General Motors is decarbonizing its business, pivoting to all-electric propulsion and renewable energy sources. Now, the automaker is decarbonizing its production operations through the adoption of Nucor’s Econiq net-zero steel.
Nucor uses recycled scrap-based electric arc furnace technology at every one of its two dozen U.S. steel mills, thus enabling the company to operate at 70 percent below the current steel industry greenhouse gas intensity. The company’s new Econiq steel will extend the greenhouse gas reductions by utilizing 100 percent renewable energy and high-quality carbon offsets to neutralize remaining production emissions.
Now, General Motors will be the first customer to utilize the Nucor Econiq net-zero steel in future GM vehicles.
“We commend Nucor for their commitment to net-zero carbon steel solutions and look forward to working with them to utilize their innovative Econiq steel in our vehicles,” said GM’s vice president of Global Purchasing and Supply Chain, Shilpan Amin. “It brings GM one step closer to its vision of a zero emissions future. General Motors is excited to be Nucor’s first customer for Econiq as we work to integrate sustainability into all aspects of our supply chain.”
General Motors will receive its first shipment of Econiq net-zero steel next year. It’s projected that all steel purchased by GM from Nucor will be carbon neutral by the end of 2022.
As GM Authority covered previously, General Motors is on track to reduce its carbon output in the U.S. by sourcing 100 percent of the electricity used in its U.S. operations from renewable sources by 2025. That timeframe is a full five years earlier than was originally announced, and 25 years ahead of the initial target set in 2016.
Additionally, General Motors is seeking to achieve carbon neutrality in its global products and operations by 2040, as well as eliminating tailpipe emissions from new light-duty vehicles as early as 2035.
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I love to hear this – GM has an opportunity to lead in a big way. Don’t blow it!
Unfortunately, most people could give a crap less if their $40k+ vehicle is built with carbon-free materials. Give me a vehicle that offers good value, great quality, and consistent reliability and I would care less how it is produced. BTW, how much more is the customer being charged for this woke program?
They don’t care because they assume automakers don’t care. When an automaker decides to pursue such a thing, and point it out to consumers, it makes a very positive impression. That’s something younger consumers tend to care about. If I knew a vehicle I was already interested in was also built with Net Zero emissions, I’d be even more interested and pull the trigger faster.
Not enough if the snowflakes have anything to say about it
Paid to say that!!
Nobody who is real cares about virtue signaling and paying more for net zero steel.
China is laughing their butt off at us as they lap us!
Spam paid to say that shill alert 🚨👆
Anybody that isn’t for President Trump is for this satanic new world order that is literally trying to kill humanity and set up a prison planet and you’re nothing but a helpful idiot that’s what stalling used to call the morons that help them set up the Soviet Union helpful idiots
Geez! There are a lot of tinfoil hat wearers on this site whose hats are slipping down !
Worried you might not be on the right side of history…lol.
You’re a bit shaken you false reality isn’t popular with the plebs huh,
is gm going to sue nucor for the -iq suffix nomenclature?
You think China is using net zero steel to virtue signal!!
USA is done with attitude like this!
No wonder china is taking over with 10% GDP growth every year
gm will have net zero customers.
In 2000, Nucor paid $98 million to settle with the United States Department of Justice and the United States Environmental Protection Agency to resolve allegations that it had not adequately controlled the emission of toxic chemicals into the air, water, and soil in Alabama, Arkansas, Indiana, Nebraska, South Carolina, Texas, and Utah. The settlement was “the largest and most comprehensive environmental settlement ever with a steel manufacturer.”[32][33]
In 2012, as part of a settlement with the United States Environmental Protection Agency, the company agreed to reduce air pollution at its plant in Marion, Ohio.[34]
In 2016, the company unsuccessfully filed a lawsuit to block the Environmental Protection Agency from adopting a plan to control visible pollution in Arkansas From Wipedia.
All attempts by the anti American globalist NWO Obama regime in an attempt to bankrupt them ….send their business to china.
Sell us out!!!
Wake up!
So obvious by now!
The average person has childlike naivety and is nothing but a vapid obtuse intellectually helpless self-propelled stomach sheep they can’t see all of our businesses manufacturing industry moving to China as America gets deindustrializated on purpose..
We officially live in the usa idiocracy now
2000 was NWO Clinton.
Same same
Both democrat trash.
So another corrupted politician rather D or R is taking us to the “Promised Land”, lol. They all globalized once hit a certain status.
8 absolute children 8 absolute lobotomized sheep with no concept or clue of what’s really going on.
gm stock continues to sink all the new news from them really isn’t doing anything. A dog with fleas.
truly amazing how many worship at the altar of Trump stupidity
Seems like DO’B comment is frozen for voting, Trumpsters at work.
Truly amazing how many people obsess over a man who has been out of office for 10 months now. You would think they could move in but they can’t. 👆
It’s not called Trump derangement syndrome for no reason these people are literally mentally infirm
Anybody that isn’t for President Trump is for this satanic new world order that is literally trying to kill humanity and set up a prison planet and you’re nothing but a helpful idiot that’s what stalling used to call the morons that help them set up the Soviet Union helpful idiots
You’d rather worship at the altar of the satanic pedophile Democrat Party wouldn’t you the party that wants to destroy America so it can be rolled into the new world order they want a bankrupt it destroy its history culture Society import third world hoards to weigh it down deindustrialization move all of its factories and industries offshore that’s who you’re for OB and we all see it and we’re going to remember who the people are when the Turner Diaries scenario starts and we’ll be coming for you
When Der Fuhrer stops acting like he still is President or the U.S. puts him on trial for his crimes, then we can all stop obsessing.
I didn’t think anybody could be as intellectually helpless vapid and obtuse as you!
but here you are!!
Everything you said is wrong it’s a alternative reality …hahahahah. that you live in hahaha
one that’s been constructed by fake news and cult leaders on the left.
You have absolutely zero discernment and even last critical thinking ability
Eagerly waiting for the Turner Diaries to start the can’t wait to get my hands on some leftists
always very satisfying to hit that SORE spot