GM Authority

General Motors Launches New Climate Equity Fund

General Motors has announced a new Climate Equity Fund intended to support organizations working towards “Equitable Climate Action.”

The new General Motors fund allocates $25 million for philanthropic climate equity efforts, and is intended as a complement to the automaker’s recently announced $35 billion investment into EV and AV technologies globally through 2025.

According to the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation, climate equity is defined as protection from environmental hazards and access to environmental benefits for all, without discrimination based on income levels, race, or any other characteristic.

GM’s Chair and CEO Mary Barra recently discussed the need for equity considerations and outlined some of the company’s goals with regard to climate equity.

“Climate change does not impact every community equally,” Barra said at the Aspen Ideas Festival. “As we move to an all-electric, zero-emissions future, it is on us to lead positive change and implement inclusive solutions that bring everyone along, especially our employees and communities.”

The automaker’s renewed focus on equitable climate action is broken down into four key areas. These include “The Future of Work,” which prioritizes the current GM salaried and represented workforce with continued support for unions and the promotion of safety, quality, training, and jobs for American workers, as well as support for the UAW’s unionization efforts for employees at the new Ultium Cells LLC battery plants.

There’s also EV Access, which stipulates the launch of a broad selection of electric vehicles suiting a spectrum of price points, plus development of hydrogen power for rail and aircraft applications.

Infrastructure Equity is also part of the automaker’s framework, with access to charging solutions and the easing of concerns related to EV ownership.

Finally, the Climate Equity fund will provide support for organizations working to close the climate equity gap at the community level.

General Motors is now accepting proposals for Climate Equity funding, with potential grantees asked to submit proposals that align with the automaker’s key climate equity social outcomes.

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Jonathan is an automotive journalist based out of Southern California. He loves anything and everything on four wheels.

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  1. Ahhh the Tarzan Chest thumping virtue signaling from lowercase gm continues…….

    1. Please someone explain (according to the Luskin Center definition) how “environmental” hazards or “environmental” benefits has anything to do with climate? And how is climate related to race, income levels etc? This is a mixed up triangle (environment-climate-race) of an enigma wrapped up in a riddle

      This is not a definition but an amalgamation of indiscernible ideology. They could not explain it if they were asked because they don’t know themselves.

      The abuse of language is a technique used by the Left throughout history to confuse the masses for the purposes of control. It is the opposite of liberty.

      1. Thank you for the explanation. I couldn’t figure out what the heck this was all about.

    2. Would love to connect on this and other energy advancements…

  2. Stupid woke gm, how about investing some money in truck interiors instead of the cheap , crappy stuff we got now.

    1. Or better yet focus on securing parts so that they can build products that start with a C! i.e C8, CT4, CT5, and Camaro. Also use this money for these stupid woke programs to advertise for said C products.

  3. Sounds like a heapen’ helpin’ of PR virtue signalling BS.

  4. Let me guess, 25 million over 25 years and that number is only reached if the current rate of inflation continues and everyone buys EV’s??? That like saying GM has invested 3.5 trillion into gas guzzling trucks over the same time frame.

  5. Here we go again with more rounds of this sickening woke stuff. Someone ought to remind Mary how badly her good buddy (the Crowned Prince of Woke) Bareback H. O’Bama equitably f**ked the entire population of Flint. But he sure made up for it elevating the Transgendered bathroom debate to the center stage of US politics, didn’t he…

  6. Just a tax write off nothing more. It was this or the human fund.

    Subaru already cornered the buy our car or this kitten will die segment.

  7. Mary and her wokies need hung out to dry.

  8. Ahh the Hate is strong in this one… LOL

    Keep the awesome work going Mary Barra!!! Love the EV future!

    1. Someone is stoned.

      1. Thank you for all the down votes! I knew I was loved for my opinion!

    IF GM wants to join Coca-Cola and Delta on my boycott list, they’re doing the right thing.

    1. Yup – just yesterday purchased a 2022 BOLT EUV (my 7th plug-in) yet the excrement coming from ‘gm Leadership’ is getting to be almost too much.

      I can see the ‘gm’ of the future giving beaucoup bucks to racist movements – which incidentally, (like black politicians stating they will only be interviewed by NON-WHITE reporters), almost all white liberals are actually very racist – even if they don’t realize it.

      They are constantly telling the black community what is ‘Good for them’ – rather than letting black communities make their own decisions.

      Its gotten so bad recently that many black community leaders are telling the White Libtards to ‘Buzz Off’, similar to what happened to our VP – ‘the Camel’ when she visited South America.

    2. Given the dent you’ve put-on Coke and Delta’s bottom lines, I’m sure gm is trembling….

  10. All part of the ESG thing pushed by trillion-dollar funds like Blackrock and others

  11. No such thing as climate equity. The virtue signaling is vomit worthy. This too shall pass. Mary and Mark’s days will eventually come to an end.

  12. ROFL. I work at a GM Dealer. GM engines and transmissions are largely JUNK. Ask any owner of a 2020 or 2021 V8 powered GM truck who has had lifters replaced in the first 10,000 miles how happy they are with their purchase. GM is more worried about their image and obtaining favors from the government to help support their electric vehicle program than they are about their customers. Just two of the reasons I will never own another GM vehicle.

  13. Lower case gm has lost me as a customer with all their wokeness lately. I do not support companies that use their “platform” to push liberal ideology. I will support companies that stay out of it and simply conduct their business. Remember, “it’s just a business decision.” Works both ways.

  14. Looks like AOC and company really have GM grabbing their ankles…frigging cowards.


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