GM Authority

Self Driving Apple Car Coming In 2024, New Report Indicates

The Apple car may be back on the table after rumors surfaced this week indicating the American technology company is developing a battery-electric vehicle that will enter production in 2024.

According to Reuters, Apple is developing an autonomous consumer vehicle that will leverage advanced new battery technology from the American company. This new battery tech will help to “radically” reduce battery costs, the report indicates, potentially giving the Apple car a competitive advantage over offerings from established electric vehicle makers such as Tesla and General Motors.

While details on the battery technology are scarce at the moment, Reuters says the company has a new battery pack design that eliminates the need for individual pouches, freeing up space within the battery module for more battery cells. This allows it to pack more active material into the battery, giving it a much higher energy density.

Apple first began exploring the idea of producing a passenger vehicle in 2014 and subsequently began designing its own vehicle under the guidance of former Tesla engineer Doug Field. At one point Apple had hundreds of people working on the program, known internally as “Project Titan”, although it began to scale back its efforts in 2019, instead choosing to focus on the software side of vehicle development. It also acquired autonomous vehicle development firm Drive.AI around this time.

Interestingly, Apple is not developing a shared autonomous vehicle to compete with offerings like the Cruise Origin or Zoox robotaxi. Instead, the Apple car will be positioned as a consumer vehicle that will be available for purchase and will appeal to the mass market. The technology company is also reportedly looking for an established automotive manufacturing partner that can build the vehicle. This suggests the Apple car will compete with other EVs targeting average consumers, like the Chevy Bolt EV and Tesla Model 3, for example.

Apple is targeting 2024 to start production of its mysterious self-driving EV, although the COVID-19 pandemic may delay its arrival until 2025, Reuters reports. Apple shares rose by three percent in pre-market trading Tuesday morning following the publication of the report.

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Sam loves to write and has a passion for auto racing, karting and performance driving of all types.

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  1. I love my I-phone, but no way would I trust Apple with a self driving car! I’m on my 3rd phone. The first one’s battery life was not good and it started having issues at one year old. My second phone (6S) lasted 3 months before it nearly burned my leg through my pant pocket and totally shut down, never to work again. Apple replaced that one with a second one that was fine until I dropped it and broke the screen (obviously my fault). My current I-phone 7 has been great so far. However, no matter the issues I’ve had, they all have glitches and will do strange things that I in no way would want my car to be doing.

    I’ve said this for years. If cars had as many issues as our computers do, we would all be in a world of hurt. So no Apple “self driving” car for me thank you.

    1. If I were you I would just got the newest phone such as the second SE that came out this year which is their budget model (which I have and has great speed, battery, and camera) so then it works for at least 5 years. By the way, Apple got in a lawsuit for ruining the battery and performance of iPhone 7 and below such as 6S so I would look into that

      1. Batterygate, they had a successful class action against them years back for burning out old phones, runs out the battery but they’re doing it by overworking the cpu on background processes. Some kid figured it out and proved it in 2017 and they just got caught doing it again, paid a fine. I assume they figure it’s cheaper to pay fines and force people to upgrade on a 5 year window

      2. Yep Carl, 100%

        And what phone is Dan Berning complaining about, I7, go figure Dan Berning !

        All that complaining, all I here is ” I have to reboot, I have to restart, Blah, Blah !

        Dan Berning, you would think a guy like you would take some of your own advice an MOVE TO ANOTHER BRAND !

        You just cant make this stuff up, Ha, Ha, Ha !
        NO , what ever you do DO NOT TRUST THE PEOPLE, the REAL CUSTOMERS, who KNOW !!!!

        Thank You !
        Carry ON !

    2. Dan Berning,

      You didn’t lie again did youy ?

      On the Mercedes post, did you not say you had a new I phone ?

      I hate to tell you but Apple is on 12 now not the 7 !

      Just saying.

      And my son ( who is out of our house ) is looking at a newer I phone and he says he will avoid the 7 so there is that.
      But I an totally serious, if you are rebooting or have to restart your phone, you either need a new phone or need to go ( Google ) Android operating system !
      I NEVER have to restart my phone, NEVER, there is NEVER an issue, EVER, seriously !

      I think, what we do agree on, I too do not like the screens sticking up out of the dash.
      However I like a slightly larger screen than you. 8″ Average Chevy, 10 ” upper grade Chevy-GMC, upper GMC and Cadillac, CHOICE, of 8″ – 12″, integrated into the dash, ( Buick Enclave like )

      Any way, get some new stuff, it will not ” crash ” as you say.
      And just for your info, like a Microsoft Surface, if you set the auto updates to times you are not using it you literally NEVER have to restart it ! Its a computer, that is its job !
      Have you heard of AI, that is early AI artificial intelligence, these computers today, will ” self heal ” you might say.

      Like when I was explaining the digital sound, ones and zeros, and the digital sight, ones and zeros, this stuff is WAY, WAY faster than humans can hear or see. Just the high speed video back in the early 2000s, I was using, you had to go through frame by frame to see failures. The human eye and human brain can not see ( camera ) fast enough ( processor speed ). We are there, as humans, we CAN already do this !
      Do you have any AI around you ?
      Go buy a Google assistant, and then you can buy a light bulb, that you can move anywhere in your wifi range, and not only ask to turn the light on, but change the color, and play whatever music you want, and you can do it while typing here !
      Like I say here a lot, get out, get up to speed in today !
      It does not matter how old you are, I know people younger than I who don’t want to and drive square bodys, and I have taught 80 year olds how to use new phones.

      You have a great day !
      love you man !
      Thank You !
      Carry ON !

      1. LOL. lifelongGMowner: No, the one thing I don’t do is lie. I think you may be mixing up some things however. Carefully read in all my posts. I only buy brand new stuff (furniture, phones, computers, clothing, shoes and most of my cars). However, as clearly stated in another post, I don’t buy the latest and greatest thing on the market. It’s very possible to buy a brand new, in the box, fully updated (IOS 14.3) I-phone and yet not buy the 12. In other words, I’m not an idiot and I never pay big bucks just to be the “first to have it”. My current I-phone is less than 6 months old and was taken out of the box brand new.

        But somehow this became a post about phones more than about the real article contents, which is about the stupid over-sized screens and self driving cars (combining this article with the MB article). So here is yet another very good example of what I’m talking about: Mazda’s screens. Last month I got into one of our loaner cars (2021 Mazda 6 with 2,300 miles on it). Guess what wasn’t working? The screen. Yup, Mazda has many issues with their screen stalling, going blank or even blacking out and never coming back to life. This was NOT a 2001, but a 2021 brand new car. Couldn’t do a thing with phone connection, radio or navigation. Nope, just adjust the climate as Mazda still keeps that separate from the screen. And talk about slow! When Mazda’s screens are working properly, they take forever to respond. My Chevy Spark screen is twice the screen of any Mazda.

        Bottom line? You can say what you want, but anything computer related, even if the most up-to-date model in 2020/2021, can and will give issues. It’s my opinion that is a bad thing when it comes to self driving cars or the screens operating everything in the cars.

        1. Just a quick one Dan Berning,

          Your own words here, copied from above and I replaced computer related with GM, ready ?

          Bottom line? You can say what you want, but anything ” GM ” related, even if the most up-to-date model in 2020/2021, can and will give issues. It’s my opinion that is a bad thing when it comes to GM or the ” fil in the blank ” everything in GM.
          Ill follow up in another comment, just for you.

          Thank You !
          Carry On !

          1. Haha. You can’t just “quote” someone and then change what they say. Doing what you just did to prove a point only makes my point all the more. If we all did what you just did, we could make anyone say whatever we want them to say. There is a purpose is using quotes. That purpose is that you reiterate exactly what they said in order to convey clarity in what was said.

            Oh, and yes. GM does use computers in the cars just like everyone. Thus, just like everyone else, GM can and will have issues. So what’s your point? Did you see me claim (anywhere) that GM doesn’t have problems?

            1. Bingo, Dan Berning, Bingo !!!

              That is today 2021 !
              ANYONE will say and do anything, weather any of it is true !
              Prove anything in 2021, can anyone !

              This is where we are at, people in charge who have NO CLUE what we are capable of !

              The 8 speed guys know how to fix them – GM is to cheap !
              The CUE screen guys knew what the trouble was, GM is just to cheap to fix them !
              Notice a pattern yet ?
              This curved screen could have been in all the Cadillac already, you could buy a curved Samsung TV ( if that’s what you want to call that screen on your wall ) how many years ago ?
              O that’s right , GM came up with the curved o-led screen. At Cadillac, Ha, HA !

              People read, listen, get out in the world !

              Now I am OK with GM buying any of this stuff, It make a GM product a better product.
              But this stuff is JUST LIKE the GM labor strike. GM just waited it out, we will starve those workers, they will come around, GM, we will just starve those Cadillac dealerships, they will come around. GM, we will just starve those curved screen makers, they will come around.
              If you haven’t figured it out yet, GM ALWAYS CAVES, ALWAYS, they are NOTHING in 2021, people just go around them just like the USA ! Others are just going around us !

              When the rest of the world gets this Covid stuff under hand, they are primed to leap, money, money, money, to the people who ARE DOING IT !
              GM, the US government, NOPE they will just starve those doing it, Ha !
              Not today, not 2021 !
              Everyone in the USA will be in food lines pretty soon, when China pulls the plug on the US money leaving China to the US !

              Its the deals, the supply chains, putting everything together, and everyone thinks today in 2021 the other guy is getting to much of the pie.
              Ill let you in on a secret, there is no longer enough pie !
              We need a bigger pie !

              Thank You !
              Carry On !

  2. $179,999.99 *Not including wheels*

  3. What are the chances that GM will team up with Apple to build their electric car?

    1. based on their history, they’ll probably team up with taiwan foxconn for the electronics and chinese manufacturers for everything else.

    2. I would think teaming up with GM would probably make them look bad and deter a lot of potential customers.

  4. And That’s all folks, GM had a nice two months the ultium dream run!
    When the most valuable company in the world with the hottest brand and 250 billion dollar cash in the hand, yes literal cash, telephones what it’s coming then you better pick up your marbles and go home. But it could be also an opportunity if Mary use her diplomacy talents with Tim Cook and persuade him choose GM as their contract manufacturers. Clearly Apple can’t produce cars in China due to high import taxes, and need really big local manufacturer because when they sell they sell millions of their products. So actually GM really comes to forefront.

    1. the biggest ev market is china. i’d start building there first.

  5. What many forget here is Apple is a tech company not a mfg. they use others for mfg their products.

    This to me means they already found mfg or their contract is up for bids. This I believe is targeting China first and could use an independent mfg or GM could even be a part of this as is any mfg with capacity to do the job.

    Autonomous is mostly going to be limited in scope as it is going to be awhile till our roads are capable. The cars are willing but other real drivers are not. You think you have road rage now just wait till a self driving car meets a crazy that can force it to do things it was not programmed to do.

    As for apple products I got involved with them just by chance. I have owned a number of their products and only two issues. One was a Mac Book that failed new. It was replaced ASAP with a new one. The other was a I pad pro that was 5 years old that had a battery that was starting to fail. They out of Warranty replaced it for $99 with a new identical I pad. Their tech help also has been more than I ever got from any other computer company. So no complaints there.

    GM holds an edge here. GM is a tech company more than many really grasp. They have done a lot of development work many tend to forget over the decades. This is while other brands often just bought components from others,

    So GM can develop these new system and if they can build for their own needs and for others it could open the door to a whole new way the industry works.

    I see automakers becoming more tech based and with their edge in mfg it will give them an advantage over others who have no mfg experience.

    Just look at how Tesla has struggled with mfg as they really are not a mfg or even a company with much mfg capacity.

  6. Apple Car?
    “Siri, I need to poo, take me to the nearest washroom”.

  7. We are now a Samsung phone only household. One son still has I phone and its OK I guess, yet nothing compared to the Google Android system. In My Opinion !
    I have owned d4m near every computer brand made, well not, but many. Toshiba, Gateway, dell, HP, ASUS, Microsoft Surface, IBM.
    The most machines I have owned ore HP, and the best machines are the Surfaces, by far !

    So I don’t quite get the ” Tesla can not manufacture yet ” I would like to say WOW to that comment !
    Are they not making all the vehicles they can sell ? and the batteries ?
    GM will not do their batteries, LG – Chem will, is that not correct ?
    Did not Tesla just install the first and largest die machine, in the world ?
    Does not Tesla have the most automated systems of all the automakers today ?
    Again, what is Tesla worth ?

    You see, I still do not think the demand for EVs is as large as people think.
    Sure a $30,000 good looking EV, after the charging infrastructure is in place, but even Tesla knows the market saturated with the high end Tesla.

    In the USA, this EV hype so far is just that hype, and the self driving part of that, Ha, very low % there for quite a while.
    GM will push all of those Cadillacs on China, and sell a few Hummers if they prove to beat out Tesla truck ! Remember Elon already said if the ” out there ” Tesla truck does not sell, they will just stamp out a standard truck.

    Where all of these potential EVs fit, is and will be fun to watch, and don’t forget the Europeans just sitting there already, and very large themselves !
    Lets face it Apple is great at the capitalism of controlling services on their platforms. Do they make anything ? They have a lot of things made to sell. Sure the Apple operating system is established and competes, but is not the greatest, by far !
    If you are an Apple everything, they work, yet not very good with ANYONE else.
    Like I said, the best GM news I have hears this year is the use of Google in the in vehicle system !

    Its just a mix match game, the winner is out front now, where will the 10s of EV manufactures fill in the blanks, and who will end up with who in the years to come ?
    And China is the Game here, not the US, again, our citizens are standing in food lines, while our government is arguing over pennies !

    1. “We are now a Samsung phone only household” Wow this is a quite an achievement and must makes you very special family. You should be proud of yourselves. I want to share a similar story we’re now a Frontier Airlines only household ,we don’t fly with any other company.

      1. Hey Slider, how are you doing today ?

        I meant nothing by that comment, just saying.

        And my older son is a I phone guy, all that I tunes stuff, content payments, etc.

        I myself pay nothing for entertainment, this is it here on this site.

        No harm no foul.

        I just do not care for the Apple cult type inclusion, that’s all.
        I prefer the open protocol !

  8. Yeah, that’s what we need, a self-driving short-bus. These things will be pissed in, trashed and periodically smell of vomit. Why get involved in this crap idea? Come On Apple.

  9. ability


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