General Motors has announced plans to eliminate tailpipe emissions from its new light-duty vehicles by 2035 and become fully carbon neutral by 2040.
GM plans to eliminate tailpipe emissions from its light-duty vehicles by slowly adding more and more battery-electric vehicles to its lineup. The automaker will offer 30 all-electric models globally by mid-decade and 40 percent of the company’s U.S. models will be battery-electric by the end of 2025. Going forward, more than half of GM’s capital spending and product development will be devoted to electric and electric-autonomous vehicle programs, with the automaker outlining a clear directive to eventually offer an EV “for every customer, from crossovers and SUVs to trucks and sedans.”
While EVs do not emit tailpipe emissions, they are not as eco friendly if they are not charged with electricity that was generated in an eco-friendly way. To address this, GM will work with EVGo to triple the size of the company’s public fast-charging network (which is already the nation’s largest) by adding more than 2,700 new fast chargers by the end of 2025. All of these fast-charging stations will be powered by 100 percent renewable energy.
As for becoming fully carbon neutral by 2040, the automaker will source 100 percent renewable energy to power all of its US.. facilities by 2030, while its global sites will achieve this goal by 2035. This is a five-year acceleration from its previously outlined goal of converting its global facilities to renewables by 2040. For any remaining carbon that it may be spewing into the atmosphere from its day-to-day operations, GM says it “expects to invest in carbon credits or offsets,” and will “assess credit and offset solutions in the coming years as the most efficient, equitable and inclusive ideas mature.”
“General Motors is joining governments and companies around the globe working to establish a safer, greener and better world,” GM CEO Mary Barra said in a statement. “We encourage others to follow suit and make a significant impact on our industry and on the economy as a whole.”
In addition to its tailpipe emissions elimination commitment, GM signed the Business Ambition Pledge for 1.5⁰C, a coalition of UN agencies and companies dedicated to achieving a carbon net-zero economy. Other auto industry companies that have joined this eco-friendly UN coalition include Continental, Mahindra, Volkswagen, Ford, Bosch and Delphi.
GM’s announcement comes just days after president Joe Biden pledged to replace the entire U.S. federal vehicle fleet with American-made EVs, a move that could cost upwards of $20 billion.
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Show us the cars already! I can’t afford a Hummer and the Bolt is too dowdy.
We all need to keep in mind this time line is going to be flexible. GM is not going to kill the ICE till it is economically safe to do so.
Also 20 years is a long time. Just look at the cars from 2000 and today and how much they have changed. The curve is only going to get greater.
Look for GM to make both ICE and EV and if and when the ICE models drop in volume they will be removed. If they are making money they will remain.
so market conditions are going to dictate what happens. duh.
Guy named Steve walks into a bar. Orders a 15.
Bartender says: what’s a 15?
Steve says 7 and 7 duh.
i like jokes. please more but try to make them a bit funnier. that was funny for a seven year old but you are probably a bit older than that.
Did you here the one about the gay guy and the Prius. Of course not gay guys have better taste then that.
I hope so man… I don’t want to be forced to buy an EV. I want to do it only if the benefits outweigh those of an ICE car. Let it be our choice as consumers. Sure make majority of the cars EV. I’m sure the Malibu and Cruise drivers don’t care. But those who are Corvette and Camaro fans, let us have our ICE even if it’s a downsized turbo engine.
You can also look at it this way about 1/4 to 1/3 of everyone here will be dead before everything is electric.
May be half if they remain popular.
Not to be gross but you are talking 20 to 30 years realistically. Even then the EV cars will be interesting in their own ways too.
Good luck with that. And chasing away a lot of their base of customers.
By then a lot of their customers will be from the younger more tech oriented crowd. it all evens out.
The government will make gasoline prices high enough to force buyers to subsidized EV like it or not.
How can they claim “All of these fast-charging stations will be powered by 100 percent renewable energy.”? Don’t they have to rely on whatever electricity is available in the location where they want to put the charging stations? And with the way the nations electrical grid is laid out do you really know if your power is coming from coal, hydro, nuclear?
they can purchase the power via local solar or wind farms, and as long as that purchased power equals the amount used by the charging stations it becomes carbon neutral.
Also many charging stations can be powered by their own local batteries or solar tents over the charging lots.
Yea exactly the electricity’s source is dependent on the geographical location. Places like Colorado almost all of their electricity comes from fossil fuel.
Political grandstanding by GM, oops sorry “gm”. I bet the tune would be a lot different if Trump were still president or when a Republican takes over in 2024.
This is knee jerk by GM. Biden is working on 4 years only faster then Trump. All this extreme “my way or the highway ” politics gotta end. The right-wingers wants you to work for $5 per day and the left wants all men in a dresses👗.
LMAO 😂 funny but true.
yep, disgusting, i personally cannot wait until 2022 when the gop takes back the house and senate, 1994, 2010 & 2014 were just the start.
Putting on a science hat is the way for real carbon neutrality is look for energy storage that doesn’t require Rare Earths material and micro-nuke power. Petroleum will always be a part of modern society as long as you have medicine, industry that requires ICEs,plastic base material around.
Gasoline is very less “eco friendly” since its production is very “dirty” and when burned, leaves contaminants in the engine, oil, exhaust, and the environment. And for all you gas lovers, you need electricity to pump and store gasoline since it doesn’t fall from the sky. Yet electrical enery does fall freely from the sky! And the best part is that every home gets electricity at any outlet so it is “piped” in. Do you get energy that easily from gasoline?
How am I going to enjoy driving my vintage 81 Camaro Z28 if they don’t produce gasoline anymore? I am optimistic about ev vehicles but I love the old school V8 and the beautiful music it makes while it’s working. 😔
Looks like general motors will be on my boycott list soon thanks to that despicable CEO who makes roger smith look like a saint.
Oh boy… what a dark future ahead of us. People are going to be driving electric lawn mowers in the future 😭
Let the electric fan boys have their EVs and let us car enthusiasts keep our ICE.
Gas banger ❤️
Dream On! It will never happen. We won’t have a power grid to support that many EV’s by then.
I know that’s right, it’s gonna be pathetic.
It’s all about stock prices, bonuses and retirement packages for executives.
When the market moves to electric, China will be the big winner because with the Chevrolet Bolt being the most affordable GM EV at almost $40K; China will begin importing EVs with more affordable pricetags.
Illogical. Most comments supporting EVs as a total replacement of ICE are plain group thinkers and have no logic. The number of vehicles that need to be replace by EVs is huge, 280+ million in the US alone. The batteries are made of “rare” earth elements. Did you read that? “RARE”. That means in low abundance. Never mind the electric grid load when that happens. And anyone who says it’s cheaper than ICE fuel cost wise, well, that is until the government needs it’s tax revenue it lost from the ICE fuel burning vehicles. But, let not your heart be troubled, that tax will include your household usage as well. Oh, and let’s not consider the re-charge time and inconvenience. Good luck going anywhere farther than 300 or 400 miles in a timely manner. Yeah, it will all work out though you’ll say, innovation, that will solve all the problems. Hey, I have one for you, how about just figure out how to make ICE produce lower to no emissions, let’s spend time and money on that. Well, that’s not sexy enough and doesn’t align with the “green” brainwash group think mentality.
After owning a Volt and driving mostly in electric mode, I’m happy with this decision. I think this will be an exciting time.
Just poking fun…. does anyone remember in 2017 when GM said it would be releasing 20 new EVs by 2023 and that 2 of them would be in showrooms in 18 months? It seems 18 months has long passed and 4 years later they have a CGI Cadillac and a Hummer they can’t drive. Does anyone believe GM? or will we be looking back at GM like we look back at Kodak. I loved by Bolt EV… lots of folks loved their EV1’s… but GM seems to lack the resolve to /want/ to make such cars. They tease us and we know they have the industrial might to do it… they seem to lack the will and commitment.
Meanwhile team “T” continues plugging away releasing new models that continue to eat into legacy auto markets.
Where is all the infrastructure buildup. Nothing being said about that.
No info on increased electric production or distribution system upgrades. No info on charging station installation or who is going to pay for it. Sure if you have a home and garage you can install a charger but what about people who live in apartments or row homes that park on the street. How is that going to work? Seems like lots of talk and plans being made by car companies but not much action on getting it actually in place. Not sure if they started tomorrow that they could have all the infrastructure in place.
How about a news conference from Mrs. Barra on that.
We all know where the money will come from, for the new infrastructure. This country’s burdens always fall one place…the taxpayer! I agree, they should be talking about both, at the same time. There needs to be a plan, on upgrading the entire country. It is long overdue. However, as we all know…right now it’s the “new shiny thing”. Very soon the government focus will be on something else.
No emotion here, seriously. As a retired 41-year automotive engineer I do try to keep an eye on EV technology, EV costs, recharging technology, and in particular, required time to recharge. It is still quite satisfying to travel 70+ MPH on the highway, get 32-33 MPG, drive only 12 hours in the car, spend around 5-10 minutes at each refueling stop, then at days end still feel fresh as a daisy and realize you have logged 700+ miles. When an EV can match or surpass my $20K LS1 C5 in ALL of those facets it will have my complete attention. I eagerly and hopefully await.
While I realize that this is a hot topic of discussion. Here are some things to think about.
There is no way to stop EVs. What I find ironic is that all of the “save the eco system” people fail to understand…what do you think makes the charging stations run?? Electricity!! Where do you think that comes from?? A Power Plant!!! What do you think runs a power plant?? Gas, Steam, or Nuke!!! We now live in a country where the leader has decided to KILL the Oil & Gas industry. Ironic…right? Without it, there is NO electricity!!! Oh, and guess what…Wind Turbines need OIL to run!!!
Yes, I am proud to be one of those old school idiots that LOVES gas engines. I’m not saying that EVs don’t have their place. However, it’s not in my garage! There is no EV substitute, for listening to my 69 350SS Camaro growl. However, I do see the future is unstoppable…like going from a carb to a computer, during the last 50 years.
I live in Wyoming. This is NOT the land of charging stations!! The towns can be hours apart! I’m sure as the years pass there will be large strides made in EVs. There HAS to be! They need both style & distance overhauls for sure!!
What this comes down to is fighting the future. It’s gonna happen whether we like it or not. Pretty soon all vehicles will be flying anyway…like The Jetsons!!
I hope Biden forcibly confiscates and tows people’s gas cars and makes them drive Chevy Bolts because they are good for the environment and climate change.
Hopefully he will mandate that Onstar restrict acceleration in the Bolt down to 12 seconds 0-60 since that will make them even more environmentally friendly. There should also be mileage fees so people will be forced to move closer to jobs in town and leave rural and suburban areas for open preserves and and Bill Gates land holdings.
I understand electricity in EVs cost a lot more to fuel, like $5 per gallon equivalent compared to gas when you factor in all the costs, but this is what’s best for humanity.
Also, the EVs will overload the grid and cause blackouts, but that too is good for the environment as it means less pollution from power plants.
If Kamala Harris takes over, she can punish white people extra hard by letting minorities have gas cars confiscated from white people, since white people have so much extra privilege and can take a little inconvenience.
I believe that revenge against the things that made America great will be better for America than letting the market decide how things go.
manmade climate change is a myth show me the proof and change my mine
So what if it is?
EVs have the lowest total cost of ownership.
Solar is cheaper than coal.
ev’s do not have the lowest cost of ownership maybe some day they will but not right now and solar is cheaper than coal how do you figure solar panels are expensive to produce and take the better part of two decades to get your money worth then you need to replace them. I’m not saying renewables are bad I just don’t think they are ready yet and the energy used today is more than efficient we shouldn’t be shoving new technologies down our throats until it is more efficient and cost effective.
EVS have the lowest cost of ownership right now, several studies have already shown this.
how are you considering cost of ownership i work on my own vehicles and save thousands i bet owning an electric will cost me thousands more when i need to replace the batteries or an electric motor which the dealer will charge me a couple hundred an hour. that is one area of ownership i think you just consider gas vs electric which is different in every part of the country in new hampshire its 15 to 18 cents a kilowatt hour vs 4 cents in california after a certain hour. cost is definitely not the same for everyone and where i live electric is far more expensive and less convenient.
Electric motors have very few moving parts, they wear out much slower than an ICE engine, there is no oil changes. Only coolant flushes for the battery that are done around 150k or so miles. Brakes also see a lot less use on these vehicles thanks to regeen braking by the motor itself to recoop energy back into the battery.
Yes maybe something unexpected can happen but that happens to any vehicle even ICE, and rebuilding an ICE engine can be just as expensive.
But if you are a competent mechanic or know where to look for shops you can get the repairs done for decent prices and not the “go away” prices dealerships like to throw at you.
If you ever need to replace a battery it’s likely only a section that went bad so you just need to replace that and not the full battery. Much less expensive.
There’s a real easy way to prove manmade climate change is happening. What you gotta do is take 2 fingers and stick them all the way up your butt. It works with any 2 fingers. They don’t even need to be your fingers. Text back when you got them up there.
Now that your fingers are out of your ears listen up.
I DON’T WORK FOR YOU! Do your own research @**#***. At the of the day, your opinion is more insignificant than a flea on a rats behind.
you don’t work for me what the #**& are you talking about this is the typical response from people that don’t have an argument but then you already know that don’t you I’m not the one claiming climate change so why would I prove anything or do my own research you are the one that wants to remove my freedoms at the behest of an ideology as far as my opinion that’s what the comments section is for you moron!!!
Most of the world’s countries have signed the Paris accords. Most of the world’s largest companies are spending billions to make their products carbon neutral.
A hundred years ago the Amish didn’t believe in technology. Went off to live in their little communities.
I’m sure you and your fellow climate change deniers will go off and live in your little communities. I’m picturing something out of the Mad Max movies. Have a nice life.
continue to believe everything your told without proof it is you that is the problem little happy controlled child you have a nice life as well
GM is just afraid of the government like most people in our country now that is the only reason they are going electric. The moment they do I’m done with them
Nope, GM didn’t give 2 $#!+s about the government when they announced they were closing 4 factories including Lordstown.
libertarians are not right wing that’s first off just goes to show who I’m arguing with. covid 19 is real and not a hoax masks don’t work and vaccines are a trillion dollar industry. As far as the election goes there was fraud everywhere the numbers don’t make sense, you actually believe sleepy Joe had 80 million to Obama’s 69 million when every lib friend I have wanted nothing to do with Biden, and it’s not because everyone hates trump as he got 74 million and broke the record for a sitting president. Or maybe its the 96 percent turnout that you believe of course that’s only in the battleground areas everywhere else was normal, bare in mind Australia gets a 92 percent turnout where voting is mandated by law. You’ll believe whatever your told that’s what I believe. forest fires have been happening for millennia and I have no idea about past presidents. school shootings are deranged psychopaths and of course you believe we should get rid of guns too right?
Anti-gun LOL
This is a car website. I didn’t sign up for Crazy election theory101. Why don’t you go back under your bridge with the rest of the rightwing trolls.
again because maybe you are a little slow libertarian’s are not right wing they are anti government and agree with issues on both the left and right grow up and learn the difference as far as trolls can’t think of a bigger one than you
If it walks like a right wing nut, and talks like a right wing nut. I’m not going to believe it when it says it’s a duck.
You don’t believe that masks work against covid 19. You bought in to the Trump pets election lies. Your spitting out antigovernment B.S. 3 weeks after the Capital insurrection.
Right wing nut or Libertarian Kill them all. Let God sort them out.
and now everyone knows what the real problem is in this country all you need to do is speak there’s obviously no point in trying to have an intelligent conversation with people like you no brain power just herd mentality.
You should see the movie BlackHawk Down. It takes place in the libertarian paradise of Somalia. You would be very good performing sexual favors on a warlord for your dinner.
Yea, moron what do you think a libertarian nation will look like. Infrastructure; food & product safety; law and order. Forget about all that. In a civilized society we make some concessions so we can live in a civilized society.
You idiots throw a tantrum when someone asks you to wear a mask in public. May you rot in hell for all eternity.
If you are all worried about carbon footprint than just buy a horse. You’re still using carbon to make cars and lithium is a material that’s dangerous and toxic. Imagine how much lithium is going to get dumped when the batteries are finished. A horse is naturally made and doesn’t cost much to keep on the road and when it dies it doesn’t cause any ecological problems when it is buried. So why don’t everyone just buy a horse for the sake of the planet?
Is anyone here in a position to recommend Gym Wear? Thanks x