New Hampshire State Police arrested the driver of a C7 Corvette last weekend after a trooper clocked them travelling at more than double the posted speed limit.
A post published on the Facebook page for the New Hampshire State Police indicates a trooper clocked the C7 Corvette travelling at roughly 150 mph on New Hampshire’s Route 16 highway before pulling the vehicle over.
Not only was the driver travelling at an unreasonably high rate of speed, they were also driving on a suspended license, as the trooper arrested them on charges of both Operating After Suspension and Reckless Operation.
Police also shared a photo of the C7 Corvette in question, which appears to be a Blade Silver example with the Z51 performance package, as evidenced by the low rear lip spoiler. It also appears to feature a large aftermarket rear wing.
The arrest came amid a busy Memorial Day long weekend for troopers nationwide as more motorists took the roads to visit family, vacation and for other leisure purposes. Prior to the long weekend, the National Safety Council (NSC) estimated that up to 415 people may die on U.S. roads during the 2021 Memorial Day holiday period.
The C7 Corvette Stingray, produced from the 2014 to 2019 model years, came standard with a 6.2L LT1 V8 engine producing 455 horsepower and 460 pound-feet of torque and was offered with either a seven-seed manual or eight-speed automatic transmission. It can accelerate from zero to 60 mph in roughly 4.2 seconds and has a factory-rated top speed of 186 mph.
The C7 Corvette was replaced by the mid-engine C8 Corvette for the 2020 model year, which has a more powerful 6.2L LT2 V8 engine producing 495 horsepower and 470 pound-feet of torque, as well as a more advanced eight-speed dual-clutch transmission.
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Live Free or Die
I’ve seen law enforcement do this many times. They confiscate high-end vehicles and use the car for fun and speeding. It is a chance you take tho when driving like crazy, something we’ve all done. My first citation was at 16 in my 55 Chevy hot rod given to me by the gas station owner mayor of the small town we lived in. It’s what I call Authoritarian Carconomics.
Got my first speeding ticket the same day I got my drivers licence. Judges seem to appriciate that fact.
I Wonder If “They” Split The Ticket?
I’ve been stopped 3 times for driving over 100mph. Have avoided jail time so far. One trooper said he had to drive 120mph just to stop me so he could write me a ticket for speeding lol
Brilliant, unless your a professional driver, glad I wasn’t on the road with you.
So….there were.two or more drivers? How is that possible? Did I miss something?
Last time I was stopped was about 35 years ago on a remote section of I-10 near the Arizona California border. I was driving my Saab 9000 turbo which would run up to 135 or 140 MPH and traveling for business I often cruised at extra legal speeds on remote sections of western highways. A CHP officer ran me down after clocking me at 119 in what was then a 55 MPH zone. We had a good laugh and he wrote me a ticket for 65 MPH in a 55 which I disposed of with a session in traffic school. In recent years I have driven several C6 and C7 Z06 Corvetts over 160 with no drama. I had my C-6 above 140 MPH just last weekend. Incidentally, I have driven well over one million miles in North America and Europe without an accident.
As long as there’s NO other traffic….. GO FOR IT!!!🤣🤗
C-7 & 2SS….
Chevy, Dont ~electric~ my 455…..
The bad part of this story is that the police officer was not driving a Corvette
Sheesh! ONLY 150 MPH? Common Dude, where is your sense of adventure? Hold the pedal to the metal (uh, fiberglass?) and let that ‘Vette stretch it’s legs out even further! That baby was just hitting it’s stride and I doubt that the law was driving anything capable of actually catching you…physically while on the highway that is. So here’s the deal….
It’s not that these All American Sports cars can’t attain those speeds and more, but it’s the “LOCATION” that these idiots attempt to “let ’em breath” and get caught doing the illegal to the point that they are endangering other lives. I personally could care less if they’re endangering their own lives, but doing this on public roads is just plain STUPID and idiotic!
For gosh sakes man….there are places in most States where you can find area’s that are open enough to do this stunt if you really feel the need to do so, and yes a race track would be the best place to “go for it” but I don’t know of any race tracks that’ll allow a “top speed run” on your Corvette, there isn’t a straightaway long enough to do this. But, at least it’ll get that “need for speed” hopefully out of your system and you can return back to reality a safe and still alive individual!
I know, as a late model Corvette owner, the urge to “let the horses out” is always there, but the sane person within me knows that were I to attempt to do this, and not just in Southern California, but anywhere on any public road, that I’d not just be risking my own life, but the lives of others, and no one deserves to die at the stupidity of others idiotic actions!
Sadly this sometimes gives other Corvette owners a bad name, and are sometimes considered a menace to society, and sadly they may not be that far from being wrong after seeing such idiotic actions on a public highway in New Hampshire.
In closing, I do believe that this is the very small minority of “sane” Corvette owners that would do something like this, and I’m betting that most of us ‘Vette owners are simply content to “have some legal fun” when the chance permits to “get up to legal speeds as quickly as possible” (no harm in that if you do it safely, right?) and to keep enjoying our amazing “All American Sports Cars” within the limits of our States Vehicular Laws. ‘Nuff said….stay safe and stay aware out there!
Ever been to New Hampshire? Long stretches of road with no traffic. Big deal.
“…large aftermarket rear wing.” Or a bug smear on the cop’s windshield?
I did not know flatbed tow trucks could go that fast?
I didn’t know jealous could type.
Corvette drivers are some of the most sensible drivers I’ve ever seen. It’s the ones in the mustangs and loud ass dodges that worries me. They always trying to show off
Probably stuck in 4th gear.
Time to ban all cars. They kill. Even good drivers should have their vehicles confiscated. Only police and politicians should be able to have vehicles. Bob
Older Vette driver had to get home to relieve himself 🙂🙃😉
Got pulled over in Germany for going 120 in a minivan. Just did a safety check and said, have fun! We need to quit being pu$$ies in the US and increase the speed limits!
Just about any car on the road can do 150 if enough road. Some cars get to 150 quick and others take another 10 seconds.
Looks like a lot of B.S. comments here, maybe some are true?
150 that is a female speed.
I have twin turbs under my gt hood..if your going to be on the internet for speeding do 197 that’s what I was clocked at..he was impressed..he did take me to jail and gave me a felony ..but he was impressed
Proof read your post before posting.
a “seven-seed”manual or eight-speed automatic transmission. 🤣🤣
Seven seed must mean a basketball loser 🤣
Eye gotcha?
A Florida senior citizen drove his brand new Corvette convertible out of the dealership. Taking off down the road, he pushed it to 80 mph, enjoying the wind blowing through what little hair he had left. “Amazing,” he thought as he flew down I-95, pushing the pedal even more.
Looking in his rear view mirror, he saw a State Trooper, blue lights flashing and siren blaring. He floored it to 100 mph, then 110, then 120. Suddenly he thought, “What am I doing? I’m too old for this!” and pulled over to await the trooper’s arrival.
Pulling in behind him, the trooper got out of his vehicle and walked up to the Corvette. He looked at his watch, then said, “Sir, my shift ends in 30 minutes. Today is Friday. If you can give me a new reason for speeding–a reason I’ve never before heard– I’ll let you go.”
The old gentleman paused then said: “Three years ago, my wife ran off with a Florida State Trooper. I thought you were bringing her back.”
“Have a good day, sir,” replied the trooper.
I wonder what vehicle did the cops use to stop the Corvette. Or did they ambush the driver somehow?
You might outrun the Explorer but you can’t outrun the Motorola!
BTW. A cop buddy told me this so long ago, the cruiser was a Fury.
Last time I was stopped for speeding I was on my Confederate HellCat motorcycle and I was stopped by a CHP also on a motorcycle. The first thing he asked was “do you know how fast you were going?” My response was “hell no at that speed there are way too many other things to be watching out for to look down at the speedometer” he chuckled and said ” I can understand that. Slow it down and get out of here”
A couple decades ago, I learned that my new 2001 Camaro SS would let me set cruise control at 145 mph.
Is this a warning for speeders or just bragging about corvettes?
2014 came with 6 speed auto
Stupidity. Why the heck would you drive 150 on a holiday weekend with many more police on the prowl? Why the heck would you be driving 150? Lol