GM Authority

Trump Includes General Motors In New COVID-19 Economic Task Force

General Motors is among the major corporations that have been included in President Trump’s new economic task force, which has been assembled to help jumpstart the American economy in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Companies included in the task force will form separate ‘Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups’ based on their respective industries. In a press release, the White House said “these bipartisan groups of American leaders will work together with the White House to chart the path forward toward a future of unparalleled American prosperity.” The White House also said “the health and wealth of America is the primary goal, and these groups will produce a more independent, self-sufficient, and resilient Nation,” following the pandemic.

GM will be a key player in the ‘Manufacturing’ economic revival group, which also includes Fiat Chrysler Automobiles, Ford Motor Company, Tesla, Cummins, Deere & Company, Caterpillar and the National Association of Manufacturers, among other major corporations. Each of these companies’ respective CEOs will work with President Trump to help steer the government’s strategy to prop up the American economy in the coming months. Trump will speak to members of the economic task force by telephone over the next few weeks, the White House also said.

In addition to the ‘Manufacturing’ task force, other major industries will also be represented in the Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups, including agriculture, banking, construction/labor, defense, energy, food and beverage, healthcare, hospitality, tech, retail and real estate, among others. Trump has also put together a task force for the sports industry, which will include Lesa Kennedy, vice-chairperson for NASCAR’s board of directors.

Additionally, a number of governors from midwestern states are looking at forming their own task force to help jumpstart the automotive industry following severe setbacks brought on by the pandemic. Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer has reportedly already reached out to Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker about forming the state-level auto task force.

GM has been working on the frontlines of the COVID-19 battle, taking on a $490 million government contract to produce 30,000 ventilators by late August. It is also making face masks to address the country’s PPE shortage at hospitals and other essential workplaces.

Subscribe to GM Authority for more GM-related COVID-19 news and ongoing General Motors news coverage.

Sam loves to write and has a passion for auto racing, karting and performance driving of all types.

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  1. Even though they don’t always see eye to eye, Barra is still the CEO of GM and can bring valuable insight, along with the other CEO’s that will take part in this task force. The more minds working as a collective unit, the better. When it is safe to do so, this economy needs to be restarted.

  2. So we’ll see another cash for clunkers or similar government incentivised program to spur new car sales? And knowing Trump he’ll push for it to be for domestic brands only, no matter where a given model was assembled or sourced components from.

  3. Trump isn’t partisan, all he wants is the citizens to be back living the American Dream. He’ll take advice from all, and include everyone. Unlike these 2 pathetic losers: Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer has reportedly already reached out to Illinois governor J.B. Pritzker about forming the state-level auto task force.

    1. Reply
      1. you’re a pathetic loser… as if anyone could have gotten us through this better… dream on loser… BTW: Trump is YOUR President 🙂

        1. Nothng says ‘I have a valid point’ more than calling someone a pathetic loser

          1. Hitlary ClintStone test POSITIVE to not being President! HA HA!

        2. lol wow, how big was the pill you swallowed? And at which end?

        3. Xjug

          Nope, I live outside trump’s sphere of influence.

        4. Resorting to name calling shows intelligence level.

          1. Love how you losers can dish it out but cant take it… cry babies…. BTW: Trump IS your President. Not sure if you heard Hitlary ClintStone tested positive to not being President… 🙂

            1. Telling/forcing people who don’t support a political leader that they have to isn’t democracy it’s a authoritarian regime. Democracy is the freedom to support and decide your own, legal, political ideology.
              You’re the worst kind of Trump supporter as you don’t even understand how bad he is on an national and global scale, and how manipulative he is to you. There are educated people who support him, for some reason (money), but you are not one of them. You are a sheep and exactly the type that he knows he can take advantage of.

              1. I’m educated and support Trump. It’s not for money.

                And xjug is still total a joke and a petulant little child. But you and your unfounded assumptions are as bad as he is. Maybe come down from your high horse for a minute, and realize that supporters of the guy you don’t particularly like are not represented by one idiot who can’t get his pubescent symptoms under control. Your ignorance and superiority complex blind you as much as it does him.

                1. xjug is right, Trump is routinely excoriated for no reason. BO was weak and unqualified yet the media fell over backwards. He’s not petulant he’s standing up for all T supporters who are fed up. Are those that hate T cowards, I’d say absolutely because they hide behind their positions IE: media, and spew their opinions as ‘reporting” which it is not.

                  1. Its the way Xjug responds thats the issue. He doesnt have to be so petty with the childlike name calling as no one else does on here.

                2. What do you support about the clown? That he can tie his shoes?

                  1. I don’t need to explain my political opinions to you. All you need to know is that people can have differing opinions from you and not be stupid or avaricious, its pathetic that I have to explain this to a presumed adult.

                    As if no one can reasonably have an opinion that differs from yours. Give me a break.

                    1. It’s great you have an opinion. And I can understand how some people can support aspects of Trump, but the sum of his parts don’t add up to a human being let alone leader of a country.

                3. G8B,
                  Judging by what you write on this site, your education level appears to be at a grade 10 level. That’s what you call educated?

                  Some education doesn’t take away the level of ignorance that you demonstrate repeatedly.

                  1. Ah, is that so? Go ahead and provide me with something I wrote on this site that somehow led you to the conclusion that my education stopped at the tenth grade. And feel free to explain how you got there.

                    I’m sure this has nothing to do with my political beliefs…because that’d just be weak on your end 😉

    2. Deere & Company HQ Moline Illinois
      Caterpillar HQ Deerfield Illinois
      GM HD Detroit Michigan
      Ford HQ Dearbourne Michigan
      FCA U.S. HQ Auburn Michigan

      Without Illinois & Michigan trump’s little coalition ain’t worth a damn.

      1. Enjoy crying come this November when Quid Pro Joe goes down in flames… if he even knows where he is? Guys been a bum since he crawled to DC when he was 29…seriously. He’s been shooting his mouth off for 45 years…

        Pretty sure all those companies have plenty of Trump supporters… the stupid Gov of Mich is about to have a revolt on her hands… BTW Deere, Cat, Ford, FCA have all been customers of mine… 🙂

  4. this task force is a farce. trump is going to go with his orange gut to tell him what to do. unfortunately for him, the governors will determine when and how to open things up.

    1. Enjoy your hate… BTW Trump is YOUR President 🙂
      BTW you’re a racist imagine if others spoke as you do about the pathetic community organizer Barry Soetoro and his husband…

      1. is orange a race? was a racoon one of your teachers in high school?

        1. No Stevie, but you’re loser and a name caller and an angry baby. Enjoy your rage but it won’t change the fact that Trump is your President and Mrs. Clinton isn’t.. she’s a 2 time loser, like you.

  5. Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups
    Midwestern Governors Task Force

    If they really want to revive the economy, they should come up with something that looks good on a T-shirt.

  6. Settle down boys!

  7. Why is a CEO of an Italian owned company included in this group?

    1. Soon to be French-Italian. At the very least their events should have good food.

  8. So nice to see everyone getting along so well. Who cares who’s idea this is, I’d think anyone who wanted to restart American manufacturing would get the most prominent companies to be on the task force, Bush, Obama, Trump, Clinton, whoever. I don’t care who started it, I just want my friends and neighbors to get back to work again so they can provide for their families. This virus sucks.

  9. I think cash for Clunkers will make a lot sense.
    They need something to help kick start Auto Sales. People going back to work will still not make them feel safe to go get into a loan for a car anytime soon in my onion.

  10. This meeting is just a reality show illusion to identify him as being in charge and supported by business leaders that all despise him for his incompetence.

    Like everything else he does, nothing at all will come out of this other than more exposure for him.

    He should be isolated, ignored and if people had the balls to forcibly remove him from a role he obtained by fraud and treason.

    1. Well said.

    2. Yea, it’s his virus and was his signature at the bottom of that NAFTA agreement right? If he didn’t win, SHE would be trying to take our belongings aka Death Tax!

      1. C8 transmissions come from where?

        1. This is what I get from Tremec’s site:

          “TREMEC transmissions are designed and manufactured in Queretaro, Mexico. Marketing, sales, and customer support are located in Wixom, Michigan.”

  11. pathetic losers bring politics into an auto blog….Guess you whiners on the left are butthurt GM is going to be Great Again after the buffoon decimated it with handout to the unions…..Trump has made GM a diverse company and its workers are thankful for it as they supply the world with needed medical equipment from now to eternity….Put that in your crack pipe and inhale big….

    Hopefully GM relaxes on their overinflated prices……It has always been hard to sell a vehicle that was made by someone making $45 an hr to someone making $15 an hr…..

    Trump will bring America back as right now its is back to the highest point ever in the big eared buffoons era….so whatever Trump does the American people will be behind him and you commies will be just commies….

  12. I’m glad to see the auto manufacturers involved in a task force of this kind. I’m kind of conservative and middle of the road. I do see the connection clearly, after seeing a documentary linking China to the intentional tinkering with multiple viruses in order to obtain a virus that would cause a pandemic using known viruses and cloning techniques. The auto industry has some of he great minds in our country with regard to business and industry. As a guy on the C8 waiting list, I would love to see the recommendations coming out of the various auto industry headquarters. I’ll give them a chance to come up with some good ideas to get jobs to workers in a safe manner. AF

  13. The #Orangemanbad crowd with stage 4 #TDS #TrumpDerangementSyndrome showed up big on this thread to display their dillusional hatred and ignorance to the facts. Then again we’ve seen this pathetic garbage from the Left in America for 3 yrs. Now they root for a highly contagious & sometimes deadly virus over ANYTHING Trump does. WTF will it take to come together as a “team” if not a pandemic??? What will it take for the “educated” far lefty “Progressives” to join the “American Team” again??? An attack that destroys our Electrical Mega Grid??? A pandemic that KILLs 98% of it’s victims instead of this virus that kills 2%??? Nuclear War??? What will it be Lefty America for you to come to the MIDDLE and get on the “team” if anything???

    1. Michael Moss

      The country is uniting behind its Governors. The Governors are helping each other out.

      You’re president was sitting on 10,000 ventilators while thousands of New Yorkers were suffocating. And you want US to unite behind him. Go F yourself!

      1. Peter G: You’re really not worthy of a response but thanks for proving my point so well. Also, may I suggest you widen your horizon on your sources of information cause NO New Yorker “suffocated” for lack of a ventilator. Keep spewing out the garbage pal.

        1. Michael Moss

          And your point was the country isn’t uniting behind trump. Brilliant deduction Sherlock.

          Trump Lied, People Died!

  14. You bring up valuable points. It is disquieting to hear representatives attempt to politicize everything and everyone. I’d rather hear the leaders of the parties merely discussing the facts and way that are being developed to overcome the viruses and the economic disasters that are a result in one way or another of the various shutdowns for the purpose of keeping uninfected people from coming into potential contact with people who might not know they are positive for the virus. I may actually dtest some of the people involved in running things; yet, the importance of defeating this virus makes team work and solidarity a much more important agenda that the other plots and sub-plots that have emerged, politically in our country. AF

  15. Whoever tells another member of this commenting community of the GM Authority, has the right to their opinion. However, that freedom of speech should be civil. Any member who tells another member to, “…go F yourself,” should have their editorial/comment privilege revoked for failure to be civil. They should also be reminded of the rules of this forum and that they gave their word of honor to be civil. Whether or not they violated their word of honor, of course would be up to the moderator. AF

    1. Alex Ford
      F could stand for lots of words in this context (eg. Fool, Fake Outrage, False, Fondle, Fail, Fornicate)

      If you don’t like letters, here are some numbers that should make that little conservative head blow up.
      Covid 19 cases in select states that lean conservative
      Texas – 18,679
      Georgia – 17,841
      Indiana – 10,641
      Ohio – 10,222
      Tennessee – 6,762
      Missouri – 5,517
      Alabama – 4,723
      South Dakota – 1,542

      If I didn’t get your state “WorldoMeter” keeps track of Covid 19 cases in every Country and State.

      1. “F could stand for lots of words in that context” LMAO. Stop playing stupid, grow a pair and man up to your vulgarity.

        And I have no idea why you’re bringing up COVID-19 cases in right-leaning states, but since you want to play that game, I thought I’d fill in some details you seem to have omitted, for whatever reason. Let’s take a little look at the top 7 states of COVID-19 cases in the nation you forgot to include, shall we?

        New York – 241,041
        New Jersey – 81,420
        Massachusetts – 36,372
        Pennsylvania – 31,731
        Michigan – 30,791
        California – 30,718
        Illinois – 29,160

        Incredibly, those 7 states out of 50 contain 65% of the COVID-19 cases in the United States. SIXTY-FIVE PERCENT. And even more incredibly, those 7 states all have Democratic governors! Fascinating!

        If you hadn’t guessed by now, bringing up cases per state could not be more irrelevant, so I have no clue what point you’re trying to make. Stop being an idiotic partisan hack for 10 seconds, and stop making a complete fool out of yourself, if possible. Why bring your ignorant politics to an automotive sight, when you can spout off all day long with constant affirmation from like-minded ideologues on MSNBC or Mother Jones? Get a freaking life.

        1. G8burnout
          WorldoMeter updates numbers daily. The afternoon is probably the best time to check. You could see how many new cases each state added that day.
          My point was this is a nationwide problem. Every state is getting hit.
          You also may want to read the Drudge Report. It still a conservative rag, but stories have been mixed on trump recently. I think the editor doesn’t want to go down with the president.

          BTW- Massachusetts has a Republican Governor.

          1. You also need to keep in mind that NY is getting hit very hard due to extensive international travel. Many states will be getting a delayed response. So even if numbers are low in your state, it may not remain that way.

      2. I once read an excellent book called, “How To Lie With Statistics.” ’nuff said.” I might or might not have the virus. I don’t qualify for testing according to the local health requirements; not any significant symptoms; still could be a carrier and not know it, but likely, if I caught it, I would definitely know it.

        1. I live in the nation’s COVID “hot spot. We are affected by anything going on in NYC, the COVID ground Zero. Many of my neighbors live & play in the City. BTW as of Friday zer0.66% of my county is infected, in the “hot spot”. AND 55% of the unfortunate deaths are from Long Term Care Facilities (we used to call Nursing Homes) which my “Progressive” lefty Gov royaly F’d up, as we are fast finding out, by NOT protecting the poor residents in those facilities early enough. I don’t need an “indoctrination” from any #Orangemanbad #TDS MORONs using #fakenews to promote an agenda. I see constant “real world” factual stories about this virus right in my neighborhood. Like this one that might “educate” those who want to be educated not “indoctrinated” by #fakenews on what COVID “symptoms” may or may not be like:

  16. Everyday in the US, we are seeing as many people die as in 9/11.

    And to date the government has now exceeded 7 trillion in financial stimulus of different types, yet the very basic protection gear is still in short supply and the test situation is worthy of a 3rd world country.

  17. Actually stimulus statistics are not clearly known. Agree that supplies may be short. However, I have masks on order; but I patronized one of those corner sellers who had vacuum sealed masks for sale for 5 bucks apiece. I gave him a tenner and got two masks and then went to Rydell Chevrolet. (I’d been out on an emergency pick up authorized by my doctor to pick up life-saving medication.) Rydell wanted me to pick up the ground effects taken off my C8 to accommodate the dealer installed, Genuine GM ground effects kit of which they had one in stock that I added to the purchase of the car and had installed prior to taking the car off of the lot. I’m really more of a middle of he road, not a conservative, by the way. In life, I served two years in the United States Naval Reserve and received an honorable discharge; I then receive a job as a California Sworn (Deputized) Peace Officer and put in 36 years, 9 months of civil serivice, 20 of which were in an anti-gang unit with attachment to specialized units of the Los Angeles Police Department. I complete PC 832 Peace Officer’s training and I am currently qualified for CCW. I love my 3 children; never cheat on taxes and have been married for 43 years. Those are some of my statistics except for the number 5. Those are the number of days of my C8 ownership, LT2/Z51. AF

  18. Facts are facts. If those facts are accurate, then those are in fact the facts. Thanks for those.

  19. There will be no smart reply from me to either defend what I’ve said nor will I make any attempt to put you down. You seem like a good American. As far as what I put out in this comments section, my goals are mutual team building to both get rid of the Covid-19 and to help spur ideas to get Americans, including gear-heads back on the road as soon as possible.

  20. It is energizing to hear from other great Americans who have developed incredible expertise on the subject of the virus and who have all the answers. I’m a fan of the truth. I am pushing no agenda at all except that I want all Americans to escape this plague and to make it back with there fellow Americans, as this situation is worked out by an educated approach or even a novel approach, as long as it gets the job done.

    1. Alex,
      You have the right attitude which we should all have but it’s very difficult when the guy at the top exhibits this type of behaviour:

      Trump incites civil disobedience in democratic states.

      This has to be the most despicable thing he’s done in the last 4 years.

      On this basis alone, regardless of party, anyone should be forced to resign. Has our democracy become this weak that this nonsense can’t be stopped?

      1. BUT those same “Democratic” States/ Democrat Govs get a free pass from #Orangemanbad “Progressive” America because they couldn’t possibly be playing Politics with this crisis by overstepping their constitutional “Authority” OR continually causing unwarranted PANIC (2,000,000 deaths; 40,000 ventilators NOW or WE decide who dies; not nearly enough Hospital beds; shut down thru July/August/Sept/Election; CAN’T go back to normal; DAILY Press Conferences that START with the DEATH count like it’s a morbid scoreboard; and on & on……). Can ANY of you #Orangemanbad #TDS sufferers come up with ANYTHING this President did right in your dillusional eyes???

        1. Michael Moss,
          No. The only thing that would work now would be to resign in shame or die.

          Being removed forcibly in handcuffs would also be appropriate for a mass murderer.

          1. You truly are a special kind of idiot haha. Stop being such a radical ideologue.

          2. Dear Spearhead: May I suggest you get on the phone first thing tomorrow morning & get some Professional Mental Health Counseling asap for that stage 4 TDS. Apparently, friends & family don’t have the guts to take you aside & tell you to get some help. Good luck.

            1. Moss,
              When your unemployment runs out and you’re out scavenging the neighbourhood for squirrels to feed your family, you may realize that you’re the one with TDS and have been duped by a reality TV conman.

              But that may be too much to ask from the deplorables….

  21. You have got to love it. In a search for common ground, the person with whom you are engaging instead turns out to be a mind reader. He then tells me what is in my head and what my intent is. I appreciate that you have this particular talent. Trump, in my own opinion, is in fact very divisive. I have only to look at your last statement to see that divisiveness. Of course in the agenda of arguments for or against anything (even resolving a death struggle where one is at) there is always the danger of the hidden agenda being the primary, possibly nay, the only agenda. Short of achieving that, people will insist to the point of causing the death and destruction of both parties. A film with Michael Douglas, called “War of the Roses,” was likely a keen example of that concept. At this point, my agenda is all about ridding the nation of the virus. Trump isn’t my primary concern. It really is the success of the Great American Experiment. I know from listening to people that, “Haters gonna hate.” I know also that some people only know about how to be dictators; or they know how to name-call; they know how to put people down; they say never tell the enemy what you are doing and then they tweet out to the world the biggest bunch of BS anyone might ever not want to hear. That is the nature of politics and insanity when the merge. Nearly four years ago, a candidate somewhere stated that a primary plank of her campaign would be to raise taxes on the middle class by 1-3 trillion dollars. In that lone plank, I observed politics and insanity merge. That is just my opinion and a good percentage of people I speak to about it either don’t remember it or they state that it never happened. There will be people who will state one day that the pandemic never happened; that the earth is flat (depends upon head, hands, heart argument basis); that a man was never put upon the moon; that Hitler never murdered anyone singly or in mass; that Houston did not cheat in the slightest and should keep their World Series rings and paychecks and records (those trash cans made it so noisy, I couldn’t hear the broadcast on my car radio and had to turn it off, the noise of the trash cans were so obnoxious). At this point, when the bottom line is on who is killing everyone and is not on resolution of the problem, then the point of discussion really ends. I think everyone involved should do their own level best to end the virus and they should recall one more thing. The election is just around the corner and they will have the power to change everything at the ballot box or in their computer or mail in ballot. AF

  22. I neither endorse Trump nor ask people to unite behind him in the fight against the virus. Apparently you are able to read my mind, because I never once said or even implied anything that you said I said. I invite anyone to read my commends and find the words that you attributed to me.

  23. No. The only thing that would work now would be to resign in shame or die.

  24. G8 (A crappy car that couldn’t even do a burnout from a dead brand)

    You’re obviously the kind of little b ! tch who used to get beaten-up often in the school yard. Keep it up with your childish labels and name calling.

    Did you get your Trump check yet?

    1. “G8 (A crappy car that couldn’t even do a burnout from a dead brand)”

      Everything you just said has now been invalidated. Have a nice day, you deranged, TDS-afflicted man, you 😉

      1. Is that piece of junk supposed to be impressive. Even a scrap school bus can do a burnout.

        1. Sorry, but your bus is 7 months late!

          Just so you know.

  25. Let me provide an example of government. Initially gun shops were closed as places that would likely spread the virus in the nation. The 2nd Amendment advocate made a ruling that gun shops were, “essential services.” The State of California banned gunned shop operation during the pandemic of Covid-19, Gavin Newsom the Governor. The State Attorney General then ruled that gun shops were essential services and did not require shutting down, covering the State of California. Gun shops then operated with no reports of virus being spread in said shops. Ventura County Department of Health then stepped in and ruled that gun shops could spread the virus and shut them down. At present, that is where the matter stands. Thus far, within the Ventura County, there stands the fact that although open most of the time, no virus has spread through a gun shop. Government. You gotta love it.

    1. Gun Shops! Really?
      All the places that have closed down since this crisis began and your main concern is Gun shops.
      Think of everything we’re doing without right now: Sports, Live Entertainment; Eating out at restaurants, hair cuts, Health Clubs, Bars, Churches, sex with strangers and you are focused on Gun Shops.
      Dude you’ve been brainwashed.
      When not having a special event gun shops don’t offen draw a crowd. So they will be among the 1st wave of businesses that reopen. Makes you a Rebel without a Cause.
      I pitty you.

  26. Flattery.

  27. I have a friend who owns one M5 and leases another. She shows up at all the car shows and is interested in all the cars that drive in the lot. Meantime, my wife and I purchased a 320i a couple of years after we were married. The first thing that broke, and was repaired under warranty, were the Emergency Flashers. During the course of 8 years of ownership, that same emergency flasher broke 5 times. The trims around the windows yellowed and cracked. The engine was very inconsistent as apparently BMW hadn’t figured out unleaded gasoline as yet. We kept it around about 7.5 years and then traded it in for something else. Since that experience my wife I (43 years marriage) owned a few other marks and they weren’t very good. Finally in 1999 we managed to afford a C280 Mercedes and after an initial mistake in the right rear upholstery installation, replaced under warranty, we never had another problem. The reported highway mileage was 27-28 mpg. We never got under 32.5 miles per gallon while driving anywhere between 55 and 75 mph. I don’t hate on BMW’s. I just don’t buy them.

  28. Hey anonymous #orangemanbad coward, Did you make the call this morning for that Professional Mental Health Counseling or is your addiction of being a jackass on social media too much to fight??? BTW I’m self-employed. I made my own job & biz. What have you done in your feckless pathetic existence besides spew anonymous #orangemanbad diarrhea???

  29. Liberals and Conservative, when fighting the Japanese during WW II didn’t spend must time debating who was the president. Mostly the one’s who gave all and died and the one’s fortunate enough to make it through the war were too busy covering one another’s backs in order to defeat the enemy. It was pretty cool when I ran into the, “Doolittle Raid,” on Wikipedia, which had a great article complete with source material on the Raid. Even historians say that the Raid was a morale booster, far more significant in raising the spirits of Americans than it was a huge factor in determining the outcome. Men and a lot of women that replaced them at North American Aviation in Inglewood, Ca. worked harder than ever to get those airplanes built and in the air to defend our country and in effect, the world. Morale can be a big factor in fighting this thing. If you want to “feel good” feel free to check out the, “Doolittle Raid,” on your search engine or Wiki-anything.


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