GM stock value has seen some impressive movement recently, reaching a new high of $48.95 per share earlier this week, a record for the “new GM.” Now, it looks as though the upward momentum is continuing unabated, with GM stock value crossing $50 per share Thursday.
As of this writing, GM stock value reached a daily high of $51.69 per share.
Investor optimism has been running high since General Motors presented its electric vehicle ambitions and plans at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). Chief among these was a variety of new EV concepts for the Cadillac luxury brand, including a single-seater electric helicopter piloted by autonomous technology, and the Cadillac Personal Autonomous Vehicle, a fully automated robotic taxi with a luxurious cabin space.
During the tech conference, GM also unveiled BrightDrop, a new business venture aimed at providing commercial products and delivery service solutions. BrightDrop’s first product to market will be an electrically assisted pallet called the EP1, which will feature a 200-pound payload capacity and adjustable speeds up to 3 mph. Also on the docket is the EV600, a light commercial delivery van running an all-electric powertrain with 250 miles of range, cutting-edge safety technology, and 600 cubic-feet of storage space.
General Motors has doubled down on its focus on EV and AV technology, pledging $27 billion in investments over the next several years. General Motors hopes to launch 30 new all-electric vehicles globally by the 2025 calendar year, two-thirds of which will be sold in North America.
“We are transitioning to an all-electric portfolio from a position of strength and we’re focused on growth,” said GM CEO, Mary Barra, last month in a prepared statement. “We can accelerate our EV plans because we are rapidly building a competitive advantage in batteries, software, vehicle integration, manufacturing and customer experience.”
Late in December, Morgan Stanley raised the GM stock price target from $53 to $57. Morgan Stanley Analyst Adam Jonas pointed to GM’s connected services portfolio and autonomous driver tech as drivers.
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AS a GM retiree and a shareholder, I was very happy to see senior management go out front and promote the company that helps raise the valuation this past week. This is what GM stock price was lacking , Senior management has an obligation to do whatever it can to keep the shareholder valuation up for this is one of the reasons they get paid the big dollars and get awarded stock actions. This past week the CEO and several other presented GM position at the CES and this was all the stock valuation needed. We all know the media and the Analysts are all pro Tesla, so they have to put more exposure to make sure GM gets the same attention.
update me when the big guy+ squad double the price of fuel
Squad – Just saw a Toyota commercial where they referred to their line up as squad.
Big Guy- I believe that’s what they called Mr. Carson on WKRP in Cincinnati
So my guess is your a Toyota sales man n Cincinnati crying his pampers off over Trump’s lose.
found some of the bigguy’s best quotes poor kids are as smart as white kids, if your black and vote for trump your not black, families need to gather around the radio or get out your phonograph,quote to reporter your a one horse pony
And he still beat Trump by over 7 million votes.
Only President to get Impeached twice.
only by a few 100000 where it counts. IG report 1 of the most incompetent and corrupt investigations ever,fisa court lied to, evidence no one did anything illegal was ignored,biased investigators used for political purposes. impeachment #2 still under investigation, liberals also charged, jump to conclusions liberals again, just like they said choir boy jacob blake was unarmed and still say that, cops will soon be back on the street ready to shoot the next stupid p.o.s that crosses there path
On the left, we believe all 50 states count, and Trump’s own advisors called it the most secure election in U.S. history.
As for the impeachment, we have the whole Trump speach on video, and everyone in congress witnessed its aftermath.
Things would be a bit different if Obama’s IRS didn’t give China all our social security numbers and all other information…..Lois Lerner just called it “hacking”
The entire world knows that the left cheated….it’s what the democrats do best….cheat and lie.
Also, I thought most on the left were good with the liberal arts. It seems that you lefties don’t have a clue what “protest peacefully”
The Republicans know that the left has turned into one angry mob, and they know that if the right returns fire then the entire country goes to hell. It has nothing to do with agreeing with the election outcome as far as it being a fair election. Republicans want to save the country…..the democrats and the left want world sociaIism.
Big guy is already bending over for China, and he ain’t in the WH yet.
Big guy: “Great news Alfred…..Kamala and I decided to give you the most important position….you will be our Ambassador to China!”
Pete Buttigieg: “It’s Pete….but thank you sir….I will not disappoint the Harris administration”
Kamala: “Thank you Pete, you will not only be serving your country….but you will also show the world that we’re not afraid to send a gai US Ambassador to China….we must fight for human rights with LOVE!”
Big guy: “Wait a second…is Alfred a twinklebell??…I thought they said he was just happy…oh ssshhhugar….I’ve got a call from China coming in….hold on….it’s that guy who’s gonna eat our lunch….”
Kamala: “No worries Pete, President Biden will do the right thing and uphold human rights over all else!!!”
Pete Buttigieg: “I know he will Vice President Harris, but in case China changes his mind and he tells me to run some agency that I don’t have a clue about, I’m sure you will do the right thing when you take over in a few months…right? What could be more important for our movement than spreading LOVE by allowing me to exchange hand shakes with leaders from the CCP who are so opposed to my lifestyle?”
Big guy: “Alfred….great news…..China…I mean Obama….said that you would be great as our Transportation Secretary….this way you can still go to Provincetown on the weekends……….oh and Kamala… we have anyone who is straight and in bed with China?”
Kamala: “Everyone on our side is in bed with China, but I will need some time to find someone who fits the other bill…..sorry Pete….check back with me in a few months”
Bill Jefferson BJ Clinton: “Kamala….I heard you call my name…something about needing someone to go to bed with China….by the way…that’s a very nice blue dress you’re wearing!”
Kamala: “You have got to be kidding me….Pete….is there any way we can speed up this dementia thing?”
Pete: “We can only pray, Vice President Harris.”
Kamala: “Amen to that!”
Ace Spades
Its over! Sell the house. Sell the cars. Sell the kids. Crawl back into the rat hole you came from. Your brand of racist rightwing filth will never take the White House again.
Rightwing filth? My top pick in 2020 was Dwayne Johnson.
I told you already, I don’t like Joe Biden because he’s in bed with China and because he wants all Americans to drive their children in the TESLA death traps (and ain’t talking about all the fiery crashes).
I just don’t think that children should be experimented on.
However, I’m very disappointed with The Rock. All that effort I was only able to persuade him to get as far as SNL.
I think for 2024 I will see if Mark Sinclair is interested….he’s a better actor and has even more affinity for gas and muscle cars.
Cancer, ain’t it a bich!
TESLA….what a bichin ride!!!
lol @ Peter. Can’t even take a joke without feeling offended and lashing out. We are so screwed.
the last time I cried my dog died even those who only pay attention to left wing media know who the anti-semite squad is and those who do not know who the real big guy is can search hunters bidens laptop and tony bobolinski. trump losing is not going to wreck my life because my tenants are going to pay my tax increases I call it pass-through economics.
The House of Representatives has 435 members. I’m not going to waste my time worrying about the 6 known as the squad. If they say anything against Israel, it’s probably because Benjamin Netanyahu is a right wing piece of $#!t. Just like Trump. Seems like building walls and mistreating minorities are the only things you right wingers know how to do.
no other members get the press like the squad. then call out the person by name, not disparage everybody,that is like saying I hate black people because of the rev,’gd.’america farakahn.once again I am not a right winger, but you are thinking one half of america thinks and acts the same.
1. These are young unseasoned politicians. The rightwing covers them because they know they could trip them up. The credible mainstream media gets higher ranking guests (eg. Senators & Cabinet secretaries). If your seeing them get a lot of press. That means your getting your information from right wing media. Which means your a Republican.
2. Benjamin Netanyahu is Prime Minister of Israel. Israel is a Democracy. We like Democracies. We are not after a change in Government. We are after a change in policy.
you are full of s***.what media source is credible they all poll worse than congress,I dvr all media and scan through and see the squad more on left leaning, I am not politically committed to any party I am in the middle of the road ducking between lanes trying to avoid becoming roadkill.I draw the line at socialist policy government rarely gets anything right
Let me tell you the whole truth. Out of the 74 million votes that went to the Republican candidate (TRUMP) 95% of these votes were cast by people of the Republican party. If the Republican party candidate on the ticket was named John Doe or Mary Jane, that candidate would have gotten 95% of these votes. And that is the TRUTH. He did get some hate votes from some of the crazies out here but he also lost a lot of the common-sense Republican and independent voters like myself.
You’re as independent as Hunter Biden is innocent.
dwight morgan,
You are correct, livelong Republican 12 years Independent, common-sense South Dakotan, not Trump this time.
You people here might be surprised who the non Trump voter is !
And I can also tell you for a fact that most of Republican party over the age of 55 are rubber- stamper Republicans ! I personally know many ! Trump was correct and is still correct, he could kill someone on a national live stream, and the rubber-stampers would still vote Republican ! Its who they are, not one independent thought in their head !
Its also funny, because the Republicans do not agree on anything ! Look they had all branches of government, and still could not fix the voting system to win, could still not fix healthcare, all of my Republican friends agree on very little. Get them drunk and they will fight each other over it and are still friends and Republican rubber-stamper voters !
This is why our state is going farther to the right every election, and why the country is on the far right and the far left.
The Independent voter in South Dakota, can not vote in the primary for a Republican, so I simply do not vote in the primary. The two end candidates are a Dem and a farther right Republican. In the end we end up with a rubber-stamp Republican !
In South Dakota, the largest number of new registered voters are Independent, and most are Republican !
Look the voters of South Dakota just voted to legalize recreational marijuana, it got more votes to legalize it than the governor did in her win.
Things are a changing and people do not want to call themselves any political party, they are just not looking out for The United States of America any longer !!
People in government need to be FORCED to vote on legislation. And wright a stint on why they voted the way they did ! All of this we will not bring it to a vote stuff, how do we as a people know where anyone stands on anything ? What part of a bill does anyone agree on ? Not even one thing ? Can both parties even agree that children in the USA should not starve for food ? Seems like not as the food lines are long !
WOW look at what we have become as a country, a hand full of Billionaires , and millions starving for food !
Isn’t it sad?
I cant believe that most of the rubber-stamper Republicans are OK with that. Most of them I know are far, far from billionaires, but if you want to raise the taxes on billionaires, they are simply against it, as they stand in line with food vouchers at the grocery store !
Even funnier yet !
Look at the South Dakota virus response. Our far right governor does NOT mandate masks. OK I am OK with that, as there are few people in SD and far apart.
Yet after the rally and the opening of hunting, South Dakotans started dying like flies.
Highest deaths per capita I think.
You know who were dying like flies don’t you ? The older rubber-stamper Republicans !
So now you have the highest new voter registrations Independent, and the highest deaths of Republican rubber-stampers !
They better be careful the old GOP, you know it wasn’t that long ago when all of the South Dakota federal people were Dems !
Its kind of like one of my Dem friends said. the son of a 3itch did it, Donald Trump, a life long Dem, did it ! He made America great again !! He lost not only the president, but the house and the senate ! he made America great again !!
Can you argue those FACTS ?
Was he not a life long Dem ?
Did he not give to the Dems his entire life ?
Was he not at the Dems weddings Etc ?
Did he not lose as president ?
IS the Senate not Dem controlled ?
Is the House not Dem controlled ?
Be careful what you wish for GOP !
For all of those that commented on anything but on the article or GM, shame on you. This is not a political sound board. Anything any automobile dies is reacting to the customers wants but not everyone will be happy with any decision made. There are dozens of auto manufacturers that have folded because of failure to change. If nothing changed, we still be using 8 track tapes.
Is anyone here in a position to recommend Plus Size Panties? Cheers xx