GM Authority

GM CEO Mary Barra Declines Invitation To White House Dinner

The White House held a CEO dinner this past Wednesday, playing host to Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador and his delegation. Among those in attendance were the heads of various energy companies, tech companies, and investment companies. However, the CEOs of the Big Three Detroit automakers were conspicuously absent, including GM CEO Mary Barra, as reported by Reuters.

Mary Barra in 2018

Although GM CEO Mary Barra, Ford CEO Jim Hackett, and FCA CEO Mike Manley were each invited to attend, all three CEOs declined. Company representatives indicated that the CEOs were unavailable, with some officials saying they had received invitations just days prior to the event.

In her stead, GM CEO Mary Barra sent general counsel Craig Glidden.

The event arrived on the heels of the new U.S.-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade deal, which went into effect earlier this month after it was signed by all three nations in 2018. The USMCA trade deal replaces the previous NAFTA trade deal outright.

President Trump

President Trump

In total, 52 guests attended the event, which was held in the East Room at the White House. The dinner was considered the most important state-level social event hosted by the Trump administration since the coronavirus lockdown in March. Reports indicated that attendees were not social distancing and few of the guests were wearing face masks.

Back in March, General Motors announced that it would mass-produce medical ventilators in response to surging COVID-19 case numbers, striking a deal with the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The deal stalled momentarily, prompting a response from President Trump urging GM to ramp up production as quickly as possible. Trump’s response included harsh criticism of the GM CEO, including tweets which said it’s “always messy with Mary B.” President Trump also suggested that he would “invoke P,” a reference to the Defense Production Act.

However, according to GM CEO Mary Barra, the deal to produce the ventilators was already finalized prior to the tweets. Last month, Barra was asked during a call with media about the tensions between her and the president, to which she responded “all is well.

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Jonathan is an automotive journalist based out of Southern California. He loves anything and everything on four wheels.

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  1. No point trying to save face on the sinking ship with just 4 months left to go

  2. Good! 52 people in the same room without any social distancing? Lead by example, I’m glad they didn’t go.

    1. 79 dislikes by illiterates 1BadCad. 41 likes by intelligent people. Proving there are a lot more illiterates in the states than the very intelligent Americans.

      1. The very same people who are “Mask Shamers”

  3. Ohh so she didn’t want Mcdonalds.

    1. Is there something wrong with Mcdonalds?

      1. Really? That’s like asking if there is something wrong with cigarettes.

      2. Nothing, but not at a White House dinner!

      3. I’m sure there were options from Wendy’s at the dinner table too….LMAO!!!

  4. Years of complaining about jobs going to Mexico
    Building a wall between the U.S. and Mexico
    Now inviting U.S. business leaders to attend a dinner with the president of Mexico.
    Sad that people still fall for Trump’s B.S.

    1. He’s desperately trying to stop the bleeding before November. But with the expected voter turnout this year, it’s already far too late.

      1. Going ALL OUT for another stimulus check again, He can send me all the money he can, but ain’t getting my support! Too bad I’ll have a huge tax bill in April next yr.

        1. Bob118,
          Stimulus payments are not taxable.
          If you have a huge tax bill next April it’s because you made a lot of taxable income, your tax advisor/preparer is incompetent (You should have already started preparing for next year’s taxes), you are an idiot, or any or all of the above.
          FREE TAX ADVICE (and we all know what that’s worth):
          If your tax advisor/preparer hasn’t contacted you about getting positioned for your 2020 taxes, GET ONE WHO CARES.
          My guy started preliminary conversations in the third week of June.
          Just sayin’

  5. All 3 CEO’s declined to go. lmao

  6. As a woman I’m sure she has to wonder if the creepy old guy is going to touch her, and then offer her some kind of a deal.

    1. Dude,
      Who, Biden?

      1. How quickly we forget “Grab ’em by the p*ssy”…

        1. @1BadCad: I don’t think we forgot. I think it will be remembers quite well come this November.

          1. Dan Berning,
            Just like we remembered JFK. boffing MM in the Oval Office?
            Little brother Bobby doing her wherever he could?
            Baby brother Teddy driving drunk and killing Mary Jo?
            Rockefeller kicking off whilst in the saddle?
            Slick Willie and Monica, among others?
            Cuomo hooking up with Aunt Sandy, then dumping her as soon after her double mastectomy as was politically expedient?
            Help me remember … Who married Cheryl? … And why was he available?

        2. That’s exactly what he wants, the blind to follow him

        3. And don’t forget him cheating on his wife with a porn star while that wife is at home taking care of their new born baby, and then paying off that porn star to keep it quiet.

        4. As if broads don’t say anything in their female only spaces! There are double standards in our society that people do not want to admit.

          1. Lol, you just called women “broads” that’s not exactly helping your point.

          2. right!!! what is the big deal.

            america isn’t special and trump proves it.

            this gives hope to all the morons out there.

            trump is truly inspirational.

          3. If they were president then it would matter! Skeletons in the closet always haunt you!

        5. Just like you forgot, “You should put some ice on that”. Said Bill Clinton to Juanita Broaddrick.

          1. What makes you think I’m a Clinton fan? He was an a*shole too.

        6. 1BadCad,
          Talking about crappy nicknames that aren’t even funny?
          Now THAT’S funny.
          You … you … CAD you.
          And a BAD cad at that!
          Sorry. I couldn’t resist.
          Not sorry. ROTFLMFAO.
          CHEERS, Mate.

          1. It’s a play on words because I’m Canadian and I like Cadillac’s. BadCadillac. That’s the joke.

    2. Who? Bill clinton???


      1. Why did you type that in all upper case?
        I know your keyboard works, because you somehow got your name in all lower case.

      2. mark smith,

        Because in all likelihood, Joe Biden is going to be the only alternative to Donald Trump.
        I believe that every candidate has an agenda, an ax to grind, and (probably more than a few) skeletons in the closet.
        Frankly, I do, too.
        So I evaluate all the candidates, and choose to support those whose views most closely align with mine on the issues that are most important to me:
        I respect our military.
        I support our Constitution, especially the Second Amendment which, to anyone who makes the effort to understand it, protects the rest of the Constitution and the people from a tyrannical government.
        I can’t support stupid laws proposed and made by people reacting irrationally.
        (Mayors, governors, senators, congressmen riding around in armored SUVs driven by armed police and/or private security … wanting to keep guns from everybody else.) Genius.
        I respect our flag, a symbol of all that’s right with this country, and a symbol of hope for a better future.
        I respect our history and the people who made this country what it is, and provided lawful ways to make it better.
        I respect people for the good that they did, and forgive them for their human weaknesses and failures.
        I can’t support judging 17th and 18th Century people by 21st century rules and understandings.
        I support the right to dissent.
        I abhor mob rule.
        “Though I disagree with what you say, I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
        I expect the same from those who disagree with what I say.
        I understand that virtually every situation presents a number of opposing possible actions … and that everybody has 20/20 hindsight.
        BTW, NONE of this belongs on this website.

  7. I work for a GM dealer and President Trump has done more for supposed to be American companies like GM in one year than the last worthless president did in 8. I see every day where the parts come from to fix GM vehicles and they aren’t coming from the USA. Obama only made more parts come from China and every other country that GM could get them cheaper so all you DEMO RATS keep drinking the force fed cool aid and hope that if Biden cheats his way in that he remembers where the white house is.

    1. Yay blinded by political agendas! Trump did one good thing amongst the THOUSANDS of sh*tty things he’s done and it makes me like him because I directly benefited, great! Open your eyes man.

    2. Oh also, are you one of those blind people who mindlessly follows everything he says? Like do you agree that the mail in ballots are going to cause “Corruption and cheating”? Even though that’s how your ENTIRE military votes, all the time, and that’s how every political figure votes too? People saying you can forge them don’t understand how voting works lol, it’s assigned to a name, if the name is fake the ballot is thrown out, you’ve (Americans) have had these types of ballots since the civil war, it’s never ever been an issue.

      1. He needs another four years to clean out the swamp that was created by his predecessor. He has actually done many good things, which is amazing given all the obstacles thrown in his way by the clowns on the left. The biggest was the economy, Also look how he has pushed to bring manufacturing back to the US. As we saw during the pandemic, having China build our equipment and produce our drugs make us dependent on them.

        Hopefully those clowns will get what they deserve come November. I know that will do their best to make sure all of the people that dies due to COVID 19 vote their way. Between that and going to the nursing homes and group homes for the handicapped, they unfortunately might stand a chance of getting in.

        And YES, sending out mail-in ballots blindly to all people registered to vote is a recipe for fraud. Absentee ballots is less prone to fraud, but even with those, there are people that will cave to pressure more than if they go into a both and vote by themselves.

        1. Steve. Mail in ballots and absentee ballots ARE THE SAME THING. Minus being applied for, they’re exactly the same thing. What’s your excuse going to be when he loses? Cheating? Russians? “F*ckin soft libs”? Need I remind you, most Covid deaths on the face of the earth come from your country because that man denied that Covid was even REAL until March. “like a miracle one day it’ll go away” remember that?

          1. 1BadCad, Being applied for makes a major difference! When you request it, it signifies your intention to vote, and you will be expecting to receive it. It would also reflect that Yes, you are alive.
            Next issue. It was the “F*ckin soft libs”, as you referred to, that cried about Russian interference. Proven to be a HOAX

            Last issue, I do remember travel bans in late January and more in February. Yes, the man made some statements that may have been questionable, but were made to offer optimism during a crisis, which is a positive for someone that the nation looks up to. He also helped out my state – New York – which is led by “Libs” which was so unprepared. He gave us more than enough ventilators, a hospital ship, turned the Javits Center into a hospital…

            1. Ah I see, you like the word hoax just like him. It wasn’t a hoax, it was confirmed by your own FBI, but he buried it like he buries everything else bad about him. Like he’s the reason 133 thousand Americans were buried because of his blatant mishandling of Covid. You cannot with a straight face tell me he’s done a good job. Your numbers are horrific and only getting worse, every other country on the face of the earth has done a better job.

        2. Oregon has mail in voting for years and it is safe and very reliable. Trump is crying fraud already because he is so low in the polls and the only thing he really cares about is his ego! The sooner he and all his corruption is gone, the better for America and it’s morals!


        1. 1BadCrud is from Canada, he’s a blithering idiot… as are most of his fellow Canuck’s ehhh!

          1. Really! you turn this into a crack at Canadians !

            1. Only if you’re Canadian…. 🙂

              1. And proud to be what we are and what the world respects. Educated and sane. The rest of the world thinks Americans like you are illiterate half your teeth missing, pick up driving morons. 🙂

            2. All he knows how to do is make up nonsense nicknames for people just like his joke of a president. He’s a bully just like Trump. Bullies are the most insecure people of all, have to put others down to feel good about themselves.

    3. i own a crematorium/grave digging service company and trump has done more for us in the last five months than obama did in eight.

      it is sooo good, we have customer lining up around the corner!!! i’m running out of land and i live in the middle of nowhere!!!!

      maga 2020!!!

      1. Covid will do that.

        1. a president who believes in magic and doesn’t read reports warning of the pandemic also helps.

          i’m rolling in dough. i might need to buy another backhoe and oven!!!

          god bless america and especially trump. keep up the good work.

    4. Scott
      Under Obama/Biden
      “GM Alive, Osama Bin Laden Dead”
      GM decides to keep Opel brand; GM worldwide sales grow to 10.1 million vehicles a year. With 3.1 million of those in the U.S.
      Under Forest Gump
      Lordstown dead, Hamtramck on standby
      Worldwide Anti-Americanism grows. GM sells off and shutters large parts of its worldwide business. 2019 worldwide sales fall to 7.5 million vehicles. 2.9 million in the U.S.

      What do you expect Fromm a President too stupid to wear a mask during a pandemic.

      1. All that “experience” as a community organizer made him exactly what he was, pathetic and erased. Barry was so pathetic HE caused the pendulum to swing back… HE gave us Trump which is the best thing Barry ever did…. Now he can enjoy his millions from “public service” at his Beach House in the Hampton’s. Funny how a bank would give a mortgage to a house like his with the Oceans rising and how an insurance company would insure one? Doesn’t seem like a good business decision….

        1. Xjug

          President Obama will be remembered with reverence. Monument Avenue in Richmond Virginia will feature black Americans rise from slavery to the White House. The Barack Obama library on Chicago’s lake shore will shine like a beacon of hope to all the worlds oppressed people.
          Trump will burn in hell for all eternity. In November he will suffer the biggest Presidential election loss in U.S. history. Republican politicians will distance themselves from Trump and his toxic divisionist politics. Trump’s business partners will quickly move to remove Trump’s name from all properties. The rest of his businesses will quickly go broke. His family name will be cursed. His body will be buried in an unmarked grave to keep from being desecrated.

    5. What drivel! The auto bailouts started under GW Bush and carried on under the Obama administration saved both GM and Chrysler. Trump’s steel tariffs drove the cost of that product sky high and cost GM and the other automakers billions. Not sure I’d chalk that up as a win.

  8. If it had been the Dictator of china I garantee Mary would have found time to go!

    1. mary will have to get in line behind trump.

      according to bolton, trump is begging xi for help with his re-election.

  9. Good for her. No reason to waste time on capt. Dipsh*t.

    It’s not the politicians who send our work away folks. It’s the manufacturers of most things we use today here in America. And the elite investor class. They just can’t take enough away from us workers. So they exploit the cheap labor where and when they can. If we all refused to buy foreign (good luck) then it might be different.
    Compare executive compensation to worker compensation here. What 60M to 85k for UAW? Now compare that to foreign wages, even the increased Mexico big 3 wages. Investor earnings (mostly tax free non-wage earnings) are off the charts too.
    How much do you save with the new R tax deal? How much do you think they save?
    Educate yourself instead throwing your hate where they want you to throw it. When we fight each other they (executives and investors)win and we lose. They win BIG!!! We keep the Rs in and mr. Gravedigger keeps winning too.

  10. You guys are all cordially invited to GFY’s … Trump rocks, Obama’s been erased, and Biden will never be President, and Hitlary is going to jail…. Go back to your Bud Lite and watch CNN… F’n Losers…

    1. Ahhh xjug in fine form as usual i see.

    2. Obama will never be erased lol. What’s your excuse going to be when Trump loses Xjug? You know the youth vote this year is projected to be an all time high, young people don’t like racist pieces of human trash like Trump. He became president on a technicality because of your antiquated voting system. The popular vote winner should win. Period. End of story. And if Trump couldn’t beat Hillary f’ing Clinton, someone who EVERYBODY hates, what hope in hell does he have of beating the ex VP of Obama? People love Obama dude. Trump is not now the president of the USA should act, he acts like an insecure kid in college who wants to impress his friends. So what will your excuse be when he loses? Voter fraud? Lol get lost, clown.

    3. hillary is going to jail.

      mexico is paying for the wall.

      obama’s kenyan birth certificate is going to be found.

      etc …

      fool me once, shame on you. fool me 500 times, i’m a certified idiot.

    4. Typical response from a POS TRUMPSTER!

    5. Isn’t it time for your meds or something? Look, Trump is going to be toast come November and anyone with half a brain knows it. That’s why he is getting the cold shoulder from the auto CEOs. They know it too!

      1. Toast to the Powerful Force that IS…. Quid Pro Joe…? Nah, the only way he wins is if they cheat. Look at Jezebel ClintStone, everyone had her winning and all the media outlets and all the “experts”… but they were all wrong, she failed a second time because she was a horrible candidate that really no one but fools actually liked. Creepy Sleepy, Tough Guy Aviator Shades Pantywaste Biden has run 3X and never got past 1% and this time, not unlike 2016 the DemoTrashRats stole it from Bernie, AGAIN. They think they’ll win by keeping him in the basement… I cant wait for the debates, the real bum will surface. Biden is a fool and so are you if you vote for him, he’s had almost 50 yrs in Congress and has done nothing… now that’s a smart vote. Bunch of morons…

        1. It seems to be a classic sign of Trump and his followers than rather than engaging in any form of rational discussion they make up childish pet names for people some some 3rd grader. Of course it has been well documented that Trump speaks and communicates at a 4th grade level so there you go. Too bad the rest of you folks could not afford to pay someone to take the SAT test for you like daddy Fred Trump did for Donnie. Just like a doctor was paid to supply false medical info to keep him out of Vietnam.

          1. Amen brother. These low lifes eat up all the tough tall coming from a total coward. One thing he is very good at is targeting and conning the simple minded. As you have read here.

          2. Edward M Pate,
            Please help me to remember …
            How did Teddy the Drunken Murderer get into Harvard?

            1. Ah yes, the classic response of a Trump sycophant, deflect into the non-sequitur.

              1. Edward M Pate,
                Do you know the meaning of “non sequitur,” or did you hope to dazzle the world with your misremembered first year Latin?
                “Too bad the rest of you folks could not afford to pay someone to take the SAT tests (sic) for you like (sic) daddy Fred Trump did for Donnie.”
                Don’t bother to reply. As has been said before … you could look it up … “I refuse to have a battle of wits with am unarmed man.”
                Ergo, sequitur, I am through with you.

        2. You need to follow good advice and take your meds. And ho into therapy because you are 100% delusional and out to lunch.

  11. GM encourages all employees to pay into a PAC( Political Action Committee, with supposedly no ramifications if you don’t contribute but they track everyone who’s paid and those not) so I assume that the 3 CEOs are all for Biden in this display of no support. Jobs being brought back to USA threaten profits and executive bonuses but that’s not ever talked about openly.
    America wake up. Biden will levy 28% Corp tax which means the auto companies will pass this on to all in higher prices. $60k trucks will appear cheap if Biden gets in. CEOs get their rides at discounts and not worried about a $2000 price hike. When you make 20 million a year who would? I as an American would just love to have been invited to the White House regardless of who was President but for CEOs and celebrities, sports stars etc it’s no big deal. Regardless of your like or dislike for the Administration I am sure some dialogue with Presidents of both countries could have been useful.

  12. How tolerant and inclusive of her. Typical left. Do as I say, not as I do. Trump brings back jobs to America where Mary would have loved to have left in Mexico. Biden – the man who orchestrated and allowed the greatest theft of capital in US history to China – as outlined by the recent FBI reports. Clueless and dementia riddled, these are the democrats.

  13. 133,000 American deaths as of today. Lies through his teeth like the psycho path he is. Pardons or commutes the sentences of his criminal cronies. Has has staff remove the safe distancing stickered off the seats in Tulsa. Insults great American veterans, because he was too gutless to serve because of “bone spurs”, could care less about the health and welfare of the American people. Refuses to let Dr.Fauci speak at the press conferences because he tells the truth, but that doesn’t suite the only thing he cares about – re-election. Insults and bullies allies because he knows he is an embarrassment and a joke as a “leader”. Responsible for the cynical ruthless lie that a great President (highly intelligent and a true statesman) refuses to set an example by wearing a mask. Quickly turns on anybody who exposes the absolute psychopathic feaud he is. Calls CNN fake news because they won’t blatantly lie and cover up for him like those sorry disgusting excuses for journalist on Fox “News”. Enjoys creating division in the country because he thinks it will work for him politically. Wants to preserve the history of criminal traitors. Like all psychopaths. And actually thinks all the people that still support him as gullable idiots.
    And is a complete narcissist on top of being a psychopath.

    In short, Trump is the worst and most disgusting and utterly incompetent President in US history. The civilized world thinks he is a complete buffoon. The only people that stick with him are other greedy lying through their teeth power hungry Republicans and the billable simple minded incorrigibles Amen Hilary) that think it’s great that his lawyers are in court trying to cancel Obama Care in the middle of a pandemic catastrophe that he is the architect of. Yes, keep living on another planet like he does.

    1. Well put Glenn. I used to be the only one arguing with these people but I’m so happy to see that there’s more people who think like us around here! I don’t understand how they defend someone who is clearly disgusted by them.

  14. I read your comments 1BadCad and as a fellow CANADIAN wanted to reinforce your point and support you. His supporters are absolutely dumb as a rock. Who in their right mind supports a complete incompetent cheating PIG like him. Good on ya for telling it like an INTELLIGENT CANADIAN. By the way. O hear Congress is pressuring our government to resume all cross border trade and travel. What I say to them. When you get rid of the scum you elected and get your cases in line with CANADA come on over. Until then stay the hell out of our country. We don’t need their nightmare.

    1. Just shows there are a lot of PIGS in America!

  15. Good she shod decline on the next bailout they will need also dumbass!

    1. Obama and Biden had the guts to bail out the auto industry and had a masterful plan to save the US from going off the financial cliff, courtesy of the failed Republican myth that trickle down economies benefit the economy. All it does is make the rich richer and everyday hardworking people nothing. Trump is just riding on the coattails of the masterful economic recovery plan Obama and Biden executed when the country was about to become 3rd world. How quickly or conveniently Republicans forget.

  16. Watch your language. And showing how utterly stupid and ignorant you are Canada is one of the richest countries on earth and we have never needed your money DUMBASS. Your just another ignorant stupid hick who supports that loser. Suggestion. Start boning up on other countries rather than being a dense follower of the Cult. Your atypical Trump big mouth with 0 knowledge of anything important. You better wake up son before he completes the destruction of a once great country.

  17. I like to here the liberals
    Blame Trump when Sleepy Joe in D.C.
    For 40+ years , Nancy Pelosi 30+ years,Chucky Schumer 40 years. Then blame him for all the problems after 3 years. Don’t forget it came from CHI-NA.

    1. Cole, they’re coward liberals with deranged minds… there is no reasoning with them because facts and reality won’t fit into their “feelings” or their guilt. They’re cowards thru and thru…. glad the 2 Canuck’s from Canada cant vote here, at least until the DemoRats control the place. Notice they dont mention the cities that are besieged right now are all DemoRat run, the states that are being ruined, DemoRat contolled… its all about power, not the people.

      Oh and the “invisible” virus is not a death sentence. Its likely that everyone will get it eventually so use your immune system and get back to work, losers….

      Finally Mary Barra and the GM Sr Mgt Team is the worst in its history and I predict GM wont exist as we know it in 15 years, max…

      1. Deranged? Your talking about your delusional self right? Let’s go over the FACTS. Every state with the highest skyrocketing death and infection rates are run by Republican govenors. All of whom at the risk to their citizens opened up without meeting any of the opening criteria. It was the Psychopath (Trump) who said people should maybe try an injection of bleach to “clean out” the virus. Pure insanity. And people have died because of that as well. Not a death sentence? What would you call the DEATHS of 133,000 ++ Americans? You are completely delusional. Actually reading your post you sound like a dense redneck from one of the southern states. Are you? Alabama?

        1. Glenny-Cakes…. The Chinese Virus is NOT a death sentence so keep your panties on… coward. You’re such a coward afraid of your shadow…. get a grip and not on your pkg. The only reason states like SC, Alabama, etc… are experience larger rates (those people aren’t dying, but folks are catching) is because losers from NY, CT and other arrogant North Easterners are fleeing their rat hole run cities and states. NYC and NY to be specific…. its summer and those morons are everywhere, in the Southern states… but you keep watching CNN and learn from Don Lemon and Fredo Cuomo…..

          1. Hey, come Monday and you are here in Michigan get your mask on your face a $500 fine! I’m behind our Gov 100% and ridin’ with Biden!

            1. Are you running your hands up and down his hair legs, like he used to let the little children do when he was a Creepy Life Guard… now he’s just a creep…. Quid Pro Creepy Sleepy Jo Jo…

              1. You’re aware that your current president was implicated with Epstein yeah? A child sex trafficker? And there are pictures of Trump in the backs of limos with very young GIRLS not women? Why do you have to come up with crappy nicknames that aren’t funny or relevant? Can’t find a real point to stand behind so you call him sleepy? LOL big tough man you are.

                1. 1BadCad,
                  Talking about crappy nicknames that aren’t even funny?
                  Now THAT’S funny.
                  You … you … CAD you.
                  And a BAD cad at that!
                  Sorry. I couldn’t resist.
                  Not sorry. ROTFLMFAO.
                  CHEERS, Mate.

          2. They tell the truth. That’s why you and Republicans in general hate CNN. You don’t like the FACTS. And like a true Trumpster you use Fredo like all of the cultists to describe Chris Cuomo. What is your education level? Did you get out of grade school? I mean that.

            1. Glen Glen.. now now… CNN has perhaps the lowest ratings of any “news” source of which they are not. But if you don’t see the bias on CNN or CNBC thats fine, but its there… BTW: no one even likes Fredo Cuomo but he’s such a tough guy, just ask him… like Quid Pro Joe cussing at UAW Employees, and pointing his finger in folks chests telling them they’re “dead wrong” and his IQ is higher than theirs or hey, lets do push ups …. gutless cowards… THAT is Basement Biden’s legacy… zero…

            2. CNN tell the truth! You just lost all credibility mate!

          3. Isn’t it telling that the higher rates of Covid are in blue run Liberal states. Typical younger crowd that just refuses to follow direction in many cases thinking they are somehow immune.

    2. Correct spelling is hear Trumpster!

      1. Beat me to it! Sad to see most Trumpsters didn’t finish grade school!

  18. Typical cultist reply. Listen up. All other Westetm leaders are real leaders who put life first and are taking the correct measures to preserve their citizens LIFE. Your loser President is nothing but a psychopathic fraud and psychopaths/narcissists only care about one thing. THEMSELVES. Quit defending this killer. Did you forget. 133,000 of your fellow Amerucans have had their lives stolen from them because of this pig.

    1. You sound like a very solid person Mark. I agree with you 100% that there should be a healthy conversation off this site. I have made my points about Trump and his handling of the virus and his history. I stand by them and will leave it at that.

  19. 5 dislikes to the fact that the killer has caused the death of 133,000+ Americans. There is a sickness in America. Not just covid-19. Let me guess. You all worship the lying scum who pass for journalists on Fox News. I think them everyone in the Whitehouse and his cronies Republican governors should be indicted on manslaughter charges. Iam not kidding.

    1. And THAT is further proof you’re deranged… divide 330,000,000 by 133000 and whats the %? You’re a moron… people die… and the ones that have the VAST majority were “susceptible” . Liberals are cowards as are you, and foreigners are worse because if America is weak their miserable nations and their coward citizens THINK they’re more powerful. One reason they loved Barry Soetoro, he bowed to dictators and thugs, and apologized to every loser country on the planet, meanwhile every person on the planet wants to move HERE!

      From the CDC – Number of deaths for leading causes of death:
      Heart disease: 647,457
      Cancer: 599,108
      Accidents (unintentional injuries): 169,936
      Chronic lower respiratory diseases: 160,201
      Stroke (cerebrovascular diseases): 146,383
      Alzheimer’s disease: 121,404
      Diabetes: 83,564
      Influenza and Pneumonia: 55,672
      Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis: 50,633
      Intentional self-harm (suicide): 47,173

      Enjoy your hate and your miserable loser country… we’re doing just fine here without you… 🙂

      1. As are we. With one of the lowest infection rates in the world. We have real leadership and value life more than money in Canada. We are very well respected around the world. Your country is the butt of jokes. Canada a GREAT country yours is not. Your just a stupid blow hard redneck who ignores the facts because it doesn’t suit your purpose (like all Republicans) Your figures mean nothing when most of the virus deaths could have been prevented. With real leadership. Doing just fine? Awash in death and division created by the Psychopath to suit his re-election hopes. 50% of Americans live in fear of getting sick because they have no health care coverage (don’t have that problem here) mass murder, rampant gun violence on major cities, civil unrest everywhere, yeah, your doing just fine alright. By the way. We have NONE of those socio economic problems in a truly great country. CANADA.
        Maybe you better get out of the boondocks and see how the other western countries live. Now, go back to distilling moonshine in your backyard.

        1. Glenny – enjoy your maple syrup and the protection this nation provides for you clowns. You value what you value and we value our Constitution and our Freedom. Trudeau is man-child and your nation elected him because of his father, he’s done nothing for you. I spent a year in Montreal and he’s not that popular bucko… anyhow you’re a moron and your opinions mean nothing to American citizens… of which you are not. Enjoy your hate, you’re just jealous…. ehhhh?

          1. Xjug the fact that you cannot see any other point than your own proves everything we’ve said about you is true. I never denied that trump has done some good things for Americans, but to elect him again is to ignore the fact that he botched the handling of the virus completely and is a fascist racist homophobic sexist lying cheating jerk. The fact that you still support him after all that’s come out just proves that you’re just like him. Thanks for your time I’ll enjoy my universal health care up here that you’ve been lied to about to push your governments vested interest in the pharmaceutical industry. It’s far from expensive and if I break my arm at least I’m not paying 20 grand. Hugs & kisses to you and yours, enjoy your nazi reign for the next few months, it’ll all be over soon.

            1. Your right. All scum just like him and Fox News.

              1. Seriously… you maggots are lost…

      2. Only in bloody thirst eyes!

      3. Xjug, you don’t calculate death rate by population divided by deaths lmfao, you divide cases by deaths, the way you’re doing it makes less than no sense. The way you’re doing it is legitimately scientifically incorrect.

        1. That’s because he’s illiterate like the rest of the simple minded non educated Trumpsters. As well as a complete loser.

  20. 3rd world country, just wait and see what happens if the progressive left takes over the executive branch! They already took over congress and see what that group has accomplished. We need to keep America great! We have accomplished more in the last 3.5 years than the prior 8. We will put this pandemic behind us under the present leadership! Let’s not forget where it started and how it has been reported. You are reading way too much into declining a dinner invitation!

    1. Dan, you’re right! trump has done more in 3 yrs than the dimwits have done in 8+ yrs!

      1. Yup, he’s done more in 3 years to destroy everything the forefathers and those who wrote the constitution worked so hard to ensure a democratic institution with equal branches of government, than any one or anything else. Donnie is a loser on every front. Covid, Russia, N. Korea, US Troops being targeted by bounty, the list goes on and on and on.
        Supreme court said (t)rump has no more rights than any other citizen – his days are numbered…NO MORE YEARS, NO MORE YEARS!!!

        1. Troll… are you another stupid idiot from Canada…. go get some maple syrup ehhhhhH!

          1. “Stupid idiot” a bit redundant no? Also only a very small portion of the Canadian population even says “eh” They’re like the Canadian rednecks. Just like how not every American speaks with a southern drawl. So your stereotype is not only invalid, it’s also not hurtful like you’re trying to be. You literally don’t know enough about Canada to make real hurtful comments and I think that’s pretty hilarious. Bottom of the barrel Maple Syrup and “eh?” jokes? What are you, 5?

            1. And you know alot about America… please. Just play in your own yard, OK? Its one thing to be a moron but its another to open your yap and let everyone know it.

              BTW: your mom is calling, quit surfing porn and come to dinner… and WASH YOUR HANDS!!!!

              1. You just described yourself and your situation. Youroser President often projects the truth. Your just like him.
                Besides isn’t that all you all do in the South? Certainly nothing requiring a brain.

              2. I do know quite a bit about America and it’s history actually, our school system actually teaches us about other countries because we don’t think we’re the only one that matters like you guys. How many provinces are there? You don’t know? Your educational system failed you and only taught you American history and geography, right. I have family in Michigan, Connecticut and Florida. You have a 5th hand account of what Canadians are and all you can spout off about is “eh”, maple syrup and Justin Trudeau lol. Get your head out of you a*s.

            2. Nobody knows much about Canada because nobody cares; it’s just not important.

              1. What a hypocrite. I guess your own 1st amendment is only so precious when it suits your purpose. Typical American. Full of it.

                As for how important America actually is to the rest of the world. It is not. It is considered a joke. And Thumper is considered to be nothing more that a fat mouthed unfit for office buffoon. Whereas Canada is very well respected. Why? Because we are INTELLIGENT, SANE and do not commute or pardon fellow criminal cronies.

              2. Just replied. And because your a typical ignorant American here are a few of Canada’s contributions to the world.

                1. Insilin.
                3. Electron Microscope.
                4. Canadarm. For NASA’s space program.
                5. Walkie Talkie’s.
                6. Electron Microscopes.
                7. Cardio Pacemakers.
                8. Alkaline batteries.
                9. Electric ovens.
                10. Canola Oil.
                11. Basketball. Shocking isn’t it.
                12. NHL. We have the best hockey
                players on earth because we do
                not care about cold weather.
                Actually out weather is very similar
                to the US Northeast, Midwest. Of
                course you must be too tender to
                live in those areas too. Summer.
                6 months or 7 of the year. Average
                temp. 27c. Or 86 degrees F.

                Military. Yes, we need to spend a lot more on it. We need to have a poll taken confirming that. I am sure it would be. However, Canada is well known among its military peers including your military to have some of the toughest, bravest soldiers on earth. We also proved that in WW1 and WW11. Just ask the Germans. Or your own President Bush, who said the Canadians never blinked. We still don’t and NEVER will.

                Economic status. I never said we are the richest. One of the richest. And placing 20th out of 195 countries with only 36,000,000 people is very impressive.

                American factories. Nothing wrong with that. What do you think of German factories employing almost 50,000 Americans? Or the fact that 22% of American based factories employing 7 6 million Americans are foreign owned?

                I am not in the least embarrased. You should be though. 🙂

                FACTS NOT BS FIRST.

  21. they don’t want libs fire bombing their dealerships

  22. As I’ve said. Your country is nothing to be jealous of. For all the reasons I pointed out. I would never set foot in the United Mess of America. Trudeau a man child? A “man child” who led the country out of the worst of the virus. Unlike the psychopath you stupid southerners blindly worship. He is 5,000 times the leader (like his father) your fraud President will ever be. Ehhhh. By the way. I have no hate for America. America was a great country as well. No longer under this mongrel.

    1. Hey Glenn – remember when the USA bailed Canada out in WWII? Canada has been ripping the USA off with your border charges for too long! Trump has all it over your baby in office!

      1. Wow you had to reach way far back in your bag for that one. World war 2? Got anything from this century?

  23. I see, buy American, hire American but ignore the President! It’s okay to get bailed out with taxpayer dollars. Shame on the auto ceo’s – very small and disrespectful!

  24. In Trump’s world, Trump screws your wife, pays her, then you lose your job and get threatened for not cooperating.

    1. Keep coming up with new handles Eric T, Donnie T Rump, 1BadCad, Glenn…. you need to get a life toad….

      1. It’s sad that you think that it’s impossible that more than one person share our sentiments. I’ll remind you again, he lost the popular vote in 2016 and only won on a technicality.

        1. Please explain the “technicality” by which he was elected.
          You obviously know more about America than we know about Canada.
          That’s probably true all over the world. I wonder why.

          And Bad Canadian becomes Bad Cad, and that’s funny?

  25. RUDE

  26. A Communist organization comes around with their hand out, everybody pass the cup and pay deference. An invite by the President of the United States, whoa that’s a hot potato no one will touch. Crazy times we live in

  27. I never asked that woman to attend anything. Its a HOAX made up by the DEMS and msnbc. Melania is prettier and has a better body, I DON’T want barra to eat at the same table as Ivanka and that Jared fellow.
    Its the BIGGEST and BEST dinner EVER and I DON’T like the new corvette so there.

  28. Is there no moderater to cull this nonsense ?

    1. I may disagree with what you say …

  29. All you idiots going back and forth are accomplishing nothing. Trump is far from being a conventional politically correct president but at least he tells it like it is. Count the thumbs up vs thumbs down and see who has more support. The US will be unrecognizable if the radicals on the left ( AOC, Sanders, BLM, Pelosi, Schumer etc ) pull the strings on that dementia riddled career politician who has accomplished nothing in 50 years! Everything will be free, no one will have to work, no more bail for criminals, prisons closed up , no more police (just community centers). If you have an emergency, like someone breaking into your home , they’ll send out a social worker. I just hope enough rationale ,common sense thinking people realize what will happen and keep those dangerous dems out of the white house.

  30. Dumb move if you ask me, face time is always valuable.


    1. Your Cap Lock key is stuck. Please contact your local IT department.

  32. Donald,
    She’s just not that into you.

    1. Peter G
      That’s the BEST politically-inspired comment EVER.
      And not to pontificate, it is the type of humor that is inclusive:
      Even to a Trump supporter, it’s funny.
      Thank you, Peter G for inserting a bit of levity into a series of comments getting more bitter, insulting, hurtful, and inappropriate by the minute.

  33. This on and on nonsense has to stop on this site. This site is put here by GM for the purpose of informing interested Auto enthusiasts about their products, developments, and new models. That is why I came originally. And that is the only reason I will be coming back.

    We all respect freedom of speech and we have made our points. Now let’s leave this off the site and let it remain what it is intended for.

  34. We the People take notice… Queen Mary is a slave master of cheap Mexican labor. (((They))) will not replace us!

  35. Why doesn’t Joe Biden visit children with cancer in hospitals?… Because he can’t sniff their hair.

    1. That’s President-Elect Joe Biden to you loser.

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