GM Authority

EPA Releases Final, Stricter Vehicle Emissions Requirements

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency published its revised vehicle emissions requirements Monday.

The U.S. EPA’s stricter new vehicle emissions requirements call for a 5 to 10 percent increase in emissions reductions for each vehicle model year between 2023 and 2026 until an eventual fleetwide average fuel economy of 55 mpg is achieved by 2026. The proposed new rules undo the looser fuel economy/emissions standards set forth by the Trump Administration, which would have seen fuel economy standards rise by just 1.5 percent within the same timeframe, reaching an eventual average of 40.4 mpg by 2026.

These new vehicle emissions requirements are expected to speed up the adoption of EVs domestically. According to the EPA, consumer adoption of plug-hybrids and EVs will jump from a predicted 7 percent of market share in 2023 to 17 percent in 2026. The Biden Administration hopes stricter regulations on ICE vehicles, coupled with attractive incentives for union-built American EVs, will help electrified vehicles make up 50 percent of new vehicle market share by 2030.

“We followed the science, we listened to stakeholders, and we are setting robust and rigorous standards that will aggressively reduce the pollution that is harming people and our planet — and save families money at the same time,” EPA Administrator Michael Regan said in a prepared statement released Monday.

The EPA outlined slightly less strict vehicle emissions requirements back in August, which set the standard about 6 percent lower than this latest iteration of the rules. Additionally, this latest ruleset is stricter than the Obama-era emissions regulations that the Trump Administration had previously undone.

President Biden in 2021

The Biden Administration previously laid out a goal for the United States to achieve net-zero carbon emissions economy-wide by no later than 2050. This is a sentiment shared by General Motors, which previously outlined a plan for its business to be fully carbon neutral by 2050 before bumping the deadline forward to 2040 earlier this year. GM will also slowly transition to a full battery-electric product portfolio over the next 15 years or so and will phase out petroleum-powered passenger cars and trucks completely by 2035.

Subscribe to GM Authority for ongoing GM-related EPA news, GM-related politics news, Joe Biden news and General Motors news coverage.

Sam loves to write and has a passion for auto racing, karting and performance driving of all types.

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  1. Man I miss Trump,

    1. God Bless You!!!

    2. USA1
      Practice makes perfect.
      Reload! Good chance you won’t miss him a second time.

      1. Most people are happy joe is in office right now what’s there to miss as we witness the complete failure of the Biden Administration, more deaths in 2021 then 2020 the year is not even over yet the bbb deal is dead I mean this is great.

        1. He’s at -17 in job approval polls, so I don’t think “most” people are happy he is (physically) in office.

          1. Most people in power are glad he is in. For example, corporate CEO’s, foreign leaders, billionaires, career politicians, and media outlets are super stoked. Let’s not forget Wall Street and Big Pharma are on cloud nine. The only normal people who are happy that he is in power are the ones who aren’t very informed and believe the likes of CNN, NBC, the Washington Post ect ect. Everything I presented is factual.

            1. Moochers and looters are happy he’s there. Not producers.

            2. USA1 FYI
              Big Pharma in bed with the Republicans. Democrats are for allowing Mediocare & Medicaid being able to negotiate lower drug prices.

              1. I get confused on this. Does it mean that everything will need to meet this by the time line? Or does it mean if you don’t that manufacture will get penalized? I ask because can they make gas powered pickups or full-size suv get this range without being electric?

          2. Nor mentally in office!

        2. Mike
          10 months in office 7.5 million people returned to work.
          Hundreds of millions of people have been vaccinated
          Infrastructure bill passed
          Most of the people who hate America get their money from Crude oil (eg. Russia, Iran, Venezuela) the faster we reduce our consumption of Crude oil the weaker our enemies become.

          1. Of course they returned the president said once we get vaccinated we can’t get covid anymore I believed him and got vaccinated and it’s not true I can still get covid I don’t understand why the president would lie to us like that. The infrastructure bill was not the main bill the bbb bill is the most important and that’s now dead. 😔

            1. The vaccine makes it less likely that WHEN you catch it, it will put you in the hospital. You likely won’t be immune 100% but you won’t die. There Fox news and NewsMax, was that so hard?

              1. Get ready, little mikey is about to ask you if Biden is a liar.

                1. I don’t need to ask him that because what he said is true you just straight up lied. But it’s nice to know you are still seeking attention. Have a good evening exsanguinate.

              2. Thereby, it isn’t a vaccine. Big Pharma and globalist entrenched governments can’t even tell the truth about what it is and all you true believers can’t stop slopping up the BS and will enthusiastically be receiving “boosters” for the rest of your natural lives (those of you who don’t first succumb to myocarditis and other grave side effects that have been the subject of a full-scale coordinated leftist run media blackout).

                A vaccine is a product that stimulates a person’s immune system to produce immunity to a specific disease, protecting the person from that disease.

                You will never be immune to Covid-19 as it will continue to mutate, producing new “variants”… forever. This is why there is no vaccination for the common cold – another unstoppable Coronavirus. You have been snookered.

                1. ^^^^^

                2. Idiot
                  All living things are made up of proteins. The Covid vaccines are made up of small strands of protein that mimic the unique proteins found in the virus. The vaccines were never alive. They need to be kept in a deep freeze because these protein strands break up into amino acids right away at normal temperatures.
                  Also because these vaccines break up into the basic building blocks of life right away, any long term effects are highly unlikely.
                  The whole point is to train your immune system so it quickly mass produce Covid 19 fighting antibodies if you are exposed to Covid 19.

                  1. There’s a lot of protein in seminal fluid. One could fry it up like an egg and it might keep them alive another couple days if they happened to be starving to death. But protein rich nut it isn’t going to protect anyone from a disease that’s everchanging and aggressively adapting to threats to its OWN existence any better than being inoculated with Big Pharma’s over-politicized, overhyped, proven ineffective – and in many cases dangerous or even fatal – experimental mRNA gene therapy “vaccine”.

                    Hangers on to fantasy who prefer to deflect and paint the unvaccinated as vectors and blame them for the misrepresented and oversold vaccine’s proven lack of effectiveness against naturally occurring Coronavirus mutations – the folks who are most likely to insist that others who resist must be vaccinated by force or isolated or shunned from society (or worse) – are simply in denial of reality. They’re “science deniers” in the left’s own popular vernacular.

            2. Mike
              It’s not going to work. Biden voters know Joe mixes up his words every so often. Taking something he said once only serves to stroke the far right torch and pitchfork crowd. It’s not going to move any voters, and it’s not going to start an intelligent conversation.

          2. Peter G, we have the worst inflation since the early 90’s. Workplace participation is a little over 60%. The National debt is almost 30 trillion. The Americans and the 60 billion in military machinery and weaponry that he left in Afghanistan. Cost of fuel is breaking records. Forcing people to take an experimental shot or they lose their jobs. Oh ya he has had one hell of a first year.

            1. USA1
              Inflation means lots of wage earners will be getting real raises. Seniors will be getting increases in their social security checks.
              Afghanistan is no longer our problem.
              The Debt. predates Biden
              Also I’m not going to listen to a Republican cry about debt. When your politicians show the fiscal responsibility of drunken sailors.

              1. What you just said about inflation is completely false. Even the democrats don’t want more inflation I have no clue where you get your info from but it couldn’t be further from the truth.

                1. HEY MORON! ! !
                  Before Covid, we were starting people off at $12.50 an hour. Now we’re starting them off at $20. The local McDonald’s went from $11 to $15. Walmart also at $15. Amazon is paying $18

                  1. There is a difference between rising wages and purchasing power.

                    1. Yep. I have less purchasing power. People working at fast food restaurants have gone from making $11 – $12 per hour to $18 per hour for cashiers and $20 per hour for line cooks; and a lot of these fast food places still have staffing issues resulting in service restrictions. Either they are drive-thru only with normal business hours; or both lobby/drive-thru with hour restrictions of 11am – 7pm.

                      I don’t about anyone else, but through all this chaos I didn’t get a $6 – $8 per hour cost of living increase to compensate me for the inflation caused by all the minimum-wage workers going from $11-12 to $18-20 per hour. Where’s my extra $12,480 to $16,640 per year all the $11-12 per workers are getting?

                  2. Peter G. you’re an idiot and should not be in this conversation. You are only showing how dumb you are when it comes to our economy and your pocket book. I could give you a quick lesson but you would only argue the facts how inflation occurs what what feeds it. Bow out…

                    1. Racer57
                      Hey you stupid right wing A-hole, I STARTED THIS THREAD. I’m not going to shut up just because a brainwashed rightwing troll says too. You’re a little man hiding behind a key board. Come out to the real world with that attitude, and someone will shove a shotgun up your ash. Turn you into a Champagne Supernova.

              2. Peter, You need to ACTUALLY study economics. Inflation is not an indicator of wage increase. It is an indication of cost increase of good and services. The wages to small business’s have had to go up do to the labor shortage. None of these things is a good thing and is causing a strain on all businesses. No good. Afghanistan is and always will be our problem as they are trying to reinstate a caliphate. Dumbass bailing instead of doing the smart and slow withdrawal that was planned is not good. JOE is the debt. Between him and obozo they have created trillions in debt and want to do even more. You have no idea what you are talking about. Stop talking.

              3. Peter when inflation goes up so does everything else. So yes you are correct technically you might make more money on paper but the problem is since the cost of living has went up to you are still paying out the same amount as before. Hope this helps.

              4. Real raises……..what a joke. The rich keep getting richer while the reel workers get chump change pay. 2% raise for a billion dollar company is a joke.

          3. Under Trump, we were producing more oil than we consumed, effectively cutting off those enemies you listed. Under Dementia Joe, we have returned to depending on those enemies, and added Chinese lithium to the list of must-haves. Virtually everything he’s done is to the detriment of freedom-loving Americans, and the benefit of communist parties worldwide.

          4. Is that why Brandon was kissing these “enemies” assess for more oil after he canceled drilling leases and pipelines?

          5. Dream on Dream on teenage queen!

          6. Me sitting back as an independent watching a bunch of clowns on an automotive website try to justify why there part is right for raising inflation in our country and pointing the finger at the other side. Ahh the sweet smell of fools who speak on things they don’t know I love it. 😎🍺🍿 🚬

            1. Ah yes, you’re another indoctrinated-cultist moron who knows nothing about writing correct English but rushes to employ the typical Project, Deny, Deflect and Discredit tactics like the usual narcissistic leftard he is trying to claim that he’s not. Too bad, you lose ! Your asinine, “I’m-so-superior-to- you” comment just self-identified you by your vain attempt to self-aggrandize.

              1. Is that the best you could come up with? Try harder next time friend. Oh and yes I am superior to you I’m not a conspiracy theorist do you have your tin foil hat on while you write this?

                1. , , , . . *Do

                  I can keep it up…if you can.

                  1. Keep what up? Do you think I’m speaking to you? Strange you are using two different names on here. Follow the lines next time so you don’t get lost.

                    1. Clearly you are, as you replied to my comment, and said “you.”

                      “PhD” and “PE,” collectively, represent only one name, despite conveying two distinct awards.

                  2. You do realize I was speaking to billj598 right? Don’t forget to change your name back next time it’s weird to use two different names.

                    1. Elementary forum lesson:
                      See the indentations to the left of comments? They indicate replies to the above comment that’s one tick to the left – and, depending upon your timing, there could be numerous other replies to that same comment between your comment and the one to which you are replying. Accordingly, you were replying to me…but you already knew that, because you clicked the “reply” box in my comment, not anyone else’s.

                      There’s more than one person here who has recognized your shortcomings.

                    2. No that’s not how it works on here. I initially made a comment to Peter G then billj598 responded to me which I replied back to him then you said “i can keep it up if you can”. I never made a comment to you at all until you said that. So like I said don’t forget to change your name back next time because it looks weird when you don’t. If you would actually follow the lines you would see I never said a thing to you until your initial response thanks.

                2. Thanks much for confirming everything. Appreciate it. Bwa-ha-ha-ha. Obnoxious Narcissist can’t even figure out who is replying to his rubbish and lies due to his Allodoxaphobia and TDS.

                  1. Theres not much to figure out. You replied to me I replied back then the user of many names replied to me. Also I never said a word about trump so…

                  2. Trump lost get over it. P.S. he won’t be back in 24 sorry but the cult god you worship is done.

                    1. @ Andy
                      Next time do it properly and add one term twice impeached. That will get the right wing nut jobs on here going.

                    2. And since I can’t “reply” to Jerry’s comment directly:

                      And twice found not guilty of the BS charges.

                    3. Jerry
                      You caught one quick lol.

                3. In the spirit of the epidemic 2021 cancellation of US history, gender, bodily autonomy, truth, law enforcement, fossil fuels, the very carbon we’re made from, punishment for “minor” crimes (excluding those purportedly “heinous” crimes that occurred in Washington DC on January 6th) and all pretense of sanity, I hereby propose extending the left’s snowballing list of bans to include the very tired and overused “tinfoil hat” refrain from their revered Communist Handbook.

            2. , , *forum *their *party (non sequitur) , .

              Even with the corrections it remains illogical and dishonest.

              1. Which person is replying? Is it PhD PE or PE or billj598? You don’t need to use multiple names you aren’t going to get in trouble for saying whatever you need to say. I understand using the PhD PE or just PE but switching to billj598 is just weird.

          7. Wow, more numbers from CNN.

          8. He should have no qualms about losing $100 in ’24 since it’ll only be worth about $12 by the time his party’s through raking the US over the banned coals.

            1. It’s not about the money. The whole thing just sounds like a big pain in the butt. Open up an escrow account. Then wait 2 years. Sounds like one of these Nigerian prince scams. Where one of the parties empties out both accounts, and signs me up on a strang websites involving farm animals.

              1. Lol the Nigerian prince thing was hilarious. I wouldn’t rip you off for $100? I’m not that petty Peter. But either way like I said I think you are a good guy and I like reading your input on vehicles I think you have good perspective. My offer still stands if you ever come to Greenville SC or are remotely close I know some good cigar lounges around here if you smoke they serve drinks as well. They also have great ventilation systems you walk out and nobody would ever smell smoke on you.

    3. Watching Biden try to run the country is like watching a slow motion train wreck. I honestly can’t think of a single aspect of my life that’s better off now, to the contrary there’s a long list of how it’s gotten worse.

    4. I miss Donald J. Trump SO MUCH: I demand another Republican candidate for a [America Breaking Democrat’s] Replacement for next term! Democrat’s now are responsible for another RECESSION coming up! You can still have a ICE while having oil production still in operation. Instead of giving “MORE $$MONEY TO JAPAN” for building materials for computer chips instead of keeping that REVENUE in America. If those of you are against this idea: then your grandparents didn’t raise a person to help America grow.

  2. I think the biggest problem with EV adoption is supply. It just doesn’t exist. You don’t need to force ev adoption at this point because EVs have a very long wait list.

    1. Biggest problem with EV adoption is it’s unsustainable, and drought with lies. Tesla has received in the past 6 years between 1-2 billion in carbon credits each and ever year yet their income has been

      2020: 750 million loss
      2019: 1 billion loss
      2018: 1.6 billion loss
      2017: 2 billion loss

      2021 was their first year posting a profit,
      and after receiving 1.6 billion in carbon credits and production lines were shuttered.

      Also, they are a premium vehicles, averaging high ATP’s with cheap interior plastics and no buttons to cut costs and bring down the price..,.. on a 120000$ model S that is pricier than any vehicle in GM’s wheelhouse.

      Meanwhile GM is selling malibus, for less than the cost of a Tesla’s motors alone, and turning a profit. All the while paying 50+ million a year in fines for gas guzzling.

      There is no EV future, literally because the price of these things mean that our current crop of cars will just solder on and be repaired as nobody can afford this

      Either way, we won’t have to worry, as these regs will be removed before 2026. Heck for that matter, the EPA probably won’t exist after 2024. The drain the swampers are demanding the end of the EPA, DOE, FBI and most the DOJ.

      1. “The drain the swampers are demanding the end of the EPA, DOE, FBI and most the DOJ.”

        This is where many right wingers lose moderate voters, you can be conservative but when people go fly-over cult you’ll end up with a Biden in office….

        1. It is only because these agencies have been totally corrupted by the far-left. And you neglected to mention the most corrupt and dangerous government agency of all: the IRS.

  3. The 2050 will be met but these short term numbers are just to generate penalty money to the government.

    The EV thing is cone regulations or not but the short term numbers are unreasonable as they need to sell the models people want to get the EV products people accept.

    The auto industry knows they will never get their way with regulations so once they saw they could achieve EV models that will make their goals and they see they can possibly make them. More profitable even at the same prices they committed to make the move.

    When people ask why GM offer a ZR2 with no supercharger these numbers are why and they will end the other powerful models too.

    1. Yep easy money for the gov.

    2. Not to worry, once Brandon gets booted out of office I. 2024 or before, the new admin will ease them.

      1. They have already won and If Don walked in on Monday tbe automakers will not change course.

        Companies can not start and stop multi billion dollar programs every 4 years . Don would be only able to help those who are behind.

        The fight now is for our present gas and Diesel vehicles. They are the next target. Look for the left to introduce programs to remove them from the roads or limit their use.

        Buy back programs, followed by the restriction of fuel or fuel that could further damage vintage cars. Or like in Japan charge a higher tax as cars get older to make them difficult to keep.

        These are the present battles as the automaker are not changing their direction. They also have to deal with regulations in many other countries if they expect to sell cars there.

        From my in the parts industry I am able to see it is changing to address EV products. We know that they are coming and everyone is looking for where they fit in. Piston companies are looking to convert to EV parts and to unit hybrid engines for some road and off road use.

        Many here are preparing or arguing for a point well passed and not going to happen.

    3. So rather than giving it one last horrah like the other automakers like Ford has been doing we’re justifying the lack of trying because of this? There’s a reason why 4cylinder engines exist to get around this requirement. Why is Ford doing the Raptor R? Why is Ram giving the TRX 3-4 years of minimum availability?

      Please quit justifying laziness, GM is late to this party and it freaking sucks. By the time they get to the party the crowd will be long gone and then GM will justify ever making the truck again because of low sales figures even though they showed up way late as they currently are rn.

      1. Guy this is not laziness. This is taking the money they have to get a jump on the market.

        Once you see the GM truck vs the Ford EV truck you will see GM is 2-3 ahead just in that model. By the time the mandate is reached GM will have a vehicle that is much closer if not spot on s Ford.

        Kind of like the story of the one squirrel storing nuts while the other is out playing in the fall only to starve in the winter.

        To be honest I understand Gord they have plants still under bank loans anfpd they have not paid back their government loan of 5.9 billion yet. They need the money for that first and when companies are desperate for money they build expensive models to try to draw money.

        In the Case of FCA it was to find a partner to merge with only to have this partner set plans to kill these models.

        GM is trying to prevent spending money on short term highs as they know this will take even more money moving forward.

        The goal is to build a long term strong future for the company not just build a model that in ten years few will remember or see.

  4. Again, The govt, Joe moron, and the EPA have no idea what they Forcing down peoples throats but no surprise here. What a joke.

  5. Fleewide average of 55 mpg in 2026. That’s three years away for planning purposes. How many vehicles currently achieve 55 mpg?? And the Feds believe automakers can wave a magic wand and hit 55 mpg across the board with just three years of development? Sounds like they need to repeal the laws of physics.

    1. Let’s not forget when it starts. 2023. 2023 model year cars can start coming out 1-1-2022. This genius has a new rule for corp fuel efficiencies to start literally 11 days from when he released it. How can anyone think that this guy is for real? You can bet our enemies don’t. Very sad.

    2. Sounds like more tactics to cripple and control a working class. Let’s Go Brandon.

    3. Sounds like Holy Mary will have to radically curtail production of (or abruptly discontinue) her current Hail Mary cash cows – “hot selling” full-sized pickups and SUVs – and ask herself “why again did we shortsightedly stop investing in competitive, affordable, fuel efficient US car lines in favor of this 9,000lb, $100K Hummer EV??”

  6. Meanwhile, no restrictions on cryptos which are major energy consumers and have even caused some coal fired electricity generation to restart. No restrictions on space tourism. Spacex got a drilling permit for natural gas in the permian. Hmm, I wonder why? I thought musk was an alien who brought technology to earth to save it. And here he is with drill baby drill. But turns out, he is just as much of a polluter, heck maybe more of one, one study suggested fully 20% of all future natural gas consumption in the US will end up for rocket fuel for space tourism. Who knew, lobbing rockets into space takes alot of energy.

  7. Sounds like a cry for help, they know Biden’s out the door..

    1. What’s the saying? Rats jumping ship lol.

    2. Guestt
      One foot out the door with the other in the grave.

  8. Answer me this, where in the hell is everyone supposed to charge these EV’s especially if they live in dense urban environments where the housing infrastructure are more like 90% apartments and condos? It’s not like there’s charging stations on every street corner either like gas stations.

    The problem with a lot of this supposed EV adoption is the fact that it will separate the “Haves and Have Nots”.

    Reason being is that people that own single family homes with a garage will have the upmost advantage because of being able to install chargers that will save the owners money (via through slow charging) vs say a fast charging EV station that will charge a lot more money per charge and will fluctuate on demand depending on energy usage of the area.

    And that’s if an EV station is even close by to an EV owner.

    Also no one is stating how long these charge times will take. Imagine a line of cars wrapped down the street at a charging station stuck because it takes 15 minutes to a half an hour to charge your EV barely up to 50%?

    The convenience is simply not there, and probably never will be. Unlike filling a gas powered vehicle which takes only 5 minutes to fill up the tank on average. And if you let your car sit for weeks in a garage it will always start right up, can’t do that with an EV. The battery will be dead in no time.

    This is hands down about total Government control over our freedom of choice, and not about green house gases BS. Simply because EV’s are not practical and won’t work in many different environments. Rural and in very dense urban areas basically will make it almost impossible for anyone to own an EV. Extremely hot and cold environments shorten the batteries lifespan as well and make EV’s less efficient to operate (I.E. shorter range).

    Also what do the oil companies have to say about this? Do we honestly think they will just sit back and accept a future with less ICE vehicles?

    Again, automakers will purposely make EV’s to not last that long thus forcing the public to upgrade their vehicles every few years not because they want to but because they “Will have to”. Currently we see 20-30 plus year old vehicles on the road today still chugging along. You won’t see 20-30 year old EV’s on the road period.

    And what about all the smog shops? Smog fees? And other environmental and pollution fees that some states charge on gas powered vehicles once EV’s are in total dominance? Do we really think that states will
    Just allow such a huge source of revenue to go away?

    I feel like the government will always look for a way to tax the hell out of EV owners eventually. Maybe some sort of made up annual EV check up to make sure your batteries are leaking fluids or seeping out gasses somehow.

    Let the people decide if they want EV’s or not in our free market society, the government needs to stay the hell outta the way!

    1. Follow the money, always follow the Money. Most non-cultists are aware of the extensive Biden Family business connections to Communist Chinese Companies. China rules the World in advanced technology to process Lithium from mining and also leads the World in cheap labor and the pricing and manufacture of Lithium Ion batteries. Understand now why Biden and his buddies are pushing the fraud known as EV’s so hard ?

      1. billj598, didn’t expect this from you, but damn, you’re right. Unfortunately, many are not aware. I say this because at a family get together dinner (we didn’t wear masks) China came up in a discussion, Apple vs Samsung, and someone was taking up for Apple and bam… Uighurs came up and all of the faces around the table looked like cow’s starring at a new gate… Shaking my head, I chimed in and said you guys (sorry no pronouns at he table) are kidding…right… No, we haven’t heard about them… 4 out of 9 people including myself knew about Uighurs. The discussion turned to Biden’s China and Russian connections…as those 5 people wanted to learn more.

        So it’s very possible people are not aware of current events.

        1. Awareness of current events has become a matter of how much effort one makes to discover what’s going on in the world. Folks who just sit in front of their TVs and listen to what they’re told only know what that network wants them to know – and, arguably – most of the networks are nothing more than extensions of left/establishment propaganda machine…and we know they don’t want anyone to know anything negative about what’s actually happening in China, Afghanistan, Chicago, etc.

  9. Buy that new muscle car now. They’ll go the way of the dinosaur….

  10. What happened to common sense?

    1. Ask the Bidumb voters.

  11. That will undoubtedly raise the price of vehicles as well as limit choices. The government seems to still be on a push for EV’s which this will promote. EV’s solve the emissions problem but create a host of other problems. I’d rather see hydrogen.

    1. Amen to HYDROGEN, friend. Especially since some intelligent researcher has now developed a catalytic method of extracting the Hydrogen from water. Actually, EV’s are a fraud and don’t solve the emissions problem since more electrical generating plants will be required to re-charge all of them in areas that are now severely strained to provide enough electricity to consumers….and there are many. And that’s ignoring how the Electrical distribution grid is inadequate to carry all that additional voltage.

  12. WAY TO GO Bidumb !!!! Not only have you relentlessly screwed up Energy Policy and driven Fuel prices up with your stupidity and insanity but now, you will have us all driving battery powered Roller skates.

    Yeah, we know the Biden-family business connections to Communist China where they lead the world in Lithium processing technology, cheap labor (slaves) and control the production and pricing of Lithium batteries.

    Man, do I miss Trump ! FJB!

    1. Its only 200k to join Mar A Largo, good chance you would catch him waddling around the course when he isn’t busy answering indictments.

  13. Hey, Inflation is defined as Too much money going after too few goods. There is a shortage of goods for many reasons that the pandemic has partly created. Wages have gone up also, so there is a little more money going after those fewer goods. It’s both gentleman, U can stop bickering.

  14. LMAS, Yeah like that’s going to happen, Not. Like let’s get real. This is being done to push electric vehicles that are not practical. Maybe in 100 years when they have a battery system that is lightweight, can be charged on a 110 V system, didn’t catch fire, didn’t cost 10 to 20 thousand dollars to replace, and had a minimum range of 1,000 miles.


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