A Chevy Avalanche owner in Fargo, North Dakota is having a unique problem with his pickup truck: a local squirrel has chosen it as its nesting place for the winter.
Bill Fischer spoke to local news publication The Grand Forks Herald about his predicament this week. Fischer explained how he has a large black walnut tree on his property, which drops hundreds of walnuts this time of year. While the tree is a beautiful addition to his home, the nuts it drops have caused quite a headache for him this year, with one particularly busy squirrel collecting them and storing them under the truck’s hood, in the fenders and anywhere else it can fit them.
“The squirrel will come behind, run along the frame rail and all the way up to the front [of the truck],” Fischer told The Grand Forks Herald. “Mostly under the hood and in the fenders.”
“It was planning on camping there for the winter,” he added.
So far, Fischer has removed about 42 gallons of walnuts from his Chevy Avalanche. He even pulled some of the vehicle’s body panels off to retrieve some particularly hard-to-reach ones, but despite his best efforts, some are in the frame rails and other areas that are pretty much impossible to reach.
“I had to pull the fenders off and clean out all the walnuts out, and thought I had them all and took it down the road, turned the corner and found one rolling down the windshield where the wipers go,” he said. “I have some rolling around the frame rails as well, that I can’t get at.”
All this trouble is caused by a single red squirrel, Fischer said. He’s observed the red squirrel fighting off several grey squirrels that have attempted to steal his nuts out of the truck, as well – a potential sign that this critter isn’t ready to move out of his new Chevy-branded home anytime soon.
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Park in a garage.
This would have be a perfect project for a local high school that has a auto repair and body shop classes. Let the kids rip into it to learn how a vehicle is put together. The magic would be if they can get it back together!
To get the nuts out of the frame rails, use a big shop vac on one of the holes and with a fish tape in another hole to move the nuts. The vacuum might just suck some out.
The squirrel fix is to get a retriever or golden lab, they love to chase squirrels. 😊
1. Cut the tree down.
2. KILL the squirrel.
3. KILL the squirrel and cut the tree down.
I vote for #3!
We had red squirrels nesting in our house, trapped 3 of them, 4th one wouldn’t go near traps, stepped over or moved rat glue traps. Finally figured out when he would leave the house each day and put steel mesh netting along bottom of house where he was entering. Bottom line, if you have red squirrels, KILL EM!
Why kill them? They were here first you took there home from them now you wanna kill them because they come back to a place they were first? Typical trash human response I can’t wait until the human species goes extinct.
Yeah, but there is a reason humans are the apex predators and the top of the food chain… squirrel meat is great in chili…eat more wild game!!!
Lol humans are the top of the food chain? That is one of the dumbest comments I have read on here which speaks volumes considering what you see other people say.
I bet you can’t even handle a BB gun.
Have an issue with mice from time to time in my storage garage and cannot find out how there getting in.
Anyone have success with ultrasonic devices?
Busy squirrels anyway lol
That’s Nuts !!!
Probably had a warranty issue with rattles
Squirrel says “Avalanche Dee’s Nutz!!..” 🤪🤪
That would be funny to see all them rolling down the street at once lol.
That’s a cool story. Nice to read stuff like this every now and then. Hopefully the 🐿 finds a new home for the winter.
Trap them and dump them at Lisa’s house.
Sure you could only problem is I doubt you have a vehicle that can travel very far. You sound broke and I correct in that assumption?
Maybe Lisa could volunteer to be the first to extinct herself.
Why would I need to volunteer when we have plenty who drink and smoke themselves to death daily? I’m going to take a good educated guess here you smell like piss don’t you?
Is the squirrel’s name Scrat? 😂🤣
There is no reason for anyone to volunteer. As long as people keep doing what they are now it will happen sooner then later anyways.
I have a few old cars out in the yard which serve as decoys. They fill up with walnuts every year and the squirrels never touch our vehicles near the house, or in the garage.
Black walnut maybe valuable on eBay.
Humans are NOT… I repeat NOT at the TOP of the food chain… Look at all the animals in the world that can kill humans… Bears, Wild cats, Wolves, Poisonous spiders, frogs, snacks, alligators, crocodiles… The list goes on how ignorant and selfish to think that we can go toe to toe, hand to hand combat with these animals… Maybe one day the tables will be turned on humans, and we will see what it feels like to be hunted by other creatures! Anyway good luck to this guy humanly removing the squirrel or the tree or both.
I agree with Lisa
They were here first
What a hard worker.
Look into buying a pellet gun….