GM Authority

Amazon’s Rivian Electric Vans Begin To Hit The Road: Video

The electric vans that California-based EV manufacturer Rivian developed for Amazon are now being tested on public roads in Los Angeles.

Amazon placed an order for 100,000 electric vans back in late 2019, with Rivian then spending most of 2020 designing, engineering and developing the proprietary delivery vehicle. The van rides on Rivian’s flexible skateboard chassis and has a usable range of 150 miles. The estimated range may be subject to change, though, with Amazon saying it is still “working with Rivian to conduct additional testing of the vehicle’s performance, safety durability in various climates and geographies,” as engineers continue to refine the vehicles for the start of series production at the end for 2021. Rivian has not said what type of motors the electric vans have, how much power they produce or how much cargo space they have.

The Rivian electric vans were developed for Amazon specifically and neither company has expressed a desire to sell the vans to another company. This is unlike General Motors’ new BrightDrop EV600 delivery van, which is available for any fleet operator to purchase. The BrightDrop EV600 is targeted to have an estimated range of 250 miles and has over 600 feet of cargo space. FedEx has already placed an order for 500 examples of the BrightDrop EV600, while Merchants Fleet, the fastest-growing fleet management company in the U.S., announced this week that it has also ordered 12,500 examples of the electric vans.

Electric commercial vehicles like Rivian’s Amazon van and the BrightDrop EV600 will become more commonplace in the near future as governments and private companies begin converting their fleets from combustion to electric. The Biden Administration recently signed an executive order that directed federal agencies to replace their gasoline and diesel fleets with battery-powered alternatives. The executive order also said the administration would work to install 500,000 new electric vehicle charging stations nationwide to help support the rapid transition to EVs.

Check out the video embedded below to see the new Rivian-developed Amazon vans in action in LA. In addition to LA, Amazon says testing of the vans will expand to 15 other cities in 2021 before the van starts to hit the road in large numbers next year.

Subscribe to GM Authority for more BrightDrop EV600 news, BrightDrop news, and around-the-clock GM news coverage.

Sam loves to write and has a passion for auto racing, karting and performance driving of all types.

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  1. That’s gonna be a lot of dead batteries in the landfill when they die after 100,000 miles.

    1. Why do so many see “100,000 miles” as some magic figure for so many things? Do folks in the rest of the world see “160,934.4 kilometers” as such? No.

      As for batteries, they can be stripped down and much of the materials recycled or otherwise salvaged.

      1. EV batterys have to be replaced every 100k miles. That’s how long the warranty is for a reason. Recycling batteries is a scam. Most of them end up in landfills just like wind towers in Montana.



          1. Then why the 100k mile warranty?

            1. Then why the 150,000 mile warranty on the battery in my Pacifica?

              1. Cause Chrysler’s willing to take a loss adding 50,000 extra miles of warranty on a battery they know will fail at as soon as it expires.

        2. GM is better…… smoking his lunch.

          1. Or, drinking it.

        3. If LiIon batteries or any other kind of battery end in a landfill, that is serious error.

          They can and must be recycled, as they contain a lot of valuable materials. It is foolish to destroy landscapes by the mining of these materials, and then to pile them up. Lithium is an alcalic metal, and can be won from used Lithium Ion batteries instead of mining for new — otherwise the existing deposits in the earth would be depleted soon.

          1. Let the market decide.

            1. Don’t stand on the sideline and wait, just do it.

    2. The wind blades in that land fill are imported blades from overseas that did not have the correct specs !

      The correct spec’d blades like are made right here in the GOP state of South Dakota, last 20 years or more as non have failed as of yet !

      As far as Battery life, 1 million miles !!

      This will be great to prove right, as when it happens it is proof !

      Kinda like Trump is NO longer in the white house, so that happened !

      1. You see !
        GM has convinced GM is better that a GM vehicle is only supposed to last 36,000 miles, thats all the longer the warranty is !

        1. Gas cars don’t need more than 36,000 mile warranties cause they are proven technology. It’s not reasonable to expect a gas engine to last forever without minor repairs and tuneups and people abuse them so 36,000 miles is enough on tried and true gas cars. But you can’t do minor repairs or maintenance to an EV so you’re stuck replacing a $20,000 battery and throwing the old one into a landfill cause they can’t be recycled.

          1. GM is better,
            Nope wrong again sir !

            That is what they said when Toyota released the Prius, that you would go broke replacing the battery !

            Simply did not happen !

            You see, you bring up a perfect point on the landfill though.
            Look at your DO NOTHING R3publican party !
            If they would DO SOMETHING, they could have passed laws forcing batteries to NEVER be allowed in a landfill. Therefore the corporate pigs would have to set up the rotation of use right out of the gate. Did they ? did your R3publican party DO ANYTHING ?
            Nope, just passed a tax cut for the wealthy, like me yipppppppy for me ! Again how much did you save ? Ha, Ha, Ha !

            You see, your Tr^pm god/king, could care less about you, he is a ” show me the money guy “

            1. The government has no business telling the free market not to dump batteries in a landfill!!!! The market will decide if recycling is possible or profitable and it’s not!!! That’s why landfilling is the only way!

              But you liberals against cutting welfare LOVE to tax the rich and middle class and then take away our gas cars and tether us to an electric cord so we have to be closer to welfare recipients!!

              1. Like I said GM is better, pussie !

                MOVE !

                You can do it !

                Just tell your mommy you dont need those hot pockets any longer, you will eat those organic rabbits you kill in the wild !

                Ok I guess Ill take a different route with you !

                How about this !!!

                Why are you so against the filling of landfills ?
                Are you against those hard working Americans making those landfills ?

                Why are you such a JOB KILLER ?

                If Americans want to make EVs that fill land fills every 50,000 miles, just look at all those liberal jobs that the EVs are creating !

                You would think you would be happy !

                All of those pipeline workers can take their backhoes over to the landfills and just start digging !!!!!

                GM is better, now you are a R3publican JOB KILLER !!!

                WHY are you against the landfill worker ?

                Warren and I just started buying up land for all those landfills that are coming !

                Spin, Spin, Spin !!

                Crazy, Crazy, Crazy !!!

                1. R3publican > mØron

                  Hear, hear, at least you two share an affinity for gm.

                2. I’m not the one against landfills, LIBERALS are! They are the ones lying about “battery recycling” and “plastic recycling” that never happens!

                  I’m pro landfill and waste to energy plants that burn everything and make power so we don’t have to buy it from arabs!

      2. But transmission on wind turbines are failing .

    3. And a lot of local businesses destroyed.

      1. I do not like to sound like a voice for business, but remember the “lot of local businesses” were destroyed when horse and carriage were replaced by the automobile.

        If free time is won by implementing new and timesaving procedures, this free time has to be distributed to all, and not split in luxury for a few and unemployment, eviction and foreclosures for the many.

      2. ksmith,
        I do feel horrible for the local businesses !!

        Seriously I do !

        But here is where I am on that also !

        The local business NEED TO CHANGE !!!!! Stocking things people needed 10 to 20 years ago, no longer works !In our town of 12000 you cant find anything you need ! Toilet paper sure ! You need a resistor for a newer TV, go down to the electronics store, NOPE, just junk you might need 20 years ago !

        This AGAIN is just like the OLD USA, and just like the DO NOTHING R3publican party, if you do not stock something new every month and FIFO out the old, soon enough you are left with the OLD, WORTH NOTHING STUFF. ( are we talking old R3publican white guys, or old inventory ?) Same thing !

        Take the minimum wage !
        This should have increased every year FOREVER to keep up with the WORLD !!!!
        NOPE, NOPE, lets just DO NOTHING, until the average American can NOT AFFORD FOOD !!!!

        Local business are NOT destroyed by the intranet shopping, local business are destroyed because they are not an intranet business !

        1. If we increase the minimum wage all the time it won’t be minimum anymore. People should have the right to bid a lower wage then somebody who needs more money for the same job.

          Some people don’t need $5 an hour. Some people want part time work for the experience and are willing to work for $1 an hour but can’t.

          We would have more jobs and lower cost of living if we got rid of minimum wage. A robot will never be cheaper then somebody earning $1 an hour who doesn’t need $2.

          1. GM is better,

            Yep, Yep it will still be minimum !!

            If its the least, it is the minimum !!

            Dude you are fun !!

            lets try this, ONE plus ONE equals TWO !

            One is LESS than TWO, so ONE is the minimum !!

            You sir are the most fun on this site in 4 years !!!

            I still have a space laser protection suit here in your size, only 10 thousand dollars cash !

            1. We all know who controls the space lasers, the banks and the election machines. Do you know what their plan is? To erase us and replace us and our gas cars with golf carts.

              WE WILL NOT BE REPLACED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. GM is better: Oh, lord. Here we go. Kind of the replacement for lifelongGMowner, but with shorter posts.

    1. One provides enough wind to power a windmill, the other pumps enough hot air to impact global warming.

      1. Dave I hope I’m the one with the wind power because I am a green power guy.
        Remember I power my house with solar and wind today !
        Also I am not a racist , something tells me that GM is better has some troubles with that one !

        I really am alot more like the regular GM lover here than you guys think, I was just f6cked over by a lying dealer employee !

        However I think I got my $16.00 back !

    2. Dan who is worse ?

      All I have really pushed is mostly been fixed by GM so most of what I said was correct !

      GM will be EV- right ? Like I said all along Tesla was right as you all said Tesla would go broke in 2018 !

      GM is redoing the interior of the trucks QUICK as I have said they are just to cheap !

      Cadillac Has a better interior in the new EV’s and the Escalade, as the rest are just Chevy CHEAP !!

      GM has HORRIBLE or really does NOT even have customer support, the GM dealers do, but GM does NOT !!
      AND the purchase of all the Cadillac dealerships IS a DIRECT EFFORT TO FIX THE HORRIBLE CUSTOMER SUPPORT !!!

      Thet GM is better guy is just crazy, Ha ,HA, HA !!!!!

  3. I like its goo goo eyes.

  4. I look forward to not being able to hear them pull up to my door. In a good way of course.

    1. So obama’s reparations pirates can steal the packages off your porch?

      1. Dreaming about black guys on your porch?. It’s OK, it’s 2021…..

      2. I bet they dont get half way down our driveway and my dog will let me know !

  5. OK, OK, OK, Ill hop in and help you guys out a little !

  6. Maybe if the orders from this potus work, even SD will get a second EV charge in our state !, Ha, Ha, Ha

    I see he is supporting 500,000 charger stations across the country.

    Cant wait to get an EV Rivian truck and charge it in my garage with my own Solar and Wind, Free travels in the USA !!

    Finally I will be FREE in the USA !!!

    FREEDOM !!!!

    All thanks to the EV !!!!

    What you think of that one GM is better ?

    1. There won’t be any EVs leaving the factory. You thought Jan 6 was bad but looting Foot Locker was good? Parler has an EV plan too. Patriots won’t let Mary and Biden ruin America.

      You say you want freedom but it’s tethered to an extension cord. EVs are worse for the environment then gas cars. You use Huffinglue Post talking points that hide the TRUTH.

      Biden won’t last a year before he’s replaced by COMMULA HARRIS who HATES white people having freedom. She wants equality for everybody that means move SLOW in MARYS GOLF CARTS or public transportation.

      1. Electric motors are simply more efficient than Internal Cumbustion Engines (ICE) with their huge number of complicated parts, and a convoluted chain of transforming energy from one form to the other, until it comes to the wheels.

        1. Did you forget about electric transmission losses ?

      2. GM is better,

        Seriously you are just hilarious !

        Will you be coming after us with pitch forks and spears ?

        You do know that g^n with b^llets is the EV of arrows and spears don’t you ?

        Did you see how fast your king g0d Tr^mp made Harris the most powerful person in the USA this morning !!

        Seriously you people, what is your plan ?
        You see its just like the GOP today, NO PLAN !!
        I was in that party, the GOP, they just become the party of DO NOTHING !!!!
        Do nothing !
        Spend nothing !
        AND NOTHING GETS DONE !!!!!!!!

        GM is better, let me help you out a bit, unless you people are passing messages on horse back, the digital system of the planet is listening. We know where you are and how many ! And you have to leave your moms house with your big boy pants on to DO SOMETHING !!!

        You people, You for some reason think you are the silent majority, Ha !

        What a JOKE !!

        Storming the US Capital with your horny suits and your plumbing jackets with your phone numbers printed on them !

        You know those Jew^ish space lasers are watching you !

        WOW !
        SAD !
        WOW !
        You are just as bad as GM customer support ! Or the LACK of GM customer support !

        1. You laugh at Qanon now but you won’t laugh when the jew!sh space lazers come after YOU and there’s nobody there from Qanon to protect you.

          1. I made those space lasers !

            That is what us progressive conservatives do.

            We DO SOMETHING !!!!!

            You see that is capitalism, making something people want to pay you for !!

            Crazy, Crazy, Crazy.

            Elon, Bill, Jeff and I were flying around up there in space when those lasers were going off, just to make sure they were working correctly ! Ha, Ha, Ha !

            I will sell you a special J3wish laser protection suit, for just a few thousand dollars, if you want !
            That’s why I am not worried, I make and sell the special protective suit !

            Ha, Ha, just crazy!

          2. GM is better,
            Sounds like you should run for the US house !
            Give your team a little help in there !

            1. I am a Patriot, but there’s no better leader then Trump.

              1. King /g0d, worshiper !

                You know I bet if you go over to his house, he might let you kiss his feet !

                You see, right there is just another reason I will never call myself a r3publican again !

                I worship NO MAN !!!

                1. If you voted for Biden, you were NEVER a Republican. Traitor Mary has an EV plan, so do Patriots within GM.

  7. please update the comments section to use https:// disqus .com/

    1. Why Disqus? So liberals can run away from the truth? Conservatives believe in freedom. When you have facts that aren’t liberal lies, show em. We’re not afraid, YOU are.

      1. You are not afraid, you my friend are crazy afraid !

        Look at all those g^ns you have to carry, like a bunch of pussies !

        Watch out, I heard those space lasers are going off again, and are targeting the digital foot print of GM is better !

  8. Sorry but their won’t ever be any of these bug eyed things in my driveway as I support local businesses and jobs.


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