President Biden visited General Motors’ newly opened Factory Zero plant in Michigan yesterday, where he emphasized the importance of supporting the production of union-built American vehicles and vowed to help the U.S. surpass China as the world leader in EVs.
President Biden also got the opportunity to sample the new 2022 GMC Hummer EV Pickup during his visit to the Michigan plant, with the 78-year-old hopping behind the wheel of a white prototype model and demonstrating the vehicle’s launch control for the assembled media.
The president later tweeted out a photo of him sitting in the Hummer EV and praised the performance of the vehicle.
“As a lot of folks know, I’m a car guy,” Biden said in a tweet. “I’ve gotten a chance to drive some pretty incredible vehicles over the years, but I never could have imagined ones like the electric vehicle I took for a spin today. The future is electric – and it will be made right here in America.”
Biden also retweeted a video of him driving the Hummer EV that Bloomberg White House correspondent Justin Sink had posted previously, tagging it with the description: “Like I said, I’m a car guy.”
Like I said, I’m a car guy.
— President Biden (@POTUS) November 17, 2021
President Biden signed a $1 trillion infrastructure bill this week that will sideline $7.5 billion to build a network of EV chargers in the U.S., along with another $65 billion to upgrade the country’s power grid. The infrastructure bill does not include the bonus tax credits for union-built EVs, which are part of the separate Build Back Better Act that the Senate plans to pass before Christmas. The union tax credits have been met with opposition from major automakers like Toyota, Honda and Volkswagen, as well as moderate West Virginia Sen. Joe Manchin.
Despite the pushback for the union tax credits, Biden reemphasized his support of American unions during his visit to Factory Zero this week.
In addition to the GMC Hummer EV Pickup, the Factory Zero plant will also build the GMC Hummer EV SUV, Cruise Origin robotaxi and the future Chevy Silverado EV. The plant will employ around 2,200 people once it’s up and running at full capacity by mid-decade.
Subscribe to GM Authority for more GMC Hummer EV news, GMC news, GM-related politics news and around-the-clock GM news coverage.
“Quick activate the Supercruise, President Brandon think he is Brandon Brown”…
Toyota, Honda, Volkswagen and all other Import Auto Makers making vehicles in the USA should be Unionize , Penalized , or build in the there on countries
Let’s go Brandon!
Economy always does better when there’s a Democrat in the White House.
Under the last president, GM canceled a bunch of models and sold half the company.
Under Biden, businesses are struggling to find workers.
I know you like to troll but come on man don’t spread your filthy lies. You think the economy is better lmao #maketrollinggreatagain
The economy ALWAYS does better when there’s a Democrat in the White House.
If you don’t believe me, do some research yourself.
You’re asking people on GMauthority to do research when their only sources of information are Q-drops, Joe Rogan, and pro-fascist twitter bots.
That’s an interesting take coming from a guy who made sexist remarks about women.
I love how calling out misogyny on the site is “sexist towards women”.
To you, women must work twice as hard and not hold any opinion if they want to be seen as equal to their male counterparts. But even then, you’re still threatened by a women in any position of power so you’ll comment on her looks or second guess everything she says or does.
I bet you think calling out white supremacy is “racist” too.
I look forward to your clever retort of: “nuh-uh! I know you are but what am I?!”
Would you like me to copy and paste what you said?
Andy appears to be another basement dweller that only gets on the internet in order to make trouble and attempt to show others how “woke” he is.
It is best that you ignore him and leave him to his life of misery and internet tough talk. We truly live in sad times.
Aren’t you the asshole who killed his own mother off online because you couldn’t take a joke?
Lol put the bottle down man you make no sense
6 weeks back you claimed your mother was dead.
Nobody on here has ever mentioned anything about any Q drops except you. Are you sure you aren’t talking about yourself there? To me it sounds like you are the one who follows Q drops and pro fascist Twitter bots. It’s ok Andy you don’t have to try to hide what you are into it’s the internet just be yourself.
Aww Andy and Peter have mommy issues how cute.
True, I have mommy issues. Why don’t you send your mommy over to my place. I’ll show her a good time.
Kyle rittenhouse not guilty today is a good day. 😎
What the hell is wrong with you? Talk about cars or something.
Tom still trying to dictate what people can talk about I see.
What the hell is wrong with you? Coming back to look at an article written yesterday just to complain again in the comments lmao.
Brandon will save us, print more money Brandon!
In a way you are correct.However the economy is stimulated by the free money the Democrats give away- proof is in the pudding look at the inflation rate right now and it was stimulated by the free money they gave away and continue to give away- pay attention to what Manchin say-
The National debt went up by $8 trillion under Trump. So you can take the B.S. about Democrats giving away money and shove it.
Okay, I’m not a Trump supporter, but he was able to get the unemployment numbers down to 3%, that’s of course until we got smaked with COVID .
Raymond J.
Give away $8 trillion in free money and unemployment will go down.
You are trying really hard to spin that misinformation. The previous administration did not give away 8 trillion dollars so what are you talking about? Are you meaning the budget and the other money used for Covid relief packages? The way you are trying to word it is very misleading. You don’t have to like trump but there is no need to try to lie about what happened.
The government ran a deficit every year Trump was in office, and deficit got bigger every year Trump was in office.
Trying to blame covid for Trump’s financial incompetence is disingenuous and completely ignorant on your part.
Peter G:
Right you are, and in-fact Trump was mad that the FED didn’t lower rates EVEN FASTER to essentially counterfeit more money.
Of course, now Mr. Trump at his rallies picks on Biden for not doing things that Mr. Trump campaigned on in 2016 but didn’t do either.
Even though the results are in general pretty Gawd-Awful, Biden is fulfilling some of Trump’s 2016 campaign promises…
I knew in 2016 one month after I voted for Mr. Trump (voted for Tulsi Gabbard in 2020 since she seemed to me the politician lying the least) after campaigning against “Lock her UP! Hillary” – that he turned 180 degrees and said on the US “60 Minutes” program:
“I would never arrest the Clintons – they’re good people…. They’re also good friends of mine”….
That just made me want to PUKE.
You are trying really hard to spin that misinformation. The previous administration did not give away 8 trillion dollars so what are you talking about? Are you confused about the budget and some of the money used for Covid relief packages when it first started? The way you are trying to word it is very misleading. You don’t have to like trump but there is no need to try and lie about what happened.
Unfortunately, this place is littered with trolls, but Peter G may take the cake.
IMHO, it’s better off just ignoring these incels as they sit in their parents’ basement and self-fornicate. It’s quite sad.
Wow and you are suppose to be a Christian? What a nasty mouth that is not Christian like at all.
Judge not least he be judged.
^that Christian enough for you?^
You need to go pray. Your attitude is not Christian like at all and it’s disgraceful what an embarrassment.
Let us prey,
Oh Lord
Please give me the strength to change the things I can change.
the patience to tolerate the things I cannot change
and Oh Lord, please help me hide the bodies of people I had to kill because they pissed me off
I think this prayer will be better suited for you. Dear god I know I am a jerk please help me to not be an assshole today. This prayer is what you should be saying.
No that prayer is all yours
Lol still praying to your fake god lmao. Go touch more kids Peter your priest is calling you.
Still not Catholic
@infamous I would have to agree with your observation.
Anyone who tries to look at facts knows that is true. Economy has gone up under the past three Democratic Presidents, But this isn’t a political forum…
Oh yea he is doing great! That is why inflation is so high and job growth is so low. LOL! His ratings are so low only beaten by his VP. I’m sorry but they haven’t done nothing for our economy but tank it.
All they had to do was maintain what was in place. The only reason why the economy was hit last year was because the epidemic. All 3 other years of growth. Black Asian Hispanic White.. Men and women. All had shown growth..
Over 200 million Americans have gotten at least 1 shot of the vaccine in the 10 months that Biden has been in office. Businesses are opening up. Thanksgiving travel is back to prepandemic levels. Travel to and from Europe is back again.
We stole the Australian Nuclear sub contract from France. We are out of Afghanistan, and We are investing $1.2 Trillion in infrastructure.
The inflation your seeing is largely due to the Economy opening up again. Once all the “pent up demand” is satisfied. Inflation will get back to normal.
Everything you mention was started under Trump. Inflation is because of Biden and so is the Border issue problem. Dems only get the good news because a previous republican administration got the ball going. Right now the ball is about to stop. Wait until next year when all thos people getting these child tax credit checks don’t get any money back at tax time. Buying will stop and economy like under most democrats will stall.
I’m ok with Electric vehicles, but GM has even move their projected date for no more ICE engines to 2040. It will be longer than that once the enviroment wackos realize how bad we actually damage the enviroment with trying to get the precious metals for the batteries. Like usuall they are far behind just like with plastic bags. They said its the fix for cutting down trees, we see how well that went.
Well your right about one thing we are out of Afghanistan leaving our citizens and billions of dollars worth of equipment and scared afghans falling off air carriers 100’s of feet in the air..The people should have gone first. The last should leave should have been our military after we evacuated everyone out that had to leave. But obviously we seen how that turned out. People didn’t like Trump bluntness but he never back down to a terrorist organization like Biden did. The military departure was planned by Trump and if the Taliban had strayed from the agreement judgement would have been dealt quickly . You will never know how bad it is over there. Wake up and see your mother or father shot in the head by these wicked terrorist..
We all know this is a failed administration. Obama’s chief physician has stated the decline in Biden’s mental ability. It’s not s joke.. it’s serious..
It’s sad and he is an embarrassment to our country, to our men and women in uniform, and international. So no to 4 more in 24’ lol..
Biden’s choices were:
a) put 40,000 troops back in Afghanistan
b) Stick with Trump’s bad deal.
Biden chose “b” so he gets full blame for the messy withdrawal. He also gets full credit for being out.
~ The rocks come with the farm.
BTW: Our troops know to scuttle any equipment they leave behind. Making it unusable by the enemy. Give them some credit.
Your telling me that the worst withdrawal in American history. That left thousands of citizens stranded at airports being guarded by the Taliban had nothing to do with Joe Biden but all because of Trump?
It’s like when something bad happens.. Blame Trump it was his doing.. lol. Months prior to the withdrawal Biden confirmed that there was no threat and that Afghans could have democracy. It’s a failed leadership and none the less. People who try to cast the blame never lead and Biden is the truest example.
There were problems before.. from the Bush administration Obama and Trump administration.. ask soldiers who were over there to train them to fight terrorism. They didn’t have the desire to defend themselves. Some only sought to defend for the income. It paid good. It was a big money pit when we spend billions a year for it. Only a handful out of every 100 or so wanted to fight. It’s sad because a lot of lives were loss for what reason.
The problem was that the Talibans don’t fear Joe Biden. And they took over Afghanistan and slaughtered thousands. They at least knew if they did not kept to the agreement that judgement would be imminent as I previously stated.
So no, it wasn’t a bad idea. It was only because there is no leader in office. Someone who bows down to terrorist asking them to open the airports.. and they replied no..
I care less about the equipment but 13 soldiers that were killed because of person in office that couldn’t lead.
Don’t give me that about the equipment being bricked. This should not happen and everyone can see it unless you try to defend him everyday. *Shaking my head*
So what you’re saying is Biden would have needed to put a large number of troops back in Afghanistan to get Afghanistan under control.
I couldn’t agree more.
He’s been undoing everything else Trump did and now you want to say he couldn’t undo Afghanistan? Bulls#@t.
It all depends on how you look at it right? Just like the whole jobs added claim it’s a nice headline but the issue is majority of those numbers are simply people returning to work, not brand new jobs added. It’s hard for Joe to take credit for the vaccine they tried that several months ago at a press briefing and a reporter called them out and the guy speaking had to acknowledge it was the previous administration that had it in place. As far as businesses opening back up here that praise goes to the individual states not the president or federal government. The $1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill is another nice headline and I’m sure to many they believe it’s mainly for infrastructure they don’t realize that only a very small percentage is. The inflation is not going up because the economy is reopening the economy has been open. The war in Afghanistan was going to end no matter who got in the deal was already made and it would of been a very bad look for whoever became president to try and retract that agreement. I voted for Obama in 08 and 12 but I can tell you this if Joe is the nominee for 24 I will not vote that election. I think we will lose big time next year during midterms and I think someone else from the democratic party will get the nod. I think you say a lot of the things you say on here to just argue with people because at this point even lifelong democrats are having a hard time praising Joe. You have your opinion and I have mine I think there were a lot of better democrat candidates then Joe and it’s unfortunate that he was giving the nod. But like I said I don’t think he will get the blessing in 24 they will probably say it’s because of his age or what not that he decided not to run again.
Yes, and I’m really a republican. If Trump was standing in front of me right now, I would be practicing my second amendment right. Until I’m completely out of Ammo.
I would be careful saying things like that bro. I know people joke on here but I would just be careful saying that. At least word it different next time. I got a friend who got a visit from ss a while back for saying something less then that.
Here In Chicago killing Trump isn’t Illegal.
Half the City would applaud me.
The other would say I didn’t make him suffer enough.
Guys like you are the issue with this country. You are so blind and follow your master no matter what happens. I personally know a ton of democrats that will not vote for Joe in the unlikely event he gets the nod to run again in 24 which is unlikely. Also you wouldn’t do anything if anyone was standing in front of you. Guys that try to act tuff on the internet are just weak you make threats to people behind your screen but you wouldn’t have that same energy in real life face to face. You just try to troll and it’s ok though we both know you wouldn’t say or act like this in person.
What a weird comment. Are you claiming that if someone is a democrat they can’t say they don’t like joe or what he has done?
Trump was in office in 2008-2009?
Ok.. I’m sorry. I just about spilt my drink, but I’m fine now..
Anyways kudos to GM for making this great accomplishment. I kind of want one. Maybe next year.
…. we all know the Vehicles Industries … are Out of Majority Reality… including ourselves… The car industries are not made to o the Workers Classes, neither as me as ex Mechanical Engineer and Industrial Surface Designer, neither to my wife .. it is only for people rich, who has some more than US§ 300 000 in accounts, with a House since long by father old generations bought with a good heritage of investments… those industries are in their realities, not in the realities of most roads and streets this world… but those who sits in parlaments, in well decorated offices just seating some 6 hours a day on an expensive chair saying what workers should do to them…they do not know as the nail was driven into the wood more than 500 m away from his office on the 10th floor, far away from the worker who carries it, who knows everything, if the hammer hit the pain in his finger or scraped the nail head in full, this yes, know well the pain of playing the piano of life, the manager upstairs just listens to The music, hitting emails on the keyboard or coming and talking bla bla blas
with lot of rounders tonguing his and her secretary shoes .. …this makes us only to be fed up and back on couch from this humanitary way system … which makes us appreciating the nature, animals and plants this world with our tiny salaries … HOWEVER me & wife found a good compromise edge in the hard system, with our found system, I do not need to implore to those industries, neither to the third system of them and wife at home also holding the knots … but the best we could do… so we do not care to where this human planet goes
hopefully the seats are easy to clean after president sharts sat in it
Pedo Joe
You guys have got to stop posting GM news with political figures. This comment section is a cesspool of misinformation by people who don’t know that google is super easy to use to disprove their nonsense.
LOL! Going to Google in the quest for truth is like going to McDonald’s in hopes of finding a prime rib steak.
Lol I didn’t say Wikepedia or Newsmax. Google is a tool to find sources, just in case you didn’t know. Some of the information you find is untrue, some is true. This is how the internet works. A fact will always be a fact. I get that you guys are Convervatives and that’s cool, but to legit pretend that job growth is bad right now is just silly, it’s easily fact-checkable. Like people blaming the current administration for high gas prices. They don’t decide gas price, nor have them imposed any new taxes on petrol based products. Gas is expensive as hell all over the world right now, it’s not just an America problem.
… sorry to enter the conversation but
1. governments put the gas prices very high to impose you electric cars are nice
1.1 but electricity also increased a lot in prices
2. wikipedia problem is administrators of wiki who knows nothing about theme and put the fingers destroying what you researched welll, it is why wiki can not be trust but more or less a reference and sucks the edit wars
3. google after the india guy as ceo also is not this fit as in the beginning… you really can not trust a daily satellite map in google earth or maps, you really do not know what is reality or it is 8 years back
4. so what the city here make the digitalisation by their own because google hmmm lost the reference as well
You’re simply incorrect. And your wording is all over the place and very hard to follow.
ok, you are the majesty of planet… sorry king a commoner talked to you
Was Dr. Jill there to move him in the right direction like a 2 year old child?
I was very disappointed to read that the President ran over Mary.
Peter G is an alias for Hunter Biden. That is probably the only person who thinks Biden is doing a good job.
If you had any balls you would address me directly.
Should he use the name Peter or Dick to address you directly? Which would you like to go by today?
Think I’ll stick with this name for a while.
Tonight I was helping my 11 year-old with her vocabulary homework. We came to “inept,” and I asked her to use it in a sentence. She responded “Joe Biden is inept.”
*Winning* in the Free State of Florida
Hey Joe where is the mask?? Follow the science!!! Come on man!!!
I hope he keeps his OnStar active so he can find his way home!
Thank you everyone for all the humor today!
What a zany crowd. I don’t want to buy another GM car and be associated with people who support dictators over a decent man as President.
What dictators are you talking about?
Reading what people are writing is 50% BS. All this article was about Biden driving a GMC hummer, nothing more nothing less.
Cry some more about it tom.
Brandon nailed the pedal to the floorboard and immediately crapped his pants. Senile Old Fart FJB
Yeah, difficult to make an Intelligent comment here…. When we do, we get ‘moderated’..
It is easier to comment here – difficult as it is – than on Cadillac Society, Or Ford Authority – where it is almost impossible to log-in, and therefore, many articles on those two forums have zero comments…. All the comments are here, but most are of little value, and are hardly ‘moderated’.
I can sum them all up.
Poopy Pants.
Lets Go Brandon.
An intelligent comment would be to discern whether Team Joe was actually driving, or there was another driver, as suspected the last time he tried this…
It is pretty awful when Brandon makes more intelligent comments than here.