GM Authority

Chevy Camaro Driver Drifts Around Gas Pumps For Nearly Two Minutes: Video

If there’s one place it’s probably best not to show off your drifting skills, it’s the gas station. One wrong steering or throttle input and the car could hit one of the gas pumps, which could cause a gas leak, a fire or even an explosion. Apparently no one told that to the Chevy Camaro Convertible driver seen in this video, which was posted to the /r/IdiotsInCars subreddit this week with the title “Drifting in and out of the pumps.”

The video shows the young female driver of a yellow fifth-generation Chevy Camaro Convertible drifting around a gas pump at an empty gas station. The clip starts with the driver gesturing and speaking to the camera before she presses the throttle and brake at the same time, building the revs up on the V6-powered Chevy before letting off the brake and turning the wheel sharply to the left. She then proceeds to drift around the gas pumps for the next minute and a half, showing off her admittedly impressive car control skills for the camera.

One Reddit user summed up our feelings about this video well, saying “I hate that this was impressive.” While drifting around gas pumps in a populated area is without a doubt a bad idea, the Chevy Camaro driver appeared to know what she was doing and demonstrated good car control throughout the video. We won’t fault anyone for wanting to have some fun in their yellow convertible, but most parts of the United States are filled with large parking lots and other empty, paved spaces, so she could have easily picked a safer place to demonstrate her driving ability for her TikTok followers.

Check out the clip embedded below.

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Sam loves to write and has a passion for auto racing, karting and performance driving of all types.

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  1. At least he’s got a car.. I yet to see a EV do that…

  2. When did doing donuts become “drifting”? As someone who loves to do both, it frustartes me that we Americans struggle to tell the two apart.

    1. Right. Let’s pretend like this was in an empty parking lot, for your ego.

  3. Kind of reckless if you ask me! One slip and BOOM! BYE, BYE!💩💩💩

  4. Very reckless! Stop promoting this kind of behavior! This is the sort of thing along with street racing that is published and promoted and makes people think it’s “ok” to do. It’s not OK!

  5. Reckless, maybe but still impressive. She clearly practiced that somewhere else before doing this stunt at the gas station. Yeah sure she might have wrecked the car or damaged the gas station but we got to enjoy it. Wish I had the skill and confidence to do it too.

  6. Stupid, lucky to not have wrecked the car.

  7. So what’s impressive is that he is doing that in a 1LT most likely with the 3.6L!

  8. Women Rule!!!!!

  9. Tires transmission and gas burnt up in a low end Camero . Why do the manufacturers insult the muscle car of any kind with the low end version of them anyway? Low end versions of muscle cars aren’t designed to handle that kinda pressure. A+ for a woman that can do what most men do . I did see some near misses though but she just changed up her direction.


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