GM Authority

Dr. EV-il Takes Over GM In Automaker’s New Super Bowl Ad: Video

Mike Meyers stars in his iconic role as Austin Powers’ arch-nemesis Dr. Evil in a humorous new GM ad that will air during television coverage for Super Bowl LVI this weekend.

This 90-second long, online version of the comedic Super Bowl spot shows Dr. Evil and his cohorts sitting in a room at the top of the GM Renaissance Center in downtown Detroit, plotting their plans for world domination. Dr. Evil soon learns that he’s been overtaken as the number one threat to the world by climate change, however, putting him on a mission to deploy “one million,” GM electric vehicles and once again establish himself as the world’s most pressing problem.

This ad namedrops GM’s Ultium electric vehicle platform, with Dr. Evi’s partner, No. 2, suggesting he use the automaker’s universal EV architecture to sell profitable EVs and help fund their various diabolic operations. Dr. Evil also references the automaker’s ‘Everbody In’ tagline toward the end of the ad, instructing his minions to pile in the various GM EVs they have assembled and immediately set out on their mission of stopping climate change in its tracks. Vehicles shown in the ad include the Chevy Silverado EV, Cadillac Lyriq, GMC Hummer EV Pickup and BrightDrop EV600.

Climate change just got a new enemy and he’s one EVil son of a Belgian,” the automaker says in the video description for the ad. “Dr. EV-il is going electric to stop climate change from ruining Earth before he can.

This marks the second year in a row the GM brand has aired a funny, star-studded ad promoting its EV  transition. Last year, the automaker ran an ad starring Hollywood comedians Will Ferrell and Awkwafina, which pointed out that the tiny country of Norway has a higher adoption rate for EVs than the United States.

A shorter version of this 90-second ad will air during coverage of Super Bowl LVI on Sunday, February 13th, 2022. Check out the longer web version of the ad embedded below.

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Sam loves to write and has a passion for auto racing, karting and performance driving of all types.

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  1. Cool so one million fires will help fight climate change got it.

    1. Woke gm commercial sucks big time!

      1. Guess you’re just a little too young to remember the Austin Powers movies, they were entertaining and this was too. Maybe you want to complain about the interior?

  2. I love GM.

    But this may be the cringiest, most desperate Super Bowl commercial I have ever seen.

    Last years, BOTH, were far better than this sad thing.

    1. What Austin Powers was a great film!

      1. I agree.

        The idea of using the Austin Powers cast is actually a good one.

        But the plot of this commercial is smoking garbage, and an insult to that same cast.


  3. “climate change is the greatest threat” Really. . . So weary of this lie.

  4. 1, Do not understand why world and GM needs that
    2. Do not understand why world needs a super bowl…
    as soccer, a very boring sport indeed, not like surf etc
    know already to receive the dislikes and people says
    why needs me in world but why then all humans here

  5. what stupid was that ? why we need Marketing Ads people doing boring things like that ? “¯\_(ツ)_/¯“
    after seeing this makes me think north-american ones are dumb

  6. understand the message… Marry Barra is so bad, she can not defend GM HQ and this guy got… her place…
    In fact … GM is in severe bad management… well… if was still worker of GM, would be in worry about adms.

    for sure … either both management… above.. as my employers, would feel myself weak to continuing pay my bills with the job… really no future… better sending some CVs or good Resumes to others in case, worse comes

  7. BMW Ag did also a stupid Arnold Schwrznegger ad … common what is happening ? but BMW we know… its odd there.

  8. Good to see Mary Jean “Lily” Tomlin in the add but they could not bring Robert Wagner for the commercial? I remember the Hart-toHart movies in the early to mid ’90s when he drove the STS in those movies instead the Rolls on the TV show series.

  9. That’s awful. The company formerly known as GM is awful. I once loved them and everything they built so much but they’re just so desperately lost in wokeness and double-speak these days, I’ve lost all respect for them. I hate to be on a gm fan site and do nothing but complain but there’s little coming out of Warren for me to be enthusiastic about anymore.

    1. ,,, same feeling … until 2000 was ok … but since 22 years … in which car company is all right `?
      we wrote down here in blogs ,,, see many who do the same also… but none VIPs hears or read
      so no future in vehicles area ,,, it is what like most in human knowledge but feel myself … alone

    2. I feel the same way. It’s because we care about GM that we criticize. Otherwise I’d move on.

  10. Anytime a commercial is pushing a woke message it immediately alienates half the audience. Certainly not the most effective form of advertising unless they are purposely targeting that group.

    1. Woke? They are advertising EV’s which everyone is turning towards. Guess if it doesn’t fall in your ideology then it is woke? I certainly is pretty far from a lefty but even I don’t call everything little thing that is against what I want or believe woke, that is used in different circumstances.

    2. Truckz you are exactly right…. I drive 3 GM EVs – but this Global Warming garbage has run its course for most people…

      Forget ‘Baby Me’ and “Frau Belgium”…

      Don’t put any ‘Mini-Me’ batteries in the new evs…. Give them all decent range.

      They run these beyond silly commercials because they are told to do so…. And its only the STUPID Wokism people who believe it…

      If they implement their policies across the whole country, there will be no juice left to run the refrigerator, let alone recharge the cars on either the coldest or hottest days.

      1. Bill Howland and Truckz

        You are totally spot on in your comments. Half the viewers will moan and laugh at the ridiculous attempt to shove EV’s down their throats. The Tesla and Bernie crowd that this commercial appeals to don’t watch football.

        The football watching crowd are meat eaters, beer drinkers, tobacco users, pickup owners, ballcap and flannel shirt wearers, tattoo fans, hunters, fishermen, outdoor recreation fans, etc.

        They are not into the Sierra Club, organic foods, tofu, Trader Joe’s, enema cleanses, counterculture, soy milk, EV’s, etc.

        GM needs to merchandise full size pickups and full size SUV’s, in Marlboro Man settings during the Super Bowl.

        Meat sandwiches for everyone !

  11. I would say there 1st good funny commercial. Love how the EVIL EMPIRE teams up with DR EVIL

  12. “This marks the second year in a row the GM brand has aired a funny, star-studded ad promoting its EV transition.”

    I don’t consider this ad to be even remotely funny. It’s preachy and off-putting. The “Everybody In” tagline implies that everyone needs to get in and go where Mary Barra wants them to. I’m not anti-EV but maybe everyone doesn’t want to get in and go where she’s going.

  13. After seeing that I’d rather buy a reliable British built EV.


    1. Yup – Stellantis will just sell many more RAMS and JEEPS – plus they will have plug-in hybrids that have no range anxiety….

      They may thank GM that they are getting plenty of defacto advertising and a competitor is spending the money for the superbowl ad.

  15. For your general information, I have personally visited this GM building in 1989. The first floor had an exhibition of the 1989 GM models. I visited the top floor by that external elevator ( you have to pay to go up) and saw the rotating restaurant with views of Detroit, Michigan, the river dividing the U.S. and Canada, and the city of Windsor, Ontario. This the only point on the border that you look SOUTH to see Canada!

    1. This building wasn’t wasn’t owned by GM in 1989, you maybe meant to say 1999?

      GM bought this building in 1996….from Ford, which built it in 1976…but it only had a few Ford offices in it.

      The center part is a hotel, the office towers are the 4 surrounding buildings, plus 2 more off to the side.

      In 1989 GM’s headquarters were at the old General Motors Building, now named “Cadillac Place” on W Grand Blvd, that did have a big GM showroom on the first floor and giant red letters that spelled out GENERAL MOTORS on the roof.

  16. This is bad. Really seems like they don’t get the market. Really embarrassing.

  17. … ok… understood it is a TV … for Homer Simpson … and Bart Simpson… the representatives of USA middle class.. even Moe … idiots like a zombie …

  18. I can only imagine the amount of money GM spent on these ads, especially with the characters involved. Makes it difficult to explain raising prices and then spending money on these dumb ads that preach. Yes, they can be humorous, but these are actually not that funny and pretty corny.

  19. Wow. That’s a really terrible commercial. Shockingly bad.

  20. Lets cut thru the chase here… this is the worst commercial I have seen. What is so funny about it? I was hoping that a certain point during the ad, there would be something funny said. And waited, and waited, and…. “sorry Kyle, you are not going”?
    Thats it?
    Absolutely ridiculous! What a waste of money.

  21. I thought Dr. Evil was already running GM ? Oh well, meet the new boss, same as the old boss…

    1. … yeah with the trend of travestite over all … we never know who is a she or a he … maybe Barra decided to be a shemale now

  22. Oh god that is so lame , GM never could make a decent commercial I just shake my head when I see how dumb and goofy they can be

  23. Bring back Darth Vader and the Chevy Impala SS full size full framed V-8 mean ass take no prisoners in Black

  24. Thanks GM, for bringing back Dr. Evil! Great commercial!

  25. That was pretty sad…… but since most other things in today’s society is as well it should do great!

  26. GM circling the drains, even if the commercial is entertaining. GM needs to get away from pandering to the woke crowd, if they want to survive!

    side question, who’s even going to watch the halftime show?

  27. Funny skit but, I didn’t buy my GM EV because of climate change. I bought it because I got a great deal, it saved me $1000 on fuel costs last year, it requires little maintenance and it has snappy performance. When you try to sell a product based on climate change you run the risk of alienating a big portion of the market.

    1. Brandon and Mary are best buddies. Mary and the GM board of directors better get on their prayer rugs and start praying 3X’s a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year until the next national election. That Brandon maintains his health and gets re-elected.

      Trump and Mary had a very angry, heated telephone conversation over the Lordstown, Ohio plant closure. Trump has no love for Mary and Mary has no love for Trump.
      Many powerful people want to permanently off Trump including Mary, Xi, Jeff Bezos, Warren Buffet, Tim Cook, Nancy and Chuck, et. al.

      If Brandon does not get re-elected there will be a horrible giant sucking moan and groan from Ren Center.

      This all in EV thing can be fatal.

      That is what is spooking Morgan Stanley and their guidance.

      Stay tuned.

      1. David Murray,

        The “Everybody In” thing that Mary is pushing is, as you said, quite dangerous. The last election is an exception to pretty much all historical trends but American politics are historically pendulum-like. We go left, then right, then left again, and ultimately back to the right. It’s been that way since WWII. Thus, the current climate in Washington, which is highly favorable to Mary’s all-EV future, will most assuredly come to an end sometime during the rollout phase. What then?

        It strikes me that Mary has gambled the house on a world where government will subsidize her outrageously expensive EVs and build out a nationwide charging infrastructure to support them. But what if they don’t? What if the winds in Washington shift and government doesn’t help her? What is the backup plan?

        GM famously went all-in on transverse engine FWD cars in the 80’s. They converted everything from Monzas to Eldorados to the configuration. Roger B Smith spent lavishly to make GM the efficiency leader on FWD. And what happened? Well FWD was the future but not for all segments. Only for some. GM’s luxury cars, like the Eldorado lost more than 60 percent of their buyers when they turned the engine sideways and radically shrunk the exterior. In fact GM pretty much lost the luxury car market with this move. And they’ve never been the same. Cadillac specifically has never been the same. The already ascendant Germans and the emerging Japanese took over the luxury car business in America and with it ended production of some of GM’s biggest cash cows and most prestigious names. GM shifted to making their money off trucks and SUVs that are RWD, V8, and body-on-frame or essentially everything most of their luxury cars used to be before they changed them.

        I’m not convinced that EVs won’t be the same way. They’re cheaper and easier to build (like transverse FWD) so they may succeed among the low-price ranks but I think it’s a big risk to assume the whole of the market will only want electrics. It could be a grievous error to go 100 percent on something that currently represents only 2.6 percent of the US market. GM never recovered from the foolish things Roger B. Smith did. He should’ve taken a more balanced approach and Mary Barra should be too. The company he ran was mighty and could survive his blunders. Todays lower-case gm is greatly diminished and likely cannot survive an all EV future if the buyers stay away and there’s no one in Washington to prop the company up with federal subsidies or another bailout.

        1. Dave you nailed it. Excellent commentary. We all lived it. As a pre bankruptcy stock holder inherited from my parents I still own post bankruptcy stock.

  28. This commercial is geared to 4th and 5th graders. This is not your vehicle buying target. Although there are now many adolescent adults out there.

    GM should hire an ad agency along the style and flavor of Leo Burnett in Chicago who made $billions for Phillip Morris with the Marlboro man concept.

    Stellantis is cashing in big time with Ram’s association with a western theme, Yellowstone, etc.

    Let’s elevate the target level to at least the 18 to 45 year old crowd from 8 to 16 year olds.

    Watch what Toyota and Nissan will do with their Super Bowl spots.

    This is high stakes marketing and you don’t want to blow it.


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