GM Authority

Wuling Announces Upcoming Nine-Passenger Family Vehicle

SAIC-GM-Wuling, General Motors’ second joint venture in China, has just announced its plan to introduce a nine-seat family vehicle for the Chinese market, which will become the largest passenger vehicle ever made by the company. The new vehicle will be sold under the Wuling brand, aiming to meet the transportation needs of growing families in the Asian country.

The automaker announced the upcoming nine-passenger Wuling family vehicle with a teaser image, in which it previews the versatility and spacious interior the new model will have. Although it’s simply a drawing, the image shows that the vehicle will feature sliding side doors and four rows of seats with a 2+2+2+3 layout.

Although the teaser image does not include a design preview or any additional details, it’s highly likely that this nine-seat Wuling model will be an oversized MPV and will be part of the brand’s wide range of commercial vehicles. It should feature Wuling’s “mechanical aesthetics” design language focused on practicality, along with the classic red logo.

The SGMW announcement comes a few weeks after the Chinese government decided on May 31st to allow married couples to have up to three children, due to the rapidly aging population in China. The latest national census revealed that the average age of the country’s residents continued to rise, despite recent efforts by authorities to relax the rigid one-child policy imposed in the 1970s.

The joint venture anticipates the upcoming needs that many Chinese families will have, requiring large, highly flexible vehicles able to adapt to multiple transportation scenarios. So far, SGMW is the only manufacturer that has actively responded to the new government policy that will impact the Chinese market’s demographics, in keeping with the “Wuling builds what people need” business slogan.

Wuling’s upcoming nine-passenger family vehicle is expected to launch later this year in China as a 2022 model, as the brand said its introduction will be “very soon.” Additionally, SGMW said that the model will fun to drive and the seating configuration is well designed so that large families can easily get in and out.

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Deivis is an engineer with a passion for cars and the global auto business. He is constantly investigating about GM's future products.

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  1. Here’s a novel idea, gm: how about you do something about your (non-existent) vehicle production IN THE UNITED STATES?

    A corporation the size of gm getting caught with it’s pants down concerning supply of critical components?


    1. Consider the market size:
      China 27 million vehicles per year, USA 17.

      as regarding the scarcity if chips: this problem caused by the Covid-19 pandemic is hitting each and every automaker worldwide.

  2. GM SAIC Wuling should make this vehicle electric and offer this in the U.S. to compete with the Ford E-Transit.

    1. YOU can buy chinese shyte if you want. Me, I’d sooner walk instead.

      1. You are such an idioti if you prefer to walk!

        1. nothing wrong with exersize…

  3. I think GM, as an international corporation , saved by the American taxpayer, might just as well move their operations to China. Joint ventures with the Chinese are just “baby steps” to becoming fully integrated with the Chinese government. It will be interesting to see how a former American corporation operates within the Communist Chinese Government. It will not be good for the American blue collar worker. Perhaps the American public will wake up to the “off-shoring” to lowest wage countries for greater profits. We must preserve our intellectual properties and the ability to manufacture our own goods right here in the United States. Even today, try to buy American and you will find it a challenge. Tour Detroit, the motor capital of the world and you will find over 900 manufacturing plants closed or vacant. What happened??

    1. I am pretty sure you know what happened. Right now Ms. Barra is chasing quick money which has been the program for the last thirty years. Rather than improve quality and design a make an outstanding automobile GM wants to slide by with mediocre. I remember when Ross Perrot wanted to get GM back on track with great designs and excellent cars. The result was to close the school of design and color and send him home.

    2. They pretty much have.

  4. GM will export this vehicle to the US. It will be called “Camaro”.

    1. When a snow ball starts rolling down hill everyone should know what happens. Obviously Not. America is and will pay a big price for these colossal mistakes.

      1. Do Corporations have any allegiance to the United States? Perhaps a few but not many? I would like to see Corporate America honestly waving the American flag, but after decades of “offshoring” it seems the draw of increased profits is powerful. It is a delicate balance between “living wages”, USA jobs, and Corporate profits. Also the pandemic has caused some of the pimples in our system to evolve into giant boils! I hope we can head in a new direction that will enhance the pursuit of happiness in America!

        1. Corporations OWN the USA, as corprations own any other capitalist state.

          It is said that 60 families rule the USA.

    2. No, it would be called Chevrolet Astro.

  5. This is the exact reason I keep my 96 Astro up and running as when all family comes home we can easily fit into it with lots of room. I can’t afford an 80 K Suburban or Expedition. Wonder what it’s going to sell for in China? I want to buy American (or not purchase from communist countries) . The small all electric vehicles (cars) will never work on my average family, 4 adults plus grandkids.

    1. The small all electric cars are purpose built for city or urban use perhaps as a second car. 4 adults plus grandkids sounds good for a Chevy Suburban, especially for long trips. We need to distinguish between city cars and large cruisers for many people, although the small electric city cars claim a capacity of up to 4 adults, but I am sure that would be a tight squeeze even for a short distance. GM currently makes one in China called the E300PLUS which is, of course, not available in the USA. Affordability is another issue with electric cars. If you have big bucks there are several all electrics available but very few if any at the entry level range. I was glad to see Ford offering the Maverick pickup at $20,000 but that is an internal combustion truck, BUT at an affordable price for many people. It seems you can always sell to the top income people but for the lower income people you need to find just the right mixture of value, utility, price, profit margin and large successful production numbers. An historic example would be way back in 1939 when Studebaker engineers and designers came up with the Studebaker Champion, a low cost, affordable and reliable car that the people loved. It pulled Studebaker out of financial trouble and they continued on until 1966. We need American auto manufacturers to take a close look at this segment of America today. The current vacuum needs to be filled with an affordable entry level car that fills basic transportation needs with environmental considerations. I strongly believe that American ingenuity can do this with leadership and advertising. Remember we still live in a society where not everyone is driving a Cadillac. God bless America and hang on for it might be a rough ride for awhile until we regain our balance!

      1. This is exactly what Im talking about. You referenced the Suburban (so did I) but I cant afford that and use as a daily drive. Im all for moving forward to protect future generations but it needs done at a natural pace and not forced (reference the states that ban ICE in the future). When the auto came out they didn’t ban the horse or horse and buggy. Natural market forces drove their acceptance. Thank you Freddie for bringing out further info.

        1. You also might want to take a look at the Toyota Prius as a transitional vehicle. The design is well proven and helps us into an all electric vehicle. We can also hope for our “brainiac” engineers to work on “game changing” battery technology that will lead to greater range and lifespan. It is an exciting time to be in the auto business and I just hope it will be filled with cutting edge advances by American auto companies right here in the USA!——–Blessings

  6. Haaaaaaaa
    Another ‘great idea’ from Mary Barry and the gM leadersheep.
    I wonder how many Chinese families will need a nine person vehicle.
    These will surly be imported to the USA again screwing the Americans that bailed gM from bankruptcy.

    1. With grandma and grandpa and guests — whoops! that cars is already too small.

  7. And the Chicoms are allowed how many girl babies?

  8. And no warranty on the wheels falling off, it’s a design flaw.

  9. My prediction: As soon as Queen MaryB gives away gm battery & EV tech to the murderous CCP Authoritarians, with an all-in fanatical drive to conquer the planet, they will cut ties with the “woke” globalist Queen & her court. OR if she meets their demands maybe throw a few crumbs her way.

    1. Sober up, man! And get in touch with reality!

      The “all-in fanatical drive to conquer the planet” by US Empire has failed. China was not conquered.

      And China has with 1,411.8 million inhabitants, i.e. more than 4 times the number of inhabitants of USA (331.5, i.e. actually by the factor 4.24).

      China has 40% more inhabitants than US+Canada, EU+UK, Australia (AUS), New Zealand (NZ), Japan and ROK (South Korea) combined.

      Get real. Actually, many people world wide would be glad if the USA would cut ties with the outer world, mainly withdraw all her military, including all the aircraft carrier fleets patrouilling the seven seas, behind the US national borders.

      But for the USAnians, being thrown back to their own devices, without foreign trade, this would mean a severe impoverishment.

      Again: get real, and sober up.

  10. I told myself I wouldn’t cave to these gm writers telling us what the Chinese are doing in China. I could give a rats ass.
    Notice these writers don’t tell us what UK, Italy, and France are building? They come up with some lame comparison of foreign mfgrs of cars selling in the US, like Trailblazer vs Kia.
    I don’t see any articles of what Kia is selling in South Korea…
    Notice gm is trying to tell us over here what is going on in China like its a China company…not a US company….ummm

    1. China is the largest country in the world, about 4 times more people than USA, and is the largest market for any automobile manufacturer, including General Motors.

      And this blog is about General Motors, not on, say, Toyota or VW.

      But they will report on products of the competitors, when those appear to be a direct competition of this or that GM model.

      GM was once the largest automobile manufacturer of this planet, but as times goes by, was taken over by other corporations.

      Following the rule of “profits before quantity”, GM concentrates their marketing on the two largest automobile markets, i.e. China (27 million/year) and USA (17 million/year). Plus Latin America, have a strong position, also the Arab petroleum dictatorships on the Arab Peninsula and the colonial settler state in Palestine, and finally Russia.

      HIstory is the recording of changes, and the perpetual change cannot be stopped.
      To shut oneself out of history as Rip van Winkle is not a recipe for success.

      Deal with it!

    2. gm is a China Company now, gm has given the store to the Chicoms No more secrets inside the lower case woke woman run company.

  11. Sounds like you are saying “profits AND quantity”. Apparently corporations are immune from political ideologies.

    1. Oberver7, Im very intuned to history, economics, and corporate politics. This is all in one. gm is telling the US what inside China is doing and that vehicle will never sell in America period so why do we care…because it’s a gm competitor in China…who cares… You could make argument if that vehicle was imported to sell against gm in the US but it will never sell here…again, who gives a rats ass… You’re preaching the obvious that China has a dollar sign on every Chinese person and US wants that dollar…ancient history. I would be very interested in what China is doing to control the world as they have, maybe you should be instead of thinking of adding revenue to their cause.
      You need to do better… gm does not …report on the European countries inside profits and production of those vehicles because gm doesn’t care or compete as they did years ago. You won’t read an article outside of China here on this forum because gm has interest to make money. Also history, revenues drop within the bubble until the next best discovery or go outside the bubble. Europe is that outside bubble. It costs more for them to compete based the price of the Euro over the dollar and gm knows that where in China where our dollar rules which equals profits based on volume and manufacturing over there to reduce export costs.
      So as gm continues to reach for plantation sheeple …7 stay with your theory….

      1. @Race57: obviously you don’t know GM, “intuned” as claim to be. Wuling is a GM brand, one of the more sucessful.

        Just as Opel and Vauxhall were GM brands, or Oldsmobile and Pontiac.

        The article you are commenting on begins with these words: “SAIC-GM-Wuling, General Motors’ second joint venture in China”.

        In case you want to widen your world view, look at the article on Wuling in this blog, and follow-to-

        This blog is about the company General Motors, short GM, and GM is a company with a global reach, even if GM has withdrawn from a number of markets.

        If you are not interested in this company, you are here in the wrong place.

      2. I detect a strong anti-American tone in your remarks. My hope is that China and the USA can find peaceful ways of helping each other to build a flourishing business and social atmosphere that will be beneficial for both countries and the world. WE have plenty of problems and loads of smart people. WE should be able to encourage one another and lift spirits in a productive manner. For example, I would love to see the joint venture with the E300PLUS come to the USA at Chevrolet dealerships and be sold right next to the Chevrolet Bolt. The E300PLUS has a nice range, has an affordable entry level price and would allow those less affluent Americans looking for a purpose built city/urban all electric vehicle to possibly buy one. Thanks for giving us in America a point of view from China .

        1. You “detect a strong anti-American tone in [Race57’s] remarks”, Freddie Winters?

      3. It may also be necessary to remind @Race57, that this blog, GMauthority, and its attached forum are completely independent from GM, are not financed by GM, and do not necessarily reflect the points of view of the GM corporation.

    2. Mo money, Mo money, Mo money.

  12. I would rather have friends than enemies. Would it be possible to develop a synergistic relationship that would benefit many human beings rather than just a few???? I say a Chevy Bolt side by side with an E300PLUS would offer a greater choice and ease the income disparity in many countries. Personal affordable transportation makes a great contribution to freedom of mobility.

    1. To market the products of SGMW (SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile Co., Ltd., short SAIC-GM-Wuling) outside of China, under the SGMW own brands Baojun and Wuling, or as e.g Chevrolet in North America, would have to be decided by both GM and SGMW, based on a business plan profitable for both partners.

      You mention the Baojun E300 (and the E300 Plus) variant. This is not the same as the Wuling Hongguang Mini EV, vying for the title of the best selling car in China with the Tesla Model 3.

      BTW, the english language wikipedia has articles on both models.

  13. 7, you missed my point/s… not worth the time to keep this going. We’ll pick this up on the article in this forum how China products being made and sold in China to Chinese people and how that impacts US economy….

    1. Its a great thing for all of humanity that China gets under its feet after being subjected to US, European and Japanese colonialism.

      Nobody is doing well, until all are doing well.

      Why occur so many, nearly daily mass killings in the USA? Because she is still treating the original people of the American continent, the enslaved Africans and the Chicanos conquered with the half of Mexico as oppressed nations. You have to face the facts and recognize them in order to be able to heal the national sickness.

      1. The original Americans were of Asian descent. The whites treated them with contempt and thought God wanted whites to conquer the land and take it all. Blacks were brought here because they were cheaper than whites. Economic history explains the US was a colony to support the motherland create a foothold in the hew world. US history is poorly taught so it’s no wonder others in the world don’t know what happened to Native Americans, indigenous people. They gave us potatoes and corn, we gave them syphilis and the bible.

        1. »Blacks were brought here because they were cheaper than whites. «

          It was a little more complex:
          • native Americans were useless, since they could not understand why they should work longer than needed for daily necessities and store supplies for winter;
          • “white” European settlers could always quit the job and “go west”, driving natives of their land;
          • African societies were in the same state as antique Greece where in wars of one tribe against the other prisoners were made, which then were used as work force, called “slaves” (for the slavic people they were taken from); but that was in the transition of the egalitarian matrilineal society to a class society with oppression of women to establish the unnatural male-to-male inheritance. The capitalist society they came into by the transatlantic slave trade was a completely different place.

  14. I hope all carefully read this previous comment from an obviously despicable apologist for the China CCP and perfect example of our “woke” youth indoctrinated by our far left “Progressive” factories of “higher education” to literally HATE America. It’s a REAL disease affecting the future of this most noble Nation on the planet. Let’s be clear “observer7” (I.e. typical anonymous millennial coward): America, in it’s short history, NEVER had a “Chairman” Mao who massacred MILLIONS of his own citizens. And that’s just a part of the wretched murderous modern day CCP. Enjoy that CCP/Queen MaryB made Buick Envision everyone. What color did you pick?

  15. Ladies and Gentlemen, Could we please talk cars, like all electric, purpose built, affordable city/urban cars and perhaps comments on future charging stations now that Shell Oil and GM are working on solutions. Hate politics will not encourage any kind of positive solutions.

    1. Looks like American’s don’t like the commie style “This is what you’ll drive, like it or not type of government”.


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