Experts agree that reducing carbon emissions is critical to curbing the effects of anthropogenic climate change. To that end, automakers are ramping up efforts to electrify with a range of new EVs, including General Motors, which has announced plans to launch 30 new EV models globally by 2025. However, the batteries that will power these new EV models will require a good deal of lithium, leading to questions over the environmental impacts of lithium mining.
General Motors recently settled a deal with Controlled Thermal Resources to ramp up lithium mining in the Salton Sea, which is located in Southern California. It’s believed that the new mine could provide “a significant portion” of the lithium required for GM’s new EV range, but according to a recent report from Vice, environmental groups are questioning the potential environmental and social impacts of extracting lithium from the Salton Sea.
The Salton Sea was created in 1905 as the result of spill-off from the Colorado River and agriculture runoff. Once a vacation destination, the Salton Sea is now highly toxic, with pesticides and chemicals highly prevalent in its waters. It’s believed that as the Salton Sea dries up, as is the case now with an ongoing drought, the chemicals will go airborne and result in a range of health hazards for locals.
However, the Salton Sea also holds one of the U.S.’s largest stores of lithium brine, which could potentially supply as much as 40 percent of the global demand.
Controlled Thermal Resources claims that its lithium extraction process is environmentally friendly, sourcing the energy required from renewables. To this end, the Salton Sea has 10 geothermal power stations, which utilize underground steam to drive generators, while also creating a lithium-rich saline brine byproduct which would be used as another source of the mineral.
The proposal with General Motors would take advantage of these processes and help to reduce the environmental impact of lithium mining. That said, the process is still water-intensive, which is particularly important in an area already hit by drought. There’s also the question of job opportunities in the region, and whether lithium mining will provide new opportunities for locals.
Environmental groups are now investigating the potential impacts of the new General Motors-backed lithium mining operation, both locally and more generally.
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We must stop Climate change and make your life hell while doing so! Cause you know that every single climate prediction since 1970 when “scientist” started making climate predictions has never once been even close to true, and often the opposite. 🤔
Also, we must curb the gas in the atmosphere that is approximately 0% of our atmosphere! ( (350 ppm is .000350 and rounds to 0.
Just waging war on my SUV because mobility=freedom, so got to make it too expensive for anyone to purchase.
When did idiot pills become free?
Name one of the things I listed that are false
Your life isn’t a living hell, Princess.
Cause I fight back, and will continue to so I me and my family don’t go the way of the Uighurs. If we go to full renewables/BEV’s only/universal basic income/national health care, we will become a hermit kingdom, much like the norks. Heck, if we just move all vehicles to BEV’s and forget the Rest of those Marxist dreams the cost of shipping and transportation alone will make it so we will spend all our money on bare necessities, and will have none left for saving or spending on the vacations/recreations that make the American life the envy of the world.
Universal health care is now Marxist??? Geee my Dad had a triple bypass & my Mom spent six months in rehab after a stroke and it cost us nothing! Yes, I pay higher taxes than you do, but it is worth every penny! BTW no lawyers for car accidents, no fighting, and really low insurance rates…. Does that sound bad?
Gee, where do you live, the Planet ZOG ???
If it’s the UK, you’re Liar, the National Healthcare System is Broke, and people are on a waiting list more than year long for critical treatment and surgery.
Funny, you don’t know what you are talking about but call someone else a liar, typical.
My comment is factual common knowledge based on multiple news reports and also available on the net, which means that given your lack of substantive rebuttal, you are undoubtedly a Woke Liar !
My lack of rebuttal is based on my strong belief that “ you can’t fix stupid” of which you are an obvious example.
No, your lack of rebuttal is due to the fact that you have now on two occasions provided Zero evidence that proves my statement is factually incorrect.
Now to top it all, you’re attempting to defend your stupidity by changing your user email, which just goes to show how thick you actually are.
No Not lower taxes.
We just pay, and pay, and pay . Dozens of taxes.
I once added it up and it was far. far higher than Canada’s total tax load.
Well, unless you’re a multi-millionaire then you pay little. If your a billionaire, then nearly nothing.
Right Now I trust the Communists in any form more than I trust Western Political Leftists, given that at least we actually know what the Communist Agenda actually is, but we don’t have a clue as to what the actual Leftist Political Agenda is, except Self Enrichment at the expense of everyone else.
KC Erasmus; That post could only come from a full-blown Trumpite. In reality, the far-right agenda calls for Oligarchy / Fascism. How about spending a little time studying history? The lack of historical knowledge is why we see people flipping out over the simple wearing of masks. As if that is an violation of their “freedom”. The Big Lie goes on unabated.
More Leftist Political BS, from an Ignorant Woke Leftist.
Sweden didn’t go into lockdown, they didn’t wear masks, and they still have the lowest death rate from Covid-19 per capita across the Globe, which proves just how Clueless and Ignorant Leftists are.
Let’s further consider the Unscientific Irrationality of your “Woke” masked moment.
People wear irritating masks on their faces all day, and are continually adjusting them with their bare hands to relieve the discomfort.
The theory of the mask is that it prevents the air borne virus from entering the nose or mouth.
However reality strikes back, there are gaping apertures around the mask which still allow entry points, and hands touching the outside of the virus infested mask, hands that remove the mask, and hands that rub the face, eyes and nose after removing the irritating mask without a hint of thought, the same hands that touched the outside of the virus laden mask.
The Facts are that hands are the greatest bearers of virus, sickness and disease.
So much for your Leftist Idiocy.
Masks don’t help, and even Fauci admitted it. They can cause harm by restricting breathing and bacteria form on the inside of the masks. They also don’t prevent you from getting the virus. In surgery, the staff wear masks to keep the room sterile to prevent infection for the patient, it’s not for the staff. It doesn’t keep you from getting the China virus. If someone is sick they should wear a mask, otherwise we shouldn’t be wearing masks.
Don’t let your politics keep you ignorant. Let that be some discomforting enlightenment.
Your right-wing rants cause one to wonder if you’re a founding member of Q-Anon. How about asking first-line health workers if masks are effective? Let’s visit Covid casualties in a few months, when many of those who chose not to be vaccinated will be dead.
But if you want to rely on The Pillow Guy and Ms. Greene for scientific wisdom, so be it.
Thank you for proving just how Grossly Ignorant you are.
Let’s tally up the short term side effects of the Vaccine, including Guiliane-Barre disease, Thrombosis, Heart Inflammation, and those who despite being vaccinated have contracted Covid-19 delta variant and have died before you utter another word of Stupidity.
But wait, there’s more to come in Long Term side effects from the vaccine which haven’t Manifested themselves yet.
What we do know from Data with Integrity coming out of Israel that 50% of their current infections are people who have been vaccinated, now isn’t that a bummer for your BS theory.
You’re just another Leftist politically ignorant and idiot.
First-line health workers will agree. They do nothing. This isn’t about Q anon. Many will be dead? Covid doesn’t kill people unless you’re elderly you are at a higher mortality risk. 99% of people who get China virus live.
The right believes in liberty, not fascism. You don’t know the other side you only know your talking points. The donkey party is the party of the uninformed.
I trust you don’t mind me correcting you, but it’s actually a Jackass mascot, that is so absolutely representative of its members
Still didn’t answer my question, were any of my facts and figures wrong? Those numbers still remain.
“Most of the models accurately predicted recent global surface temperatures, which have risen approximately 0.9°C since 1970. For 10 forecasts, there was no statistically significant difference between their output and historic observations, the team reports today in Geophysical Research Letters.”
BS supreme, please provide the actual specific model predictions that were supposedly correct, and not generalised hearsay nonsense as a justification by a supposed “Science” magazine.
Every single Climate model has so far been a disastrous failure, and their predictions are getting worse by the day.
Please prove that a rise in temperature would be harmful, and that it is unnatural, given that you cannot farm in Greenland as the Vikings did, nor can you plant trees in the Arctic Circle which existed, nor can you plant vines in Northern England anymore, as all of the activities described above could only take place if average temperatures rose by about 10 degrees C in those places, and despite those higher temperatures, in Natural History, humans are still around and were thriving until the Climate BS’ers came along.
So bad faith argument. Gee, couldn’t see that coming.
Please tell me what your incoherent comment about a “Bad Faith Argument” refers to.
You mean the Rational Truth that doesn’t suit the Farcical BS climate change narrative ?
Why don’t you try countering my questions by providing truthful rational and scientific answers ?
Oh no, you can’t because you just bluntly and ignorantly believe the BS Anthropogenic Climate Change narrative, and are incapable of
applying critical thinking or considering rational or logical arguments, most probably due to your Low IQ induced Cognitive Dissonance.
We don’t have a “surface temperature reading”. 2/3rds of the planet is covered in ocean, and we have effectively ZERO historic record form any of it.
People who talk about “global this or that” are clueless, because we can’t even tell what the globe has done over the last 1000 years due to lack of scientific readings.
Climate isn’t about 10 year trends, that’s weather.
Absolutely Spot In !
The theory of Anthropogenic Climate Change is based on nothing more than Thumbsuck BS, given, just as you have stated, they have Zero Historical Benchmark data to prove that the earth is supposedly warming in the first place, let alone that the change is due to Anthropogenic activity, nor is there any proof that if there are actual temperature changes, that these temperature changes are actually harmful at all.
I find it extremely amusing that the ACC/AGW warming Lunatics find a temperature change, if they could actually prove one, to be harmful, while they purport to compare Non-existent data, yet ignore Natural Historical record which proves that the earth has been much warmer than it is now in many locations, and yet and has survived and flourished during warmer periods.
Case in point being Greenland which an article this morning in the Conversation, which purported that Greenland was warmer 55 million years ago and it was catastrophic, when man wasn’t even on the planet, whilst ignoring the fact that Vikings farmed Greenland from A.D 985 onward for approximately 400 years, when Greenland was much warmer than it currently is, and they flourished.
I challenge anyone to try farming crops and cattle in Greenland under current temperatures.
One doesn’t need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that we are being lied to about climate change, all it requires is simple logic and rational critical thought such as that people like you and I are applying.
Thank you for providing a reality check, for those who have difficulty understanding the Real Science, Math and Economics.
These days we live in a “Woke” fantasy land with masses of gullible people unable to think for themselves, who are so easily brainwashed into believing any garbage which sounds both trendy, and easy to them.
Dear Steven, You are partially right that climate scientist’s prediction models about average temperature rise have not become true using most of their models accept the Russian model which predicted about the correct amount of global temperature rise. So, it is true that temperatures are not rising as much as what most of the models predicted. However, and this is a huge however, in actuality the devastating effects of the more moderate temperature rise are much worse than what they predicted and are happening much sooner than what they predicted. In fact the devastating effects of global warming are accelerating at a faster and faster rate than anyone predicted.
“United Nations Report Shows That Climate Change Is Accelerating” By Theresa Machemer SMITHSONIANMAG dot COM JUNE 1, 2021
“‘Surreal’ and ‘Distressing’: Climate Experts’ Predictions Come True With US Heatwave” by JESSICA CORBETT, June 18, 2021
“Climate change problems are happening sooner than expected” BY WILLIAM PENNELL, SEPTEMBER 28, 2020
“Climate Change Is Accelerating, Bringing World ‘Dangerously Close’ to Irreversible Change” By Henry Fountain Published Dec. 4, 2019 Updated May 12, 2021
Jeff, your comment is both incoherent and a contradiction in terms since your reference refers to rate, which implies time, which means that if the rate of warming is increasing, we would have achieved the projected BS rise in temperature.
None of the works you have quoted provide any proof that CO2 causing warming, but uses unproven circular logic of acceptance that CO2 causes warming at all, and is therefore Coincidental, and Not Causal, since this has Not been proven by anyone, which therefore nullifies any such statement in Science.
Although the earth may be warming, there also exists Zero Credible Data to prove this against the Purported temperature of the period 1870 to 1900 as used by the IPCC as a benchmark.
The only credible analysis of proxy benchmarks was in the work by the late Dr. Keith Briffa which Michael Mann and his fellow Climate Fraudsters preferred to hide since it did not match their manipulated False Narrative.
You, like all who believe the purported Anthropogenic Driven Climate Fraud have been fooled into believing nothing but a hollow circular argument with gaping holes in it.
Please provide the Empirical data which not only proves that the earth is warming, but that is driven by CO2 concentration, and not that it is the product of a past 600 to 800 year old event.
Secondly prove what temperature is the ideal average temperature for the earth, and the criteria used to determine this, given that the Vikings farmed Greenland, which is now Impossible, that the Anglo Saxons planted vines and made wine in Northern England, also impossible now, and that trees grew within the Arctic Circle, another current impossibility.
Yet despite a period in these regions where average temperatures were at least 10 degrees C higher than present, humans thrived on earth.
So what justification bare you and these other cretins have to justify that Climate Natural variability is a hazard to humans ?
I can go on for hours and hours question the Nonsensical BS being put forward as Science, which neither you nor the cretins you refer to will be able to answer, confirming that are either attempting to fool people with absolute garbage, or being fooled into believing the AGW narrative trash, or both, which are nothing more than political narratives to suit a political agenda, and nothing could be further from either truth or science.
Climate change has been happening for eons. Climate change is caused by the sun’s ever changing thermal excitement-constant increases and decreases. Physicists have been trying to figure out this code and the sun’s self generating energy source based on matter change activity since the development of atomic theory. Energy is neither created nor destroyed. We are trying to unlock this code which can be either beneficial or dangerous. I cite radiation contamination and deaths as the danger element. I cite a terrific energy source and medical tools as the beneficial element.
It’s not the CO2 causing climate change folks, which is a beneficial elemental gas. It’s the sun’s thermal activities.
All these new national master plans calling for small electric vehicles, multi floor stacked residential housing, high rise residences in the commercial urban core and digital currencies are now being promulgated by scare tactics from the political and financial power elites to move the masses into their planned long term designs and objectives.
Climate change is a constant thing. The peaks and valleys of climate change are played by these power elites to move the suckered masses into their master plan directions.
propaganda article. hard pass.
Republicans don’t believe in science. Can’t we just take their lithium heart medication, and use that to make batteries?
What if we replace it with something Republicans love. I’m thinking something 1/2 Bacon grease, 1/2 B.B.Q Sauce
ummm lithium isn’t a heart medication…. you’re not very smart are you?
Democrats don’t believe in science. It’s because of you guys that we have biological male athletes crushing records in women’s sports. Also, stop arguing that you can pick an arbitrary point when life begins and just start arguing for justified murder, because that’s much more scientifically sound.
Wait….. don’t alot of republicans think the world is ran by baby blood drinking lizard people?
I guess you’re referring to Democrats, which is exactly what they are Baby Blood drinking Lizard People.
Lithium is used in psychiatric treatment for bi polar disorder not heart medication.
Typically Cognitively Dissonant comment from someone who thinks Leftist politics solves problems or advanced society !
The typically baseless comment of an Ignorant illiterate Democrat.
Which other brain dead group of people would have elected a Demented Fool into the US Presidency ?
Upon reflection on many of Erasmus’s comments, it seems more than likely that he/she is a Russian Troll. Do you know Putin personally?
I guess this is your admission that Russian trolls are lot smarter than your Cognitively Dissonant self !
I really have to laugh at Leftist Hypocritical Idiots like you.
You and your fearless leaders Dimwitted Joe and Kamala the Hoe were all denying that you would have anything to do with the Vaccine that Trump had, had developed under project warp speed, yet here you are a proponent of the very vaccine you all said you would never take.
Trump will of course have the last laugh, because you do know that none of the vaccines have been officially, formally and finally approved by the FDA, which means that you’re a Guinea Pig for an experimental vaccine for the next three years or so until the FDA declines to finally approve it due to the side effects that have and will develop, which means that you probably won’t be around to vote in 2024. Thank Goodness given that we need to eliminate 80 million idiots, or is it 10 million, since we really can’t trust the voting tally from the last election given the adverse audit findings so far.
You really are a dumb as crap.
Rave on, my friend. Not to put too fine a point on it, Donald Trump is an ignorant, narcissistic, self-centered, vindictive, repulsive, SOB. Worst president in history, who is now obsessed with selling his CULT what has come to be known as The Big Lie. Spineless politicians are in his thrall, e.g. Gaetz, Cruz, Graham, Greene, Gohmert and most other RINO’s. The real GOP is dead, replaced by zombie Trumpites.
Jim Berry, thank you for proving to us what an Absolute Moron you are in no uncertain terms.
You have not provided a single shred of evidence to support any of the utter garbage you have purveyed so far.
You continue to diverge and digress further and further away from the crux of this debate, proving that you are incapable of any meaningful contribution to the debate.
Your latest comment also is also the rant of a Woke Political Lunatic who refuses to face the reality that he assisted in the corrupt process of installing the latest Dimwitted and Demented Fool in the WhiteHouse currently.
Keep running your Moronically Stupid mouth, and I’ll continue laughing at you, Dumbass.
If you had the slightest amount of intelligence, you would have shut your Stupid Mouth several comments ago, but since you haven’t, it absolutely reflects the Jackass that you are, and a prize idiot member of the sub-70 IQ political party of which you are a member.
The dope speaks again. Typical Dem. The dems don’t know our arguments but we know theirs. Ignorance is bliss for dems.
If you are all in on battery electric technology, then why GM’s insistence and cozy relationship with the questionable Korean LG? Why not American companies?
Originally GM partnered with the American company A123 for Batteries, but it went broke about a decade ago.
Yes, in the same way GM is going to go broke if they think they can survive selling only 11 EV’s in Q2 of 2021 !
Get Woke, Go Broke always reigns supreme.
Korea is our ally for one so kinda not warranted to call it questionable
Because since GM bought out Daewoo motors they have become semi-Korean, given that many vehicles sold under the Chevrolet moniker are actually Korean Daewoo’s, and Not Chevrolet’s.
Also Liberals : OH MY GOD HOW DARE YOU DIG MILE DEEP MINES AND RAVAGE THIS EARTH #CorporateGreed #stopkillingtheplanet
Seriously can’t win with these people. It’s cringe
but you know the difference right?
It’s not really liberals that want to dictate corporate policies with legislation…. Its the progressives. All Progressives are liberals, but not all liberals are progressives. So you’re not wrong, just want you to know your enemy.
A nice plagiarized play on words.
They are both birds of the same feather, no matter how much you attempt to manipulate the word play, and Both are very dangerous because they never finish the crap they start and this Never leave a legacy of success, only failure and a mess that requires Conservatives to clean up.
You only have to look at the disaster that is being left behind in the wake of the Biden/Harris administration to understand how correct my statement is.
Are Biden or Harris Liberals or Progressives given that they continue to conflict themselves ?
Yeah, just go against the opinions of thousands of qualitied scientists, world-wide, and instead believe populist rantings that climate warming is fake news. Makes total sense. If you can’t trust self-appointed scientists, whom can you trust?
EV’s aren’t the answer to climate change is the point. There’s still far too much damage caused to the environment, from the process of mining the materials to meeting the demand of electricity required to charge them. We should be spending all these billions on developing alternative fuels and making them cheaper (the technology is out there, look it up).
You really aren’t the sharpest tool in the shed, now are you ?
Firstly, Please provide the Empirical data that proves the earth is warming beyond control.
Secondly, please provide the Empirical data that proves any change in climate that may occur is due to Anthropogenic Activity.
Thirdly please provide the Empirical data that proves that CO2 is a causal factor if any warming is occurring.
Stop being a Sheep who listens to what the “Scientists” supposedly say, who are these Scientists, and what did they actually say ? Stop following the nonsensical circular logic and Propaganda that the Press is feeding Cognitively Dissonant people like you, and follow the rational logical and Empirical data based approach, which will show you exactly how far you are off understanding the truth.
CO2 is a requirement for sustainable life. Without it we perish. It is not an environmental hazard as the EPA would have you believe. The dems don’t believe in climate change, they believe in anything that can help them stay in power.
Who are these “Qualified Scientists”, and what did they actually say ?
You obviously don’t know or else you would have quoted their research work reference.
Which means that you are just another Gullible git who believes anything the Press says without actually determining what has been said.
Did you know that these heavy Lithium battery packs in EV’s that pretty much are on the entire underside of the vehicle are heavy and cause premature tire wear?
EV owners are having to replace tires at around 20K miles.
I read it was from the high available torque from the electric motors.
Not only does the extra mass cause tyre wear, but it also has on average an approximately 30% greater impact on road surfaces, causing them to decay quicker.
Interesting to see how road builders and surface binding suppliers are going to get bitumen for road surfacing if we stop refining oil, and where the necessary supply of synthetic rubber for tyres will come from.
Sounds a lot like the fracking process
mrflorida: Lithium brine is extremely corrosive. The production piping from the wells and refinement circuits need constant maintenance. The caustic Lithium brine also contains rare earth materials.
American Potash Co. extracted brine Lithium from a vast underground deposit at Searles Lake in Ridgecrest, California. This property was later purchased by Kerr- McGee and operated by K-M for many years before they were purchased by Anadarko, and then Anadarko was purchased by Occidental in LA.
There are huge vast deposits of Lithium brine in the Western USA, including the Great Salt Lake in Utah, where several Lithium producers have operations.
Lithium ion batteries are an interesting animal. Very heavy. Expensive to replace. Need special disposal treatment and special fire extinguishment techniques.
They burn extremely hot and the fumes are very toxic.
This whole new EV game will be very interesting with the planned elimination of fossil fuels. Future electricity demand to support our ever increasing electric life minus fossil energy to support it will be very interesting. I’m suspect of wind, solar and hydro power to meet this increased demand without the use of fossil fuels.
Time will tell.
Lithium for the most part is very plentiful like crude oil but it’s processing is more challenging than crude due to it’s corrosive nature where crude oil is not.
It was similar challenges when crude oil was converted to kerosene, then production switched to Gasoline. Horses didn’t catch fire or blow up but the new fangle automobiles did. New challenges for a new generation.
Given that we are in the 21st Century, we should no longer be doing things by iteration, as using customers as Guinea Pigs to see if things blow up or catch fire.
Test EV’s until they are capable, and then we will consider them.
Let’s stop going backwards in life !
Chevrolet doesn’t need much Lithium given that they only sold 11 Chevy Volt’s in Q2 of 2021.
They should be able to extract enough Lithium from used mobile phone batteries.
Idk why people think being greener means it has to be perfect… It’s like y’all do it on purpose
I have really enjoyed watching Leftist Political Idiots placing a thumbs down on my comments, but failing to offer sound rational scientific answers to the questions I have posed or Evidence against my statements, which once again proves that the only people who believe the Anthropogenic Global Warning narrative, are nothing more than Total Imbeciles.
Not sure why everyone on this CAR site turns CAR related issues into Political BS on here but all i will say is the following.
EV’s are NOT a Political issue. I have friends that drive Teslas that hang on every word that comes out of Trump and others that hang on every word from Biden. Not sure if everyone on here is aware of this insane fact but in Europe there are Right Wing and Left Wing Parties but they are converting to BEV’s as a whole.
Yes, because in Europe the Average car is traded before it is due for its first set of tyres.
People generally travel short distances in cars in Europe because the public transport system is second to none, which means that cars are generally “Town” cars, Not used much for long distances, which is the downfall of EV’s.
On top of it all European governments have already taxed the crap out of their citizens, so they have money to pay all manner of subsidies to people who buy EV’s, without which virtually nobody would buy them given their pricing, loss of value in the short term and a variety of other factors.
Europe however is going to have to face realities within the next three to five years in regard to ridiculous environmental policies which are draining the financial reserves they have, and put them out of business if they don’t.
An Environmental Court in Sweden has disallowed further operational activity and is forcing a major cement factory which supplies most of the cement for construction, due to the limestone mining and manufacturing process being “Environmentally Damaging” which means hat Sweden will have to import cement, which will most probably come from China.
Europe is Not a good example for anything as they proceed to destroy any possible competitive advantage they may have had, and their economies with that.
None of that explained why you and others constantly turn EV’s into a Political Football. It is not. I do not care about anyones Political views on a Car website or Europes Political views per Country. You once again are grasping at straws to keep the fact that the entire World is shifting to BEV’s to your personal Political opinion. My point was that Europe has Conservative Parties and Liberal Parties but they are all shifting to BEV’s.
And I believe your opinions are not factual….most Europeans hold onto their cars for quite some time passed their First tire swap but whatever. It is comical that Europe doesn’t matter on a Car website because it doesn’t fir your Political narrative. I mean Europe only owns the Luxury vehicle market. They basically dominate it around the Globe. And that little company named VW is a very small player in the Automotive World Lol.
But again, none of that fits your Political narretive yet again.
Quick question for you….lets see if you can keep the answer NON Political.
The entire World is shifting to BEV’s whether you personaly agree with the decision or not does not matter for this question. So, as a GM fan, do you prefer that GM stands still and then basically goes Bankrupt or do you as a GM fan want them to try and become the best again and become the leader?
The entire world is shifting to EV’s/BEV’s ???
Aren’t you the Fool, EV’s BEV’ make up less than 3% of the Global Market so stop talking BS !
EV’s/BEV’s or whatever you would like to call them became a political football when the US and European governments started giving subsidies to buy them, and attempting to force people to buy them through legislation you 🤡.
The only people who think EV’s are a solution to anything, are people who can’t do Math, don’t understand Economics and have no idea what Science and Engineering is about, and have no idea about the multi-dimensional world we live in, and how it functions.
If we stop refining Oil and mining Coal, there will be no synthetic raw materials for Plastics which are contained in virtually every item you touch everyday, from clothing to packaging to furniture to components for cars to upholstery, to carpeting to cable sheathing essential to build EV’s, to battery casings for EV’s, to synthetic rubber for tyres, to V-belts, to dashboards, and the list goes on and on and on.
Not to mention all of the industries involved in the supply chain which employs at least a Billion people.
So before you open your Stupid mouth to utter more trash, just stop, engage your brain and think for a moment.
Wow you are special.
Yes, I am, I have a multi-dimensional holistic picture of the real world, Math, Science, Engineering, and Economics, but most of all, I have pragmatic common sense which you have confirmed is sadly lacking from your repertoire.
What a nice guy KC is; and an IQ of 180, enabling him to know everything. A renaissance man, just when we had give up on anyone being able to know everything. Maybe a bit of narcissism, but still, a pity he can’t be Caesar of the World.