GM Authority

Unvaccinated General Motors CAMI Plant Workers Placed On Unpaid Leave

Workers at the General Motors CAMI Assembly plant in Ingersoll, Ontario that have not yet been vaccinated have been placed on unpaid leave, according to a report from Automotive News.

Mike Van Boekel, chair of the Unifor Local 88 brand that represents workers there, confirmed to Automotive News this week that an undisclosed number of hourly employees had been placed on unpaid leaves of absence as a result of their unvaccinated status.

GM Canada implemented a policy in October requiring any personnel entering its Canadian facilities to be fully vaccinated by December 12th. Unifor managed to secure exemptions for vaccinated workers who had received only one dose, Van Boekel told Automotive News, but those who are still unvaccinated have been placed on leave.

The automaker will begin enforcing the vaccine policy with random spot checks on workers at its plants in January. Workers who falsify their vaccination proof will be terminated, Unifor has advised employees.

Workers who are on unpaid leave are expected to be terminated by GM Canada early next year if they do not comply with the vaccination requirement or secure exempt status, Van Boekel also said. While he said Unifor plans to file grievances over the terminations, he told Automotive News that they have “a very weak case,” to have the decision overturned.

GM Canada’s vaccine mandate has caused controversy within the union, with many workers expressing frustration that GM does not have the same rules in place for its U.S. facilities. Unifor members have also staged protests against the mandate, which called for the union to push back against the clampdown.

Stellantis plans to implement a vaccine mandate at its Canadian facilities by the New Year, while Ford’s will take hold on January 3rd.

Subscribe to GM Authority for more GM-related COVID-19 news, Unifor news and ongoing GM news coverage.

Sam loves to write and has a passion for auto racing, karting and performance driving of all types.

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  1. Big three are going to be hit with class action suits that will put them out of business when this insanity is finally over! Never let a crisis go by as an excuse to get rid of employees. Top executives are compromised (and that is a “nice” way of describing them).

    1. Last I read, Ford is not forcing workers to get vaccinated.

      1. Last I read:

        “Stellantis plans to implement a vaccine mandate at its Canadian facilities by the New Year, while Ford’s will take hold on January 3rd.”

    2. Sure.

      “While he said Unifor plans to file grievances over the terminations, he told Automotive News that they have “a very weak case,” to have the decision overturned.”

    3. Just close the plant.see how gm likes that.problem solved

  2. Everyone should be able to make their own decision. Being forced to do something against your will is BS.

    Besides, if you got the vaccine because you believe it works and that you needed it then, why do you care whether or not the person next to you is vaccinated or not. You are vaccinated and protected right?

    If you believe Yes, then there is no reason to force anyone to get vaccinated.

    And if your belief is No, and you are still fearful you are going to get it anyway, then I have to ask why you allowed yourself to be given something you don’t think is going to protect you. Or why the person next to you should also be forced to take something you don’t think protects you.

    The whole forced vaccination thing is asinine.

    1. The employee can make their own decision. If they choose to avoid getting vaccinated, they need to find a job that doesn’t require vaccination. Simple requirement of the job and if they don’t meet the qualification they need to find a job they are qualified for.

      Per your other points, what you’re suggesting is employees can purposely go to work and jeopardize the health of others. There is no such freedom.

      If you don’t want to be vaccinated, suffer the consequences that come with it.

      1. This is Canada and they have different laws. If your not vaccinated you not hurting anyone, it may be just yourself. Vaccinated people can still get it and carry it like every other virus and cold. Their are also many people who have natural immunity this China Virus. They also have now found out people with allegies, such as hayfever and even asthma are not being affect by this because they a very low receptor that Covid attaches too. It should be a choice, however a company can require it. I don’t like the fact when the government says you have to take it. This is private choice not the governments. The thing is death totals in the US have not gone up so this is not killing people any faster than death from other diseases. you also don’t quarantine the healthy you quanrantine the sick.

      2. GMC fan stop spreading misinformation please we get enough of that from the news. First off people who are fully vaccinated are still getting it and spreading it but you have to point the finger at those who aren’t vaccinated. Did you forget the president of the United States joe Biden said if you are vaccinated you won’t get COVID. Do you not remember that?

        1. Where did I say vaccinated individuals can’t spread Covid?

          But, to your points, Someone who has been vaccinated is doing what they can to protect themself as well as others. Highly likely they won’t die as a result of Covid. Those that refuse to get vaccinated are risking their own lives as well as others and they’re far more likely to die. This is all fact and if you can’t comprehend that, it’s your problem.

          1. Some people had bad reactions and health has been compromised. Many can’t get the second or third jab because of this. Firing them is medical discrimination.
            Mandates are totally illegal and immoral.

        2. @ Frank don’t mind these Russian trolls on here. I agree I will always believe the president of the USA before I believe a bunch of trolls on a car website. The president said once I get vaccinated I can’t get c-19 and I I believe him over nobody’s on here.

          1. I personally know at least 5 fully vaccinated people how have gotten covid.

            1. I’ve known, been colleague of, or an acquaintance of five people who were unvaccinated, contracted COVID who are no longer with us.

              1. You lie…

                1. Based on what? My experiance conflicts with your view of reality?
                  Pretty easy just to disregard any view that conflicts with your preconceived notions. Just cruise along cherry picking points based on what agrees with you and name calling and disregarding anything else. Data, data reduction, analysis, and other contrary view points doen’t matter. Rude to be so vulgar about it.

                  1. My bad, I should have taken into account that you work in an old age home and your figures come from pre vaccination roll out…

                    1. Well Jimmy, you are correct on one count: The deaths were from the first wave. 2020 was pretty bad, eh? One friend that I cited was in an assisted living facility. I am an aerospace engineer and do not work in an “old age home”.
                      Considering the opinions on the vaccine expressed here, how does the present differ from the pre-vaccination roll out?

    2. Remember when you say “everyone” should be able to make their own decisions, which they can, this includes not just employees, but employers as well, such as General Motors.

      The vaccination is most effective if everyone takes it, let me explain:

      Being vaccinated reduces the symptoms of covid, therefore, when one has less symptoms they are less likely to infect another person and the transmission rate lowers. This is why many diseases that we vaccinate babies for are almost extinct.

      Now if a large chunk of the population does not take the vaccine AND become carriers of the covid, then covid will not “go away” and it will not become nearly extinct. But why would the vaccinated be concerned? Shouldn’t this only effect the unvaccinated? At first, yes. But the longer a viral infection (eg. covid, the flu, etc.) sticks around, the more it mutates. The more it mutates, the less effective the vaccine is since it was based on a old/previous version of the virus. There is no real way to determine how it will mutate other than knowing it will and observing it in real time. Think of it as evolution for viruses.

      We observe viral mutations every year with other infectious diseases. It is why the flu shot changes every year and why we get several “colds” through our life time and almost never more than once a season as our immune system adapts to the infection, but then the infection mutates as it spreads and can overpower the previously sick/immune again.

      1. @Paul People are making there own decisions good thing if they do get fired? You clowns get to come on here are cry more about how you don’t have your vehicles in time.

      2. Less symptoms does not equal less transmissible individuals. Also with this non effective so called vaccine that foes not stop the sickness just lessens the effects actually provides a better environment for mutation ad it works within a body that has antigens and learns new ways to mutate and become a super virus.

    3. No one is being “forced” to do anything,,, if you choose not to be vaccinated,,, then good for you! Stand your ground and roll the dice,,, just don’t also expect your employer to allow you to expose your unvaccinated ass to it’s entire workforce!
      Go get another job that dose not have a vaccination mandate! 🤨

      1. You are either incapable of reading facts or just aerobic sheep that bius the CNN narrative. Vaccinated or unvacvinated you both carry the sickness and transmit it. Pretty simple if you ask me. And it was not a choice as using an ultimatum and calling it a choice is not a choice at all.

        1. Consider this from GM’s position. If they have, say 30% of their workforce unvaccinated, they will see a 25% increase in their medical costs if, no when COVID rips through their facilities as the people now in the hospitals are predominantly* unvaccinated. This is a big cost. Remember it is always about the money.

          * I’ve heard ~90% or so. In round numbers then if 30% of a population accounts for 90% of the serious cases indicates a 24X over representation of unvaccinated people in the nations ICU’s.

          1. You have no idea what you are talking about. GM pays zero for medical costs. Also over half the cases in hospitals are of people who are fully vaccinated. The Omicron variant is from Africa and only vaccinated people can travel, so the vaccinated git the new variant and are the ones spreading it. No matter how you look at it the vaccine is not stopping transmission or infection. It is only lessening the effects is all.

            1. GM is self insured for salaried employees, so in that sense, yes they do have costs.

            2. Even if Patrick is mistaken, you do not think the insurance companies recover their costs?
              Reliable sources, like the hospitals themselves have it 10% to 20% hospitalized for COVID are vaccinated.

          2. Stupid people are dying every day! But there making a point! 😂

    4. I care if the person next to me is vaccinated simply for two reasons. I may catch it from you, carry it unknowingly and infect those that are weak, or even small children who cannot be vaccinated. ALSO, the hospitals are jammed up with covid of which the MAJORITY are unvaccinated, endangering the vaccinated when we get in a car crash, heart attack, etc because there is simply not the resources to care for everyone. Your selfish act is affecting the majority of the population.
      I am sorry your livelihood is in danger, I really am, but sometimes you have to do things to help your fellow man. I hear all the time that the vaccinated are still catching covid, so why should I take the shot? If you don’t know the answer, do a little research instead of parroting the misinformed. This virus wants to win, and unless we all fight together, I am afraid the next mutation will take us all out. How long do you think our discouraged 1rst responders can hang in there while you decide to make a move?How long can the economy hang in there? How long can I still pay for my ever increasing health plan premiums? How long do my parents have left to be locked down in misery. The clock is ticking and you hold the solution for us all.
      Think about it Please.

      1. None of what you said is any different then people without the shots. You carry it more unknowingly then someone who does not have the shot. Both spread the sickness the same. All your thoughts on why people without the shot are bad people applies to people who did get the shot as well, only difference is some are being forced or cohersed into taking this trial drug. People like you that think that the ones without the shot are bad and try to spread these falsehoods are the issue. Because of your fear and irrational stupidity stupid rules like this are made. Your insecurities and lack of general intelligence is what is leading the world down this slippery slope and you are doing it with a dumb smile on your face thinking that you and your lemming friends are pm the high horse and can cast down judgment on these people who are no different then you other then they respect their body and wish to have free will over it. Go hide if you are such a scared individual and you will be safe, oh wait I thought the shots kept you safe?????

        1. Please explain how the ~30% of Americans who decide to take a pass on a COVID vaccine account for 90% of the Americans in the hospital due to complications due to COVID and 95% of Americans dying from complications due to complications?
          Yes, it is true, being vaccinated does not make one invulnerable. You can still contract COVID after being vaccinated. You will, however be more likely (as in less probable) to be symptomatic and less likely to spread it.
          The Germans, Italians and Japanese together killed less than half the Americans in WWII as COVID has in less time.
          What is the real enemy here? Shouldn’t we be pulling together to stop it?

          1. I see zero numbers even close to what you are saying. Here in Canada most new infections are in fully shot up people, over half of new deaths are shot up and more then 60 percent of hospitalizations are fully shot up. Omicron came from the fully shot up as well. Nhl, nba, NFL all with outbreaks and they are fully shot up as well. These shots eork oh so well

            1. You wouldn’t see anything in those numbers anyway. Clearly you aren’t smart enough to put much together in a cognitive way. Hope you don’t pass these back row genes on. This kind of inability to use critical thinking puts us where we are, bravo dumb dumb

              1. Shaggy you are the epitome of dumb dumb you are right.

          2. Less likely to be very ill, yes. However, the vaccinated are far more likely to spread the variants (and that is the case here in the U.S.) to others since they are more likely to have minor symptoms or be asymptomatic. If you are going to quote ‘facts’ related to COVID or it’s many variants, at least recognize them all, not just the ones you choose to support. Natural immunity is rarely mentioned and even less supported because it is the best immunity one can have. But the bottom line is this—it is a choice. If you choose to get the shot(s) and feel better protected, more power to you. If you choose to roll the dice and not get the shot, the odds are against you either way. Both ways offer a chance to get the original or one of the variants. According to the latest research, vaccinated people are more likely to spread the virus than non-vaccinated. Either way, we will never reach herd immunity through the current vaccine. Vaccines don’t encourage herd immunity. Disclaimer: I have had COVID, the original strain last December. I survived and have my antibodies checked regularly. They are still strong and I have not had a recurrence. My wife had it too, and is fine today. All I am asking is that if you are going to make a choice, lay off those with a different opinion. Neither is right or wrong, just different.

            1. Reply
          3. Jared, Jared, Jared. Please, please, PLEASE explain this FACT: there are now MORE Covid deaths under Biden WITH “vaccine” than Trump WITHOUT “vaccine”. I’ll wait.
            FACT: My “vaccinated” mom caught the Omicron & started showing illness on Christmas Day. She, “vaccinated”, gave it me UN”vaccinated”. I’m now at home and after ONE bad day feel like I had nothing at all. Slight congestion in chest. Again I am “unvaccinated” and apparently through personal experience I had the exact same “mild” symptoms the “vaccinated”. So what’s your FAUCI “science” on my very recent personal experience Jared???
            AND know it all millennial Jared, please explain for us all why, why, WHY the clueless incompetent “Progressive” Biden cronies running the country did NOT have enough testing kits in place for THIS inevitable Omicron variant???? You can not find a test kit in my entire county. But Biden will have them available for the NEXT variant (we hope). A bit too late for me & mom Mr. Biden.

  3. Stop calling it a vaccine. It’s not a vaccine. It doesn’t stop people from getting it.

    1. i don’t think you know what a vaccine does. it doesn’t prevent it. it helps your body fight it if you get it.

      1. Yes I do. When you get a vaccine you don’t get the disease that the vaccine is for. Other wise we would be having outbreaks of Polio, Small Pox, Tuberculosis ext. In the US more people have died of Covid in 2021 then 2020 and over 60% of the population is “Vaccinated”. Doesn’t make sense. This is nothing more than a Flu Shot.

        1. definition : a suspension of attenuated or killed microorganisms (viruses, bacteria, or rickettsiae), administered for prevention, amelioration, or treatment of infectious diseases.

          1. Definition of Vaccine – a substance used to stimulate the production of antibodies and provide immunity against one or several diseases, prepared from the causative agent of a disease, its products, or a synthetic substitute, treated to act as an antigen without inducing the disease.

          2. Wrong

        2. How many people have died from Covid in 2021 that have received all of their recommended vaccinations?

          1. Well this is from august 10th but the cdc claims 1,507 people died from covid who are fully vaccinated and another 7,101 were hospitalized who were fully vaccinated. Like I said this is from august 10th so I’m sure these numbers are higher now.

      2. Its not a vaccine. Vaccine implies you are innoculated. the flue shot isnt a vaccine, as it requires to be retaken every year. its a shot. not a vaccine. imagine if a vitamin B12 shot was considered a “fatigue vaccine” cause it is delivered via shot, but it doesnt cure fatigue long term.

        1. First, no vaccine is permanent, our bodies lose the ability to recognize specific pathogens over time necessitating boosters, some sooner than others.
          The flu vaccine is very specific (like all vaccines including the ones for COVID), allowing your body to recognize specific foreign molecules. The flu mutates very rapidly and displays different molecules, most years more than one strain, necessitating a different vaccine that generally includes coverage for multiple strains. COVID seems to be shaping up to be similar.
          Are they perfect? Absolutely not! It does improve an individual’s likelihood of evading the infection and if one is infected, reduces the severity and time that one is sick. What it really does is to reduce the statistical spreading of the disease through a population, and given an adequate percentage of covered individuals, damping the exponential causing outbreaks to decay rather that grow.
          Much like a nuclear reaction, the boron moderating control rods do not capture all the neutrons, just enough to prevent the core from being critical and initiating a chain reaction. The math is similar.
          Those that choose to not join in the fight are just freeloading on the rest of us that go through the bother of caring. If we all chose to not be vaccinated, the last two year would have been much different. Look at the history of disease to appreciate how natural immunity works.
          Let the self-justifying chest beating begin.

          1. People can do what they want so take your brotherly love crap somewhere else

  4. Corrupt big business bully around unvaccinated and the unions arent holding strong protecting these workers from arbitrary coersive mandates. Shame on GM, Mary Barra, and the Union.

  5. Another big company withthe dumb vaccine mandate…what happened to follow the science?

  6. They don’t ask to see car buyer’s proof of vaccination at the dealerships

  7. Workplaces have an obligation to provide safe working conditions to all workers
    If it means wearing a mask or requiring vaccination

    1. There is absolutely no scientific evidence to back anything up that says wearing masks makes you safer. Also those vaccines aren’t looking to good now that it went from you are fully vaccinated at 2 shots to oh by the way you need a booster.

  8. This really sucks, it’s just payback to vac manufacturers for political donations. I dam sure won’t be getting a buster every four months.

    1. You say that now, and I agree that you should not have to get a booster shot if you don’t want one, but what are you going to do if the company you work for, or worse the government, mandates that you have to?

      Everyone needs to be fighting back now and saying: “F-no. You don’t get to tell me how to manage my personal health”. This is basic right that governments and businesses are trying to take away.

  9. Typical liberal gmc douch bags👎👎

  10. I hope they sue your political favored “government backed” butt on this unethical and mis-leading behavior of influence. You’re weak GM, shame on you for caving to politics, especially this administration who is clueless and corrupt. I was going to buy a new GMC Denali before reading this article which best describes GM as a coward, putting politics first and the loyal hard working employees with “rights” second! You are part of the problem GM…not the solution!!

  11. This is how it works in a socialist society. The vaccines don’t work anyway. I’ve had 6 close family members and a Pastor who were fully vaccinated and got Covid anyway (three of whom had a really bad case).

  12. I am very pleased that GM is thinking of the workers and there families who are vaccinated .It doesn’t make common sense that you would not get vaccinated or loose a great job.

    1. You should be banned from here for spreading false information. You really going to claim gm is a great job?

  13. Well this just cements my sentiment. I have been a loyal GM customer for decades and currently own 4 GM vehicles. I am boycotting GM and for that matter the big 3. I will only buy well used vehicles from now on and spend my money on doing restomods on them. Those of you who believe this vaccine helps have not looked at the raw data. I had Covid and went and got the Regeneron infusion and took Ivermectin. I was less sick than my younger brother’s reaction to the vaccine and for less time. This whole thing is so political it’s sickening. The worst part is the doctors are lying about what works and letting people die.

    1. My thoughts are on the people that are not vaccinated and could loss a good paying job ONLY

    2. Moderators let Thisislivings drivel and uneducated drool sit on this site? This guy’s a complete moron spreading the fact he’s too inbred to understand the simple concept of a virus or pandemic or a vaccination and you let his idiocy sit on this site. He’s touting proven dangerous treatment. For what its worth, I’d say this is lyin sack of s**t is just that, lying.

      1. The moderators need to remove your comment and ban you. Who you do you think you are talking about someone like that? Go to Reddit with that behavior troll.

      2. Sir please share the scientific facts that you have that proves it’s dangerous thanks. A link to prove your claim will do thanks in advance.

        1. “Scientific facts” is a bit of an oxymoron. Science by its very nature treats all “facts” as provisional. All theories are up for affirmation, revision or rendered obsolete at any time. It is, however, the only system that can weed out myth and wives’ tails. If you want carved in stone facts, you’ll have to resort to some belief structure involving faith.
          As for your questions, Ivermectin is an animal anti parasite drug (worms and flukes). Why anyone would think this would be effective treatment for a virus is beyond me.
          Regeneron has been given emergency authorization for use in limited circumstances.
          Science is the process that weeds out these ineffective and potentially dangerous treatments. Just because uncle Joe got better does not mean that whatever uncle Joe did was effective. Joe might have gotten better faster doing nothing. Remember that bleeding and mercury infusions were once thought to be effective treatments, it was the scientific process that determined that it was not.

          1. Sorry sir I would like facts not opinions so again if you have the link that shows it’s unsafe then please do share. If you don’t well I hate to break it to you but I’m not concerned nor do I care about one’s feelings or opinions on this matter I’m looking for facts only but thanks anyways

          2. Some would argue it’s crazy people were willing to get a “vaccine” that was not even approved and to this day nobody knows the long term side effects from it. Some would argue it’s crazy people bash those that didn’t wanna get a “vacvine” that wasn’t approved and people to this day don’t know the long term side effects of it for a virus that has a 1.6% chance of dying from. Some would argue it’s crazy to close all kinds of things for something you have a 1.6% chance of dying from. Some would say it’s crazy that if a person has covid and dies it’s automatically marked as a covid death even though that might not even be what killed the person. Some would argue it’s crazy to this day people don’t know how to mind there own business and not stick there nose in things that have absolutely nothing to do with them. Some would argue it’s crazy that the president of the United States of America said after you are fully vaccinated which at that time was 2 shots by the way means you can’t get covid, which that turned out to not be true. Some would say it’s crazy that the goal posts keep getting moved from you need 2 shots to now a booster and who knows how many boosters to follow. The big difference is most of the name calling comes from the perfect people that can do no wrong who are vaccinated who are adamant that they have the right to be able to tell the next person what they should do with there own body even crazier is the creeps who think they know what’s best for your own kid. Where I come from people who obsess over a child who is not there don’t fair to well for long.

  14. Screw GM…..

  15. When is the Government going to Mandate a flu shot? A person with the flu can easily spread it. How many people must die before we mandate flu shots for everyone?

  16. I’ve about had it with all the “facts” surrounding the shot. One of the “facts” states that your symptoms may be less if you have the shots and the booster but then the next “fact” states that even with those “protections” you can still get COVID and you can still pass it on to other people, sometimes more easily than if you are positive but not vaccinated. This makes it very easy for some to cling to one “fact” and others to cling to another “fact”. IMHO, it’s a personal choice, either way. If you believe in the shot, get one, or two, or four, or six. If, as some medical experts seem to think, you have contracted the virus and survived you are now immune for some period of time. Can’t catch it and can’t pass it on. If that works for you, great. I had the virus and recovered just fine. I have not been sick since and have not tested positive though I travel a lot for work and am tested all the time. It’s a personal choice either way and those who do not agree might be a touch narrow-minded.

  17. If you get Polio a Polio shot wont help. A Covid shot is like a flu shot. I thought medical records were supposed to be private anyway?

  18. Upon receiving employment by GM, they did not require the employees to receive a COVID 19 shot. GM cannot require this “vaccine” after the fact. If they want to terminate everyone and then rehire everyone based that they have had “the shot”, it needs to be in writing and a signed form acknowledging that the employee is aware this is required for employment with this organization. This whole plandemic is so damn political.

  19. GM is a hypocritical employer. They say the mandate is to protect their most valuable assets, the employees. Qell apparently its only the Canadian employees it cares about as they are the only ones mandated by GM. Plain and simple this is about control and control only. Whether it’s the gov conteoling the company by providing incentives to get people forcibly vaccinated or its just the company doing its regular way of business and leading with a heavy hand on the employees at all times and flexing its muscles. It does not really care either way as it will be out of Canada in no time anyways. And we know the union is not going to do a thing as they had a mandate before the company did for unifor. Also they made it clear from the very start that they are weak and will not fight this at all, now they flipped a little and at least say they will fight for the people. Well we know how tough they will fight for ya………not at all and just go through the formalities like they seem to with any violation of the contract.

  20. Such timely news about the “vaccine” Nazis when the “vaccine” had such a GREAT week. J&J “vaccine” causes too many blood clots in those under 30. Don’t take it says the FDA. COVID running rampant through the NBA & NFL with supposedly fully “vaccinated” athletes. Yep, that mandated “vaccine” working like a charm!. Israel now on it’s mandated 4th “booster”. So how many jabs of that “vaccine” stuff before you say WTF?!!!? And yes “fully vaccinated” model citizens, get that mask on AGAIN because, well, you’re “vaccinated”!!

  21. Stupidity has a price ! Protecting your fellow workers definitely takes priority over your non existent right to infect others !
    You can stay at home and and be an anti vax hero in your own mind !

    1. Yes and you must be paying that price Robert. Because both vaccinated and unvaccinated infect people the same. One might argue vacc people infect more due to the fact they show no symptoms and will not alter their routine accordingly. Therefore spreading it when they are sick.

  22. And very little people speaking out of where this virus came from and not punishing them very severely so this NEVER happens again! Once again China is given a pass because of politicians in bed with the CCP involving billions of dollars! Wake up people before it is too late!

  23. Good lord this entire thread is so full of misinformation on BOTH sides of the debate. It would be nice to see at least one poster here approach the issue from (at least a somewhat) objective position and try to look at the entire picture. Rather, we have most everyone pre-picking a side (likely out of fear or impact on your personal life), picking up factiods or other garbage that confirm your pre-chosen bias, and parroting them here as if you actually know what you are talking about. Seriously. You really don’t. We are all part of a modern pandemic, a new revolutionary vaccine technology (very different modes of action than any prior vaccine used on humans), and there simply isn’t enough data collected yet for anyone to know for certain just about anything anyone here claims to “know for certain”. Make your choice, weight the risks, try to absorb the information and filter the garbage out the best you can but PLEASE – do you your part in NOT causing division and sewing hate! At a time when human connection is needed MOST, not only because of this shitty virus but because many modern societies create division, we need to not engage in things that break connection! If a person cannot have a healthy discussion, and consider others’ views, then don’t have the discussion at all. It will only hurt both sides. Connection, not division!

  24. Thousands of children and adults with autism and other developmental disabilities are being DENIED ADEQUATE SUPPORT STAFF in hospitals due to illogical, unreasonable and unnecessary requirements to be vaccinated or show testing. The REALITY is many support staff that accompany people with autism and other disabilities DO NOT HAVE TIME to get a test that makes them WAIT 48 or 72 hours, okay? WAKE UP TO REALITY PEOPLE!!! People with autism depend on their support staff to protect and advocate for them in hospital settings that are notorious for neglecting and abusing vulnerable patients with autism and other special needs. Therefore it’s a matter of health and safety to ALLOW support staff in the hospital to protect and help them! While it’s perfectly understandable to require support staff wear masks, wash hands and adhere to infection control protocols, it is NOT reasonable or rational to prevent ANY support staff for vulnerable patients to not enter hospital given these patients very lives DEPEND on their support staff who know them and can aid hospital staff in helping and protecting these patients. Therefore, in the interest of public safety, in the interest of protecting our MOST VULNERABLE populations we must advocate that every state provide exemptions for home health SUPPORT STAFF that MUST accompany vulnerable patients with autism or down syndrome or any other developmental disability. ARE YOU AWARE that there are cases where hospitals have DENITED support staff entry to accompany an autistic patient and that patient was TOO MUCH for the hospital staff, and that patient ended up pulling off intubation tubes or jumping off the hospital bed or eating pillows or having seizures that went unnoticed by some RN’s in the hospital? Or how about vulnerable patients with special needs who are denied their support staff and end up having elevated behavioral issues in the hospital and then have to get unnecessarily physically or chemically restrained because they were DENIED their support staff? The need for support staff to accompany our most vulnerable patients in the community—patients who can suffer preventable harm without support staff— far outweighs the risk of covid in the community. Children and adults with special needs have been secretly HARMED and abused on hospital settings when their SUPPORT staff is denied entrance into hospitals due to irrational and unreasonable covid policies. Some support staff have testified they were denied entrance into hospitals to protect their home health patients because they were “unvaccinated’ yet support staff that were allowed in and were FULLY VACCINATED later got covid and were never tested or denied entrance. The solution is make an exemption for ANY SUPPORT STAFF to enter a hospital during this so called pandemic and be ExEMPT from any testing or vaccine requirement because the pervasive and critical need for support staff to PROTECT the health and safety of our most vulnerable citizens far exceeds the ever changing acute ambiguous guidelines for covid. So long as we don’t have support staff refusing to comply with masks and infection control as in washing hands coming into hospitals they should be ALLOWED to come in since we were told masks and hand washing and basic infection control will stop the spread. Any support staff that refuse to wear masks should be barred. Therefore, if the support staff for vulnerable patients adhere and agree to masks hand sanitation should be allowed to protect vulnerable patients. That’s fair, reasonable and rational.


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