GM Authority

Chevy Silverado Driver Pulled Over For Flashing Red And Blue Lights

A Chevy Silverado driver in Marin, California was recently pulled over for mounting a set of flashing red and blue lights to the grille of his pickup.

According to a post to the CHP – Marin Facebook page, a CHP Lieutenant was driving to work Tuesday morning on Highway 101, traveling southbound, when he noticed flashing red and blue lights in his rearview mirror. After pulling over, he realized that the vehicle in question was a lifted Chevy Silverado pickup truck – not exactly your typical unmarked police vehicle.

Marin CHP promptly pulled the Chevy Silverado over, determining that the driver was in fact not law enforcement. The driver was cited, and photos of his or her pickup were captured and promptly plastered on social media.

“If you ever find yourself in a situation where you believe you are being pulled over by someone impersonating a police officer, don’t hesitate to call 911,” the CHP – Marin post reads.

Essentially, it looks as though the Chevy Silverado driver installed the red and blue lights to trick other motorists into thinking the lifted pickup was a law enforcement vehicle, forcing them to move over – probably so the truck could get around traffic with the flip of a switch.

Funny enough, the car upon which the Chevy Silverado driver tried to pull this little stunt really was an unmarked police vehicle. However, as CHP – Marin points out, traffic patrols are only performed by marked vehicles. As such, the Lieutenant requested a marked car to perform the stop.

Per the post’s author, “538d(a) actually designates this as a misdemeanor, not an infraction. So long as a person uses a ‘device’ to make people believe they are law enforcement, the penal code classifies it as a misdemeanor.”

Nice try, Chevy Silverado driver. Unfortunately, that trick isn’t gonna work on a real police officer.

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Source: CHP – Marin, via Facebook

Jonathan is an automotive journalist based out of Southern California. He loves anything and everything on four wheels.

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  1. But did they have a blue lives matter sticker tho

  2. People,e and their lights. No one pays attention to these laws and then get mad when they get pulled over.

    Like the old neon lights. I had some guys mother call and was upset we sold him one for his car and he got a ticket. I then pointed out on the web and catalog that buyers should check local laws.

    1. You’re an idiot

      “I sold you something illegal, but it’s not my fault”


      1. So Dave you are still pisses that your mom yelled at you for not reading all the words after I showed were you were clearly warned.

        Suck it up water boy momma said neon was the devil!

      2. Reply to Dave C,
        Using the lights at a car show – legal
        Using the lights to impersonate an emergency vehicle – illegal
        Not understanding the difference…douchebaggy

  3. Where I live if you activated lights like this you will fry with a felony but no surprise for cal. where you can rip off a grand and thats OK.

    1. Everything in California is slap on the wrist unless you are trying to legally buy a firearm or ammo. In that case you are presumed guilty and your second amendment rights do not exist.

      1. What, EXACTLY, does ANY of this article have to do with guns OR the 2nd Amendment?

        Are you just one of those morons who has to interject guns into EVERY subject and conversation, no matter the subject or premise?

        Someone close by you: “That person is walking across the road without a walk signal, that’s dangerous.
        You: Yeah, someone should shoot him with an AR-15”

        1. Everyone should have at least an AR did you not hear we are going to have to beat the terrorists back on our own or you will end up dead if you are going to rely on the ”big guy”to protect you.

  4. I like how the guy had to get rid of the antenna and put a stupid bullet one on. Should have taped a few film canisters to his roof instead.

  5. Nice looking truck—but dumb stunt with the enforcement lights.

  6. Kid had to know it was a matter of time before he got busted.
    Then again, he might be a Gen-Z, dumbest batch to populate society!!
    Probably his dads truck. LOL

  7. Probably spends more time in his ride than living in his parents basement!

  8. No spotlights on truck kind of a giveaway flag.

  9. Red and blue are law enforcement, steady red is also CA law enforcement

    Traffic control or emergency vehicles using Amber are acceptable if you have a class A license and are using “amber” in the performance of your job

  10. Only thing worse than a pig is someone pretending to be a pig.

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  11. Reply to Dave C , you know, in my province the red bullet glass packs and fart canons are technically illegal and car parts stores still sell them. Certain headlights aren’t DOT approved but car parts stores still sell them.

  12. Must of been a Democrat……Dumbass


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