Joe Biden took to Twitter this week to show off his 1967 Chevrolet Corvette and make the public aware of his support for the American automotive industry.
The short campaign ad was shared on the Democratic presidential nominee’s Twitter page along with the caption “there’s been a lot of talk about my vetting process lately. Here’s an inside look,” which is a punny reference to the ongoing deliberations over his pick for a running mate.
The ad shows Joe Biden tooling around in his Goodwood Green 1967 Chevrolet Corvette, which was a wedding gift to him from his father. This isn’t the first we’ve heard of Biden’s Corvette. When he was Barack Obama’s vice president, Biden often lamented the fact that the Secret Service would not let him drive the car off his property.
There’s been a lot of talk about my vetting process lately. Here’s an inside look:
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) August 5, 2020
We also know Biden’s a fan of newer Corvettes. When GM debuted the C7 Corvette Z06 at the 2014 North American International Auto Show in Detroit, Biden joked that owning a Z06 was reason enough to avoid a presidential bid in the future.
“Everyone wants to know whether or not I’m going to run for president,” Biden said at the show in January of 2014. “There’s a lot of reasons to run for president, but there’s one overwhelming reason not to run for president. I’d like to get that Z06 with 0-60 in 3.4 seconds. 3.4 seconds! You tach that sucker up to six grand and this comes out of the hole like a bullet, man.”
Biden’s sights may have moved beyond the C7 Corvette Z06, though. In the campaign ad, the 77-year-old also said that he’s heard rumors that GM is working on a battery-electric Corvette with a top speed of 200 mph. We’ve heard rumors of hybrid Corvette E-Ray and Corvette Zora models based on the mid-engine C8 Corvette, but this is the first time we’re hearing of concrete plans for a pure electric version. It’s possible Biden confused these rumored hybrid-electric models with a battery-electric model, as well.
Biden then shifts his focus to electric vehicles, saying he thinks the American automotive industry is in a good position to capitalize on the growing demand for EVs.
“I believe we can own the 21st-century market again by moving to electric vehicles,” he said.
The Joe Biden Twitter account sent out another tweet immediately after the video, which read: “I don’t buy for one second that the vitality of American manufacturing is a thing of the past. As president, I’ll make bold investments in American manufacturing, industry, and innovation to make sure the future is made in America — by all of America.”
The C8 Corvette is made at a GM plant in Bowling Green, Kentucky and 64% of its components are manufactured either in the United States or Canada. The only production GM EV, the Chevrolet Bolt EV, is built at a plant in Lake Orion, Michigan.
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Is Joe alive, or are leftist puppets pulling his strings again? Joe, wake up, its a car…..
trump : i can identify an elephant. i’m a genius!!!!
Joe has difficulty identifying his sister from his wife…but…
Donald Trump quote
“I would date her if she wasn’t my daughter”
Maybe he did. If he can bang hookers while his wife is pregnant, what’s stopping him. He has absolutely no morals…
He’s smarter than you’ll ever be, dope. No self-respecting man with any common sense votes democrat.
Over 50,000 Americans got infected today and death toll may be over 1500 by the end of the day. The fake potus says things are getting better and to ingest Clorox while shoving a UV light up their arses.
American soldiers have bounties on them in Afghanistan and Trump completely ignored it because Russians finance his family business.
Maybe you’re not worthy to be called an American…
Says Bill the democrat supporter.
Turns out everything RUSSIAN was a hoax – and projected by Hillary and Piss Pants Joe Biden and the Democratic Party’s DNC who actually colluded with Russia to make up the Russian Hoax. More people have died under BIDEN than during the Trump administration from Covid and biden has had the “VACCINES” the entire time he’s been the fake president – he’s so remedial he can’t figure out who sh*ts his pants everyday. #SaltyArmy #TheSaltMustFlow 🧂🧂🧂 #LGB #FJB Russians also financed Hunter Biden, along with China, we all know who a cut of that money goes to…. “THE BIG GUY” #NotMyPotato #PissPantsPedoJoeHidenBiden the #GAFFEinCHIEF #LaughingStock of America…
Lots of stupidity in both parties. The really stupid are the ones not wearing a mask in public.
“It’s a car”
You mean it’s not a: Person, Woman, Man, Camera or T.V.
bubbaq needs to turn off the Fox reality show. It’s rotting his brain.
Oh they pull the Vette out every election cycle.
Come on man a low mile 67 original owner Vette? Makes you wonder how much junk it piled on it between election PR bits.
I don’t doubt his love for the car but the man lives in a bubble and really has no chance of enjoying a car like this. Plus now he could drive off and they would have to try to find him in the middle of PA unable to find his way home if no one was watching him.
I wonder what the Bernie people are thinking?
is it any more pathetic than trump’s bible? of course that idiot can’t read so we need to cut him some slack
Sorry no bible video here just commenting on what is here.
You want to see something funny google Biden Hairy Legs video.
Come on man now that was funny. Creepy but funny.
Let’s face it anyone smart enough to be President has enough sense not to run in the first place.
I wished I had a LOL emoji on this.. because there is nothing funnier than that old man.. oh I love kids! I use to let them rub my leg hairs and watch it go up and down and up again! Lol
It’s sad that the US is in a dividing time. And it seems like no matter what dumb thing comes out of it his mouth they are pushing for him to be president because people hate Trump that bad. They don’t want him to debate Trump or anything just sit his basement until he finds out if he won or not..
That video about Biden’s hairy legs and how he lets kids rub them is quite bizarre but there are plenty of other cringe-worthily moments from Joe; lots of them. I think if you’re a Biden supporter you have to see these things as the proverbial time bomb waiting to go off.
The media has withheld all of the outrageous stuff Biden has said which I think is a mistake. It would be better to air it as it happened and let the public digest it and respond in time and then these things become old news that everyone knows about. Withholding it to ‘protect’ him really doesn’t protect him at all. In the 11th hour, a pro-Trump Super-Pac will release ads that will run non-stop showing all these moments and for most folks, it’ll be new information and perhaps opinion altering.
I’d hate to sabotage my own campaign but I almost think Biden’s people need to diffuse the bomb that’s out there waiting for Team Trump to ignite.
Lets not forget about #HunterBidensLAPTOP #HuntersLaptop #LaptopFromHell
Joe is a little heavy on the gas when starting. He needs to adjust the hearing aides
So he feels in full control behind the wheel. Well I would hope so Joe!
Yes Joe the head lights open, yes really advanced,
Might note here that Average Joe said his father never had much money but ran the largest. Chevy dealer in the state. The Corvette was a wedding gift.
Gee I never got a. Or Vette for a gift of any kind. I wonder if he realizes that is not average?
Don the con got well over 500 million from his father but then still managed to go bankrupt 6 times. Who in world runs a Casino and still manages to go tits up. No one! His biggest achievement will be his seventh which is well under way.
One of the first things that Biden would do as POTUS would be to outlaw gas powered cars which means the next Corvette is a Cadillac Lyriq.
the great oil fracking state of texas didn’t mind bending over for EVs. and that is only after they beat out oklahoma.
I didn’t even read the article…..straight to the comments on this one.
Always lol. And as expected, it’s the same usual suspects…doesn’t matter what side they’re on, I always enjoy this stuff, at least a little bit 😉 I shouldn’t, but I do.
I will say this, I’m no Smokin’ Joe fan at all, but I do appreciate his Corvette. I’m not so sure it’s a good look though, for a guy going on and on about climate change to be driving a gas-guzzling, two-seat sports car with a V8. Do as I say, not as I do? I think that’s pretty standard for all politicians, Dem or GOP.
The C2 might not be a good look in another way besides it’s propensity for pollution.
Does a 78 year old man need to be cruising around in a 53 year old car. I love C2 and C3 Corvettes so Joe’s alright by me for having one but I question the optics of having him out in such an old car. For those of us who love cars, I don’t think it resonates but if I’m an 18 year old female voting for the first time, does it help or hurt. I can see how it might perpetuate an old geezer appearance for some voters in a way the a C8, for instance, wouldn’t. A C8 might make him look cool and of-the-moment whereas the C2 reinforces the “old” narrative.
I take no position on Joe as a candidate and whether or not I support him but putting on my amateur political scientist hat, as I did above, I question whether it’s the right strategy from a campaign perspective.
An old man in a Vette almost like peanut butter and jelly….😉😁😉
As a Trump fan, I’m happy Biden’s got a ‘Vette. I begrudge no one getting a car that puts a smile on their face. The Corvette is a worthy car for anyone who will take care of it.
Is Biden a hologram in this Ad? All jokes aside I hope his family pulls him out of this race for health reasons.
I wouldn’t trust him behind the wheel of a golf cart.
As President, Joe Biden won’t be spending his weekends golfing. So you don’t have to worry about the whole Golf cart thing.
No he will be in the pool letting the kids touch his hairy legs.
When it comes to sexual assaults, pedophilia with his long-time buddy Epstein, banging hookers, sexual fantasies with his daughter and just plain misogyny, the orange baboon is in a class of one.
The fact that by December he will be responsible for the death of nearly 400,000 Americans doesn’t seem to matter to his cult or mindless supporters…. So, so sad. Guess Bin Laden was a small operator. with only 2700 deaths on 9/11.
This comment is filled with such blatantly false information and flawed logic, I can’t believe it wasn’t flagged for moderation lol. I can only imagine how pathetic the person behind this account is in real life.
The orange primate has quite the life. 40% of his time is spent golfing and the remaining 60% is divided between watching FOX on TV, posting on Twitter and reality appearances pretending he’s doing something which matters. And of course, lying 100% of the time now exceeding 20,000 since pretending to be POTUS.
Hope he has GPS
Sleepy joe shouldn’t be behind any wheel let alone a corvette 😴
Go Joe. Dump Trump.
I saw someone with a yard sign that said “Vote Joe, ‘Bye-Don!’” and I almost threw up, it was so cringey. Yours is slightly better, but not very creative. You should try something that ties in Biden’s cognitive decline…like, “Remember to vote for…uh…you know, the thing!”
All in good fun lol, no offense. Just trying to laugh a bit.
Speaking of cognitive decline… I can find hundreds of clips to support this.
FJB- LETS GO BRANDEN! Don’t Blame me I voted for TRUMP
He can still drive?
Must be a radio controlled car. Someone else is in control, not Joe. He has top down so air can blow thru his hair plugs. Bet he drives in left lane with the turn signal on. He will have his gas guzzler and the rest of us will have to buy bicycle s or mini ev transportation if he is elected. AOC must be outraged that Joe has a vette.
Anything Biden owns was bought and paid for by China. He never worked for anything in his miserable life
I Still wouldn’t vote for this racist, even if he didn’t have a corvette, i knew what a pos biden is when i saw his face and if he gets in there, war with russia is on his mind.
thankfully in 2008, i stopped voting and took the red bill.
The village idiot can drive a corvette
“The C8 Corvette is made at a GM plant in Bowling Green, Kentucky and 64% of its components are manufactured either in the United States or Canada.” Canada and the U.S are both nations in America, and so is Mexico. The new Ford Mustang Mach-E is assembled in Mexico but it is a fully American made EV, and GM has NO competing product against that new EV. There is a prototype electric Camaro (search for it among YouTube videos), but until GM does make an electric sports car, the Mustang Mach-E will take that lead.
As the next President of the United States, Biden can motivate GM to produce more electric cars, other than the present Bolt EV and the future Hummer EV and Cadillac Lyriq, and compete against Ford and Tesla for more domestic EV sales, then reduce imported EVs from taking away U.S sales. One suggestion promoted by EV supporters is a new Federal initiative as a point of sale rebate for new EV buyers, using the money given by the present administration to oil producers.
Who Cares, go hug a tree. Ford can keep their Mustang Mach-E, it’s a Ford anyway.
…both nations in America?
Where did you learn your geography? When you capitalize the A, you mean America, as in the United States of America.
Canada and Mexico are both countries located on the north american continent, but don’t go calling a Mexican or Canadian an “American”, they just might take offense.
Long-term memory goes last. He deserves as much time as possible to enjoy his C2 while he can still drive it. To be lost in 1967 with one of the most beautiful cars made in America is a great way to fade away. If he leaves the compound, someone needs to ride with him to get him back home. Joe, enjoy yourself.
Do you think he still has a valid drivers license?
Just curious, does anyone know an actual Biden supporter, or are they all just Trump haters?
Joe seems more of a Yugo kind of driver. Maybe a Rambler?
Holy smokes, the DNC let Dimentia Joe out of the basement to drive his Vette up & down his driveway. And of course they had to use sub-titles in the video so you can understand the low volume slurred speech dribling out of his mouth. Yep, America, pull the lever or mail in the ballot for this guy.
Not if the orange baboon is allowed to finish burning America to the ground.
Fake and illegitimate POTUS “pretending” to be driving just as he has pretended to be president.
You must have skipped the article too.
Nope. Read the entire article. Nice to see someone who can actually drive.
This is like a bad dream, every time I check my email I’m subjected to the ravings of some northern tier madman.
I’m here for cars, not politics.
I’m sick of politics.
Let us please just talk cars.
We can agree or disagree, but I’d like it to be about tires, transmissions—even joe’s sweet 67.
But does Biden know he’s driving a car. Or what day it is ??
He’s stopping by Corn Pop’s crib to see if there’s any little girls to sniff.
GMA, will you make a promise?
I don’t care how good the easter egg is or how bankrupt you are, NEVER, and I mean NEVER post anything political or politicly related. Got that? Good.