Last October, New York governor Kathy Hochul signed legislation that increased fines and penalties against motorists and repair shops “that illegally modify mufflers and exhaust systems to make them excessively noisy.” That wasn’t the only step taken to crack down on noisy cars and motorcycles in the region, though, as NYC has now begun using microphone-equipped cameras to enforce its strict exhaust noise laws.
Road & Track stumbled across a Facebook post this week showing a state notice that was delivered to the NYC based owner of a BMW M3. The order indicates the poster’s vehicle had “been identified as having a muffler that is not in compliance with Section 386 of the Vehicle and Traffic Law, which prohibits excessive noise from motor vehicles.” It also indicates the vehicle “was recorded by a camera that takes pictures of the vehicle and the license plate,” along with a sound meter that “records the decibel level as the vehicle approaches and passes the camera.”
The order went on to state the BMW M3 owner could bring their vehicle to a local sewage treatment plant to have it inspected by an NYC official, at which point they would have the opportunity to re-install the stock exhaust/muffler or modify the exhaust in a way so that it is in compliance with the state’s traffic code. If the person does not show up to the sewage treatment plant, the notice indicates they could be fined up to $875.
Road & Track reached out to a state official to confirm the legitimacy of the document that was shared to Facebook. A spokesperson confirmed the document was part of a pilot program that began in September 2021 aimed at cracking down on excessively noisy vehicles.
NY defines a sub-10,000 pound vehicle as being excessively noisy if it is “plainly audible at a distance of 150 feet or more.” It’s not clear if the above-mentioned camera system operates on this metric, or if it measures exhaust sound based on a decibel reading when the vehicle passes the camera. It’s therefore not clear if a loud performance car with a stock exhaust could trigger this system, although it would seem possible.
GM offers a number of performance cars with rather loud factory exhausts, including the supercharged 6.2L LT4 V8-powered Chevy Camaro ZL1, Cadillac CT5-V Blackwing and Cadillac Escalade-V, the twin-turbo 3.6L LF4 V6-powered Cadillac CT4-V Blackwing and the 6.2L LT2 V8-powered Chevy Corvette.
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I read about this yesterday. Just another example of stupid politicians doing stupid things. Typical democrat $hit hole.
Not a democratic thing. Va has had this type of law for a long time. Its just a stupid law since a Harley Davidson hog can make all the noise it wishes.
Problem is that law was passed in VA while a democrat was governor.
And IIRC, Republicans controlled congress back then. So, I blame everyone.
That’s because a lot of those loud hogs are ridden by off-duty LEOs. They will not ticket “[their] own”, just “civilians”.
send me your address . i have a very loud vehicle i would like park in front of your home and let you enjoy its wonderful exhaust from 7am to 3am. can you make sure your mom is home? i want her to hear it the most. also any children while their sleeping.
Yep New York lets killer run free. But noise you get a ticket. I think that everybody should leave the city. Then let the gangs fight it out.
Funny because both NY and California for the first time in decades have had more people leave then come in. People are sick of it and they should be. How can you let someone out with no bond who robs a random person at gun point then they do it again. These idiots have already ruined LA Manhattan is next.
Except New York City Population is 8.85 million Highest Ever
Los AngelsPopulation is 4.00 million highest ever.
You’ve been given some wrong information. You should go shoot the roghtwing talk show host who told you those lies.
Wrong not true. You can spin things how you please that is your choice.
Exactly if you shoot a right wing radio host. Then say you didn’t do it. That’s spin.
If you shoot a liberal radio host. Then say you didn’t do it. That’s a lie, you’re going to jail.
If I knew where you lived I’d call the local police department you sound like a school shooter. I hope you don’t have a family if you do don’t hurt them just take yourself out.
I have a right to my own opinion, and it’s my opinion that killing republicans became legal on January 6, 2021.
Why do you think these rightwingers can lie on the air and say things like: masks don’t work; vaccines don’t work; ivermectin. It must be legal to kill republicans.
You need help and that’s my opinion. I would say your mental health is in crisis mode right now. Again I hope you don’t have a family if you do please don’t hurt them just off yourself. And if you really feel that way then go do it no need to tell us here go shoot those republicans then. Don’t talk about it be about it.
First you’re not a doctor, you shouldn’t be making diagnoseses, and giving out medical advice. Next you’re asking a lot of personal questions about my family and where I live. You sound likea pervert that molests little children. Maybe I should be calling the cops on you.
I’m not the one making false threats. As I said before don’t be a coward and talk about it go do it lead by example. You feel that strongly about it go shoot them then. If not your just the guy who says how many fights he’s been in but when you look at his hands he has no scars on them and puts lotion on his hands daily. If you aren’t going to be about it don’t talk about it simple. Guys who act tuff are always the first ones to run away when someone calls their bluff.
You go to church and believe in god and you dare to tell someone else they touch kids lmao. What a complete douche.
Is that a double dog dare. You just don’t get it.
You’re Party is destroying America. The Republicans are: putting up walls; not funding infrastructure; letting the rich get away with paying almost nothing in taxes. Now they are taking away peoples right to vote and doing nothing to control the pandemic.
I’m not going to live in the wasteland republicans are trying to turn this country into.
Only a matter of time before we start killing you.
I don’t force my religion on you.
Don’t force your atheism on me.
Lol what a coward. All those threats but you won’t do nothing. Talking all this big talk on an automotive forum be a man go do what you keep saying you wanna do. Stop wolf calling on here and do what you are going to do if not shut your mouth your just another coward talking big online.
You will reap what you sow
Galiatians 6
All talk and no action. I expected more from you with that big game you keep talking but I guessed wrong. Most people who are going to do something just do it they don’t need to tell someone. I’m glad to know you are just selling wolf tickets let me know if you ever get any buyers. It’s all fun and games on here but be careful what you say in person to people, you might say something someday and someone hears you and calls your bluff. People get hurt all the time for that sorta thing.
Pack your bags and leave then Peter this is America love it or leave. Nobody is forcing you to stay, take your disabled son and leave.
This is my America. Republicans are trying to turn it into a sh!thole.
I think everybody should stay in their city.
I think there was a movie about that “ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK ” .
loud cars and hogs are most appreciated by everyone . just the other day my family was really jamming to loud cars for hours. share your address so we can all visit . i want to share my loud vehicle with you.. i can make your livingroom and bedroom vibrate. your skull and brains vibrating mmmm .. i won’t stop all day and night because it makes u happy. sharing is caring!
I have a borla cat back system on my Silverado with a nice tone, but there are assholes that way over due it and will probably ruin a good thing. I live in up state NY so this effects me.
Assholes always ruin it regardless the vehicle. Everything from motorcycle exhausts that are MADE to emit a piercing “chirp” along with the loud noise. “Look at me, mommy!”
Or, the teen with the riced Acura where the exhaust note sounds like an angry Boston Terrier with adenoids.
Both are just sound versions of “rolling coal”.
The United Soviet State of New York.
Folks this has been going on in New England too for a bit. They want anything but stock illegal.
Most of the states involved are states using CARB rules.
Also read on the RPM act as the Federal government EPA has tried to ban any modifications on any new car even if it is for off road racing. This would kill a mature racing.
SEMA and others have been fighting to get the RPM act passed to prevent a bunch hired activist from changing laws passed in congress on their own.
Yes non elected activists are trying to change laws to fit their own agenda.
Your freedoms are at risk.
… we do not need the boring car races … it is only worth to see the accidents, for example a moto washing the crowd… or a tire riding alone until fence ,,, car races like F1 or F Indy are for infantile minds
The after market is going to need to come up with way like the OEM to reduce exhaust sound when needed. So you could pull up turn the active exhaust to quiet and they will not know the difference when you go to get it tested. I do agree some vehicles are stupid loud and most sound like crap when they are that loud.
hate noisy cars… here at side the guy has a maseratti quatroporte, it is terrible,, he is like a 5 years old child
but do not like New York in any way… a city never magnetic me…. exagerated over exagerated … so who needs NY, none
Reading the headline and taking it literally… Are they cracking down on loud cars WITHOUT cameras and microphones?
NYC allows murderers loose on the public because of no cash bail but worry about loud exhaust. typical liberal thinking
Odd. Not many are backing the blue here. Oh well.
Haven’t been to NY and not planning on going. Liberals focus on the dumbest things. Anyway possible to steal money from people.
the city does not get any money for stopping a murderer like a traffic violation.
Another nail in the coffin for ICE vehicles. Elon just loves this kinda stuff.