GM Authority

Hummer H2 Driver Hoards Gasoline, Accidentally Burns Down Vehicle

Motorists up and down the east coast are hoarding gasoline in response to a cyber attack on the Colonial Pipeline, with panicked customers forming long lines at gas stations and stockpiling fuel. Unfortunately for one Hummer H2 driver, their stockpile of gasoline resulted in their SUV burning to the ground.

In a recent report from the Citrus County Chronicle, Citrus County Fire Rescue crews were called out to a vehicle fire Wednesday morning, arriving shortly before 11 a.m. The fire was reported in Homosassa on South Alabama Avenue and West Grover Cleveland Boulevard.

According to officials, the Hummer H2 driver had filled several gas cans at a nearby Texaco Food Mart on West Grover Cleveland Boulevard. The SUV apparently had four five-gallon containers filled with gasoline in the rear of the vehicle.

The resulting fire was extinguished by 11:09 a.m., but as evidenced by the photos, the Hummer H2 was completely destroyed. Officials also said that the fire resulted in one injury, but the injured individual refused transport, despite medical advice to the contrary.

The official cause of the fire has yet to be determined.

Pictures courtesy of Citrus County Fire Rescue, via Citrus County Chronicle

Pictures courtesy of Citrus County Fire Rescue, via Citrus County Chronicle

Florida governor Ron DeSantis declared a state of emergency on Tuesday night, stating that the Colonial Pipeline cyberattack posed a “significant and immediate threat” to Florida fuel delivery. However, officials have urged Florida residents not to hoard gasoline, and panic buying has resulted in numerous shortages thus far.

Some reports show motorists filling plastic bags with gasoline. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has also issued a tweet urging people not to fill plastic bags with gas.

The latest is that the Colonial Pipeline is back online, but panic buying will likely result in gas shortages lasting weeks as customers drain gas stations of inventories and hoard fuel. The surge in demand has also pushed fuel prices higher.

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Jonathan is an automotive journalist based out of Southern California. He loves anything and everything on four wheels.

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  1. Ah the American Idiot………

    1. Evan, although I agree this person was an idiot, it’s certainly NOT only American’s.

      1. Americans as a society normalize and enable stupidity.
        That’s what separates us from other countries.
        Act stupid in China and you get a ruthless barrage of shaming from state media & the rest of society.
        Act stupid in Japan and you are subject to serious ridicule.
        Act stupid in Europe and you can face financial penalties.

        1. You have no clue what you’re talking about.

          “Act stupid in Japan and you are subject to serious ridicule.”

          Japanese just think you’re an idiot and avoid you but never say a single word. That’s politeness. It’s clear the only thing you’ve seen from Japan is game shows.

          “Act stupid in Europe and you can face financial penalties.”

          Drunk in public in US: criminal misdemeanor, arrested. Penalty in some states of up to 6 months in jail. Drunk in public in Europe: fine.

          Reality is much different from TV.

          1. Really? Ask the idiots that made poor decision after poor decision that lead to the Fukashima nuclear disaster.
            They were publicly ridiculed on national TV and other serious penalties.
            Criminal misdemeanor for drunk in public? Yeah if the police actually arrest you and our woke prosecutors actually charge you. 2 things I will not bet my life on.
            So much ASSuming there about my knowledge and experience lol.

    2. Actually Evan(like always) its the dangerous end result from “greedy nutcases” to opportunistic individuals who feel like being recklessly overzealous in a crisis situation makes them smarter and better prepared than everyone else..

      1. Whatever you say to make you sleep better at night and score empty virtue points.

        1. Its seems like someone’s(yours) “baseless virtues” is trying to play everyone for fools on here. Very clever but no electronic cigar/cigarette as a self reward..

    3. Where are you from?

  2. what the hell are people thinking.

    1. They aren’t. That’s the problem.

      1. True HAHA

  3. Only like transporting gas cans and propane tanks in pickup bed.

  4. Lol at all the die-hard anti-EVers petrol heads, “what happens during blackouts, oil never fails to deliver” really? Just one hacker cut off all your east coast gas supply. People like you panicked , rushed to the gas stations, set fire their cars while trying to hoard some gas.

    Imagine what would happen if Israel and Arabs go into a full fledged war and all the oil supply of the world abrupted and we re-experience another 1973 Oil embargo/crisis. Or another very likely scenario extremely speculative oil market that is at the mercy of petrol cartel decides to skyrocket like it did in 2007-2008 and we see $200 oil price.

    I don’t understand why those self-proclaimed patriotic people want to rely on a foreign-dependent energy source. Remember fracking oil is not endless and not suitable for all petroleum products.

    1. i don’t have a problem with ev’s but right now, hybrids are a better choice. great gas mileage with zero inconvenience.

    2. What happened to those Tesla owners when cold weather took the Texas power grid offline? Oh that’s right, they asked new owners of the 2021 Ford F-150 hybrid for a charge. And probably asked for help with their frozen pipes too. You ICE haters you. Haha.

        All those so called Tesla owners you speak of slept in a heated vehicle at night with their kids in their garages without dying….can you do that with your ICE vehicle?

    3. Can we have that EMP blast yet to fry your terrible Tesla?

  5. florida man strikes again!!!!

  6. How does that grill look perfect? Are those actually a chrome plated metal grill on the Hummers instead of the fake plastic chrome?

  7. Stuff like this is so unbelievable that it just leaves me scratching my head. Complete and total morons (and no, this isn’t just American’s as to what Evan said above). The entire human population is filled with morons. It’s why they invented Velcro shoe fasteners so that these same people wouldn’t have to struggle with laces. There’s something in the human mentality to hoard and panic. Most of these people could easily just have stayed home and let the situation get resolved instead of running around wasting gas trying to fill up. But of all that I’ve seen on the news, it was the lady attempting to walk away from the pump with the gas in a plastic shopping bag that took the prize. Hate to say it, but maybe this earth would be a better place without people like that.

  8. Bummer.

    1. Yeah, that was probably the last running Hummer on the road.

  9. Stupid is as stupid does

  10. What a tragedy; destroying a beautiful Hummer H2.

    1. “Opportunistic(Greedy) Idiocracy” has become the still ever growing “neo-normal” here in the United States for the past 16 years..

    2. Yeah, such well designed, high-quality vehicles…….you could say GM at its “peak.” LOL

      1. Not really “NO” which is coming from myself. A individual, self advocate for GM when needed but just the same. This reckless/dangerous incident has “ZERO” to do with Hummer itself..

  11. No more common sense left in the world !! I like that shoe lace lime classic 👍

  12. The article states the H2 driver had 4- 5 gallon cans, so he came out “ahead” by, what, a tank??? Stupidity, crises, great way to make a buck, although this time the June 70 XOM calls didn’t really pop… oh well. XOM still good for the long haul.

  13. I cannot remember exactly who…Jeff Foxworthy or Bill Ingvall, said it best. “You can’t fix stupid.” You can apply that comment to everything going on in our society today. I routinely transport two 5 gallon gas cans for non-automotive use in the back of my SUV, properly sealed and properly secured.

  14. Is the nobody at the gas station to stop such idiocies?

    In this case, real canisters were involved (not knowing if they were certified for fuel), but I have senn footage showing someone with a soft plastic bag supposedly containing petrol.👹😈👿

    BTW, I heard the the pipeline itself was not touched by the ransomware, but was shut down voluntarily by Colonial because the signals telling Colonial what quantities of which merchandise had been delivered to which customer and when.

    1. The cashier being paid $12/hour wearing a mask all day and sitting in the tiny C-store couldn’t care less as long as no one gets hurt and there are no issues otherwise. The gas station owners are probably giddy that they made their usual refill revenue in a fraction of the usual turnaround time, knowing this is a blip.

  15. Slow day, GMA? This is old news.

  16. Stupid People WIN Stupid Prizes.

  17. No surprise here, not having those proper ventilation measures in place when transporting those fuel cans while in an enclosed space and your asking for trouble, though this may seem rude; I don’t feel sorry for the driver.

  18. Well as bad as this was not as crazy as the photo I saw of a guy hauling gas in clear garbage bags in the back of his vehicle!


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