GM Authority

New York State To Ban Gas, Diesel Car Sales By 2035

New York State is the latest U.S. body politic to implement a ban on gasoline and diesel vehicle sales.

Governor Hochul signed legislation this week that will require all new passenger cars and trucks sold in New York State to be zero-emissions by 2035. In addition, the law will require all new off-road vehicles, like ATVs and side-by-sides, as well as other powered equipment, to be zero-emissions by 2035. New medium-duty and heavy-duty vehicles will also have to be battery-electric by 2045.

In a statement released Thursday, Hochul called the legislation “the nation’s most aggressive plan to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions affecting our climate.”

“The new law and regulation mark a critical milestone in our efforts and will further advance the transition to clean electric vehicles, while helping to reduce emissions in communities that have been overburdened by pollution from cars and trucks for decades,” she added.

Governor Hochul

While truck manufacturers will only be allowed to sell EVs by 2045, they will have to begin offering battery-electric products much sooner than that. Truck companies would be required to meet a certain annual sales percentage of zero-emission trucks, which will vary among vehicle weight classes, beginning with the 2025 model year. By the 2035 model year, at least 55 percent of all new Class 2b-3 pickup trucks and vans, 75 percent of all new Class 4-8 trucks, and 40 percent of all new Class 7-8 tractors sold in New York State must be zero-emission. Hochul says this requirement follows the template set by the California Advanced Clean Trucks Rule.

In April, the governors of 12 U.S. states wrote a letter to President Biden urging him to implement a nationwide ban on new gasoline vehicle sales by 2035. The letter was signed by the governors of California, New York, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, New Jersey, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington State and Rhode Island. The letter also pushed for the White House to implement new purchase incentives to drive the adoption of electric utility trucks and vans.

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Sam loves to write and has a passion for auto racing, karting and performance driving of all types.

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  1. Nation is to polarized now, either you’re a Trans, bi-racial, bi-sexual Neo Liberal or a Racist Right Wing Republican. Enough with this “my way the best” BS…

    1. My way is the best way.. (for me)
      V8 driving, gun owning, meat eating, whiskey sipping, hard working and hard playing, family man.

      Treat others how you would like to be treated, and the world will be a better place.

      1. Absolutely, we need to respect boundaries.

      2. Dam Staight. ‘Murica!

      3. “Treat others how you would like to be treated”
        Then put on a mask, and keep your germs to yourself.

        1. Problem is 99% of the masks you see people wear do absolutely nothing but make them feel better. If you aren’t wearing a n95 mask then you might as well not have it on.

          1. Maury, Crock of 💩!
            Wearing even a cheap paper mask keeps the air your inhale and exhale close to you. Making it far less likely you contaminate someone else. Also making it less likely you get contaminated by someone else.
            The whole debate started because the big fat loser, that occupied the White House before Biden, thought wearing a mask made him look weak.
            BTW: that big fat loser got Covid

            1. Now what’s it gonna be? Inclusion or fat shaming? Stick to your principles if you want to be taken seriously

              1. Liberals have a more ala carte view of party doctrine. We don’t have to agree 100% of the time.
                Most people struggle with their weight, and should be given some understanding. But when you start walking around in a clown suit, like Donald, it’s a sign you’ve completely given up. I have no sympathy for that.

            2. Furthermore, no sane person wants to spend the rest of their life hiding behind a mask or being singled out, restricted, banned, jabbed or otherwise morally skewered and attacked by deranged far left Neo-Nazis including the utter disgrace currently squatting in the White House. If you “follow the science”, you thereby understand and accept Natural Selection.

              1. The virus has already shown Its more adaptable than humanity. The only hope we have is to use our supersized brains to contain this thing. Before it evolves an Omega strain. That wipes out all of humanity.
                BTW Nazis are on the far right of the political spectrum. As opposed to the Communists on the far left.

                1. In the meantime, the unvaccinated who’ve survived being infected with Covid-19 (that’d be the vast majority including the overweight 45th President) are proving to have a stronger natural immunity to new strains than the uninfected who’ve received the yet experimental vaccines. Nazism and fascism are phenomena of the Left, not of the Right as the current political climate plainly demonstrates. It seems counterintuitive, but the proof is in the pudding. Take a good, long look at Antifa. And the Mask/Vaccine Nazis. And the Biden administration.

                  1. BLM Burn Loot Murder

                  2. Idiot Boy, wrong on all counts.
                    You could catch Covid 19 multiple times, and if your immune system has been weakened by another infection (let’s say you ate some questionable leftovers which turned your butt into a volcano) The 2nd Covid 19 infection could be far worse than the 1st.
                    The Nazis & Fascists had top down authoritarian rule. Those who didn’t tow the party line were severely punished (eg. Kill Jews or we will send you to Russian front) Republicans of today stripped Liz Cheney of her committee appointments for not perpetuating Trump’s Big Lie.
                    In the Democratic Party, power flows from the bottom up. Look how much trouble Biden is having getting the last few Democrats on board to get his infrastructure bill past.

                    and FYI: ANTIFA is short for anti-fascist

                    1. WOW! Aren’t we getting too far afield on comments outside of automotive topics?

                      I have to admit I also strayed today.

                    2. Antifa is the actual embodiment of fascist. Today’s Democrat cult is typified by Brownshirts recreated in black. Folks couldn’t fathom it then, either.

                    3. Automotive topics are unfortunately inexorably bound to politics. Especially now

                  3. Shhhh dont tell anyone…news flash….he got his shot so stop booing him …..oh and those special chemicals to save his ass which is not natural.

                2. Nazis don’t exist anymore sorry. And I doubt you were even alive when they were.

                  1. Oh, but they do. Just open your eyes, they’re hiding in plain sight

            3. Peter first off you are not a liberal you are way more far left then that from the comments I have seen you make on here. Second I’m not going to get into a insult discussion with you if that is what you need to do then go for it. I’m a democrat always have been always will be you can try to say whatever you want but those paper masks are not stopping you from getting or spreading anything sorry but there not. As far as trump goes the dude lost why are we still even talking about him? As far as your comment about liberals have a more ala carte view of party doctrine and don’t have to agree 100% of the time well we don’t agree these days on hardly anything because a lot now like you are to far left. Ive seen your comments about wanting people to be forced to get the vaccine me myself I am 100% fully vaccinated now but I’m sorry if you can’t figure out why it would be a bad idea to let the government have that kind of power to force people to stick something in there bodies that we do not even know the long terms effects of yet then I don’t know what to tell you. It’s dangerous to allow the federal government that kind of power. I think the majority of the things you say on here is to just get a rise out of people and if that is what you need to do then so be it.

              1. Uncle Sam wants to get everybody vaccinated to preclude a possible outbreak of the Omega virus strain. The Omega strain can mutate from Covid 19 and the Delta variant strain. This C 19 virus will morph and mutate into various other detrimental strains. The most serious is the Omega strain which is a severe killer to humanity.

                Pfizer, the pharmaceutical players, hospitals, and Uncle Sam know this. They don’t want to panic and spook the public at this point.

                As a conservative, red neck Republican living in Elko, Nevada, who buys red, white and blue products, and is a die hard Trumper, I highly recommend getting vaccinated.

                BTW: When Uncle Sam provided Polo vaccines in sugar cubes in the fifties and early sixties nobody threw a fuss. Thank God for Jonas Salk, RIP, and Albert Sabin, RIP.

                A healthy and long life to all.

                1. Recommending something and forcing something are 2 totally different things. And again as I said in my comment ive been fully vaccinated but im not going to run my mouth to the next man who isn’t.

                2. Also you seem like a somewhat smart guy so please don’t compare to governments of today to those of the past like when polio was around. People have very good reason to be skeptical of anything the government is trying to force you to do in this days time and I hope you realize that.

              2. Maury
                Are you sure you’re a Democrat? You cruised right through all the republican talking points without missing a beat.
                1. Painting me as a leftwing extremist Republican101. Every Democrat running for President since Mike Dukakis has been called “The Most Liberal Democrat Ever”
                2.Misquoting – I NEVER SAID anything about FORCED VACCINATIONS. There is no entity on earth powerful enough to force everyone to get vaccinated. But for their community; for their country and for all of Humanity, people should get vaccinated as their civic duty.
                3. The masks work. Cut covid transmission by over 80%

                1. Well unless every time I have voted during each election starting with Clinton and they are switching who I push then yea I’m a democrat. And I just believe people have the freedom of choice it’s not that complex to understand. And I don’t think the government needs that much power that is also not hard to understand. As far as “painting” you as anything brother I have seen you comment on here for weeks so I am drawing that conclusion not just on what you said here but on weeks of your very own responses but either way it doesn’t matter you have your opinion I have mine. Do I think people should get the vaccine yes do I want them to be forced or lose there job because they don’t no. If they don’t get it and something happens to them that is there choice not mine they will suffer the consequences. I don’t think you are a bad guy I said that earlier I just think it’s crazy how nowadays people hate each other over who they voted for. I have Republican friends and liberal friends funny thing we all get along nobody hates each other over who they voted for or what they believe in. But I hope you have a good weekend.

            4. He was also cured of it in 3 days using therapeutics that work very well but the idiot that occupies the white house can’t control you if they admit they work.

      4. DaveZL1, I wholeheartedly agree with your attitude,it appears to be a good recipe for personal happiness & respect for everyone else.

    2. This is the first time I have agreed with anything you have said but you are absolutely right

    3. This is nuts. This ban will not solve anything. I guess the only solution is to vote in Republican governors. And I’m not talking Trumpists, but real Republicans.

  2. I’m sure glad the stupid people have office and their slaves can drive them around. Since when do we have to put up with another Dem. in high office. They must be all smoking their share of drugs.. To bad New York we’ll take your fuel so we can run the roads.

  3. That’s ok, by then nobody will live in NY state, except Manhattan island, which will be a cell like the movie escape from NY, man when I thought that I thought it was the most rediculous thing ever. It’s getti mg insanely real

    1. I consider it very difficult to keep a private car in Manhattan. I think that most cars circulating in Manhattan are Taxis or come from either one of the other boroughs of New York City, from New Jersey or even further away. And those should better have a chauffeur, since parking in Manhattan is scarce and expensive.

  4. I am afraid it will only get worse.

    The far left is working hard to program the kid in grade school now.

    I just worry now Biden will not finish 4 years. What we have is bad now and what we would get is even worse with miss giggles.

    I get it some folks hate the hard nose NY attitude but it was better than frail and forgetful.

    I have said anyone smart enough to be president is smart enough not to run.

    1. I agree with you 100%

    2. I Know that’s right.

    3. i didn’t hate the “hard nose NY attitude”. i hated the lying, corruption, and steady stream of BS. oh yeah, 500K dead wasn’t a bigly success either.

      1. Then you must really be sick a out what is going on with grand pa Joe.

        Not even a year in and his approval numbers are 39% and dropping.

      2. Amen Steve

      3. I believe the number of COVID deaths were approx. 400,000 when Trump left office, and according to the media and Democrat party Trump was responsible for all of those deaths. Since Biden has taken office, there have been approx. 386,000 or more COVID deaths, so should we blame Biden for all of those? He’s had almost as many COVID deaths on his watch as Trump, and Biden has had the help of the vaccine. Just sayin……this is just another example of partisan politics and spin. Imagine if people actually focused on solving the problem instead of always pointing fingers.

  5. WOW: Things are now getting totally insane. Where are the rational thought processes? This is like national prohibition in the early part of the last century. Crazy.

    1. It’s music to the ears of manufactures that are investing billions of dollars into EV products. The future of the oil rich countries will diminish but those that have rights and lithium reserves and a host of other precious metals will own the world.

      All this will be happening after I’m long gone but most states like NY has very large rural areas where electric power vehicles may not just work. It will require major cities like NYC (Manhattan) to ban all vehicles and just use battery power buses.

      1. Guess which country has a vast lithium supply…Give up? It’s Afghanistan!

        1. We have almost unlimited Lithium in Nevada, Utah and Southern California. Searles Lake in Ridgecrest, California, Salton Sea in Southern Cal, and the Great Salt Lake in Utah. It’s pumped out as a Lithium rich brine. Very corrosive.

          1. @David Alan Murray, you are right as well as other states BUT….. the Ecological authority along with the Green organizations put a HALT to all mining for the precious metals in the late 70s because of the raping style mining and how the earth is left after mining. IDK if the organizations will allow this to happen again…now that “green new deal” is being pushed very hard, which has NEVER been scientifically proved. Having to pay China and Africa for these precious metals may be the way of life as we know it today….IDK

            As for the lithium batteries, large or small, are sent to 3rd countries for disposal. Pyramids of cell phone batteries and any lithium batteries are being taken apart by kids to sell parts. The US does not recycle these batteries (if someone knows speak up).

            If we don’t recycle cell phone batteries, I don’t see recycling huge car batteries and like the cell phone batteries, maybe, the car batteries will be shipped to 3rd world countries too. IDK….

            1. If you don’t see recycling huge car batteries, too bad, but we have to do it. Large batteries and small ones and all sizes.

              If “the market” doesn’t do it, so let there be some state power forcing it. And if the capitalist state wont force it, so maybe we have to depose the capitalists and set up a workers power.

              But we, and I mean humanity with “we”, can’t no longer throw away and let the litter overpower us. We have to establish a circular economy. Nature doesn’t do that for us, we have to do it ourselves.

        2. Which is why China is the Taliban’s new BFF.

    2. It is all business like George stated. Investors will make money. Automakers will become more profitable. Electronics are a high profit and growth area.

      The automotive market went to China due to growth. The change here will make people go buy new EV products and as they advance they will buy new ones like Cell Phones and lap tops.

      It is not the end of the world unless you are gear head. These models soon will give range in excess of most gas tanks and the charge times and prices will come down.

      But they will never feel, smell and sound cool.

      Many of the objections are being address and will be covered by the time this is kicked in. Recycling is already started at the plants as the metals and materials are expensive so they will recycle from the time the car is built till it is junked. The recycling of batteries will be a big business.

      Grids are being addressed anyways as EV cars or not they will have to be updated anyways. None of this is a legitimate argument anymore.

      There will still be IC for use on farms and many other areas where it is more practical. There are companies already working on small IC engines that will fill the needs when called upon. Even though we all drive cars we still have horses and hay.

      1. Except for the minor detail that the Utility companies and Govt will be charging you $1500 a month for your plug in energy use….

  6. Good luck with that. Does she realize that when the grid is taxed on hot days places like hospitals and companies with generators are asked to get off grid and use their back -up source? NY has all the natural gas and oil right underneath it and won’t touch it.

  7. One word, stupid.

  8. I know that people haven’t thought what it will do to FOOD prices with out farm equipment. Do they think we’ll use horses again. But then again most big city people thing it comes from a store… LOL… As Texas how well their windmills did with winter.. The east coast doesn’t even understand Flash Flood means. We can’t even explain the open gate on the border. Just glad I’m on the down hill side of Life..

    1. Sorry to say I’ve heard so many people say, ‘I’m glad I’m old and won’t be around for all this nonsense ‘. How sad is that?

  9. The mandates are a little too far for me. But really, can we figure out how to recycle this sh*t before we mandate the use of it???

  10. Can we stop acting like this will go into effect tomorrow? Its 14 years from now ill be 42… things wont be the same silly geese.

  11. “all new passenger cars and trucks” i.e. used cars may still be sold and registered.

    How is the average age of the current stock of streetlegal cars and trucks in the USA? Is it growing?

    In Germany the average age of passenger cars is 9.8 years, grown from 8.2 years ten or 12 years ago.

    1. In the US the average age of the vehicle stock is presently around 12 years.

      1. I assume that these 12 years are the average of any kind of motor vehicle, right?

        The German 9.8 years are for passenger cars only.

        The average for all motor vehicles is 11.3 years, motor bikes 18.7 years, buses 8.4 years, trucks (general commercial vehicles) 8.2, and tractor units (which includes semis) 30 years.

  12. »Truck companies would be required to meet a certain annual sales percentage of zero-emission trucks,«

    The manufacturers can decide to produce any arbitrary percentage of their output to be electric, but they can’t control what the public is buying.

  13. Electric cars will fully benefit the average consumer.

    1. And the lie detector test determined that was a lie.

  14. Massachusetts has already passed the same EV requirement for 2035. The WOKE have spoken so your opinion will not be tolerated,

  15. Question, Are we all driving gas powered cars today because, Option 1: Politicians in 1910 passed laws that horse carts would be banned by 1925. Or option 2: Gas powered cars are more efficient and convenient. Option 3: Modern politicians are the most brilliant and intellectually gifted of all mankind.

    1. Well they were pretty stupid back then… Sooo

    2. Commie see commie do. Anyone who supports this mandate and the clowns that enact them is ignorant. Next these commies will tell us how big a house we should have and what we are to eat.

  16. Another reason to move away from NY. The refugees from that state are ruining Charlotte.

  17. Why do people like Hochul keep saying “clean electric vehicles”? They are not inherently clean; it depends on how the energy is sourced that they depend on for power and that varies wildly by location. An EV can also be “dirty” if it operates in an area reliant on coal fired power power plants like in West Virginia (91 percent coal derived energy) or Kentucky (70 percent coal) for instance.

    While New York has made strides to move away from coal specifically and now uses virtually none, over half, about 52 percent, of their energy is still sourced from fossil fuels. Only about 25 percent is from renewables and thus could truly be called “clean”. Thus, even New York, which has a cleaner energy profile than most states, doesn’t pass the test in my opinion to label EVs as truly “clean electric vehicles”.

    With an ICE vehicle, the generated emissions are the same nationwide or even worldwide. Not so with EVs. A New York family traveling to Florida in their EV and plugging-in along the way at the Motel6 in West Virginia won’t actually be in a “clean electric vehicle” anymore. Passing through my state of Georgia, 73 percent of our energy is from fossil fuels so they might not be so “clean” journeying through The Peach State either.

    I’m not anti-electric vehicles but folks need to be intellectually honest about them. They are not inherently clean as so many politicians try to espouse. They merely transfer energy generation from onboard the vehicle to an offsite location which can be clean or dirty. I’d say until all US energy is sourced from hydro, wind, or solar, EVs will never be truly “clean”.

    1. Studies have been done that show EVs emit less carbon overall into the atmosphere. This includes manufacturing as well as battery charging. And it isn’t a small drop, either. So, hate to tell ya, but yer wrong.

      1. Wait what about the mountains and all the land that is destroyed to mine for the rare earth metal?

  18. There is talk of another new natural gas power station to be built in NJ meadowlands to provide electricity for NYC.

    1. Natural gas powered electric generating stations are the way to go. We are blessed with vast quantities of natural gas throughout the world. In fact lots of natural gas is self generating. Coal bed and oil reservoir methane. I’m also a big fan of nuclear.

  19. A moderate on most subjects, and a believer in my freedom goes as far as my neighbor’s nose, I’m heading to the egress and voting libertarian.

    1. The libertarian ethos: You scratch your back, I’ll scratch mine. A surefire way to promote collaboration….

  20. Guess a lot of New Yorkers will be walking New York can’t even supply enough power for what they have now never mind when they are all going to be charging there green vehicles. Good Luck.

  21. How will they manage if someone buys a “gas powered new car” in another state and then moves to NY State?

  22. Ban New Yorkers!

    1. Ban Democrats

  23. hope it will never happen all these Dems are a bunch of morons and what ever you cane think of


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