GM Authority

General Motors Suspends All Political Contributions For Now

General Motors has announced that it is temporarily suspending all political contributions, adding that it has yet to make any final decision on 2021 PAC spending and adding that further contributions in 2021 will be “evaluated to ensure candidates align with [GM’s] core values.”

Following the events that transpired at the U.S. Capitol last week, a swath of major U.S. companies have announced that they will withhold political contributions, at least for now. General Motors joins Google, Microsoft, JPMorgan Chase, and Union Pacific in announcing that it will withhold contributions from all members of Congress, while Walmart, Disney, AT&T, and several other companies announced withholding political contributions for those U.S. lawmakers who objected to certification of the presidential election results on January 6th.

In a statement published by Detroit Free Press, General Motors spokeswoman, Jeannine Ginivan, addressed the suspension of GM’s political contributions.

“GM PAC is committed to supporting and building relationships in a bipartisan manner, funds are contributed by GM employees and are distributed to support the election of U.S. federal and state candidates who foster sound business policies and understand the importance of a robust auto industry,” Ginivan said.

“Character and public integrity aligning with GM’s core values are considered when making PAC contributions. For 2021, as is standard in any contribution cycle, PAC contributions will be evaluated to ensure candidates align with our core values.”

General Motors contributed $3.5 million to political campaigns during the 2020 cycle, with funds allocated to both political parties.

GM’s crosstown rival, Ford Motor Company, also announced it would temporarily suspend all political donations in the wake of the events at the U.S. Capitol. Ford made a total of $2.6 million in political contributions during the 2020 cycle.

The last remaining member of the “Big Three” Detroit automakers, Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), does not have a PAC, and does not make political contributions.

For now, the events in D.C. last week will result in a multi-million dollar impact with regard to U.S. businesses and political donations going forward. The lasting effects of this impact remain to be seen.

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Jonathan is an automotive journalist based out of Southern California. He loves anything and everything on four wheels.

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  1. anybody going to light this firecracker?

    1. you mean c-4 and this not ‘vet gen.

  2. They should do us all a favor and stop all donations to all people running for office from all corporations, companies and institutions.

    All the money needs to be taken out but you know that will never happen.

    1. Corporations, NRA, Big Pharma & the very rich own politicians & there votes. No money should come from the for-mentioned. Politicians forgot who they work for, American’s who vote them into office. Greed is destroying this country.

  3. Hundreds of Trump fans are in prison right now learning a new skill. They’ll be able to raise lots of money for future republicans.

    1. You’re an idiot. Thanks for confirming that.

      1. RA

        How much wood can a wood chuck chuck, if a wood chuck chucked that wood All Night Long?

    2. And they should be sharing cells with thousands leftist criminals,but celebrities and leftist politicians give them a pass or post there bail and pay for there lawyers.

      1. budlar
        Still a lot of liberals in prison. Your friends will be able to Taste the Rainbow without even buying a bag of Skittles.

        1. I have no political friends I am in the middle of road ducking lane to lane trying to avoid becoming road kill, you sir are drinking the kool-aid of the left overloading on the nyt,wapo etc.etc.etc. while watching cnn and msnbc etc.

          1. 81 million > 74 million
            I’m with the majority of Americans. The side that wants to see that insurgent scum your defending hang.

            1. fuzzy math = popular vote. east and west coast conservatives in which any rep. has no chance of winning they do not vote which more than offsets solid red states which are much lower in population and what do you think of the radical left wing terrorists and there sympathizers, this just in big unclassified data dump today I am sure it will be some where on the web so look for it your not going to find it in the places you normally get your disinformation and I defend no person who is in the wrong no one my kids my dog the trumpster the big guy no one

              1. budlar
                You expect me to track down a web site that I’ve never heard of before and accept everything they say as the Gods honest truth.
                Get the Fk out of here, and take your tinfoil hat with you.

                1. you have no clue how to use a search engine. unity sir just like the big guy preaches why do you have such anger,people like you inspire right wing radicals

          2. Anyone who doesn’t get their information where I get mine is a misguided fool….

  4. This is good. No money given to corrupt politicians who only serve themselves and the corporations that give them money. Quit giving money to politicians I might not like and use it to develop a concept car, create a future production car, or update the models that need it.

  5. The obvious reason here is that their horse won it. No need to bet further when one party (the party they support) holds majority.

    How much “bipartisan” was there really in their donations? 1 republican?

    1. Yeah, the deck’s always gonna be stacked against ya, right? It couldn’t be that, in light of recent events, pretty much every corporation has made the same decision, could it? Of course not, ‘cuz corporations only donate to politicians on the left side, right? Like the Koch brothers, right?

  6. Businesses should stay out of politics period.

    1. I agree 100% no business should be involved in politics

      1. Bryan/ PNH
        Are you guys saying when Government does something stupid, business should just sit there and take it?

        1. The problem is that what one side sees as stupid, the other side thinks its the right thing to do. Picking one side alienates half the country and half your customer base. In my small business, all of us lean strongly to same political viewpoint, but in no way do we discuss politics or get involved in them outside of our private conversations. Our opinions are ours, and we should not try to force them on our customers.

          1. There is a difference between opinion and stupid. When government does stupid, usually that causes a disaster. With everyone saying “That was stupid let’s not do that again afterwards.”

            1. Trickle down was/is stupid, but 40 years later here we are.

            2. your a smart guy you 1legged trick pony

        2. GM is not a business. It is a corporation. There’s small businesses who are barely heard and are getting taken out left and right and there’s big corporations who the government shells out tax payers money to. So your saying that you want a big corporation to influence and control who you voted for? They can tell the government what they want but the government should be doing what’s best for the people. Remember when millions of tax payers dollars went to the big banks and we didn’t know what they were using it for but regardless it was our money? Or when GM poisoned the water with lead in Flint and the government knew about it but did squat? That what happens when a corporation has more influence over government than what the people do.

    2. Business should stay out of *funding* politics, period.

  7. Politicians should only get money from people with a personal donation and it should be limited.

    Companies today give to both sides and basically pay blackmail to keep favor with who ever gets elected.

    Also the families should not be taking money from companies or other countries like China.

    Lets face it Washington is full of hypocrites on both sides and it is only getting worse.

    This country is at a cross roads. Politics are out of control on both sides and no longer working for the citizen. They are in it for themselves and few that are honest hold a chance to make a difference anymore. Time and time again I have seen good people go to Washington and either give in or leave early.

    The marches this summer and the march on the capital are a sign of division in this country and it right now is bad and there is no sign those just elected are going to do much about it.

    The one to watch is Joe Manchin. He is the guy in the middle on this. If they work with him to help heal things great but I expect them to crush him if he fails to move left or right.

    A house divided will not stand. The last time those words were said we lost more people in this country than we have in all other wars this country has fought in combined.

    This is no longer a game and people need to stop treating it as such. We had one major screw up on one side last week and then this week the fools on the hill made one of their own trying to impeach someone that is on his way out.

    Both sides need to start working together as one and start getting things functioning again or we are screwed.

    People keep saying to fear Putin and China but we are doing this much on our own and and will open the door to even worse issues. There are people in the world that are working to make America fail and we have elected representatives of theirs on both sides.

    This censoring free speech no matter who you are is dangerous. Where is it going to stop. We sent Asians to interment camps in WW2 that were born American. We took their property and money and never gave it back. Is that next if you speak out of line?

    1. Perfectly said.

  8. “Fiat Chrysler Automobiles (FCA), does not have a PAC, and does not make political contributions.” This statement, if accurate, should be correct for all companies. Politicians pay should be cut to a national average & term limits enacted. Those that are elected are supposed to be representing their constituents & after a couple of terms should be sent back home. If there were no money or power to be gained by being a politician, you would soon see who really wanted to work for the good of the people.

  9. Now if we could stop the corporate black mail by the cancel crowd. They are bilking companies out of money by threats of social media attacks if you don’t give to their cause.

    The only reason so many companies are politically active is due to threats.

  10. If they are truly halting political contributions to all candidates or causes, they are making the right move.

  11. No doubt they helped bankrupt millions of buyers.

  12. 75% of these are payoffs in advance

  13. Keep big money out of politics, the two just don’t mix, not good of the country they say they represent. Business’s have no business in it. Maybe invest it. All these mega PAC’s are a drain on our country. Bad ju-ju. Our bought and paid for Congress needs term limits, a retirement age also. Our founders never envisioned lifetime politicians.


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