including Toyota, Honda, Hyundai and Nissan, among others.
“Over-the-air updates allow consumers to update their vehicles from the convenience of their driveways, without the need to travel all the way to the dealership,” the Alliance for Automotive Innovation also said in the letter. “This language would prevent manufacturers from utilizing those over-the-air vehicle updates in West Virginia.”
“This is a complex and cutting edge topic, but the biggest concern here is that restricting software updates would needlessly harm consumers and potentially create safety risks,” it added.
This bill, if signed into law, would prevent GM from offering over-the-air updates in West Virginia that alter or change the performance of its vehicles, a capability that its recently introduced Global B architecture implements. This would also prevent GM from rolling out its new Linux-based Ultifi digital vehicle platform over the air in West Virginia, which it describes as “a powerful hub for vehicle systems,” including the infotainment system and hardware controls. Ultifi will be particularly important to future EVs, enabling GM to update, change or improve a vehicle’s running operation remotely.
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The bill would not stop GM from rolling out their new platforms. You would just have to go to the dealer for updates. Kind of like you do now.
The dealer association trying to do this is just a desperation move to avoid the future. I don’t take my phone or computer into the store to get updates. Why would I do it for my car if it can be done remotely.
What a bunch of fools! Poor Tesla owners!
This is just stupid. So if you are traveling and you stop in WV and your car needs an update because of lets say its having issue with altitude, GM can’t send you an update without going to a dealer. That is just stupid. Nothing i’ve read said it has to be bought in West Virginia just you can’ t get updates in the state. So if you need an update you can just drive to the border state and do the update. Again government trying to make your life difficult and only to pad their wallets for some small group of people. Also what is going to stop you from doing a update by connecting to WIFI in your house? Nothing, because i gurrantee you no car manufacture is going to block a crap load of ip address or internet traffic to stop it.
That’s not really what the tech is about. There isn’t some mad scientist engineer monitoring that your car is having an issue die to high elevation (which any car in the last 30 years has no issue adjusting for) and he is going to custom burn you a new ecm file and rush it through an update.
The author needs to be better. The Alliance for Automotive Innovation represents ALL US automakers (except Tesla) – including GM. It is not only for “a handful of international automakers”.
I imagine will be struck down. I would like to know how tesla gets away with selling cars without a temp tag though. I live in a “woke” town so the eyesores are everywhere, and when new, seem to be missing tags of any type. I just don’t get how they get away with it. I imagine an old school dealer would lose their right to sell cars if that happened as often as it does with tesla around here. I’ve never left a car dealer without a paper plate when new. Never.
haha Is this for real? Who likes too or wants to spend any amount of time at a dealership service area, I think the answer is nobody…especially for something as easy as this…which can be done in your own driveway.
For that matter, who trusts the guys at the dealership more than the manufacturer?
I was hoping for some good right wing conspiracies about brain frying microwaves. Giving you uncontrollable urges to stick ping pong balls up your butt.
I was hoping for some more talk about the mighty nato and Russia feeling the wrath of them but here we are just sanctions even though Russia invaded already lmao.
Patience Winston. Russian troops haven’t crossed into Ukraine yet. Already they have lost a pipeline, and international banks have frozen their accounts.
Wrong we invaded lmao. Keep slapping sanctions coward.
Yes Russia looks real tough fighting a country that was its ally for over 400 years. 30 years ago Russian forces were stationed on 5 continents. Today their fighting in Ukraine.
The U.S. military is busy developing environmentally friendly ways to kill people. Don’t underestimate our willingness to drop all our older stuff on Russia.
Wait what’s that? What are you saying? I thought the mighty nato would come swooping in and Russia would feel the whole wrath lmao. Clown you guys won’t do anything but more sanctions like usual. Your president has made it quite clear he will not engage in a boots on the ground war which means you are wrong again lol. 🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺🇷🇺
Stop sharing what you and your pastor did on Sunday at church Peter nobody wants to hear that crap you keep that inside your pedo church.
My Greek Orthodox Priest is happily married with 5 kids of his own. You’re the only one whose obsessed with having sex with children.
Nah, needless government intervention in business is *your* fetish
I agree peter the dumbfkingleftwinger conspiracy’s are out of control. I’m surprised it wasn’t another lie about russian misinformation, but I guess since that has been exposed as a lie they can’t use that anymore. Or maybe they would of preferred to make some covid conspiracy about how now cloth masks work again. Won’t be long until the citizens of the usa start killing liberals.
Jake(a.k.a. Dick)
Bad news, the G7 just froze all Russian assets in western banks. Looks like Overlord Trump won’t be able to refinance any of his loans.
Peter G (a.k.a. myself)
That hurt my feelings you don’t remember me? I’m one of your split personalities. You have used me in a while.
The whole trump Russia thing got exposed brother sorry but that’s a fact not a conspiracy. You should of took that bet with me I said Russia would invade early January I was wrong you were right I would of gave you the money.
Trump is still not getting a loan from Russia. Russia won’t be giving anyone a loan.
I didn’t realize trump was trying to get a loan from Russia I’ll look into that to see what you are talking about.
Various news sources have reported Trump is looking to refinance Trump Towers in New York and Chicago
Fox claims the towers were paid for before signing sighning their first tenant
NewsMax claims Chicago and New York don’t really exist.
Thanks for the info I did not know that. I’ll check it out this evening.
Unfortunately I looked into it and the only news I’m seeing is lawyers for the Clinton campaign paid a technology company to infiltrate servers belonging to trump tower and later the White House in order to establish an interference and narrative to bring to government agencies linking trump to Russia. This isn’t some false BS either I can post the link for you if you would prefer.
• We have video of trump asking Russia to hack into Hilary’s Email account.
• We have a Don Jr. confessing that he knowingly met with Russian operatives trying to dig up dirt on the Clintons.
• We have evidence of a massive amount of Russian anti-Clinton/pro-Trump Trolling in the swing states leading up to the Election.
Back to present day
• We have Trump’s accounting firm quiting. Saying “Don’t trust any of the financial information the Trumps put out in the last 10 years’
•We have the National Archives confiscateing 15 cases of White House Documents at Mar-a-largo.
•and we have the Supreme Court tossing out Trump’s Presidental Privilege argument for events leading to the January 6th Riots.
You got a crazy conspiracy theory linking to 1 unknown website.
What conspiracy theory? The Clinton ordeal is not a conspiracy and no it wasn’t Fox News or newsmaxx or any of those that have said this. I’m really not sure what conspiracy you are talking about but if that’s it then I’m not sure what to tell you because it’s a fact.
In 2016, trump had been NYC town fool for 20 years. News of his divorces; business failures and other antics were popular reading in the gossip papers found at grocery store check out lines. If the Clintons or anyone else wanted any dirt on trump, they could have just contacted the local entertainment reporters.
The whole thing about hacking into servers. That would require a massive effort for data that you can’t use without incriminating yourself.
Hey buddy I’m not saying you are lying at all I’m just saying I looked on two different search engines and I looked at USA Today and yahoo I don’t think those are conspiracy websites. Here’s what I typed in trump tower Russia. Tell me another way to look because I didn’t see it with that search.
How about add some to the bill: 1. Dealers need to be banned from recommending a “valve flush” every time you go in. 2. Dealers can’t charge over Walmart rate for wiper blades. 3. Any dealer who charges for tire rotation and is found to not have done it gets 15 years in prison. Then I might support this.
I don’t enjoy the sales side of a dealership, but the service side can be good if you find a good one.
Do not underestimate dealership lobbyists’ ability to “influence” politicians to the dealers’ benefit at the consumers’ expense!
The same way the realtors lobbyists keep protecting realtors and their 7% commissions
not surprising. the only thing west virginia has going for them is oxycontin, crystal meth and coal.
Nobody does OxyContin anymore those have been gone for years since they made them abuse proof.
fentanyl now? that’s progress!!!
It’s been heroin for a long time. Pills have been gone. But one thing I do know is WV has cracked down on drugs pretty hard. You won’t see someone shooting up in front of an elementary school like you do in California.
according to you, less oxy/fentanyl and back to good ole heroin. and that is good news?
When did I say it was good news? I was pointing out how you are wrong once again as usual about things you speak on. Which seems to be a daily thing with you.
yeah i was wrong. not oxy but heroin. good job!!!
No problem, I’m always ready to help point out ignorance.
thank you. i stand humbled before you. hahahaha!!!
You should considering the fact you are inferior to me.
Wow, this is real because it’s not April 1st, or theonion.com. Give it time and the antiquated cries to preserve dealership cronyism will evaporate to join former failed attempts to stop progress (i.e. invoice price transparency, factory-to-dealer incentive transparency, etc.). And 10 bucks says Elon tweets something snarky about this.