There’s a lot to like about modern full-size pickup trucks like the Chevy Silverado or GMC Sierra. Today’s trucks are comfortable, powerful, safe and have great towing capacity – but there’s no denying that the sheer size of these vehicles can make them a bit of a pain sometimes. Whether it’s finding a suitable parking spot at a busy store or parallel parking in the city, most pickup owners can recall at least one time their truck’s bulkiness proved to be a minor headache.
This video is a great example of a large pickup proving to be a bit of a nuisance in a narrow space. The clip, which was posted to Facebook this week, shows a K2XX-generation Chevy Silverado in a McDonald’s drive-thru. The driver has the vehicle stopped at the ordering speaker, however the left rear tire is up on the curb, just behind a bright yellow post. We imagine the original poster of this video started filming when they realized the Silverado driver had no idea he was about to mount the curb and hit the parking post.
Right on cue, the driver of the truck hits the gas and bends the parking post. They then put the vehicle in reverse and drive forward once more, again striking the post. Once more, they proceed to put the vehicle in reverse and accelerate forward, this time with a little more might, knocking the post out of the ground.
We find it hard to believe the driver had no idea they had mounted the curb and were stuck on a parking post, but everything in the video points to them being entirely unaware of the situation that was unfolding behind their b-pillar.
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Lol you can’t fault the man for wanting to go off-roading.
Hehehe! Looks like something Nosense would do!
Y’all would have lay it your fingers do the walking and played the video, you’d see it was a woman or looks like a woman at least never can tell these days. Not that that makes any difference because women can drive just as well, if not better than men depending on the woman. But not here.
Humiliation What is setting in she took out the pole, lol. But I shouldn’t laugh, because it is a nice truck.
I knew it had to be a woman driver🤣🤣🤣
Trade it in for a spark,obviously too long for their driving skill level.
It’s dumb to buy a full-size truck without towing mirrors.
Not at all and that had nothing to do with this, you can see a yellow pole and the rear tire with the standard mirrors. Thanks for that mindless comment though!
I will say I already knew when I saw oversized black wheels on this truck this was going south…
Wrong. You’re one of those people who have mis-set their mirrors for their whole life. If you can see your vehicle in the flat mirror, you have them too far in and are creating a blind spot.
NHTSA has it on their website “Blindzone Glare Elimination Mirror Method”. You also learn this if you ever get a CDL, go check YouTube.
If you have towing mirrors properly set, there will be no blind spot. The convex portion is how you see your own vehicle.
Sam is right, you should not see your rear wheel in the big mirror. The inside edge lines up to the lane marker. They taught this in CDL school.
It doesn’t matter if you have a CDL or not, even a class a license even would do this. They do not teach enough in driving school I believe four different vehicles in the proper Mir setting. They only do it if you have your mirrors in a blind spot but people don’t listen to that. They think as long as they can see down the vehicle or back of the vehicle however you want to see it. That’s good enough.
We got the towing mirrors on our new towing rig and I could never live without them even without a trailer. I’m getting older and it is harder to turn my head fast. I did not understand how they worked until the RV dealer set them up and you can see so much more than normal mirrors. When I drive my wife’s Civic it is scary how blind you are.
It’s also dumb to drive something that you can’t handle.
But it’s “cool” to have this kind of truck to drive.
You don’t need “Driving Mirrors “. I have Always put these 2-2 1/2 in round mirrors in the bottom part of my mirror trucks. And I don’t have any problems. And I’ve Never hit anything and I’m Not dumb. So, it’s Not about the mirrors and which ones you have. It’s about your driving skills!!
Oh, one other thing, people fit their mirrors looking down the side of their vehicle. In other words, they see more of their side then their blind downward spot. This is why I use those little round mirrors for, I’m also looking towards the ground too.
Its even dumber to have towing Mirrors if you don’t towe anything
Maybe the pronoun driving it should learn to drive .
Haha. People are really stupid. I just love how she got out and ran back looking at the car behind her truck as if “maybe” they didn’t notice? lol. I also find it absurd how many trucks are running around with all this “off-road” stuff on them (like those extra wide tires) when the majority of those same trucks will never ever see grass under those tires.
But hey, when you gotta have that Big Mack meal while washing it down with a drink that’s nearly 10 times the amount of sugar we should be taking in daily, who cares about a little vehicle and property damage?
Dan the most off-roading this truck will ever do was going on the curb to hit that pole lol.
Never mind those big tires how about those blinding LED light bars that should be illegal! Why do you need them driving on regular city streets.
Fastdriver: You better be careful what you say on here. The truck people are really touchy if/when you say anything that could be taken as negative. lol
But you are totally correct. Probably about 90% of what these trucks have stuck to them is stupid and totally for show. If any of them actually took them off-road, then maybe some of that stuff would be worth it. But let’s admit it. A majority of truck sales (and the accessories sold for them) are never going to be used as a truck. The sad thing about it is that it drives the prices up on the trucks for the real users: Farmers, Ranchers, Construction workers, haulers, etc.
Another reason I drive a regular cab short box. Turning radius of a cruise ship truck, narrow drive thru plus off set wheels and this is what can happen. Seen many truck drive rear wheel over curbs at parking lots. Add a clueless driver and there you are. But they look cool! Next time to inside for food. Might actually be quicker and less expensive and embarrassing.
Must be a slow news day…
a trucker who does not know to drive a truck,,, common
It’s a pickup.. not a truckers
Thats why my wife never gets behind the steering wheel of my Silverado, anybody else notice there was 10 feet of open space to the other curb on the right , plenty of room for a wide negotiated turn , i use that manoeuvre myself in many drive-thru’s
I noticed the large open area to the right also. I’m fairly confident I could navigate my suv and my 18’ car hauler around that corner without touching a curb let alone the pole.
Nice one dumbass …..
Any mirror if he would of been looking would of done just fine.. learn how to drive no excuse none at all
I take a Chevy c5500 rollback thru all the drive thrus with minor curb ridding called wide turns for a reason 😂
Well, for one thing not thinking at all, between being some what aware of, I think it was a young girl or woman, having a huge case of weak awareness knowing/not knowing, to pre space herself, and and still didn’t allow herself forgiving space, pure dumbness
Mirrors had nothing to do with what happened. She turned in way to soon. Trailer mirrors would have banged into the food display board before wheel hit post. She was going forward when trouble started, not backing up.
This isn’t a McDonald’s Drive-Thru there’s tacos on that menu and that happened at the taco bell right here in front of my apartments. That taco bell deserves it anyway. They have a rude staff who just because they closed and their dining area wanted to try to rush me and my family while I was pregnant through the drive-through just because they still have to make their times for the drive through even though they aren’t giving people the option actually take the time to browse the menu and actually get something that they know they’re going to eat. I hope someone else hits their freaking building.
Lol…..”they deserve it”
“Just because”, say it again.
I think his first stop may have been the drive up liquor store.
All you people leaving comments… was a female driver…dumb asses😅.
at least the 4×4 still works
Now if the axle is Not off alignment. Then hopefully it’s good to go.
Yes..what drive through was I can drive my 4 door pickup and get some food 2
What I find the most amusing… That’s not even a very narrow drive thru. She had plenty of room to make a wider turn.. I’ve taken my Sierra through much more narrow turns. But hey, I could be misjudging it from the video. Oh well.
I knew it was going to be a woman driver they shouldn’t be able to drive their husbands big trucks
I guess the driver is heavily impaired. Should have their license suspended. That is not a complicated place to handle a pickup truck.
You’d have to suspend most women automatically then that’s just how they drive bro
If you realize something bad is about to happen and have enough time to pull out your phone and hit record, don’t you have enough time to jump out of your vehicle jog over there and say, “Excuse me, you might want to back up so you don’t hit this pole.” Sometimes bad things happen to good people. Every once in a while we all can use a little help from each other. Nowadays people rather get a good video to put on their Facebook page so they can get a lot of likes instead of getting the feeling of I just did the right thing to help somebody even though there was nothing in it for me.
I knew it had to be a woman driver🤣🤣🤣