GM Authority

GM CEO Mary Barra Earned $40.3 Million In 2020, According To New Study

General Motors CEO Mary Barra took home $40.3 million in 2020, according to a new study conducted by Automotive News.

Barra, who also serves as the chair of GM, had a salary of $2 million in 2020, but total compensation of $40.3 million. That’s according to data obtained via the Automotive News/Equilar CEO Compensation Study, which, in addition to base salary, factors in other forms of compensation such as cash bonus payouts, gains from stock awards, benefits and perquisites. Automotive News says this data is from a pay summary compensation table in the automaker’s annual SEC proxy statement.

Earlier this year, a report indicated Barra’s compensation in 2020 was $23.7 million. This study came up with a much higher figure, as company-reported figures only calculate the value of equity awards when they were first granted. This survey, by comparison, includes the eventual realized value of the options and stocks. Automotive News also says the realized value of equity can be partially attributed to stock awards granted to executives in prior years, as well.

Barra’s total compensation of $40.3 million made her the second highest-earning CEO of an American company in 2020. Jensen Huang, CEO of graphics card manufacturer Nvidia, had the highest compensation of any executive at $255 million, which includes a $1 million salary and $214 million in stock option gains. The third highest-earning CEO was E. Scott Santi of Illinois Tool Works, a company that produces fasteners and other hardware components, who took home $31.6 million last year.

The median GM employee salary in 2020 was $117,566. Based on that figure, Barra’s total compensation was 342 times higher than that of the average white-collar GM employee. The American automaker currently employs roughly 69,000 salaried workers globally.

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Sam loves to write and has a passion for auto racing, karting and performance driving of all types.

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  1. Mary deserved every penny, all GM investors had a great year in 2020, and 2021 is looking good too..

    1. The bees nest is shaken. Mary, great job 👏👍.

      1. Thanks mom 💕.

    2. Way Overpaid

  2. whatever… she’s hasn’t actually accomplished a dam thing other than cutting manufacturing jobs, which obviously increases short term profits… I think she’ll go down as one of the worst CEO’s in gm history.

    1. haha, Which manufacturing jobs has she cut? GM is hiring as many as they can get right now… They are hiring in Arlington, Flint, Ft Wayne, Hamtramck, Lordstown, Spring Hill, and other places.. GM is having trouble filling all the jobs they have, Not to mention all the union construction jobs the largest expansion and modernization in GM’s history has created. Perhaps you should turn off you trolling for a bit , and actually do some reading?

      1. Wasn’t she responsible for the closure of Lordstown Assembly? I believe that eliminated close to 3,000 jobs overall… she hasn’t even come close to creating that many… They are having trouble filling jobs because they won’t pay a competitive wage… She’s genuinely a terrible person.

        1. Lordstown Assembly closed because people were not buying Cruze, and that product was not profitable. GM also did not have a use for that tired old plant in their future plans. But they did build a battery factory right next door, and are hiring people in the community. Someday, GM might build another plant in that area, a new state of the art plant that can build cars profitably.

          Mary Barra does not set the wages for employees, the union and the market control that. Mary Barra’s responsibility is for the long term stability of the business, and for protecting shareholder value. GM proved through 2020, and a pandemic that they are much more stable then they have been in the past, and GM is now expending, into new segments where they can be profitable coming out of the Pandemic. If you feel Mary is a terrible person for doing her job, so be it, you just do not understand business, and Mary is not going to make the mistakes GM did in the past where they continue unprofitable businesses just to keep market share. GM is cutting the unprofitable parts of the business so they can focus and strengthen themselves in the profitable segments.

          1. Anyone down voting this has no idea how a public company operates. Its main goal it too make money for the shareholders and be profitable and keeping the business running in the black like she is doing.

        2. Lordstown was always a tough to deal with plant and workforce going back to the Vega. In many ways they cut their own throats decades ago.

          1. Ya the guy on the line did it. Man how freakin stupid. She was in syckin on trump and turning back to gas when he lost so she is just completely freakin worthless. My god. Really

      2. Don’t forget several of His plants in the US are operating below capacity while GM is importing commie cars from China.

        1. Tigger
          GM will be introducing 20 new fully electric vehicles in the next few years. Mostly built in the U.S.A

          1. With Chinese parts?

            1. I don’t care where they are made if GM’s stock price and profitability goes up.

      3. They are hiring temps Einstein. At what pay?

      4. Those jobs are just temporary they are not full time the worker starts at $16.00 hr

    2. I’m sure you’re intentionally forgetting about Roger Smith, who oversaw the steepest decline in GM’s history and is considered by many to be partly responsible for decimating Flint, Michigan buy cutting thousands of jobs in that city alone.
      Barra has helped create a long-term path for GM which is better than her predecessors of the 90s and 2000s.

      1. A long term path based on one of the worst selling vehicles in their lineup? in one of the smallest segements? Hard pass on that future. Feel free to speculate wildly tho, have fun.

        1. I bet you think electric vehicles are some fad that are just going to go away any day now. LOL!

          1. At one time, Wankel engines were going to revolutionize the auto industry,too.

            1. Gasoline is the real fad. It’s had 100 years. Now its going away.

      2. Absolutely, and don’t forget about Red Ink Rick before he got fired.

    3. Her job is to increase shareholder value. Remember many moons ago when CEO Thomas Murphy stated, The business of GM is NOT making cars, the business of GM is making money. Apparently the analysts and the market like what Mary is doing.

  3. She’s letting die many nameplates and giving up a lot of market share, the only things keeping GM from another bankruptcy are the full-size trucks and SUV’s fat profit margins, because ALL other GM vehicles are behind the competition (except the Corvette that has no direct competition). GM has nothing to go against the Wrangler and Bronco, the Camaro is behind the Challenger and Mustang, Cadillac barely outsells Lincoln and they don’t make sedans anymore. Buick still exists?

    1. All of this, and Yet GM is the number 1 pickup builder in the USA the last 18 months, and the most profitable American automaker by far.

      Sedans are not selling in general, and not profitable. Market share lost in that segment is addition by subtraction. GM has a great Pickup business, is dominating large SUV’s, Corvette has no peers, and the crossover business is strong. Now GM is expanding into EV, and AV which represent the future, and as for no new product, get back to me in a year, when the trucks are refreshed, and production is back to capacity….

      1. Donavan, I worked for gm for 33 years. I spent my whole career watching the f150 be the number 1 selling truck. Now Ram is about ready to make the Silverado the 3rd best selling truck. Toyota and Honda dominated the car sales during my career also. GM needs to be an innovator, like it used to be, instead of a benchmarker. Just what the world needs is another crossover. Gm already makes 47 of em. They bombed the Blazer, and the Bronco is going to be laughing all the way to the bank. Gm will eventually come out with a Bronco competitor but again too late. Too much cost cutting at GM to be a real player. They hang their hat on past reputation, but that’s getting long in the tooth.

    2. Buick is HUGE in China, which in case you have not heard is the world’s largest auto market.

      1. Yeah some Chinese leader liked a Buick so if you don’t like Buicks in China you get your head cut off

  4. About 40M more than her lacklustre performance deserves! GM may be more profitable short term. But they are still GM with loads of problems, many legacy issues like very indifferent quality control issues, poor dealer experiences and now a very limited lineup with many things lacking that consumers want such as std safety features, optional performance engines and available options without having to climb way up the ladder on expensive trim levels. Her horse with blinder vision of the future, which is a fantasy with current technology, is another thing to add to her list of issues sacrificing the here and now for an uncertain tomorrow!

    1. Well Joe, buy some shares and you can vote to get rid of Mary, but you might have some competition, it seems 96% of shareholders voted to keep her this year, and for her pay package, so it seems you are in the minority in your opinions.

      1. Agreed! Remember the board sets that and it is based on how she increases shareholder value.

        1. And who is the Chairman of gm that hand picks its directors?

      2. 96% of the shareholders don’t even vote

  5. She’ll still complain about equal pay even though she’s over paid.

    1. Overpaid? remember she gets paid in stock, so the stock price determines her pay for the most part. Stock goes up, she makes more…

      1. And if the stock goes down she gets more stock. Her pay should be tied to market share which means her pay would have decreased for the last 50 years

        1. GM chased market share for years while its profits declined. Mary and the rest of the board have come to the conclusion that market share is not the answer to profitability.

          1. GM is not Ferrari, GM is a volume manufacturer. Don’t act like they aren’t. They have to spin so they don’t look bad

          2. Market share and profit – direct correlation

            1. Negative Ghostrider.

    2. I think half that money came from a shoe contract deal with Nike.
      Also because of inflation $40 million doesn’t buy as much as it once did. Mary will have to get used to living on a budget.

  6. What is wrong with 4.03 million dollars? Is that not sufficient for one human being? Shocking and disgusting is all I have to say!

    1. Cut the compensation for your job by 90% and see if you get quality candidates for the position.

      1. If a person cannot live comfortably on $4 million and invest it in a way that they, their children, and their children’s children are set for life, then they have no business running a Fortune 500 company.

      2. Mary Barra is not wonder woman

    2. Talk to professional athletes making far more than she does for just playing a game.

      1. Playing a game at top level takes skill

  7. Nothing riles up the angry misogynists on this website more than reporting on Mary Barra just existing. Hilarious.

    1. Just as nothing riles up the left when one of there supporters is called out for slowly dragging a company unto the ground and making tons of money for doing so.

      1. 😂

      2. dragging a company into the ground? you looking at the earnings statements and stock price? Obviously not…

        1. A steadily declining market share since literally the year she took the helm is a good thing?

          1. I thought profits pay the bills not market share? What is Tesla’s market share? they seem to be paying the bills, knucklehead. The market is shifting, and GM is shifting with it = SMART!!

            1. Loss of market share will bite them in the ass one day. Long term, the Saudi companies that survive will thrive on volume. GM went from the largest automaker in the world to about the 5th. It is a lot harder to get new customers than to keep one you already have. With GM abandoning segments and not hopping on growing ones like the Bronco in order to pursue a myopic “all electric” vision is the same playbook Roger Smith used in the 1989s. Remember, GM was basking in record profits and stick prices before he f’d thins up.

              1. GM has been losing market share for 50 years. Yet you praise the multiple leaders that came before MB and put all the blame on her. Meanwhile she has made the company more profitable than ever and and is creating a company that is a technology leader that will carry it another 100 years forward.

                Just because you don’t like the path she’s blazing, doesn’t mean she’s failing. The market obviously disagrees with you.

                1. Read my post again. Where did I praise any GM CEO?

            2. Gm is re-acting to shifting markets, not leading. That’s why you would be a fool to have all your money in gm stock

        2. Steadily declining market share and poor leadership also drastically shrunk Kmart, Sears, JC penny and numerous other long time companies. Look where they are now. It is a model that will not last long term the current way they are doing things. All it will take is a few more missteps like the Volt, Bolt, current Silverado, Camaro 6th gen the overpriced Blazer and GM will have shrunk even more. People all around are defecting to other brands in droves and this has been steadily going on since the 80’s. Gas swilling trucks and SUV’s will not be enough to carry this company much further.

          1. NO Joe, a changing customer doomed K Mart, Sears and JC penny, they failed because they did the same thing for too long, and did not adjust with the times. GM is doing the opposite, they are changing with the times, Customer preference moved to pickups and SUV’s so did GM… Consumer taste is moving towards EV’s now, so is GM (and almost everybody else), Gm is investing in AV’s because that is the future of shared transportation,. GM is moving into EV delivery vans, because that is a huge and mostly untapped market.

            1. Well if that crappy looking Bolt is the future then GM is in serious trouble. Owners can’t even park that turd in their garage.

            2. Customer buying habits are all over the map so you can’t put much blame on that. Poor leadership is more of what doomed these companies than anything else. Having unkempt stores with empty shelves, lack of employees to assist and many other things contributed to there demise. There are way too many problems at GM and there ever shrinking market share does not bode well for the future. How many times did GM predict the future before and fail? Make much ballyhoo about a new product or the next big thing that failed in it’s half baked oven. Books have been written about it at nauseum. A very small and narrow consumer is gravitating towards all electric because it is very impracticable for many and unaffordable. Car and Driver just did a long term writeup saying that maintenance cost savings over a gas car are very small unlike so many crow about. AV’s will not amount to much in the near future save for certain over crowded cities and it will take many years before something like this will ever be trusted or accepted. It will happen to a certain extent but not generate near the profit they hope.

        3. Have you looked at Teslas stock price

        4. Part of gm problems are failure to recognize they have problems.
          Laying off 10% of your salary workforce every 5 years is a red flag.
          Letting foreign car makers dominate the US market is a red flag.
          Having the lowest resale value is a red flag
          I could go on and on
          Patting yourself on the back by saying Buick is the fastest growing car company in the US this year is a joke. What that really means is Buick didn’t sell much last year. Again, GM needs to step up bigtime before they ever become what they once were.

      3. Why do you feel the need to bring up politics?

        Just wanting to spew any hate you can toward others with different perspectives?

        Just take your hate and leave.

      4. Joe Yoman
        2 types of people in business the quick and the dead. Progress and innovation are difficult concepts for the conservative mind to grasp. That’s why America’s largest and most progressive companies are based in liberal parts of the country. While conservatives are selling pillows on late night television.

        1. Oh you mean those progressives that are paying people to stay home and be useless and lazy while businesses all over are screaming for help and can’t get any? Or the pillow guy that is selling more pillows and sheets and product than ever before because the Marxists left is bullying stores to discontinue his products and instead brought said product to the limelight with free advertisement. The only thing dead is your thought patterns.

          1. Pillow Guy’s business dying on the vine!

            1. Proof? Source?

              1. Advertisers including Fox dropping him like a red hot rock!

            2. He sells more pillows, sheets and mattress toppers than anybody

        2. I survived college without being brainwashed into liberalism (or one of their 47 different genders).

    2. Its really pretty gross in all honesty. This site is full of people who have no idea how the auto business, or any other business operates. They have no idea what a CEO’s job is, or what it typical for CEO wages. Based on many of her peers, Mary is paid about average, but her performance has been outstanding. GM is in so much of a better position today than they were in 2014 when she took over, not just in profit, but in vision to the future. Mary has also directed big investments in modernizing the production system, and is now ahead of the curve in the industry,

      1. Well not everyone can be as smart as you.

      2. Still downsizing

      3. Mary is 2nd highest paid ceo in us. That’s not average. I am in agreement that you need to pay a good ceo, but Mary making 342 times average white collar salary is bs. She still doesn’t get it. Gm does revolutionary engineering. Which means they completely re-engineer a vehicle every 5 years or so. They advertise how wonderful it is, then their engineers are pulled off to work on something else. The vehicle goes thru 5 years of de-contenting until nobody wants one. Then they have to start over with a new vehicle name (because they just trashed the last name). Other manufacturers like Toyota, Honda, Mercedes do evolutionary engineering. They fix and nurture their vehicles so that their latest model is better than the last. It would be corporate suicide for Toyota to drop the Camary name or Honda to drop the Accord. Gm only has 2 nameplates they nurture. The Corvette and the Suburban. Everything else has a 5 year life span. If they don’t care about their cars why should I. If you want a vette or suburban I’m all in, but look elsewhere for anything else.

      4. I know what Mary does. I worked at GM.
        I used to get gm news on Socrates.
        She did a lot of photo ops and got new tee shirts every week. One week Habitat for Humanity (picture wearing new t-shirt). Next week LQBT event (picture wearing new rainbow shirt), etc, etc, etc. She must work the weekends to earn her $40 mil.

      5. Right on!

  8. Her performance has been outstanding? Are you her binary, non binary, male feminist, woke barista fan club?

  9. Mary Barra is a forty plus year employee of this company. She’s been a part of the problem waaaay longer than part of a so called solution. She really is nothing more than Roger Smith with a bra. I hope the American public isn’t as gullible as she thinks. When gas hits four or five dollars a gallon and she wants to import Buick cars from China just say no!

  10. GM needs a younger……more educated……and less expensive CEO…..Barra should be walked out just like every other salary employee that has worked over 30 years and been shown the exit door..

    1. Perhaps you should buy some shares and get rid of Mary? Its voted on by the shareholders every year, Board members are elected and they appoint the CEO, Barra got 96% of the vote this year, so you have some ground to make up…

  11. When everyone is having trouble paying bills and feeding the family it’s a slap in the face to all the hard working folks in the USA and around the world. Yes she deserves a good pay but 40 million? You could give back and maybe the cars wouldn’t cost 40-60 grand. All of us can give back a little to help others out and make the planet better

  12. Wow……………

  13. Lets see how long she remains after GM can’t sell all the electric cars that they have invested heavily in.

  14. Better off spending 40 million on the cheap , crappy truck interiors!

  15. She didn’t do anything for Holden in Australia. Pretty sure GM took substantial Australian government handouts and closed the entire company. Try telling those men and women she earned her money while they struggle to exist. We might be a small country but had some of the best rear wheel drive products in the world. Try googling it if you’re not familiar with the story. Absolutely heartbreaking what GM did to Australia.

  16. Merry should be paid $2/hr like her Mexican work force that she loves to employ

  17. I love corporate shills on a comment site like Donovan

  18. GM truck owners are experiencing more and more engine and transmission problems with late model GM (Government Motors) trucks under her direction. Ford F-150 and Dodge Ram are producing better engineered/built products with more options.

  19. Pay executives with stock options and let them authorize massive stock buy backs. How is this not insider trading?

  20. In reading these comments it reminds me of Winston Churchill and his comments on Capitalism.

    “The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.”

    In other words some of you will never be happy unless you Improve your position in life.

    What is stopping you from getting an education, going through three marriages , working 40 years in at a company while missing the kids grow up to become a CEO? It is not fun and games. The least of their problems is some want a be web CEO crying over their decisions.

    Too many focus on what others have vs how to earn their own.

    1. Insert shill # 2. You told such a sad tale of three marriages and missing the kids grow up I almost broke out the violin. Don’t spend too much time on GMA, you need to wax Mary’s envision.

      1. If it is so bad here then go to China and get a job where everyone but party leaders get equal treatment. It is a real blast over there.

        Just remember you have to watch what you say on the web there. Their political CEO’s will make you disappear.

        You know our system is not perfect but the potential for opportunity is there for anyone to put in the time and work to accomplish what they want. The problem with so many they want it handed to them.

        You make your own luck in life.

        If you look at the many asians that came here after the war in Vietnam. Most came here with nothing yet they worked hard and got their educations and have accomplished much in life here with no hand outs.

        Stop being lazy and if you want to go big work for it.

        Most successful people in life have a work ethic trait most refuse and that is often the difference.

        I paid the price of working many nights and weekend to get where I am at today and while I missed much I have gotten to a good place and I don’t have to envy others for what they have and what I lack.

        1. Stay on point much? No one on this site cares about what you, I or the Vietnamese have accomplished. Keep your rambling to your dinner conversation.

          1. Just an example that dispels the myths being played out here.

            Sorry if you want a welfare state because you can’t make it on your own. We have people from other countries make it big with no help and they don’t complain.

        2. C8.R, now you are talking about China? How many times have you been there? All but party leaders get equal treatment? WRONG!!!!!! I have been to China dozens of times, and can tell you the economic divide there is wider than it is here in the USA. My wealthy friends in China (none of which have party affiliations, but are business owners) have so much more wealth than American’s in similar business that its not even funny. Middle-class to wealthy people in China also educate their children well, so the cycle of poverty ends as many of my friends are the first generation of their family to break out of the working class. That’s where we went wrong in the US lifestyle, as we grew our middle class from the 60’s to the 80’s we bought boats, and second homes and spoiled our children instead of educating them to prepare for their adult lives. Chinese push their kids hard, which is why now when you go to the engineering office of any large company you see a predominance of asian engineers. Read through GM’s patents over the last decade and tell me who the inventors are? I see a lot of Chen, and Chan, and not too many Smith and Jones listed as GM inventors.

          You are right about the Vietnam immigrants, I know some, that built empires in the USA starting out with nothing, no money, no language, etc… Most do not even have a high school level education, yet they worked extremely hard (7 days a week) over decades to build wealth, and now got their children the best education they possible could, thats the key to break the poverty (or working class) cycle, hard work, and education.

          Now you are totally correct on the jealousy that exists between the haves and at the have nots, this has always existed. My high school friends used to tell me I was stupid to work so much, now they tell me how lucky I am to have found some success… Interesting how stupid becomes luck!

          1. Your China friends pay dealers to the party to get what they get. No one is free there.

            They have many class systems that favor people who belong to the party or pay into it. If you are needed you can vanish fast too.

            Yes some people are now bette off in the past but yet they are still not free. They are still based on cheap labor and most of these people are living in dorms and will move from company to company often based on who is serving the best food.

            No I have not been there but I do business with a number of companies and have co workers on site to oversee production of parts and make sure corners are not cut.

            In America we lost our work ethic and as technology moved to less developed markets to permit them to build and make products cheaper we lost our edge. We need again to gain our edge but it will need to be in areas of development and that takes education. Most folks just don’t want to put in the time. Also we have a great need for specialized labor but again many do not want to spend the time to learn these skills. They just want to get hired to put a screw in a hole and make $100,000 to do it. Then they complain when they have to pay $12 for a hamburger.

            Hard work is how you increase your chances of success. I gave up much for years but I ended up in the right place at the right time getting paid more than I ever imagined for doing things I never even thought would exist. I could have just settled working in a factory but I didn’t. No I did not go to some big school either but I did get my degree and payed my dues in life.

            My parents came up the hard way and with my father he was paralyzed at a young age. It was tough at first but he worked and retired with over 35 years at Goodyear with a good job and taught me how you make it in life. He never sat around complaining about what others had and did not need a union to get him what he had at a price.

            People need to stop worrying about others and focus on themselves. Remember your kids are watching you.

            1. If you have not been to China, and seen for yourself, you are ill equipped to talk about it. You are a “know it all” , but with no actual experience… You heard from someone who went to China? haha! Come on man… go get some experience and then let me know? I was very surprised by the lifestyle of my Chinese friends, and yes there is corruption, but that is amongst the billionaires, my friends are millionaires, and their lifestyle is pretty darn good.

              When you talk about “free”, what do you mean? I have never felt under Communist rule when I was in China, feels pretty free to me, and as a matter of fact, I feel our society is less free in many ways. The one freedom I missed in China, is the ability to access anything I want on the internet, but just set up a VPN and you can get around the great firewall too. For instance driving in China, its basically a free for all on the highways, you can pass on the right or left, and there are not cops running around trying to bust you for being on the phone or without a seatbelt. There are speed cameras though, that you have to watch out for, but the navigation will warn you of their location.

              You are right on the pathway to success, but mostly wrong on China.

    2. Yeah! it’s a Bizzaro world when an experienced woman get chosen to run the
      company and all the ” geniuses ” posting here were overlooked for the job !

    3. Going through three marriages is a goal we should aspire to? It is also naive to think Barra or any other CEO outworked everyone else in a company to get to the top. Believe me, at GM there are thousands who work more hours than Barra. To think politics and favor do not play a role in one’s assent in a corporation is also naive.

      1. No it is a price many pay to get to these jobs. Few find an easy path to the top.

        The way to the top is long days often with out pay as they are not hourly. Often they move often as they have to work in several contents around the world. Not all the places are nice.

        They put in the time for education. They put in extra efforts to stand out. You have to get to know the right people, You have to also make many right decisions along the way and few mistakes. You have to deal with a lot of people you may not like and treat them well.

        You give up many of your hobbies and your family time as work often comes first. Many of these leaders did not live to an old age as they have bad livers and usually smoked themselves into one lung.

        I know one guy at GM the that is out of GM now and he is only in his 60’s. He is not a well man as it took toll on him. Heart attacks and strokes from smoking and the stress of the job nearly killed him. There are many more like him our there.

        Even Henry Ford II who you thought would have had it made but he was on the bottle and divorced a number of times. He was not a happy man. Having it all is not always worth the cost.

        Just look a the many actors and rockers who made it big off them selves in various ways. Making it is not always everything you dreamed.

  21. I think Mary has done a great job of preparing GM for the future. I initially had some concerns about a female engineer leading this company. She has proved my doubts incorrectly placed. She is a good solid visionary leader!!

    1. I agree. A top executive.

    2. 40M, and she has to charge $500 for a paint colour that isn’t white or black lol

  22. Overall she is doing a good job with one exception along the product lines.
    GM currently has nothing to compete with the new Ford Bronco or the Jeep Wrangler, a big profit miss for them.

    1. The lack of a Bronco or Wrangler competitor is obvious, but I would dispute your claim that it’s a “big profit miss.”

      The segment in question is still a niche, even with the reborn Bronco taken into account. And then there’s the big question of how sales will hold up over time, once initial/pent-up demand has been satiated.

      So again, the fact that GM isn’t in this space is apparent, but it has very little to no impact on the bottom line.

  23. Yeah she made 342 times more then the white collar worker but they don’t want to say how much she made over the hourly employees wages. It’s probably about 500 times more I know because I work there. It’s pretty sad when the workers can’t even afford to buy what they build

    1. Why do you think you’re entitled to afford top of the line trucks? Escalades? Corvette?

      You’re an hourly worker with no education who is unwilling to work harder to get ahead. Poor you!

      Sitting around looking for handouts isn’t going to help you get ahead.

      1. What!!!!!!
        Please expound on your vast knowledge of the gm hourly employee and lack of education. Do you think because this person doesn’t have a B.S. in communication he is unwilling to work hard? Do you know how many gm hourly employees move into leadership and management positions! Do you know how much money gm spends on training?

        Sometimes it’s the supposedly educated that are the most ignorant of all!

        1. Jofa, don’t you know all gm cars and trucks build themselves without any human ever touching them?

          1. I believe that was uncle Roger’s big plan. Dark factories with robots whirring about not having to eat lunch or go to the bathroom. The Japanese sold him all the automation he could ever want and laughed about it behind his back. From Roger Smith to Mary Barra, if nothing else gm has a matching set of bookends.

  24. Can you say “Overpaid”?

  25. Is Mary single? Can you say Sugar Mama?

  26. Our XTS and Impala are quality cars built in a plant with proud, well paid employees that alas, no longer exists.

  27. When does Micheal Moore’s new movie “Mary and Me” come out?

    1. Filming is down to two locations. China or Mexico?

  28. Hope your reading this Yogi’s daughter, you look like him, you are GM’s worst investment and a bigger loss for them with that ridiculous salary. Go try to manage baseball you loser.

  29. The question is…………………… How many pissed off customers will never again buy gm due to “Design Flaws”?

    1. Merry and Jeff bezos should get together. Together they MIGHT, get though life financially. And if not, bill can help out in a interest free loan.

  30. The fleecing of America by the 1%. Corporate greed is alive and well in the USA.

    They should knock down her take by 75% and invest that money back into GM or a charitable cause. Toyota’ CEO makes nowhere near this amount ,nor many other CEO’s.

    1. Toyota isn’t trying to push a profit driven and exploitive BEV agenda… they are more than happy to make modest profits and continue their rise to dominate the market…

    2. CEOs in the financial and investment sector as well as health care make FAR more than Mary.

  31. Did I read that right? The “median” income of employees it $117k !? Holy Lord! No wonder I’ve been priced out of this market. I guess government bailouts and union kick-backs really do work!

    1. Read closer, that is the median income of the salaried workforce, not all of it.

  32. She (Mary Barra) and GM shareholders would definitely realize even greater income(s) and share growth once Chevrolet/GM resolve the Chevy Bolt ‘fire issues’.  Tho they’re linked only to 2017-2019 EVs the general public (and surprisingly some Chevy/GM personnel too) don’t fully understand the ongoing ’17-’19 battery issues and/or perceived dangers . . . many potential buyers are opting for competitive BEV vehicles instead . . . and that likely explains the general lackluster acceptance of these NEW Bolt EVs and EUVs — clearly competitive offerings to FORD, KIA, TESLA, VW, etc. 

    Add to that ‘misunderstood mystery’ about Chevy’s EV battery fires (again only applies to 2017-2019 currently), the ‘Industry Rumor’ that the NEW Bolts will be replaced in 2023 and 2024 (EV and EUV respectively), it begs the question(s), “… why would anyone purchase a 2022 Chevy BEV that’ll be replaced in 2023 or 2024 …”? . . . how will that affect depreciation/resale value(s)?? . . . WHY have to keep paying for a car 1, 2, 3 or 4 more years after it’s become obsolete??? . . . and wouldn’t a potential buyer be much better off LEASING vs. BUYING given the aforementioned???? 

    We (wife and I) were planning to BUY a BOLT EUV (with all the ‘bells and whistles’ including Super Cruise), but will only consider it now instead of a TESLA or VW if it could be LEASED (not interested in a Ford BEV — we both had Mustangs when in high school/college, so have outgrown the ‘hot rod stages’ in life). 😉

    Bottom Line — will Chevrolet/GM (GM Financial) be offering 24 or 36 Month Leases for the Bolt EUV primarily; and, preferably with minimum mileage limits of 24,000-to-36,000 for those lease terms?  Please Advise — THANKS!

  33. Re-Posting This — previous one was DELETED somehow!?!

    She (Mary Barra) and GM shareholders would definitely realize even greater income(s) and share growth once Chevrolet/GM resolve the Chevy Bolt ‘fire issues’.  Tho they’re linked only to 2017-2019 EVs the general public (and surprisingly some Chevy/GM personnel too) don’t fully understand the ongoing ’17-’19 battery issues and/or perceived dangers . . . many potential buyers are opting for competitive BEV vehicles instead . . . and that likely explains the general lackluster acceptance of these NEW Bolt EVs and EUVs — clearly competitive offerings to FORD, KIA, TESLA, VW, etc. 

    Add to that ‘misunderstood mystery’ about Chevy’s EV battery fires (again only applies to 2017-2019 currently), the ‘Industry Rumor’ that the NEW Bolts will be replaced in 2023 and 2024 (EV and EUV respectively), it begs the question(s), “… why would anyone purchase a 2022 Chevy BEV that’ll be replaced in 2023 or 2024 …”? . . . how will that affect depreciation/resale value(s)?? . . . WHY have to keep paying for a car 1, 2, 3 or 4 more years after it’s become obsolete??? . . . and wouldn’t a potential buyer be much better off LEASING vs. BUYING given the aforementioned???? 

    We (wife and I) were planning to BUY a BOLT EUV (with all the ‘bells and whistles’ including Super Cruise), but will only consider it now instead of a TESLA or VW if it could be LEASED (not interested in a Ford BEV — we both had Mustangs when in high school/college, so have outgrown the ‘hot rod stages’ in life). 😉

    Bottom Line — will Chevrolet/GM (GM Financial) be offering 24 or 36 Month Leases for the Bolt EUV primarily; and, preferably with minimum mileage limits of 24,000-to-36,000 for those lease terms?  Please Advise — THANKS!

    1. So you outgrew the hotrod stage and now paly shuffle board? You must be very gifted.

  34. No person is worth that much salary no matter what their job is.

    1. The only exception is if you started and built that company ama Elon Musk or Bill Gates.

    That Mary Barra makes 40 million and she if offshoring American jobs to do it.
    I will NEVER buy a foreign made GM vehicle.
    Probably won’t ever buy any gM vehicles again.

    1. The Japanese and Korean cars are more American than most gm cars now… Sad fall from grace as greedy lowercase gm cuts established, well compensated production employees and continues to add board members and white collar “workers”… Just continue to pump up the wage gap like a good Democrat Mary.

  36. She killed off HOLDEN,a 164 year old iconic Australian company……GM is dead to us.

  37. I have one big Q for Queen MaryB & “Donavan”: who the heck is gonna buy these EVs being shoved down our throats??? For millions of Americans they are way too expensive and/or impractical. Here comes Trillions more in taxpayer “subsidies”. God help the grand kids paying off the debt we are piling on by the trillions.

  38. true story here. If the stock price goes up Barra makes more money. To hell with the customer and his needs. I have owned 16 GM trucks and most were bought new but they no longer build what I want so I will buy no more. To many recalls and they don’t stand by what they sell. My 2013 is the last truck from GM.


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