GM Authority

GM To Unveil COVID-19 Vaccination Distribution Plan To Workers

General Motors is expected to release the details of its COVID-19 vaccination plan to its workers sometime this month.

Company spokesman David Caldwell confirmed to The Detroit Free Press this week that GM is currently talking to the state health department and other government sectors on how it will distribute the COVID-19 vaccine to its employees in the United States. The company is also taking questions from employees on the COVID-19 vaccine and answering them through its internal communication channels.

“Throughout the pandemic GM has communicated health and safety guidance to employees — including a series of videos and Q&As on topics like masks, workplace safety protocols, flu shot processes and more,” Caldwell told the Free Press in an interview. “That will continue in the coming weeks, including our plan for employees and vaccines.”

GM’s crosstown rival Ford recently purchased 12 ultra-cold freezers that are capable of safely storing the Pfizer Inc. COVID-19 vaccine, as both the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines must be stored at a lower-than-usual temperature of around -70 degrees celsius (-94 degrees Fahrenheit). GM has not ordered any freezers yet, Caldwell explained, as not all potential COVID-19 vaccines will require this storage method.

“At this point, we’re not purchasing special equipment,” he said. “At least not until we know the type of vaccine likely to be distributed in certain areas, as not all vaccines require special equipment.”

GM has not indicated if it will encourage or incentivize its employees to receive a COVID-19 vaccination, though Caldwell said it plans to “encourage” its employees to get one once it becomes available. He also said GM will not make COVID-19 vaccination mandatory for its employees.

GM assembly plants reopened in May following the initial COVID-19 lockdown earlier in the year. The automaker distributed a 40-page handbook to employees outlining ways to prevent the spread of COVID-19 while at work, which included guidelines on social distancing and PPE. GM has managed to prevent any major outbreaks at its assembly plants, though a small number of its blue-collar employees have still tested positive for the virus.

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Sam loves to write and has a passion for auto racing, karting and performance driving of all types.

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  1. Don’t fall for this scam people! Everybody knows that this vaccine is the fruit of a cooperation of the cabal which includes Bill Gates and Soros in a plan to sterilize the world in order to confiscate all the world’s assets.

    Don’t be fooled. Wake-up people!

    1. Crack on sale today?

    2. damn right. the vaccine will be the mark of the beast!!! read revelations!!! jesus is returning. don’t be left behind when the rapture happens.

      …. at least that is what my well intentioned nutty religious friend tells me.

    3. And worst of all, vaccine development is lead by the demoRATS. This is their nefarious plan to eliminate all opposition in the RED STATES and rule without restriction. Our version of the vaccine will inject us with disease and sterilise our women and turn men’s sperm into mutants. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

      1. Definitely on sale.

        1. Maybe even at a discount price Cadillac Matt

      2. “DemoRATS”? Lol. That’s really uplifting, GIL. Not to stoop down to your level of brain activity, but it was the Republican party that voted this idiot into office nearly costing the U.S. it’s democracy and 300,000+ Americans their lives. Now your president wants to “veto” for the very first time during his presidency. What’s that he’s planning to veto? The country’s pandemic relief packet. How dare the “DemoRATS” vote for someone else. Shame on THEM, and of course the Supreme Court. Smh.

        The last sentence was sarcasm. I understand that you’re only working with so many brain cells at-a-time. THANK GOD FOR A DEMOCRACY.

  2. It’s a vaccine people, just like you had to have before going to grade school. Geesh!

    1. according to the cdc, about 40% of healthcare workers are reluctant to get the vaccine because they think it was rushed.

      there is a lot of talk about who gets the vaccine first. i don’t think that will be a problem. people are not clamoring to be the first in line.

  3. No one in the general public will be required to get it, unless you work in healthcare or nursing care of any type. Companies will not want to force anyone to get it currently on staff. If they do and you come down with side effects they will be sued and will lose.

    The smart thing to do is look at it like the Flu shot. Many don’t get and do fine. Its your choice as Covid 19 is nothing like the measles or pollio. Yes it can be bad for some just like the common cold and flu. However just getting the most at risk immunized will make it fine for most of the world.

    Anyone else notice since mask mandates went into effect, infection rates climbed? No mask not even N95 say they will stop covid on the box. So with mask people have stop washing hands as much, constantly touching mask. So if you have it on your hands touch your mask with out washing them, you are better chance at getting than without a mask and staying away from people. You could just breath it in.


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