GM Authority

The Argument For More Content In Midsize GM Trucks

No doubt about it – the modern pickup truck segment is gaining more and more high-end content and features with every passing model year. This is especially true for full-size GM trucks like the Chevrolet Silverado 1500 and GMC Sierra 1500, both of which offer a vast array of extras. Meanwhile, midsize offerings like the Chevrolet Colorado and GMC Canyon don’t offer quite the same level of content, with the assumption being that these smaller vehicles should have a relatively low price point. However, as the market shifts, the idea that midsize GM trucks should have a price cap is starting to go away.

Part of the issue has to do with size. In addition to gaining more and more content, full-size pickups are also physically larger now. As such, buyers are having trouble fitting them into garages and parking spaces, and in response, some are switching to midsize GM trucks instead, which strike a better balance between size and maneuverability.

“Just got a brand-new Colorado,” writes GM Authority reader Bob O. “Really wanted the Silverado, but it doesn’t fit in my garage. I only wish the Colorado had more features like ventilated seats, sunroof, and a full leather interior with rear A/C vents.”

What’s more, the midsize GM trucks also seem like a better fit for those buyers that rely on their pickup for A-to-B driving and errands, given the greater maneuverability, ease of parking, and efficiency that they offer compared to a full-size alternative. With that in mind, shouldn’t midsize customers have access to all the same content as the full-sizers?

For now, it looks like the tide is turning with the midsize truck segment, albeit slowly. Sales figures show the midsize truck segment up nearly 20 percent year-to-date compared to 2018, and 26 percent for Q3 of 2019 compared to 2018.

Sales Numbers - Mid-Size Pickup Trucks - Q3 2019 - United States

MODEL Q3 19 / Q3 18 Q3 19 Q3 18 Q3 19 SHARE Q3 18 SHARE YTD 19 / YTD 18 YTD 19 YTD 18
TOYOTA TACOMA -2.79% 65,756 67,643 40% 52% +2.02% 187,622 183,909
CHEVROLET COLORADO -9.46% 31,657 34,963 19% 27% -7.65% 96,820 104,838
FORD RANGER * 26,211 * 16% 0% * 56,512 0
JEEP GLADIATOR * 16,132 * 10% 0% * 23,384 0
NISSAN FRONTIER -14.04% 15,364 17,873 9% 14% -8.20% 54,686 59,574
GMC CANYON -11.73% 7,437 8,425 5% 7% +4.06% 26,300 25,273
TOTAL +26.11% 162,557 128,904 +19.20% 445,324 373,594

Meanwhile, the full-size segment grew just three percent year-to-date compared to 2018, and a little under six percent for Q3 of 2019.

Sales Numbers - Full-Size Pickup Trucks - Q3 2019 - United States

MODEL Q3 19 / Q3 18 Q3 19 Q3 18 Q3 19 SHARE Q3 18 SHARE YTD 19 / YTD 18 YTD 19 YTD 18
FORD F-SERIES -6.01% 214,176 227,880 34% 38% -2.42% 662,574 679,018
RAM RAM PICKUP +13.79% 161,635 142,044 25% 24% +22.77% 461,115 375,583
CHEVROLET SILVERADO +16.62% 155,482 133,329 24% 22% -2.86% 412,259 424,403
GMC SIERRA +28.87% 66,198 51,368 10% 9% +7.46% 163,601 152,242
NISSAN TITAN -49.22% 7,386 14,545 1% 2% -32.84% 25,412 37,839
TOYOTA TUNDRA -1.33% 31,565 31,990 5% 5% -1.96% 86,062 87,782
TOTAL +5.87% 636,442 601,156 +3.08% 1,811,023 1,756,867

As we can see, growth in the midsize pickup segment is outpacing growth in the full-size pickup segment in a big way. Additionally, midsize pickup trucks sales have shot up nearly 50 percent compared to the first nine months of 2015.

Will customers respond to high-priced midsize GM trucks loaded with high-end content and features? Let us know your thoughts in the comments, and make sure to subscribe to GM Authority for more Chevrolet Silverado news, GMC Sierra news, Chevrolet Colorado, GMC Canyon news, Chevrolet news, GMC news and 24/7 GM news coverage.

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Jonathan is an automotive journalist based out of Southern California. He loves anything and everything on four wheels.

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  1. I don’t think there is any question that they need to up the content level. Likely wont happen until the next gen Colorado, but it needs to happen. Giving the buyer the option to load up their Colorado to their liking should always the path. By not allowing sunroofs, heated steering wheels until just recently, better interior materials and so forth, your giving the buyer the only other option of finding another midsize oem, that does give them options. I get why they didn’t load the truck up when they introduced the Colorado in 15′. It was a gutsy move and no one knew for sure it would take, well it did and continues to grow. Now that the 2nd gen Colorado has proven itself and proven the market (look at all of those following after GM went back in), give the buyer the option to load up the truck to their comfort level.

    1. The interior of a truck doesn’t have to feel and resemble my living room. Having more leather in a trucks interior then a persons living room is pathetic. Its supposed to be a truck. Not a limousine!!!

      If we were talking about a limousine then yes make it a luxury boat. But not for a truck.

      1. @Brian, Doesn’t HAVE to feel/resemble your Living room, however for those of us who might spend more time in our trucks than our lazyboy, then we should have the option to have that comfort! To each his own.

        1. @Brian, & actually I do have more leather in my living room than in my trucks….I have love seat!!

  2. Agreed. Unfortunately the next Gen Colorado and Canyon are a couple of years away. I mean you can’t even get a Sunroof for some Stupid Reason that Only God knows how GM came to the decision.

    1. God only knows, I like that.

      The reason is CHEAP !!!

  3. Here is the problem.

    The mid size market is a limited size market. Also they are limited to what people will pay.

    More content means more cost which leads to higher prices. The average truck buyer once the price gets much higher will just opt for the heavy rebated full size truck.

    The mid size class is a limited size class with most buyers only willing to pay $27k to $37k at most.

    As it is now the GMC Canyon Denali is a rare sight on the road as it is not cheap unless you get a good deal. Once you get over $40k you see a big drop off of sales. Then once you get to $50k there are few buyers.

    When I bought I got a deal on a unsold Denali identical to what is in the photo above for near the same price of a SLT as they wanted to move it. I would never had paid over $40k for it.

    Even then I was looking at a loaded SLT extra cab loaded that was only $3k more. I was tempted but size won out as I wanted a smaller truck.

    I would love to have a Sun roof but I would not pay more than I did.

    Now with the next gen we will get the safety and technology package as every GMC has this now but the. Canyon. This will include 360 cameras, adaptive cruise , lane control, auto brake etc.

    I really would love to see HUD too but again how much will it add to the cost.

    Mid size trucks are not for everyone. I get hit al, the time by many who say if I paid that much it would be full size. They just see size as value and not my want of a smaller truck.

    There is a box mid size truck fit in and it is difficult to add more and not raise the price.

    If you spend the time on the Twins forum you understand who the real buyers are.

    I love my truck I would buy one again just like it if a big rock crushed it today. But I will not pay $50k for a mid size truck. I also worry more content added may also cheapen other parts of the truck.

    One simple thing for GMC to do is get better fake wood. They have the worst. Even the real wood in the wife’s Denali looks fake. Only GM cam make real wood look fake.

    It is easy for non owners to say yes add more content. When you have no skin in the game there is no limits. But for those of us with skin in the game we know our payment limits for a small truck.

    Even a Benz did a high end mid size but it is not popular and is just a fancy Nissan. Anyone buying it is not really getting a Benz. Compromises always come into play.

    The new truck is not far out if they stick to 2023. We should see it in the summer of 22. As of now GM still has the best truck in class.

    1. C8.R,

      One more time here on this very subject –

      YOU ARE WRONG !!!!!!!!

      Size is not liked to cost any longer, and I am not sure it ever was but at GM you had no choice !!

      Again what size is the MOST BOUGHT VEHICLE in the USA ?
      Let me help you,

      IT IS NOT FULL SIZE !!!!

      Sure do I think GM should make a lesser optioned truck. YES I do !!! But I do on ALL sizes of vehicles !!!

      I have skin in the game and have the highest content Canyon offered at the time, and it sounds like you do also.
      C8.R you could have gotten a cheaper truck than your Denali, why didn’t you ?
      Sounds like you did the very thing you are saying the rest of us won’t do !!

      But again I would go into the GM decision making and that they have NO CLUE what the customer wants!!

      A Canyon Denali with the 2.7T – 10 speed and a EV of the same truck.
      From very low content to the highest content available at GM !!
      And today that is not much as most of the competition offer mare content than even the highest end of a GM vehicle.

      But C8.R you just keep telling GM that what you have is ” Good Enough ”
      Well see what we get for how long !!

      Ready GO !!

    2. CR.8

      Mercedes’s truck, the X-class, was only sold in Europe, and was discontinued after only 2 years. I think I read that only 15,000 were sold in that time.

      1. Yes and it even failed in Europe. It was based on the same Nissan we has. It was a crew truck.

        2 years and 15,000 is why they no longer sell it.

        If they could not sell it there it was not going to work anywhere.

  4. I cant believe the Silverado is in 3 rd place it’s like what in world is going on but I don’t blame the people who buying them or wonder why they are back to back motor trend truck of the year ram just did what costumer want an gm did what bean counters wanted it’s so sad to be a Silverado fan 0

    1. There are many buyers that just want a smaller sized pick up and will pay what it costs to get what they want. Just like every SUV buyer doesn’t get a Tahoe even though the new Blazer is very close in money. I bought a ZR2 cause it’s cool, and I get tired of driving a 3500 long box Duramax all the time. So I bought the ZR2 for a run around pickup. What I don’t get tired of is the LTZ trim I’m my 3500. I miss the sunroof, power rear slider, cooled seats and heated steering wheel in the ZR2.

  5. Sales of ZR2, ZR2 Bison, Denali and Gladiator Rubicon prove that there is a market for $50k+ mid-size trucks. Sure the volume might not be huge – but likely profitable. Buyers typically don’t overlap with full-size buyers in my experience. Most are trading up from a SUV or downsizing from a full-size, but rarely comparing the mid-size and full-size against each other. If people are willing to pay $60K plus for mid-size SUVs why wouldn’t buyers in the mid-size space want the same features and content. There is demand for more content – we have customers waiting for that content to appear before trading in. I understand why GM didn’t want to commit huge dollars to heavily re-engineer these vehicles to test the market in 2015, but they have steadily added upmarket models and features and the next generation will likely continue that trend.

  6. If you paid $50 for a ZR you got screwed, you can get a ZR for under $40 out the door.

    The Bison is sold in how many units? 2k 3 k? Not many.

    The Jeep is not a mid size it is a Jeep thing. Peop,e over pay for msny Jeeps as it is a cult vehicle.

    As a Denali owner I watch for them and 8 am lucky to spot one or two a month in daily driving. They are not selling well.

    As for who is buying most are people l8ke me returning from the S10 Sonoma market after going to a small SUV.

    It is not the mid size that takes buyers away from full size and that is the problem. When you get grilled often for owning a mid size you get tired of getting asked why did you buy the small truck when for little more you could have had a full size. Buyers see value in size and do not comprehend why I want a smaller truck.

    The problem is these truck do not draw people from the full size market because they are seen as a poor value.

    I would agree with you if the Denali was selling 30% like the full size does but it is not even close.

    Just start a thread on the a Forum for the twins and you will see what people will pay max. In fact I will start a thread and link it.

    1. AGAIN C8.R, you are ,


      AGAIN why would you start a thread their ? I read there all the time. Do you know the customers that are there, they are the current customers, NOT the buyers. AGAIN the people their are their because they own what they want, the people you should be asking are people like

      ME, You get it YET !!!

      Most buyers of this truck are NOT, NOT coming from the S10 market place. In fact I have heard from blah sources that most S10 buyers do not, not like that this truck is so large.
      But I somewhat agree that it is not the midsized that takes buyers from the full size !!

      You see C8.R, one more time, WHY cant you get it ?
      Customers want what they want, customers do NOT care about the price per say. I mean a midsized driver will buy what is available in the midsized. A full sized buyer will buy a full-sized. And so on.

      And one more time, people like you are stopping GM from understanding this !!!

      Sedan buyers are buying sedans – period !
      Minivan buyers are buying minivans – period !
      Luxury buyers are buying luxury – period !
      Mid-sized buyers are buying mid-sized – period !
      Full-sized buyers are buying full-sized – period !
      Heavy duty buyers are buying heavy duty – period !
      RWD buyers are buying RWD – period !
      Corvette buyers are buying Corvette – period !

      You see AGAIN, one more time CUSTOMERS buy what Customers want !!

      They just DO NOT BUY IT FROM GM !!!!!!!

      AGAIN , why don’t they buy it from GM ?

      GM does NOT offer it !!!

      Very few customers are buying something different than what they are driving !!!

      Mid-sized RWD buyers did NOT buy a FWD GM vehicle, they bought a FCA, BMW, Audi, Mercedes, etc.
      Luxury buyers NOLONGER buy Cadillac, they buy BMW, Audi, Mercedes, etc.
      Sedan buyers do NOT switch to SUVs, they buy Toyota, Honda, VW, etc.
      Mini-van buyers do NOT buy SUVs, they buy FCA, Toyota, Honda, etc.

      Now there are TRENDS in the industry, value driven trends, generational trends, but the solid buyers drive what they want !!
      GM should have SOLID players in the SOLID segments and pick up the trends as best as they can.
      The propulsion system will change forever, feet, horse, ICE, EV, next, but the segments will NOT change in human life.

      GM is no longer a personal transportation company, at least in the USA, GM will take all the profits they can form China and the US on order to try to do the self driving EV thing, it will happen but it will be quite a while, what is GM going to do in the meantime ? Let things stand ?

      And you and a lot of the GM brainwashed people here are the trouble.

      Quit telling GM their products are ” Good Enough “

      1. wish i had a dollar for every exclamation point you typed!!

        1. Thanks JWL,

        2. You need a lot of !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          When you try to un brainwash C8.R !!!!!!!!

          Electric shock to clear the brain does not work over the net !!!!!!

          1. Actually if you typed in all bold print that would annoy the forum it might just get me to convert to your way of thinking.

            1. C8.R,
              No, No, No,

              Naughty, Naughty, Naughty,

              Alex already warned me he would kick me off if I use all caps to emphasize words.

              Says its like yelling at everyone.

              But I don’t yell !!

              I am a happy guy !!!!!

              Just trying to get my voice heard.

              1. Aw come on it might convince me to see things in your distorted way,

                Exspecially do it when you reply 3 times in long rambling post to one short single post.

                That would really convince me.

                You are a crazy but happy sob.

  7. The link will not post. But go to the Colorado Canyon forum and see what real owners are saying.

    The question is What is the max price you would pay for a mid size truck and why?

    So far it is $41 k or less.

    1. Again, again, again,

      You are asking the wrong people !!!!!

      Why cant you understand this !!

      If you would have asked me if I would par $80,000.00 for a GM truck, do you really think I would have answered no I think I would pay $200,000.00

      scott3, is this really how you run your business, going around asking how much will you pay for GM performance parts ?

      That’s a great idea, lets just ask the American public how much tax they want to pay. How about, how much would you pay for cell service. Maybe Sirius XM should ask me how much I would pay.

      Is this really how you think GM should price their vehicles ?
      Is that why GM always starts so high then when they cant sell enough just offer another sale, EVERY MONTH, FOREVER !!! 20% off this $12,000.00 off that ?

      I guess GM thinks ” some paid full price ”

      Again GM few paid full price, and remember most of it is borrowed money !!
      Either borrowed by GM and lent to the buyer, or borrowed from the GM banker and lent to the buyer.
      So what is the difference ? When you sell a to high priced vehicle to a customer and then it is repoed, who is winning ? When the banks don’t see value in loaning money to purchase a vehicle it will not matter what a customer says they will pay.

      God I hope that isn’t how GM sets prices or finds out what customers want.

  8. One more thing to chew on here. I am in on this truck as an EV !

    The way I use my Canyon is like a GM grocery getter. Sure its a parts runner, jobsite runner, quote machine, people hauler, but I never haul huge loads or pull huge loads.

    Rarely travel more than 300 miles a day, but it would be trouble still where we live as there are not many charge stations.


    However I would charge at home most times with solar and wind power.

    And C8.R, I think I would pay, aaaaaa lets see now, how about one milllllllllion dollars.

    What, ask the customer how much they would pay !!!

  9. The actual people who buy on the forum are responding.

    We have one at $55 one at 50k and one at $41k.

    The rest five are High $20’s to $37k. We should have more responses from those who actually are the real customers for this vehicle. They are giving real and honest replies.


      The ” Real People ” who own the ” Good Enough ” trucks on the twins forum OWN THE ” Good Enough ” trucks.

      WHY, WHY, WHY,
      Can’t you get it ?
      The POTENTIAL customers are NOT on the site of the current truck !!!!!


      Quit telling GM that their products are ” Good Enough ”

      Please I beg of you !!!!!

      This is why GM went bankrupt the first time, when they had products that did not compete !!!

      Their products were NOT ” Good Enough ” then and that is where they are headed now.

      Your average current owner of ANYTHING is simply NOT going to sit and tell you ” I wish I would have bought something else”
      Well the GM 8 speed junk owners tell you that , but you know !!!!


      Like this, the Cadillac buyers did NOT all DIE, they all went somewhere else !!!!!

      GM better start figuring this out, and soon,

      GM better start to offer more, MORE, everywhere , EVERYWHERE !!!

      1. C8.R,

        You are LOOSING here,

        I would point out there are more mid-sized buyer who want MORE from GM at every level of GM mid-sized

        And OOOOOOO so many more people than that ego C8 will ever sell !!!!

        Again I do NOT want the Vette to go away, but to deny the MAINSTREAM buyer for a EGO vehicle is a terrible decision !!!

        Both would be great !!

        But we will watch those $65,000 full-size SUVs fly off the shelves !!

        I wonder if they will have a 2.0T 8 speed as the standard, shipped to the dealers !!

        GM, try it like the CT6, see how it goes !!! Ship out the new full-sized SUVs with the 2.0T and a 8 speed and see if it follows the same path as the C6 !!!

        1. You really are Bat $hit crazy. ?

          1. C8.R.
            We all know you think I am cat $hit crazy already, and need to seek professional help !
            We already know you have been brainwashed by GM !
            Please get a new independent thought.
            A thought of your own !!
            Also I really don’t mind people like you calling people like me, some of the most intelligent humans alive were considered crazy by the easily brainwashed people like you !!
            Do you relies how little you would have in the world if it were not for the so called crazy !

            But do you read what you wright ?
            You should type !
            Read !
            Think !

            You are arguing AGINST the VERY thing YOU did !!!!!!!!
            scott3 aka C8.R, YOU own a Canyon Denali ——- RIGHT ?
            You could have bought ANY lower trim Canyon ——- RIGHT ?
            Why on earth did you buy a Denali ?

            Let me help you with your answer — – — — – VALUE !!!!!!!!!
            You wanted the TOP the MOST options available for the cheapest money !!!!!!
            I am RIGHT here because I can PROVE IT !!!

            YOU OWN A CANYON DENALI !!!!!!!!!!

            WHY cant you understand it ?
            WHY is it so hard ?

            If Denali sales are down it is do to the lack of content, just like Cadillac !
            The VALUE is not there for the price !
            When Denali started it had MORE content than a plain old cheap Chevy !!
            But as the plain old Chevy content goes up, Denali sales and Cadillac go down !
            AGAIN, WHY, ——- VALUE, or LACK of VALUE in the Denali and Cadillac line !!!

            AGAIN I could care less what GM calls the UP content line !
            But GM had better get one YESTERDAY !!
            Because the Denali YOU own has plastic wood and maybe different seats, maybe, that makes it a Denali. and there is ZERO added VALUE there !!!

            Don’t you worry though, if GM listens to you in the focus group, GM will ruin the Denali name just like they did they Cadillac name !

            Get off the focus group and quit telling GM their products are ” Good Enough ”

            A Denali GMC was and should be the TOP of a GM truck line. Rear vents, all the parking sensors, all the cameras, the best leather seating front and rear, heated and vented seats, sun roof for those who want it, ambient lighting, basically EVERYTHING that GM has to offer !!!
            ITS a DENALI !!!
            Like Cadillac used to be a CADILLAC, the CADILLAC of vehicles, not the Chevrolet of vehicles !

            Nobody has ever said, now that’s the Chevrolet of X

            1. @Lifelong…AMEN!!! Top of the line should come with everything!!!!

  10. I’d personally pay every bit as much for a Colorado as I would a Silverado. For one I think they look better but that’s subjective. But the main reason is they’re more along the lines of the gmt-400 size which IMO was perfect. The fullsize trucks are just too big now. The Colorado hauls everything I need to haul, tows everything I need to tow, has 4 wheel drive and at the end of the day fits in our garage with the other cars with the door shut. Another benefit of the Colorado is the frame is E-coated. None of the waxy stuff like the Silverado frames. You hardly ever see a Colorado with frame rust. I’ll add body rust to that as well. The Silverado frames are rusting by the second year. The bodies seem to go quicker too. I really think the Colorado is a higher quality built vehicle.

    The downfall of the Colorado is lack of options. No High Country premium interior, no sun roof (what were they thinking not offering this from day 1??) and general lack of options. I’m not sure what Chevy’s deal is here. It’s like they want to force you into a larger truck. If I’m buying a Cadillac, why would Cadillac care if I wanted a smaller one or a larger one for my size preference? I still want a loaded Cadillac. Likewise, why does Chevrolet care if I want a super sized Silverado or just a regular sized Colorado? I still want it loaded. And all Colorado’s are built right here at home. Don’t they want to take on the Tacoma? For real this time?? They’re just sending potential customers away from the Chevy dealer down the road to a competitor.

  11. My first car was a Ford,& to give it credit, it was a great little beast. My 1st GM was a 1966 Olds 98LS…Since then it has been GM ever since. That being said, I can relate to people having to buy a smaller truck because the new ones won’t fit in their garage. Years ago I seriously looked at a Ford Excursion,the dealer who is a personal friend was giving me an excellent deal….The deal breaker? It wouldn’t fit in either my garage at home or the underground parking at work! I kept looking and got a good deal on my ’98 Yukon SLT, which I still have. Down through the years all of my vehicles, be they cars, SUV’s or pickups, have all been top of the line. I found the new Silverado too big,(as well as a few other reasons), as well. I wanted to stay with GM so I looked for an older Sierra. Had I not been able to locate one, I would’ve gone to another brand that was the size I needed & had the features I wanted.In Canada we have winters…’s kinda nice to have your vehicle in a garage!

  12. Thing is if you were happy with an S10, you feel left behind. Silverado way too big and Colorado is still a large vehicle compared to S10. I settled for RCSB Silverado in 2014 cause that was smallest truck Chevy had. I didn’t go for a Toyota or Nissan cause I always was a Chevy guy. But I would rather have an S10 size. Easier to wash. LOL

    1. You see C8.R,

      RCSB was a S10 owner and wanted a smaller size !!

      I have heard this ALOT !!

      1. Yet the present size still sells very well.

        You do understand GM is investigating a smaller CUV based truck.

        1. NOT for the US market.

          That was already proven it will be overseas only and NOT for this market, which Im sure has annoyed a lot of people hoping for a small Chevy truck.

          I had to buy a friggin Nissan after going from an 07 Colorado -> 18 Colorado -> 19 Nissan Frontier.

          The Nissan Frontier is actually easy as hell to park like my 07 Colorado is compared to the gigantic 2nd gen Colorado.

          The new Colorado is way too big, I’m 6′ 3” and I couldn’t even reach into the damn bed on the 2WD truck (though I guess 4WD and 2WD have the same clearance unlike the 1st Gen).

          I never should have sold my 07 as I had no idea we would just get gigantic trucks only from now on…

  13. Someone please explain to me why I can’t order a new Silverado 1500 with Navigation unless
    I order the LTZ or High Country trim??? My last two vehicles were LTZ’s. I no longer need that
    trim level but I do need navigation. Guess it’s finally time to look at the competition.

    1. If you look the IOS audio system is set to take Nav for LT1 and up.

      It is dealer installed with a added module behind the screen.

      The reason why is Nav is becoming a mixed option since many just plug in their cell phone and use it when needed. We may not be long before it will go the way of the CD player with so many Smart Phones out there,

      1. C8.R,
        Ha, I will add to that !!!

        I said around two years ago, on this very site, WHY is GM competing in this tech, they will loose !!

        Radio, NAV, all of it .

        If GM either just did plug and play for this stuff , even the tablet size DONE !!

        Plug in whatever tablet you want or already own DONE !!

        Whatever size you want !! just print different center stack trim !!

        Get rid of the XM, NAV, Radio, just everything that is NOT related to the vehicle and let the REAL TECH people do it !!

        Just open up the controls of non vehicle control and let us do it !!

        We will connect a Google home type device if we want, Alexa, whatever, and the old farmer guy can have the 3 channel AM radio if they want !!

        Why is GM as an auto company, and struggling at that, want to deal with the FAULTY CUE type troubles ?

        But I’m sure GM has told you the answer, so I’ll wait to here it.

        I think I will end all my comments that fall under yours by saying,
        I am lifelongGMowner, and I know C8.R thinks I am crazy and need professional help !
        That will save you the typing time !

        In my opinion

      2. I believe there are more than a few of us out there who do NOT own a smart phone.

        1. I agree Hot Rod Rose,

          Its a choice, that’s what I want, like the option list used to be.

          I know people who take their vehicles in the shop and disconnect the GPS antenna, they are just that paranoid.

          I know others who think a AM – FM, is fine.

          I know others who don’t want a screen at all.

          What I would like to see is the center stack conformable to your wants and needs.
          If you don’t have a smart phone, that’s ok, you can order option whatever you want.
          Screen, no screen, 6 ” screen, to 12 ” screen.
          You want buttons to control your radio, that’s fine, order this block of buttons to fit.
          You want no buttons at all, that’s fine order with the optional 12″ screen, or provide your own, just link it here with this USB cable and take control of the NON driving vehicle functions.

          There are ALOT of customers today, that would control everything on a vehicle screen with their cell phones.
          Link it to your vehicle, all your memory sets, your seat, heat, sound, NAV, your DONE !
          When you go to your GM vehicle #2, just take your phone.

          You see, people like me don’t buy 6 subscriptions to XM for 6 GM vehicles.
          We do not but OnStar for 6 GM vehicles.
          We do not buy Netflix, Apple TV, Disney, and all the per month services.
          I will however pay for ME, one service I carry with me and use anywhere I want.

          On my smartphone I do almost everything, and I am 51 years old. I watch my wood burner, I make sure my mothers house is not freezing up, bank, control things. When I need a part for a piece of equipment I LOVE it when I get a smart phone person on the other end, I send them a picture of the serial tag of the equipment and the part I need, I never have to remember anything, or wright it down and forget where I wrote it, its on my phone. If I need to see above a ceiling I take pictures by holding my phone through a hole, same with under a floor. if the print is to small and I can not see something I take a picture and blow it up, just so many things.

          But my point is this, GM will NEVER keep up with the tech world, they are a 100 year old automobile manufacturer ran by boomers. It is like trying to explain being poor to a rich person, they will never get it !! But the KEY is options, NOT one size fits all.

          But GM is a mass production automobile company, they want to build 1 billion vehicles the same and charge more for the name of some !!!
          This has NEVER worked and will NEVER work.
          GM needs to start giving the customer what they want, and quit saying that they are.
          But this is again just my opinion.

          1. Good post LifeLong….I hope your smart phone never breaks down!Seriously though, I agree with you,GM needs to listen to us.Loyalty only goes so far .We want what we want.(People actually disconnected their GPS antenna?).

            1. Hot Rod Rose,

              I have a backup on the drawer next to the keys and fobs of all our vehicles.

              I just switch the sim card and have a new phone.

              I just buy the same phone for our family, we can all switch sim cards and phones if needed.

              The sim card links cell service, otherwise a smart phone is just a tablet or computer.

              And yes, he just wants a old Chevy pickup with AM radio. Sounds funny I know.

              But I will never use OnStar or XM either, until they are free, it is just a waist of hardware in all of our GM vehicles.

              1. Same here LifeLong, in regards to OnStar and XM….I didn’t even use the free trial.

        2. The truth is the non smart phone is going the way of the CD.

          As the market moves forward all phones will be som3 form of a smart phone and automakers will use the technology in their vehicles.

          Choices cost money so things get pared down to what the majority is buying.

          1. Ill try again,


            WHY, WHY, WHY,

            Cant you understand this ?
            Why do we have to have the same conservation,

            Over, and Over, and Over ?

            The MAJORITY can NOT buy what is NOT offered !!

            OK we are in the year 19hundred something – OK.

            All we could buy was X.
            Nobody could buy Y because Y was not offered – OK?

            When Y was offered, everybody bought Y !!

            How do I know this is a FACT ?

            Because we are NOT driving 19hundred something autos !!!

            If you don’t offer something NEW people can not buy something NEW so the majority will NEVER be something NEW !!

            You are just kidding around with me here right ?

            You have to see it right ?

            If money is holding you back from human advancement, you will loose, every time, you will loose !!
            Again how do I know this is FACT ?
            We are living with the stuff we can buy in the year 2019 not the stuff we could buy in the year 1900 !!
            Why don’t you see it !

            Please, other people here, its not that hard is it ?

            1. Why because you are WRONG!

              1. Good morning to you to.

                And HOW, How can I be wrong – ?

                You are literally driving a 2016 GMC Canyon Denali the HIGHEST optioned Canyon money could buy RIGHT ? FACT ?

                And you are NOT driving a 19hundred something vehicle RIGHT ? FACT ?

                HOW, HOW, HOW, am I wrong ?

                You are again literally doing the exact thing you say I am wrong on !

                Is this just like the time you changed your name from scott3 to C8.R because ——


                Yet called the other owners of the junk GM 8 speed transmissions complainers

                When they did NOT get the SAME service as you ?

                Kind of seems like there is a pattern of deception here on your part – no ?

                How much did you profit from GM last year anyway ?

              2. I GOT IT C8.R,

                It will be the MAJORITY – WANT TO HEAR IT ?


                GM should just put a pickup body on the C1 platform – RIGHT ?

                I bet it would be the majority – RIGHT ?

                AGAIN, AGAIN, AGAIN, why would it be the MAJORITY SOLD ?

                BECAUSE IT IS ALL THAT GM OFFERS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                Just like this Canyon and its low level Denali trim, because you don’t have a,

                CHOICE of anything else !!

                The MAJORITY of GM mid-sized average blah ” Good Enough ” vehicles, is the MAJORITY because its the ONLY thing GM sells in the mid-sized !!

                But you have a good day though !

  14. I think they should be less,I have a2019 Silverado lt . Disappointment, because
    I traded a 2015 lt for it, it had fogg light and xmradio, and better setting seats,than the 2019
    My fault for not paying more attention to what I bought. You all need to due better
    To keeping the Lt models the same, wish I had not bought the 2019 not as comptable

    1. @Willie….Glad to hear I’m not the only one finding the new trucks uncomfortable!

  15. No MFG compares their midsize and full-size trucks to each other. Gm’s target is the Tacoma sales at the cheapest development price. The Colorado is to be a Tacoma that gets 1mpg more, tows 500lbs more and has comparable looks. Until the taco ups it’s game gm has no reason to update the Colorado. It sucks because add the 2.7 turbo motor and add some interior features and this truck would be awesome! Until then, gm would assume you buy the 1500, even if it’s more than you need and get you accustomed to bigger vehicles, where they dominate

  16. I have a 2016 Canyon and I really like the truck.
    But it does lack several features that lots of other vehicles have that I want in my next vehicle that I plan on purchasing in the 2021 model year.
    With the Canyons not having those better features I am not planning on it being another Canyon.
    I am however a GM person and do like the mid size truck. Will be deciding what way to go in several months but if the Canyon would have most of the same options as the Sierra the decision would be a lot easier.

  17. More options. You don’t have to buy them there is still the basic model

  18. I sure hope for 2021 model year includes adding push button start and homelink. At least add it as options.

    1. One of the biggest faults of the Canyon and Colorado.
      Every vehicle I see has it except GM Mid size trucks.
      Couldn’t agree more.
      Adding the 2.7 Turbo would be next with the 10 speed.

    2. Push button start is overrated and home link is a waste just use a garage door opener.

      1. Brian,
        Why do you own a vehicle at all ?

        You can walk you know – right ?

        You don’t NEED anything as far as transportation of a human, you do know that – right ?

        You, as a human, can plant some seeds and grow food, or kill something to get meat, that will give you the energy, to move yourself to your destination, you do not need to own a vehicle – right ?

        So lets just start at the beginning with you, as so the readers can get a grasp of your thinking – OK ?

        Tell us – – – where do you think the progression of human transportation should have stopped ?

        1. You do know the first vehicles had pushbutton start – right ?

          You should be happy we, as humans, are going backwards – right ?


          1. I will answer my question, maybe we all should just answer that one simple question,

            Start fresh !!!

            Ill go first,

            I lifelongGMowner think human transportation should NEVER stop progressing.

            I LIKE to fly !! I like to drive !!!

            I would rather fly on a comfortable plane, not a crop duster.

            I would rather drive a comfortable vehicle, not a Model T.

            1. So you are telling me that a garage door opener cant be used in a car? And a key in the ignition wont do? I’ve had both types of cars and neither one is more important than the other.

              Do we ask for things because we just want change? Does a button work better? No, it is just a different way of doing the same act.

              You can ask for all of these up grades or you can focus on making the car or truck drive better, handle better, brake better, shift better, turn better. What’s more important?

              Everything cost money I wish our priorities were not on looks but on sunbstance. People who are obsessed with the interior of the car or truck has ruined everything about driving a car.

              Do you need better brakes, suspension or a better transmission or a 18 inch screen to watch while driving down the road?

              Where are your priorities?

              I’ll take the things that make the car or truck drive better over creature comforts

              1. Brian if you are choosing the transmission and the things that make a car better you for sure would not drive a GM product with that junk 8 speed transmission. Or a C7 Vette that the wheels break and bend. or the beloved Equinox that had the HORRIBLE engine that GM was ordered by the courts to fix. Just look at ALL the class action law suits against GM for the vehicle fundamentals you so preach about.

                They are all the same and some GM options are worse.

                When you ask me if a garage door opener or a key wont do, it is JUST like me asking you why don’t you walk ?

                You give me an answer as to why you don’t walk, then read your answer to yourself and that is my EXACT answer as to why a garage door opener or a key will not do.

                You have the power to answer the question !!!!

                Just give me an answer !!!

      2. Brian,

        Is it because you are cheap ?

        Because I doubt you are cheaper than I !!!!

        You do know you can buy cheap – right ?

        Nobody is stopping YOU from buying a vehicle with less- right ?

        You can buy an old one, new one, used one, cheap vehicles are all over, they make thousands a day !!!

        What I cant get, is a GM mid-sized vehicle better than ” Good Enough “.

        1. Because my point is trucks dont need and should have never gone down the luxury rabbit hole. Trucks are made for work and performance period.

          People dont need to ride in a lazy boy while driving a truck down the road.

          1. wrong.

            1. Wrong what

              1. 90% of the comments you make. Now you know.

          2. @Brian….tell that one to my neck & back! So I should be in pain while driving in my ‘work truck’? Good for you if you do not have a neck/back issue. I will gladly let you have mine for a couple of days so you can feel what it is like.

      3. Brian. push button start is NOT overrated as you say. I have push button start in my other vehicles and love it. With push button start there is NO fumbling in your pocket for a key every time you want to start the vehicle. At least GM should offer it as an option.

        Also, you call homelink a waste. With homelink you do NOT have to leave the garage door opener in the vehicle so it doesn’t clutter up interior space. Heavens, I had homelink way back in my 1997 Blazer.

  19. I however wish I could use my cell phone as my fob and have pushbutton start !

    Maybe a earing for my wife, could be her fob ?

    A credit card perhaps ?

    In 2020 we as humans have to carry a X to access a vehicle ?

    1. Funny I can use my phone as a Fob. I can unlock, lock, start, stop, program to turn on the defrost and the heated seats with my phone.

      Why does yours not work.

      I can even check tire pressure, oil life and even my mpg and driving.

      Then it also tells my phone where the truck is parked and how it was test driven and where it it is at a dealer or valet parked.

      1. You can ?
        I will go to the dealer tomorrow and get mine working !

        They told me and I have tried to drive my vehicle away after starting it with my phone yet it seems I need my fob.

        Just kidding with you C8.R I am well aware what you can use your phone for if you pay for OnStar and carry your fob !!

        You tell GM that you do not want a fob or an extra $16.00 a month payment and let me know what you can do with that phone of yours ?
        Unlock your doors and start your vehicle – yep.
        Are you going anywhere – nope.
        Are you checking anything on your vehicle – nope.
        Are you locating it – nope.

        But you keep paying , that’s good, maybe then GM can build a vehicle with more standard content.

  20. I just noticed they have the shift selector in the centre console again. Free up that console space for our other goodies, like the camera I always travel with. I have in the past bypassed gm’s that have the shifter in the console for that reason.I had it in the small Jimmy I had, & .quite frankly, it was a nuisance. Dash mounted controls are handier, & closer/quicker to reach. Food for thought GM.

  21. I definitely agree about size being an issue in not being able to park in my garage. While I would prefer the full sized pickup with Quadrasteer, a mid-size with Quadrasteer would be a temptation only because it would fit in my garage.

  22. I want a regular cab short box 2wd with V8 and a manual transmission. But that ship sailed long ago. LOL

    1. So build one yourself!!!

      Or do you not have that ability


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