Protesting in Portland, Oregon, has been ongoing since May, and while some of the protests have been peaceful, others have led to violence, destruction, and rioting, with confrontations taking place between protesters, counter protesters, and police. Last night, in North Portland, the driver of a Chevrolet S-10 pickup truck attempted to drive through one of the protests, and ended up plowing through a fence and dragging a motorcycle for several blocks.
Reports indicate that the incident did not result in any injuries.
Local CBS News affiliate KOIN 6 was on the scene to capture the Chevrolet S-10 on camera as it broke through a fence at the intersection of North Denver Avenue and North Lombard Street, all while dragging a motorcycle underneath it, sparks flying as it progressed at a high rate of speed down the road.
Spectator footage captured what happened prior to the Chevrolet S-10 ramming the chainlink fence at Denver and Lombard. Apparently, protesters had blocked the street and erected a barricade, preventing traffic from passing through. Despite the crowd and roadblock, the driver in the Chevy pickup decided to drive through the crowd anyway. A protester on a motorcycle then laid their bike in front of the truck, attempting to stop the driver from progressing. It’s at that point that the driver in the Chevrolet S-10 hit the throttle, dragging the motorcycle down the street.
Amazingly, no one was injured. According to local ABC news affiliate KATU 2, the driver of the Chevrolet S-10 spoke to law enforcement officers and cooperated after he had stopped. The incident is currently under investigation.
Two protests occurred in Portland last night. According to police reports, the protest in downtown Portland was peaceful, while the protest in North Portland devolved into a riot. Portland Police issued orders to disperse at North Lombard and North Campbell at 1:23 AM.
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Its called GTF out of the way, guy is probably just trying to go home.
Throwing a motorcycle in front of a truck? Um yea, brilliant.
Stupid is as stupid does.
I would’ve done the same the guy on the bike got off an threw the bike then stormed the truck that is intent to assalt
That’s some interesting writing to avoid the blatant fact that ANTIFA are the bad guys, they illegally blocked off a road (which Portland authorities have turned a blind eye toward), and an individual in a truck risked his life standing up to it.
These are not protests, they are violent occupations and riots that are a threat to civil society. Their demands include defunding and dismantling the police, I can assure you that will not have any sort of positive effect on urban communities.
I saw the same idiots in Columbus Ohio trash a guy in a new Buick Regal for just being there. Note to the driver had Cerebral palsy.
This BS has to stop. These folks are just paid people who are trying to destroy our country, A strong America stands ion the way of a lot of people who would benefit with open boarders and a global government.
What are they investigating, Motorist trying to stay alive?
A very unusual way to steal a motorcycle, which leaves the stolen object in a very bad shape.
I don’t know that I’d justify or celebrate actions similar to those used by muslim fundamentalists.
Well, trump’s ‘goon squad’ has left town but the BLM sympathizers in their ‘brainwashed’, state are STILL there! All this asinine , idiocy, for a dumbass crook who was trying sooo hard to pass a phony $20 that the clerk had to call the cops! This misplaced angst, over black criminality is nuts! GO HOME & STAY OUT OF THE STREETS! YOU’RE BREAKING THE LAW!
This goes well beyond Floyd, Jim. He was just the ignition source. I would like to see the people who are still performing destructive acts arrested so that any peaceful protests can continue as they wish. I wonder who these people are. But I haven’t seen any evidence of those arrests.
Nice clean S10 two wheel drive though. I hope it didn’t get too screwed up.
I’d be happy to pay the S-10 guys repair bill.
I live in Portland and have no love for what they are doing to our city. And worse, these “protesters” really rioters are way out of hand. I wish the police had any authority to do what should be done. Unfortunately, with our wussy mayor and city council, their hands are tied. Kumbaya…
If the voters in Portland keep electing these wussy mayors and council members this is never going to change. Morons election Morons.
FYI…this site sensors out conservative commentary, if it is deem inappropriate such as being anti antifacists. So since that’s a double negative. This must be a positive post therfore it should get through the screener. Hahaha
What are you talking about? Almost all of the comments in this thread are from right-wing dooshbaggs cheering on someone using a truck as a weapon against unarmed people engaged in protected first amendment activity. This is a tactic used by Islamic terrorists, by the way… I guess terrorism is ok if it targets people whose views you disagree with, eh?
You watching the same video there bud? When he first pulls up you can see someone smash the truck with something, then the bike goes down. What would you do? get out and have a little chit chat. Its about your own safety then.
If i had a kid in the car i would be running people over, not just a fence.
If someone sees a gang of people blocking the whole street, the normal inclination is not to drive into it.
Exactly, Keith.
The driver of the truck was there to deliberately target the protest. He was there to escalate the situation.
You spelled douche-bags incorrectly.
Wait, maybe I am a dooshbag, and YOU are a douche-bag.
Got it.
I know how it’s spelled. Wasn’t sure if the site had a filter for words like that. So I guess it doesn’t, ass-wipe.
Oooooooooooooo, more name calling!
You are an UN-intelligent liberal.
You accuse ME of name calling, then you call me a liberal?? That’s the worst insult of all!
I just don’t think people should drive trucks into crowds. I didn’t approve of the guy in Las Vegas who killed all those people at the country music concert, either.
So, apparently those who downvoted my comment approve of the Las Vegas massacre and other terrorist acts, like weaponizing a mother vehicle. That explains how our fascist authoritarian Putin-fellating president got elected in the first place: plenty of “good Germans” right here in the USA.
An omission: The driver sped off AFTER the bike was laid down AND a rioter smashed his window with some sort of weapon (can be seen in other videos). What’s he supposed to do — sit there and get Reginald Dennyed to death? Real shame about the truck though.
The guy was being blocked on a public roadway. At least the driver didn’t throw bricks, bottles and rocks at police officers.
I’m so glad to read these comments. It makes me think Portland isn’t as bad as it looks. I drive through Portland and I see BLM signs and those really ridiculous ambiguous “In our America all people are equal (except for Trump supporters, cops, and the unborn), Love wins (and by love we mean good feelings between people who all think the same), black lives matter (and by black lives, we really mean a very exclusive group who fit the narrative), disabilities are respected (if you fit the narrative, if you’re someone who disagrees or supports Trump, then great, we hope worse things for you) women are in charge of their bodies (because all people are not really equal, some are just a clump of cells), people & planet are valued over profit (but totally subject to complete destruction when we want to riot over who knows what) , diversity is celebrated (and by diversity, we mean only diversity skin deep because character within and intellectual individuality is racist!) Glad to know there are some free thinkers out there!
Right?? It’s good to see there are still some sane, non deluded people in Portland…
I could totally watch this instead of baseball.
There are some jihadi videos of other people driving vehicles into crowds… you’ll like those too.
Wait, are we not going to wring our hands about political disagreements escalating to destruction of property? I thought we were wringing our hands about that these days. So confusing!
It’s only ok to destroy property if you agree with political views of the person who’s destroying said property. That’s what the vast majority of the commentators on this site are saying, at least.