General Motors has signed on with several other automakers in committing to phasing out fossil-fuel vehicles by 2040. General Motors is joined by Ford, Mercedes-Benz, Jaguar Land Rover, Volvo, and six other major automakers in committing to cutting out fossil fuel-powered vehicles in the next several decades. The commitments follow the United Nations Climate Change Conference, with several national, state, and local governmental bodies also joining the agreement.
According to a recent report from Reuters, Toyota and Volkswagen were absent in committing to the new agreement, as were China, the U.S., and Germany. Although the broader U.S. government did not commit to the new agreement, major U.S. states like California and New York have given approval.
Several major transportation-based companies have also given support, including Uber and automobile leasing / fleet management company Leaseplan.
According to the Reuters report, which cites “an industry source,” some automakers are wary of committing to phasing out fossil fuels as it not only requires an expensive shift in technology, but also hinges on commitments from governments to build the charging and grid infrastructure required to support a major influx of electric vehicles.
General Motors previously announced plans to eliminate tailpipe emissions from new light-duty vehicles by 2035, as well as the goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2040. To this end, General Motors is gearing up to release 30 new all-electric vehicles globally by 2025, with 40 percent of The General’s U.S. models slated to run exclusively on battery power in the next four years. Some of the more hotly anticipated all-electric models include an EV variant of the popular Chevy Silverado pickup truck, slated to debut at the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show early next year.
General Motors has also previously stated that it is working towards “zero emissions, zero crashes, and zero congestions,” or the Triple Zero goal, with billions in investments into electric vehicle technology and autonomous vehicle technology.
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This is a joke lol
Let’s look at their track record. They built the Bolt and they had to recall every single one for battery fires. 1 car and they f**ked that up. Take away all the Government incentives and lets see how electric cars sell. If all they manufactures are going to attempt to go to electric their won’t be any incentives. This will lead to a GM bankruptcy part 2. There is nothing wrong with having different options for the consumer.
Wrong, GM had the EV1, S10 EV and more recently the Spark EV.
Sam – You’re right. I forgot about the vehicles that aren’t even on the road and haven’t been on the road in 20 plus years. Now go find a Spark EV on the road. I was speaking on current vehicles that they are offering now.
USA1, every automaker is making the switch from ICE to EV not just GM. The battery fires are the fault of LG Chem, the South Korean battery maker.
do not need an electric car… keep with my E10 … hope gas station still have in 2040 to fill my tank in this same car
… well just read a text about this cop26 and 2040… do not know if Stellantis signed the meeting, but if yes, then means Lancia is dead… Chrysler tooo—
Cop26 will be a hodge podge of small countries+china. USA will not be there, nor half of Europe. I don’t know whether Canada will be there. The same upheaval we are seeing stateside is being seen worldwide in places like Brazil, Poland, Austria and even England right now. I can’t guage France cause daily revolts are the norm in Paris, but the entire world is fed up with old money elites telling us we can’t have cars, AC, meat or travel.
There won’t be a COP40 definitely and china probably won’t be communist anymore if this fall was an indication.
agree entirely with you, human money system is a prison, if you have you have freedom, if you do not have, then prison at home, for those who have homes… but talking about CO2… do not go Greta to complain with the volcano at La Palma Cabeza de Vaca about it spelling in the air such ? … well the ‘piralha’ told nothing about… imagine if she went with bus, airplane or car to glasgow or ask another sailing boat to carry her… we live in a crazy world isnt it … still not found a Sheikh to take us in a 160 m yacht in jacuzzi with 20 blondes to travel the world, maybe in one day … why the hell this Greta have to read papers to tell the world if she knows everything about nature… imagine her another those politicians of future, for her ok, she will receives a high salary but for us tax payers… to pay such people… the world is wasting
No, @MK, Stellantis did not sign. Neither did VW nor Toyota. Only six automakers were named in the Reuters news item: Mercedes-Benz, Volvo (subsidiary of Geely, China), BYD (China), Jaguar Land Rover (subsidiary of Tata Motors, India), as well as the US-american companies Ford and General Motors.
I saw after, byd which makes some electrical buses, mercedes benz … volvo jaguar ford and GM anyway thanks for calling my attention, my wife said to not be close to past elegant models but to be open for future innovations, will try that but do not believe the guys designing can do better either … well very skeptic still all with that, let’s see
but sincere, let’s say end of Ford and GM models… i relief because neither Germany, neither USA, neither Brasil, Italy, neither UAE signed this stupidity, the countries where we live most… neither the cities we are, so we can still have gas stations around to put our fuels… for god sakes, and Renault did not signed either, so we will still have spare pieces if something in car breakes which we do not expect… other day filled oil in motor, found too much to pay € 24 1 liter bottle, and other day paid € 75 for fill the tank € 1.70 E10 is too much but the politics and greta can put the liter 3 euros that we still do not care, just leave the car in garage and not going out from home in those cold days that compensate… still in the goal in 40 years to have the car 139 000 km… so the same EV vehicles to us
just imagine all the guys with old timers elegant cars of 1930ies, 1940ies, 1950ies etc to find a gas station in 30 years and not all models going in museum somewhere in garages, because hope Pebble Beach Elegance Concours still happens
GM and all the other co-signers won’t be in existence in the year 2040. Everything we will be driving will be coming to what’s left of America from Chi-na!
… yeah… if they continues doing such… really not … and people in USA in contrary roads ask for a Crvetterrari with a 100000000000000000000000000 hp motor inside hahaha in 3 years is a dead model
we can say Cadillac is a ‘was’ in 2030, for sure
I can imagine how the auto companies feel not bring under the thumb of oils coming for 100 years.
So no fossil fuel vehicles but 9,000 pound EVs that run on electricity largely generated by fossil fuels. That’s how gm is going to solve the problem? It makes no sense. I’m not anti-EV but all this blabbering on strikes me as more symbolism than substance.
I truly doubt gm will be around in 2040 to even concern themselves.
What f**king electric vehicle weighs 9,000lbs?!? If you’re referring to the GMC hummer EV, you have to understand that it’s not going to attract that many buyers. That’s a NICHE category. Just as the Range Rover is in Land Rovers portfolio. I’m with you on your last statement though.
Yes, SonicFan, I’m referring to the 4-1/2 ton GMC Hummer EV that GMC’s website says will be available in the Fall of 2021, which is obviously anytime now. Thus it’s the first of gm’s big EV onslaught and the one we know the most about. I fail to see how something so massively heavy is the answer to any environmental challenge.
I personally haven’t heard that gm only plans to sell a few of them or that they’ve been exempted from any laws due to extremely limited availability.
Still response to the fact that a Silverado HD 4WD CCSB diesel is 8100 lb shipping weight + 255 lbs for 36 gal of fuel.
I have seen the electric hummer on the road near my home town. I’m not far from GM Tech Center.
The modelS weighs over 5000, and it’s a small vehicle for America.
Looks like Peter g 10 year plan was wrong lol.
I don’t make predictions more than 5 years out.
I said pure EVs will be 10% of all new vehicles sold in 2 years.
No you said you won’t be able to buy a new ice vehicle within 10 years. But either way you are still close it’s almost 22 so 8 years off isn’t bad.
Ok, I think I may have said something like: With Europe, China and the U.S all going big on electric vehicles, in 10 years no one will be building vehicles for the few remaining petrolheads.
That wasn’t a prediction that’s just natural market progression.
Ahh my mistake I apologize
That is NOT soon enough! 2030 is appropriate!
Come on man as a fellow sonic owner myself I don’t want an ev sonic. Why would you cheer them to an2030 all electric lineup?
Why not? There’s no maintenance! No oil changes. No blow head gaskets. No torque converter failures. No transmission replacements. I can charge my Model 3 Long Range AWD for as little as FREE, and at most for $28 even in California during ‘On-Peak’ demand hours. It’s $0.42/kWh. 350mi range for $28 vs $50-60 for a vehicle in same size class.
Inverters blow, switches fail, diodes burn up. ICE cars have more electrical problems than mechanical these days. We want to magnify that?
Ah, there is it. Charge for FREE. THAT also needs to go away right along with the government incentives. PUT YOUR MONEY WHERE YOUR MOUTH IS AND PAY YOUR OWN WAY.
How about no! F these elitist oligarchs!
What exactly is an elite oligarch? It just sounds like you put two unrelated words together to form an imaginary target for your anger. I do know that Oil Oligarchs (which are very much real) have been making Billions for the past few decades are probably not happy about this. I assume you support them because you like it when car goes “vroom vroom”.
Anyone who is a politician. Anyone who is suppose to represent the people who are there because of the people and do absolutely NOTHING for the people hence a politician. Anyone who when the government “shuts down” continues to get paid even though all the real workers don’t hence again a politician. I could continue but I think you understand.
One fossil will be phased out by ’24…Brandonsaurs .
I’m all for EV, but this climate garbage is getting ridiculous.
LMAO. So many people complaining about the future transition to electric. I personally can’t wait.
Hopefully government quadruples the gas tax so everyone who refuses to transition to EV will get to pay for all the road construction. Give them something else to complain about. 🤣😂
You must be a domestic terrorist then because what you are wanting will cause riots. You must really believe the big guy can do whatever they want and the citizens will just take it.
Actually, that was the last president who thought he could do whatever he wanted. And his sheeple actually supported such thinking.
Take off your blinders and look to the future instead of being stuck in the past. Embrace new ideas, you might realize there are significant benefits. Or, just continue to live in the past while the world passes you by.
That makes a lot of sense, so all the people who can’t afford to buy a new vehicle when the government commands it should be punished for it got it. We should be thankful you aren’t in office making these decisions.
Don’t worry, the government will find a way to tax the hell out of EVs and the electricity that goes into them.
Of course. Tax is inevitable and I have no problem with that cause I understand the many benefits I get from those taxes. But I can guarantee that those who refuse to transition to EV will be taxed far greater as an incentive to make the switch.
2040 is 20 years away. People do not remember what gm commited to 5 years ago let alone 20. It is dissapointing to see gm and Ford succumb to virtue signaling hoping to curry favor with the woke crowd. Funny how the automakers that blew by gm and Ford in terms of size- VW, Toyota, Stellantis- did not join this asinine “pledge.” Perhaps they realize that the market will determine what customers want and not a bunch of lame-ass politicians.
One very important detail here is the agreement is for cars and vans. This would seem to leave trucks open to continue with gas/diesel options. My guess is we’ll see the 1500 go all electric in the near-medium term and the 2500 and up will continue with gas/diesel options for awhile
I don’t know why people are complaining. The time 2040 hit every automaker will be selling battery or hydrogen vehicles. GM couldn’t continue to sell ICE vehicles if they wanted to, because who would they sell to when every state of not country will have heavy restriction on ICE vehicles if not a total ban. I love the sound of a V8 just like any other car enthusiast. But I know the end of ICE is coming if you like it or not.
How about Volvo saying their EV needs to be driven 70,000 miles before it is actually greener than their ICE SUV! Battery production, increased aluminum content and the inefficient ways of charging the vehicle in many areas…ie coal and natural gas supplied electricity has made ALL EV’s not as green as Father Joe would have us believe. Wind and solar are years away from being efficient.
“Wind and Solar are years away from being efficient”
So what happens to all the wasted wind and Solar.
One should not forget that the signers spoke of “leading” or “significant” markets, i.e. not world wide.
Now it is up to the individual automaker which markets they consider to be “leading”
News reported yesterday that Europe is going to burn coal to make electricity because wind turbines are not generating enough power. This makes ev vehicles MORE polluting than ice vehicles. Just the messenger here.
UK was in television too because they will continue split protons and neutrons in an even bigger power plant,,, so do not understand nothing anymore hahaha
Which trusted news source did that report come from?
Isn’t coal the only true fossil fuel?
Coal, Oil and natural gas are the traditional fossil fuels.
Today’s seniors also have a wide range of dietary supplements and boner pills to fuel them.
I still not see a problem the Coal mine with those immense excavators still active, see no problem in that…
What do they think creates the electricity to begin with?
That is funny, since Fossil Fuels are used to build EV’s too, and lot’s of it.
I hope GM knows that fossil fuels are needed to build EV’s too, after all they are suppose to be experts about building vehicles.
Are the majority of US citizens asking for this? I think not!
Folks, it’s in the cards. Biden’s infrastructure bill specifies 540,000 new EV charging stations to be sprinkled around the United States at taxpayer expense. This is the first go around.