General Motors Joins OneTen Initiative To Promote Workplace Diversity
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General Motors will be one of the founding members of the new OneTen initiative, which hopes to provide one million Black Americans with jobs within the next decade.
The OneTen initiative was founded by Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier and the executive chairman of IBM, Ginni Rometty. The group’s goal is to provide up to one million Black Americans without a college education with jobs paying $40,000 or more per year. The group will also help potential employees network with leaders from major companies like GM and help provide them with the necessary skills to succeed in a variety of industries.
Other companies that have committed to the OneTen initiative in addition to GM include Wal-Mart, Target, Verizon, Lowes, Nike, Comcast, HP, PepsiCo, Bank of America, Caterpillar and AT&T.The OneTen initiative will begin working with companies in the first quarter of 2021, according to Automotive News. Companies that have committed to the initiative will agree to specific hiring targets for Black employees and will provide a certain amount of financial support to the organization based on their size. The CEOs of the founding companies have collectively pledged more than $100 million to support the coalition’s efforts.
Frazier also said that he thinks OneTen will grow in size and influence in the coming years as more companies climb aboard.
“We’re starting from a standing start, this is not where we want to end up,” Frazier said. “We think of it as a startup.”
GM previously stated its intention to be “the most inclusive company in the world,” following the killing of George Floyd, with GM CEO Mary Barra later implementing an Inclusion Advisory Board within the company to help combat racism and inequity within the company.
“My personal commitment is to ensure that the leadership of General Motors, and by extension, the entire GM family, consistently remains aware of our responsibility to bring awareness to injustice,” Barra said earlier this year. “Because awareness leads to dialogue, dialogue leads to understanding, and understanding leads to change.”
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“Closing the employment equity gap is vital to building a more just society”. I am so sick and tired of social justice BS. They are literally focusing their BS efforts on only one class of people. Talk about injustice. What about everyone else? You think there is only one class of people not able to get a job. BULL. S&%$.
You should know that females and the minority of the day are the biggest oppressed people in the world Pedro! Social Justice is aiding the USA towards a precipitous fall. This is what happens when masculine Men are not at the helm.
Its really easy. Can the person do the job? Is he/she qualified? Are they of good work ethic? Then it doesn’t matter their race, religion or background. If you want a diverse workforce, then just hire. Picking someone based on their color is not inclusive, its excluding those that are qualified no matter what color they are. These companies are just promoting reduction of “racism” by using racism as a means of hiring.
“Most qualified” is a misnomer. They will still only hire qualified candidates.
I work for a Southern state, our agency allots additional points on the hiring process for, ten foreign, ten minority, ten documented disability, five veteran. Probably won’t be long before newly recognised protected class(es) are awarded points as well (ie. gender neutrality or switched etc.).
@ gsM6
This is against federal law and you should report it to your local officials. You CANNOT use race, gender, etc for hire/fire decisions.
Federal law also discriminates where they deem appropriate. For instance for construction if it is a federal project, a minority owned company has to be hired by a larger firm. In my experience these minority firms always underperform and others have to pick up the slack. As we can’t fire them. Where have we seen this before where others do all the work and others are along for the ride but get the same benefit?
I was not aware of those mandates in federal procurement policy. Thank you for bringing it to my attention. I did some research and here’s what I found.
“Federal law mandates that the government allocate 23 percent of its contracting work to small businesses. Of this portion, 5 percent is meant for businesses with economically or socially disadvantaged owners. These are essentially minority-owned businesses.”
These economically disadvantaged (often minority owned) contractors then have to outbid every other similarly situated business. Should they underperform as you indicated, I really hope they do not receive additional contracts. But, federal procurement as a whole is another ball of wax that we conservatives and liberals should seek to reform.
I never thought our society was unjust. Quit blaming others for your shortcomings.
@ Materialman
What are you talking about?
It’s not BS and it’s not a zero sum game
Its impossible unless you have the exact same of each race in the world which will never happen. This is just government and corporate segregation to make the small minority happy. Most of this is just talk and most will still hire based on qualifications, resume, and how the person presents themselves. Its to make the little idiots happy.
Once upon a time, I was a Republican. I really believed in the Regan trickle down affect. after watching it happen I could CLEARLY see, as could EVERY corporate leader at any level, it simply was not working !! People needed to mean what they said, trickle down, not keep all and give nothing ! Some have said it was like giving all the Halloween candy to the first child and telling them to distribute it fairly !
This is no different !!
If these old corporate pigs, really wanted to make a difference they would be ! Look at Mary herself, and I am a supporter of hers as the best CEO of GM, She and the next few at the top take millions a year out of the system of unfairness, who are they helping ? Mary just sold 7 million worth of GM stock. That is 175 families at $40,000 ! Where did that money go ?
You know in the 50s when the BOSS MAN, got a new car, he sold his to his employee and made it work ! At the company picnic, the children of the BOSS MAN and the workers played together, went to school together, lived in the same communities, WERE FREINDS !!!!!!!!
This takes MONEY, and A LOT OF IT !!!!
This takes TIME, and A LOT OF IT !!!!!
The more MONEY, the QUICKER the results !!!
Yet here we are today, and our government is arguing over MONEY while people are literally standing in line, IN THE USA, FOR FOOD !!!!!!!!!!
Will SAME corporate pigs, who created this problem in the USA, fix it ?
Did it really take the Regan trickle down economics affect 30+ years to work ? Well really probably 60 years as this will take another 30 to work !!
60 YEARS !!!!!
People, the people we are voting for need to GOVERN !!!!!
This program is a good start !
Like the old corporate pigs likes to say, its low hanging fruit first !!!
Yet most of the time the program dies after the low hanging fruit is taken, and the rest of the good fruit SITS AND ROTS !!!
How do you think we got to where we are today in America ? SITTING AND ROTTING fruit !!!!!!
I love this as a start !
But I do agree, placing color on it, is not right !
It needs to be placing, economy on it !
Where a person grew up !
A persons means, to success !
It no longer matters, in America, what color or race you are, when you are poor, you are poor ! When you are hungry, you are hungry !
What OPPERTUNITIES do you have before you ?
China and others are eating our lunch, and it is because the Corporate pigs in China can only get so fat !!!
This is a government problem !! And almost at every level !! The greed is just running the show, and the very people in charge, push everything to the last minute, just like the shutdown that will happen today !
Is the Chinese government ever at the brink of shutdown because the leaders want to ruin the country for their own pocketbook ?
NO !!!
Go ahead Corporate Pigs, spend your millions the way you want to help people, at least you might get some more cheap labor on the way to the last straw !!!
As a country, where is the last straw ?
Trillions and trillions in the stock market, and millions and millions who made the trillions and trillions in a food line !!!
Dude, you REALLY need some mental help with all of your anger
Walking a pretty fine line here.
When is the NBA going to increase the number of short Icelandic players. They are so discriminated as how many are playing now? Every team should be forced to have at least one for more equality.
Sorry but life and society is not equal and never be equal. Like it or not we are not all the same and that is ok. It takes all kinds to build a society. We all play a role.
It is time to stop telling some races that they are victims. They can stand on their own and accomplish anything. Many people give up before they even try because they are told they were born to fail and that is a lie.
No one should apologies for what they are and where they come from. Teach people how to succeed and not how to fail.
When i was a youngster throughout school i routinely noticed a strange thing. Every couple months all the native kids would get called in to a room and get cheques. When they came out i asked what was up, the response was “we get paid to go to school”. The country i live in pays native kids to go to school because the graduation rate for them is so low.
What kind of message does that send? It says, “your not good enough to succeed on your own” “your different” “expect hand outs in order to succeed for the rest of your life”
A very fine line!!!
Some people claim they want to be treated equally but then complain when they are?
Then other try to stand up and show the way out of poverty and others attack them as they are showing the truth as to how it is possible,
Society holds up examples of failure and tell people they can’t make it. While we have many examples of success that should be used as example of how to break out. In fact many of them are attacked as they show the truth.
Yep C8.R, Just like YOU attacking ME for speaking the
————–TRUTH —————————
I’d also add that we should stop using the left term of “race.” One of the best things I enjoyed about living in Europe for several years was that ethnicity was not a big deal. In modern Europe it is not talked about like it is in America. It was not until I returned to the USA for college in which I realized how much Americans are obsessed with “race.” It was honestly a big drag for me.
You know that would not happen for the NBA! As you would get tore up because you are now disenfranchising the black population because you are giving this protected class less slots!
It does take all types of men to build a society. However these men need to be on the same page (country). Americans of old used to be this way and there was no prefix American.
I completely agree that we need to stop telling people to be the victims. It is truly a soft mindset to have. This is what happens when a nation becomes femininized. This is where we are at right now just a cotton soft nation with too much estrogen.
You are right no one should apologize for their culture. I am proud of the Men that have preceded me who have built this nation up out of nothing.
thats because Europe is still european (see: white).
once the non-whites infest it and start underperforming (and they will) they’ll cry for handouts too
I don’t at all mean this as an insult, but your NBA example illustrates your gross misunderstanding of the matter that you are talking about. I implore you to dig deeper for a better understanding.
It was satire of a much bigger problem of people using race as a political weapon.
Stop pointing fingers and take some blame,
Pull your future away from the flame
People need to learn much of their future is in their hands.
Listening to others telling you you are a victim and you are being screwed is not teaching someone the path forward.
Nothing in life is given it is earned nor should it be.
@ C8.R
I think we agree on your first point. We need to stop allowing those in power to use race to divide us.
That aside, I suspect that we are on opposite ends of the political spectrum (I’m a liberal). But, I think you are genuine in your convictions so I would happily talk this over with you over a beer. For whatever that’s worth I mean.
Divide and conquer is the oldest trick in the book mate. Works every time on the common folk who can’t read between the lines.
Great post! The Democrats have drilled into these people they are victims, they are entitled, and it’s not their fault. Sadly, they believe it and here we are.
Sir, I think it’s the opposite. Republicans have drilled into your head that minorities and liberals are your enemies. They are not. They are your countrymen.
for all those who think race is no big deal, would you want your child or yourself to be treated like a black person?
We have a black person working for the company i am with. He gets treated like everyone else here.
when he steps outside of your company’s building, do you think he is treated like everyone else? why don’t you ask him and find out.
You are correct in that he maybe is treated different when he leaves the building. But all i can do is what all people should do, and that is to treat him no different than i treat anyone else. With respect that is earned and no free ride.
If he treats people the right way, he will be just fine.
Race is no big deal mate. As a black person I have had no problems anywhere I go in the world. Then again I am not the typical american glorified thug who can’t dress properly. I have an actual profession and carry a 1911. Life is good.
I do somewhat agree with both C8.R and Cadillac Matt, However !
Sometime it only takes one person to say ” you can do it ”
And most of the time failing parents do not and can not say it !
Like you said, I have two adopted native cousins, they both got the checks, both went to the navy out of high school !
both came out of the navy and were drunks. One now is a welder and welds on navy ships and power plants and travels doing that, the other, still a drunk !
Now BOTH raised at my aunt and uncles house, along with my other cousins, from the ages of 2 and under !
Now hear this, my cousin, their brother, I say, has the farm ! all three of his sons have farms around him ! All receive millions in farm payments from the taxpayers !
Did they ?
Did I ?
!!!! NO !!!!
So not only did they receive nothing but a house to live in while growing up, they received nothing after !
Looking back on it, I say my uncle got 10 good years of free labor !!!!
I do still see them from time to time as I am one of the only ones who relate !
You people who think this is a persons will to succeed, maybe, I did !
Yet I left my home at 16, worked for a person who believed in me, and just have talent that nobody I was ever around could explain !
Every job I ever had, people would just pay me more and more to stay and as I left I would always say, its not the money for me, its you. Their morality, ethics, lies ! As I would succeed, I would watch others just get used, and placed lower and lower !
Here is an example, our company quit giving raises after the Bush years !, so for the floor workers, the company would give a lump some raise ! I said No way, as the uppers got their raises, that added to next years raise, the REAL workers got a lump sum check that did not raise their base pay. When I said see ya, I was quickly given a raise, and a pay increase, and moved up in the company. Yet after having my name placed on a patent, that the company owns, I was just DONE ! I am so tired of making the people I work for millionaires.
Being successful, has a little to do with talent and a lot to do with opportunity, to a point !!!!
Its the nature VS nurture debate !
For me its the Aryan race !
Blonde haired blue eyed German, mostly, and drive that just will not quit, at least right up to heart attack !
16 hour days from the age of 14, love it, just can not get enough !!!
Do you know how I know this is BS coming from GM ?
Because right now, as I type, GM is arguing with a poor person, trying to get to work, whos GM vehicle was designed with a ” KNOWN FAULTY ” part , over the likes of $16.00 !!!
They are probably the SAME person who GM says they want to help here !
GM has spent hundreds of thousands of dollars fighting the very people have nowhere else to turn except a class action lawyer !!
Its the SAME person !!
So you have GM here in front of the ” Good Eyes ” we can help the world be a better place, as they spend money hiring the scum of the earth blood sucking lawyers, to fight the other blood sucking lawyers, taking the VERY money that would make this problem go away !!!
Its a just another stock price stunt !! I literally watched the interview yesterday with the two who started it !!
They seemed genuine !
Yet from GM, HA, like I said, worst thing that could happen for them is cheap labor like my cousins, as they try to ( Falsely show ) ” see we are young and hip and care about something other than stock holders !!
Ha, Ha !
Programs like this are the result of the USA being feminized. The country is female centric and operates in the female domain. Everything is about feelings and what one perceives is reality or should be reality. Ignoring many facts along the way. Certain groups of people have degenerate cultures that promote certain life styles. In minority communities that are fatherless due to the feminization of the nation, lifestyles that are promoted are degenerate. All one has to do is look at the music, pop culture, and FBI statistics. Learning how to earn ones keep by being a responsible member of society is not what is taught in these communities.
In regards to diversity it is another modern thing that the cotton soft USA is obsessed with. Ethnically speaking the USA is a diverse nation. That is anyone can be an American as ethnicity is not a requirement like how some countries were formed. The problem is now is that everyone thinks they are special. All of these prefix Americans running around. Back in the day one just wanted to be an American. I hate when people say african-american to me. It is a joke. As almost all of my friends are of European ancestry. I don’t say German, Scot, or French American to them. Everyone truly has equal opportunity in this country and to ensure that it has been law for a long time now. All of these programs do is low key retransfer wealth. It elevates people who are not even qualified for said position.
Overall it is not a companies fault that certain communities don’t make it to the big leagues. This is what happens when values like accountability and personal responsibility are not taught. This is just the product of the nation being feminized like I said before.
What makes empires great is that one can be a citizen of that empire as long as they believe its values and work to protect them. Romans were like this before they ruined themselves and Americans along with all of their identity groups are next.
What a joke this country has become.
I will give this a try dblezy,
So you are saying that it is not the companies fault ?
And that the worker needs to be more qualified and then they would succeed ?
First off, I wonder when GM moves their companies out of the USA to where they can pay starvation wages to workers, these workers are more qualified ?
Most of the time GM or the company has to train and print everything to show the worker EVERYTHING !!!!
Start from scratch, with nothing, but at a cheap labor rate !
You think this is a feminist way ?
My dad died at 54, I was in my 20s, my mom said get out and work !
My dad when he was alive was one of the laziest people I know to date !
My wife works circles around MOST men I know !!
Man what a old ******** way to look at things !!
Quiet men are talking !
In most other countries, there are safeguards put in place by the government that prevent the companies from ruining the country !
Not the good old USA, you can outsource, everything to the cheapest labor anywhere on the planet, at the expense of the very country you made the very money you are sending out !!
Another story of truth !
Our company bought a German company, then our brilliant leaders thought we would go over their and tell the German worker how to work. Ha, guess how many employees showed up for work after that meeting ? ZERO !!!
You want to know how quick our leaders did that over, ASAP !!! loosing money daily !
How many American companies get moved to the European countries ?
I wonder WHY, as you know the work force there are some of the most qualified in the WORLD !!!
WE did not have to train ONE worker, in our German company !!
So our leaders thought it would be a good idea to swap plant managers for 6 months to show the German manager how things work over here in the USA,
Ha, Ha !
First off he could not believe how we took advantage of our workers over here !
Then he could not believe how we ran our companies here !
For example, we were leasing Nissan vans as our company vehicles, he could not believe an American company would lease a foreign vehicle ! That would NEVER happen in Germany ! Then he could not believe haw short sided we ran our company. Meaning, everything had to be justified, and it drove the best way to do things to the cheapest !!
Years of rot and decay in the US manufacturing, and people like you are STILL blaming the worker who had NOTHING to do with moving all those jobs out of our country !!
Why can’t you see greed ?
Other countries have safeguards in place for the greed !
And greed might be a great tool for success !!
But greed and capitalism ONLY works when there is enough money to gain, and there is no money in the US to gain for the hardest worker , today !!!
Sure some, but not MOST !!
Most workers in the US will work 40 to 60 hours a week, live with nothing, until they can no longer work then die with nothing !
Sure some can enjoy life, make a killing, go boating, traveling, or what they enjoy !
However MOST, NOW THE MAJORITY of our great country, will work their lives away for NOTHING but to die !
And that right there sir it the trouble, the ones that don’t kill themselves, are doing nothing as WHY, there is NOTHING to gain !! There is no longer enough time to do anything they enjoy !!
Man its a good thing I love to work, as I enjoy every day !!
I am not blaming the worker on this one man. I am merely talking about society at large. So I am not really blaming corporations as they react to society at large. However Corporate pandering is still gross to me.
Yes every able bodied male should work to earn his keep.
The world was built by Men who think similar to me. Countries survive based on this way of thinking. I need not explain the problems that society has presently due to its progression straight to the cliff.
Anyways I believe in Laissez-faire. Something that western nations don’t believe in anymore. Capitalism is still the way to go. People should look to those that rule over them to question their choices in life. Everyone says go to college. Everyone says invest in a 401K which has one beholden to working for a corporation.
The good thing is that God has given us all free will and a brain. So one all by their lonesome. Many of the successful people who have businesses started from nothing.
Most people throughout the ages are sheep and are in need of a shepherd. All the sheep care about is food and protection.
I am in my 20s and people in my generation can blame those that came before us for the predicament we find ourselves in. High taxes, Medicare, FISA taxes, 30 year mortgages, college prices, etc…
Working is mans god given burden so it is what it is. Our ancestors have had to work so some of us will have to work longer than others if we do not have the financial backing. So either way we will have to work. Nothing is promised nor handed to us.
Agreed !
Let’s bring back the military draft and FORCE EVERYONE at the age of 18 to serve 2 years of military service. Whenever I see pictures of the personnel returning home in body bags or of a military mishap such as a copter crash or whatever it’s ALWAYS men and usually white yet I never hear any complaints about the lack of diversity. As of today ALL 18 year old males are REQUIRED to register with the Selective Service yet females are admitted to our nations military colleges. If females aren’t required to register with the Selective Service they have no business being allowed at West Point, Naval Academy, etc. Women want SELECTED equality. The only time I hear the word diversity is when there’s too many white guys(unless it’s the military)
Please no! The military is bad enough now with its COED environment. What should be a masculine institution is now nothing more than a high school social hour with drama (females). We don’t train to be ruthless anymore as that is not professional. God forbid we would have to fight a formidable foe tomorrow. Presently there is a big push to get more females in the military like it does us any good. Trust me it has caused so many problems. Any man in my family and many guys in my friend group can attest to this. White guys are the predominate driving force in the military to no ones surprise as the nation is predominately white. However this image is being changed publicly. Just go look at any social media account for any branch or its website. Lastly I have no problem fighting with my brothers if we have to fight in a war as no daughter should be on a battlefield. Who is going to stay home with the future? But to your point equality is only what benefits the females.
WHO are some of you people ?
Old white guys have been running this country for how long now ?
Yet I can clearly see some of you do not like how it has turned out !
Yet who do you all blame ?
Its not the old wealthy white guy !!
Its the mother, the minority, the worker !
Its their fault, they did it !!
How again did they do it ?
The country was and still is mostly run by old wealthy white men !!
I got it, they are all witches or something like that !!
We should burn them at the stake !!!!
That will fix our country, that was led to this point by
——————— old wealthy white men —————————-
This nation won’t overcome our real enemies until Racism is fully addressed and dismissed. It’s a hellva lot more I can say on this but I’m here for cars…..
I agree !!!!!!!
And I to come here for the cars !!!!!!
Yet this story is about what we are talking about, and it means as much to me in this country today, as the cars do !!!
Our country has so, so, many people, who need so, so, many things, yet the old wealthy whites in charge STILL think our companies need China for expanding marketplace !!!
Why not get some MONEY into our economic system so the people of this country can buy things ?
Pretty quick the average Chinese citizen will have a better life than a US citizen, if that isn’t the case already !!
Then listen to the old wealthy white man, still say their system of government is still better !!
People right here in the US are starving on the streets !!
That used to be something you would say of China, Japan, Germany, ETC !!!
Hiring just because they are a certain color or sex is the stupidest thing there is.
Yea, like “white only” for centuries until the 1960s, then put the “undesirable” person in a marginal position while the White guys and gals do the big things, kinda stupid…..
Walter what you are suggesting would be against federal law in the USA. Companies are prohibited from making hire/fire decisions based off of race or other protected class. Initiatives like the one in the article can only boost consideration of candidates of a certain class. Prospective hires still need to demonstrate qualification and readiness for the job. Speak with any HR professional and they will tell you the same.
By moving production of vehicles out of the U.S. and Canada , Mary and her brethren have lost more jobs for blacks than they will ever create.
Perhaps Jofa. But, this is about equity in the jobs that remain.
GM isn’t only one guilty of this plus it pales in comparison of the factory closings of the ’80s-’00s
Of course it pales in comparison. Not many plants left.
Where does drug testing fit into this?
Test for crack for blacks and meth for whites?….
As said before until Racism is fully dismissed America will have systematic problems.