GM Authority

Multiple GMC Acadia Owners Report ‘Shift To Park’ Issue

Multiple GMC Acadia owners have reported a similar problem with the crossover’s transmission.

Columbus ABC affiliate ABC6 recently spoke to a Westerville, Ohio family who had been experiencing problems with their 2018 GMC Acadia. They claim the crossover will sometimes fail to recognize that it has been put into park, flashing a message on the dash instructing the driver to “shift to park” even when the gear lever have already been moved to the ‘P’ position.

This sounds like the same problem experienced by a number of other GMC Acadia owners currently involved in a class action lawsuit against GM. The plaintiffs in the class action suit, which is being led by Connecticut attorney Sergei Lemberg, say their 2017 and 2018 model GMC Acadia crossovers will instruct them to “shift to park” even when the vehicle is already in park. As a safety measure, the vehicle will refuse to fully shut off or lock when it is not in park, leaving the owner stranded. One plaintiff in the suit took their vehicle to a GM service center, where mechanics were able to confirm the problem, but told her there was no fix available at this time.

The problem may also lead to the vehicles rolling away. The Ohio family ABC6 spoke to said their GMC Acadia once displayed the “shift to park” message when the vehicle was already in park, but when they got out of the vehicle, it rolled down the driveway with one of their children still inside. They have also taken their car into a GM service center, where employees identified a sensor problem and replaced the faulty part, but they claim the problems persisted.

GM has posted a technical service bulletin acknowledging the shift to park problem, though there is still no fix available. ABC6 was also able to track down other GMC Acadia owners who experienced this problem when they voiced their concerns through online forums.

Limberg, the attorney leading the class action case over the problem, says GM’s position on the matter is that there is “no legal claim for the reasons,” his clients maintain in the lawsuit. He said that GM also argues “the problem is small and insignificant,” and it can therefore not be held responsible for it. The automaker has already sought to have the suit thrown out.

Notably, the refreshed 2020 GMC Acadia ditches its traditional gear select lever for the Electronic Precision Shift system, which uses buttons to change gears instead.

Have you experienced this issue with your 2017 or 2018 model year GMC Acadia? You can let us know in the comment section below.

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Source: ABC6/Car Complaints

Sam loves to write and has a passion for auto racing, karting and performance driving of all types.

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  1. 2016-2020 Malibus also suffer from this issue so it’s not isolated to the Acadia. Check any Malibu owner’s forum and you’ll see this same issue brought up often by owners.

    1. I HAVE A 2018 Acadia with 19ooo miles ,purchased car on 04/20/2018. Started having shift to park issue on 05/ 01/2021. Haven’t taken lot dealer yet looking for best option so fix is perminent.

      1. This is the second time I have had the issue am taking to a dealer at the end of June to see what they say

        1. Me too

      2. I had the same problem two times with my GMC Acadia 2017

        1. I ha e a 2017 Acadia. I have the same problem. Sometimes it takes up to 20minutes of shifting into park before it shifts into park. What a waste of gas.

          1. I am having the same problem with my 2019 Acadia.

            1. I have the same problem with my 2017 Acadia.

              1. I to had this problem. Took car into dealer for a second time and they said they received notice from GM about shift in park “harness mechanism ” being at fault here.
                Replacement done and I had to pay for it. But its done and dealership says no one has had to come back for replacement, yet.

                1. What is the cost for a dealer to fix this Shift to Park problem for a 2019 GMC Arcadia Denali?

                2. Would you mind sharing the cost of this repair, and the city and state where the work was done? We have a 2017 Acadia, and are having the same problem.

                  1. Our 2017 was repaired this year and the total cost was $700.00. We had rewards of about $100.00 so we ended up paying a little over $600.00. I’m in Florida.

                    1. We were fortunate to be under extended warranty so it was our $100 deductible l.

                    2. We were fortunate to be under extended warranty so it was our $100 deductible. It would have been $500 without. They replaced my shift harness.

                3. I have a 2017 GMC Acadia and am experiencing this same problem. Shift to park message when i am already in park. Must resort to all kinds of shenanigans to turn my car off, this is not right. Will be my first and last GMC vehicle.

                  1. 2018 Acadia shift to park issues also. Now with 70k miles my Acadia will not move. Starts, can put into drive or reverse and remains in neutral. Disgusting!

                    1. I have a 2017 Acadia Denali and have had the shift into park issue twice. The first time it was within 6 months after new purchase in 2017. The second time was fall of 2022. This is crazy! Has anyone had a successful fix? GM should do better than this. It’s so disappointing.

                4. How much paid?

            2. I’m having the same issue with my 2019 Acadia. I’m worried about my safety and disappointed that from what I’m reading GMC doesn’t want to take responsibility for the issue. You pay purchase a your Acadia and spend a lot of money because this car does not come cheap and now we have to deal with malfunctions on our Acadia’s. Maybe if the new media will get involved GMC would do the right thing by their customers.

            3. I am having same problem with my 2019 ACADIA. Alarms continue to ring when engine is turned off but alarms keep on ringing. Shift to park is displayed on the screen over the steering column, After several atemps of start and stop and fiddling with gear shift the alarms finally stop. Sounds ike a sensor issue to me. I Just took my car to dealer today. They are charging me $150.00 to diagnose. They said they would apply this money towards any fix they determine.

            4. Posting this on 5/22/23 – I have a 2019 Acadia bought brand new. In 2021 it started having electronic issues… ( which I believe was the main computer component).. Dealer corrected it under warranty. Now at 77k miles – it has started the “shift to park” issue. Car is now out of warranty, and dealer said I’d have to pay for the replacement. GM should be responsible as this is a known, widespread issue of weak component/parts. Not right to have the customer’s pay for replacement.

        2. Have same problem with my 2017 Acadia. Dealer could not get it to reaccure there for it doesn’t exist. This started to happen on a busy road way as I was driving, had to nurse car to nearest road to pull off.

        3. My 2017 Acadia Denali was brand new when I purchased it from a dealership. 5 months later, I started having the “shift to park” issue. My engine would not turn off and I couldn’t lock my doors. I took it to a dealership and got it repaired under warranty, but in 2022, it started happening consistently again. I only have 30,000 miles on my car, but was told I’d have to pay for it myself. I’m reading that there is no fix. How can I join the lawsuit? GMC should take better care of us than this.

      3. I am also experiencing this issue. 2017 GMC Acadia.

        1. I just started getting the Shift to Park on my dashboard when I turn off my 2017 GMC Acadia again! Had this happen in 2019. What’s going on? Is a recall going to be sent?

      4. I have a 2017 Acadia & started having the shift to park issue in 2019 & have had it ever since

      5. Just spent $600 to fix this issue. Hope it works, but so disappointed with GMV

      6. Yes, I have had this issue two times with my 2017 Acadia.

      7. I have a 2018 GMC Acadia Denali that had the shift to park issue. Had it fixed in 2021 and is now doing the same thing in 2023.

        1. My sister and I both had 2017s and both had it replaced twice under warr if it happens again out of warr ima be freak out !!!!! This has been going on for years what’s it take to get it as a recall issue ??? Sooooooo many comments over the years I’m beyond shocked it hasn’t gotten a solution

    2. My 2017 Acadia experienced this a couple of years ago at 13,000 miles. Dealer first replaced wiring harness and resumed at first stop on the way home. Was lucky enough to have it done under warranty and get a rental. Dealer replaced shifter assembly; “fix” worked until a month ago and issue resumed. A couple of days ago, I started the Acadia and the climate control system is dead: no ac or heat and dash panel is dead. 22,000 miles now, and have service appointment day after tomorrow. Fixing to raise hell.

      1. Hi checking the update what happen when you went on dealership my AC isn’t working and I’m getting other error codes now and the thermostat is stuck open plus some steering message this is getting old I’m about to swear off Gmc for good 🙁 sad bc I really like my Acadia and had planned to trade in but not with them not fixing their issues and leaving us all stranded some literally

    3. We have a 2019 GMC Acadia that flashes the “shift to park” alert almost every time we attempt to turn off the vehicle.

    4. I also had this problem with my 2019 Silverado. They finally had to REPLACE everything from the steering column to the transmission. Only after 6 trips to the dealership, my truck was 2 days away from the warranty expiring!

  2. If you do a little bit of research you will find that this problem affected the Malibu and Traverse.

    There is a service bulletin out on this that originally had the shiftier replaced and not they have a harness that fixes the issues.

    All that is happening is the resistance is high in the harness and it is not sending a strong enough signal to the BCM to signal it is in park.

    If anyone has this issue just take it to the dealer and they will easily fix it.

    TSB Bulletin No.: 18-NA-297 or Refer to Bulletin #19-NA-206 for additional information and part numbers.

    Intermittent Shift to Park Message
    October 16, 2019
    There may be an intermittent Shift to Park message displayed on the Driver Information Center (DIC) when the vehicle has been shifted to Park and the ignition has been turned to the Off position (Fig. 32) on some 2016-2019 Malibu, Volt; 2017-2019 Acadia; 2018-2019 Traverse; and 2019 Blazer models. The Shift to Park message may be the result of a build-up of material on the contacts of the Park switch when it is activated in the transmission control (shifter) assembly. The excessive material may cause a higher than expected resistance in the signal circuit to the Body Control Module (BCM), and not allow the BCM to electronically see that the vehicle is in Park, even though the vehicle transmission is in the Park position.

    If this condition is present, the BCM will turn on the Shift to Park message and not allow the ignition to turn off, leaving the ignition in Accessory mode. To reduce the inrush of current that causes the excessive build-up on the contacts, install an in-line shifter wiring harness jumper (Fig. 33) between the shifter base connector and the console harness connector.

    Clean the Electrical Contacts

    With the vehicle in Park and the ignition off, remove the transmission control (shifter) lever knob and boot assembly. (Fig. 34)

    Next, clean the Park Switch electrical contacts by depressing the actuation rod fully and then releasing the rod. Use the flat side of a trim stick or your thumb and allow the rod to “snap” back to the full up position. (Fig. 35) Repeat the cleaning procedure 50 times. It’s critical to clean the electrical contacts to ensure a proper repair.

    After completing the cleaning procedure, start the vehicle and verify that the Shift to Park message is not displayed on the DIC. If the Shift to Park message is still displayed, replace the transmission control (shifter) assembly. A newly design transmission control assembly is now available.

    Install Jumper Harness

    If the Shift to Park message is not displayed, install the jumper harness. Remove the front floor console trim plate and disconnect the body harness from the transmission control assembly. (Fig. 36)

    TIP: To gain access to the shift control wiring connector, it will be necessary to remove only the front floor console trim plate. However, on some models, it may be necessary to remove the front floor console trim plate and reposition the console assembly

    Install the in-line shifter wiring harness jumper between the shifter base connector and the console harness connector. The jumper harness should not be twisted or kinked in a 90 degree position. (Fig. 37)

    Start the vehicle and verify that the Shift to Park message is not displayed. Reinstall the front floor console trim plate and any other trim panels as well as the transmission control lever knob and boot assembly.

    Refer to Bulletin #19-NA-206 for additional information and part numbers.

    The Change over had nothing to do with the shifter. Automakers are just eliminating shifters as the buttons and knobs are cheaper and easier to place with the new electronic controlled transmissions.

    This info can be found at GM Techlink on the web Search Acadia.

    The lawyer picked the wrong problem for class action as it is easily resolved in less than 2 hours at any GMC dealer.

    1. I know of that bulletin but several Malibu owners aren’t having this happen during warranty so they’re stuck with rather hefty bills to fix the problem. There are also Malibu owners who had this fix with the new harness and the issue was NOT resolved. There are long threads about this issue going back over 2 yrs. on Gen9 forum.

      GM has a design flaw on their hands and they need to step up and cover the repairs out of pocket and issue an extended warranty for this issue. The lawsuit is completely justified since this has been going for years and affects the Malibu, Acadia, Traverse plus the latest generation of Blazer and Volt (according the latest TSB on the issue).

    2. scott3 AKA C8.R,

      WHY, WHY !!!!!!!!

      Does it take a class action law suit to get these simple fixes done ?

      Talk to me as a human here, and not a piece of $hit, please.

      If these customers are taking their vehicles to a GM dealership, and the GM dealership can NOT do the simple fix you have laid out, what is your answer ?

      I would bet the customer then called the GM number and got directed right back to the dealer that could not help them in the first place.

      If you were GM, GM was your private company, and this fix seems so simple, how would you handle it ?

      Your personal reputation was on the line.

      Ring, ring, ring, hi I am calling because your workers said they could not fix my shifting into park trouble, and my child was in danger as my vehicle rolled away – – – – – – –

      And you C8.R respond how ?

      1. You get treated for what you are.

        #1 the fix came in before the law suit.

        #2 most dealers replaced the shifter to start with and then they found the wire issue so they redesigned the shifter.

        #3 they tested the fix over a period of time.

        #4 they then went to the vender to make the changes and corrected the harness.

        #5 they not have made the harness jumper to make the fix even easier.

        #6 the clear fix is included in not Service bulletin numbers provided.

        This is not a fix that happens in days it took time to find it and then resolve it as not all shifter were affected and even those who were it was intermittent. If you have ever worked on a vehicle with intermittent electrical issues you know you can not find it unless it is in the fail mode.

        The problem here may was identified not as a GM design issue but a supplier issue. I had heard GM was after them to help pay for the replacements of the flawed units.

        Problem identified, problem solved, problem tested, then problem corrected.

        Not even dealers are taking care of the Malibu models out of warrant per the forum post I have read. They cover the $650 unit for the customer.

        FYI no ones child was in danger. The vehicle would go into park. The message just said it was not in park. It would not let the key out of the ignition. After a couple shits the signal would be recieved.

        Hence if you note this is a service bulletin not a recall as the car is not unsafe to use. Just annoying.

        GM handled this as would any company in the industry.

        Now what about a Ford trucks with defective tailgates and fires now. Why are you not there posting?

        You can play with the ratings all you like as I don’t care. It is funny the negatives only go to unreal numbers when you are around. You have nothing else to do in the padded cell?

        1. All I heard here from you scott3 aka C8.R is blah, blah, blah, then

          Why would GM be any better than Ford.

          Is that where you really think GM should be ?

          Mommy all the other kids are doing it, it must be ok, says C8.R.

          Don’t you think GM should be better ?

          Why when GM has a known faulty part issue do you come back with,

          All the rest of the kids are doing it !!

          You really just don’t have one original thought if GM doesn’t tell you what to say, do you ?


          1. Yes I’m having the same thing with shift to park message coming up when it’s already in park but I have a 2019 Acadia. We are very afraid it is gonna leave us stranded or worse it will roll off one day.

            1. I, too, have a 2019 Acadia and have the same problem. Dealer says replacing the harness works 50% of the time. They recommend replacing the entire shifter, at my expense.

        2. Had this problem in early October, 2019 with about 23,000 miles on my 2017 Acadia Denali. Took it in for service. Whatever they did, it was fixed in a couple of hours and the problem has not happened since.

          1. my 2017 just started at 24,000 miles too. Hope the dealership will resolve the issue without cost to me since it is a known issue. Taking it in on Monday.

            1. Mine was at 18000 and it took the dealer over 3 days and a complaint to the manager to get it fixed. GM did eat most of the cost though.

              1. My 2018 GMC Acadia is also saying on the dash that I Need to put the car in park when it is in park. Very aggravating. Went to the dealer about it and was told that they could check it out for $128.00 service charge that my vehicle was out of warranty. GMC should fix since it’s an occurring problem with other owners. Not going to buy another GMC if they don’t stand behind there product.

                1. I have a 2017 Acadia with 18237 miles. I just started getting the “ shift to park” msg within the last 2 weeks ( Feb 2021).
                  Has there been any new solution to this issue?

                  1. My 2017 had the shifter assembly replaced under warranty. As to a long term permanent fix, I don’t know.

                  2. I have same problem with my 2017 Acadia. Back twice during bumper to bumper warranty and still fails. Took it back last week and they tell me GMC won’t cover it but the shifter harness is too short and they want $350 to put in the new part. This is a safety issue and the Feds need to get involved to force GM to fix it or give us new cars under the Lemon Law. Time to give up buying new GM vehicles.

                  3. My solution was to contact lemon law. com. I am suing GM. Had it fixed three times. Lease was up so I brought it back.

                2. ‘ll

            2. I am a 2017 Acadia owner with 32,000 miles and it just started doing this shift to park message. My husband, 18 year old son and I all have experienced this at different time while driving this vehicle. We do not drive the Acadia on a regular basis so when it first started we really didn’t think much of it just kept re-shifting it into park until it recognized it. I would like to get it fixed as it is more annoying than anything for us. Also embarrassing when we have family or friends as passengers and they have to wait on us to get it to go into park until we can leave the vehicle. Everyone gives us compliments on the vehicle until they get to see this ordeal.

              1. Same issue with my 2017 Acadia, car has about 90,000 miles. Had major issues with the transmission in January and it took three months to get a new transmission. Finally had car up and running and now the shift to park issue. Back and forth, shift, move car a few inches too, back and forth, shift, etc. Sometimes it takes three or four tries before I can have it register that I am actually in park and I can turn my car off. In a parking lot people probably wonder what am I doing. Heading in to dealership Wednesday. Off warranty too.

            3. Did the Dealership end up fixing it for free. I take mine in next week.

              1. They fixed mine the 1st time for free because it was still under 60,000 miles. The 2nd and 3rd time my extended warranty payed for it but I had to pay $100 deductible.

            4. Mine started at 24,000 miles also. I’m out of warranty and dealer wants $339 to fix.
              Called GM and they said to call dealer. Haha

          2. the park issue on my 2017 GMC Acadia denila drained my battery, I now have it in the shop having the part replaced. 389.00 for part. hope I don’t have any future problems. 30,000 miles on vehicle

        3. Supposedly my shifter in my GMC Acadia 2017 was replaced two years ago at the dealer. Now a year and a half later it is doing this again. So the problem was not solved.

          1. Please Acadia owners let’s get together and put up bill boards for people not to buy GMC cars until they address problems on our cars.

        4. Great info C*.R…. my 2017 Acadia SLT goes to shop on 12/29. 44,000 miles.

      2. I would fire every JA that worked on the Push Button System internally as well as everyone who signed off on it, outsource a fix to the OEM that pushed the crummy system on the designers and engineers, and or have an in-house switch to something more convenient and conventional!

        A mechanical switch to physically actuate electronic controls is not a bad thing. It just costs more! Then again if GM were my company, Opel, Vauxhall, Holden, Pontiac would still be with us as one product line, with each brand selling only the models that fit the persona of the brand. Buick would be an electric only version of the same cars with completely unique designs. GMC would be a Global brand, with shared platforms, and 7/8 scale bodies and a premium design and build while being sold in the PBHOV Dealerships globally. Cadillac would be a Rolls-Royce & Bentley competitor with a traditional *LS and *TS Trims, with *LS being Luxury=Fuel Cell, and *TS being Touring=Hybrid V** engines and a $100,000 dollar price increase over the *LS models.

        82% of the Business employees globally would be gone, and every division would have independent Management, Design, and Engineering, with a Global Corporate Parts Bin to use as needed for things like Lug Nuts, Blower Motors, Struts, etc.

        And to top it off, this ugly Converse shoe of a car would have never seen the light of day to begin with! So, I guess in the end, everything else would have solved this problem before it began!

    3. How does a person get involved in the lawsuit? This is happening to my 2018 Acadia and the dealer has no idea how to fix it.

      1. My 2018 Arcadia has started saying shift to Park after I cut it off and the ringer is going off. What can I do ??

      2. Just cost me $695.00 to have my 2018 fixed with this issue.

    4. Have there been any subsequent updates or changes since December. It is now July and I’m still having problems.

    5. I have contacted my local GMC dealer twice to remedy this problem and both times I was told the item is on order but there is limited supply to correct the defect. My initial contact was about 8 months ago. With one service associate instructing me to “just keep turning my ignition on and off until the car registers that it is indeed in park” with my concern being damaging the transmission by doing this. My husband luckily realized you can press the lever on the shifter to also manipulate the “sensor” However I did this tonight in a parking garage and the shifter shifted out of the park position while parked on a slight incline and the whole vehicle rolled into a parking barrier damaging my front bumper!

    6. My 2018 Chevrolet Malibu is in the Service Dept. for exactly as you described. When speaking with my Service Advisor this morning, he tells me the shift control assembly will be replaced. When I first took the vehicle to Service, I did tell the advisor to keep the car until it replicated the problem. Obviously, this is what happened.
      Hopefully, replacing the shift control assembly will eradicate the problem. Your statement jumped out at me…” it is easily resolved in less than 2 hrs at any GMC dealer’. Here’s hoping you were right!!!

  3. C8.R – excellent explanation ! Although I have not had this issue with my 2019 Traverse. I have been following along on the Traverse forum, and indeed there are also a number of 2018 owners who have confirmed the same fix that you have described above.

  4. I had read about this and thought it must have been difficult to locate the poor signal as it was intermittent but still there.

    Vehicles just don’t get any easier to fix or build.

  5. Sooooo let me get this straight about the family mentioned, you noticed the display showing “shift to park” but still got out of the vehicle without any hesitation with your child in the back????

  6. But 2017-2018 acadias they don’t have the 9 speeds though? Don’t they have the 6-speed?

  7. This happened to my 2017 Acadia a few months ago. The dealership replaced the shifter and have not had any problems since, keeping our fingers crossed.

    1. You should be good as the shifter was redesigned.

      1. But C8.R,

        What about the customers who still have the old faulty shifter design ?

        Again just like GM you avoid them ?

        1. Not all are bad. If it is take it to the dealer and get it fixed.

          This was a supplier issue and it did not affect every shifter. Even the ones affected it was intermittent.

          No children were in danger as it did go into park just a message would say it was not. Also the key may not come out. Unsafe no annoying yes.

          I have driven a vehicle with this issue and know first hand what the problem was like.

          Who is avoiding what. Got a problem take it in and get it fixed.

          My post to your other post will need approved. Not sure why it was held as I did not call you what you are. Lol!

          1. Would that be crazy again ?

            But seriously then,

            Take and get it fixed at whos expense ?

            If this is – was a free fix, again WHY, WHY, is there another CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT !

            Someone is missing something here.

            YOU ARE !

            The dealers are NOT fixing these ” KNOWN FAULTY PARTS ” as you have just explained, free of charge !!

            WHY, WHY, WHY, would you go to a lawyer if it was fixed FREE !!

            Just like when YOU got your 8 speed junk transmission fixed for FREE, the people who went to the lawyers DID NOT !

            AGAIN why, WHY, WHY, is this so hard for you to understand !!!!

            GM has ZERO customer support !

            In my opinion.

            1. I am on my second fix now on my 2017 Acadia. Yes, the first fix the dealer fixed free as on warranty. Now, 2 years later it broke again. Guess who has to pay this time. Dealer said wait for a recall notice if GM loses the lawsuits. notice plural, and bring in my receipt and I can then be reimbursed. Guess GM is not interested in repeat customers.

    2. This is happening with my 2017 Acadia with a little over 39,000 miles on it. Is it something the dealer will cover the cost?

      1. I just called my dealer and was told it would be $380 repair in my 2017 Acadia SLT with 38,800 miles. I will be following up with GMC.

      2. We purchased our 2017 Acadia, NEW about 2 yrs. ago in January 2018 ( had 24 miles on the odometer). Now has just over 30,000 miles, we are experiencing same “shift to park” problem described above. I ALWAYS set the park brake due to this issue (which is not reassuring). Taking it to GMC dealer.

  8. I have that issue with my 2017 GMC Acadia, which is now out of warranty.

    1. Go to the dealer and see what they will do. The Malibu drivers have reported they are getting it fixed or they are at least getting most of it covered.

      Most dealers are helping if you have one that is not go to a better dealer. Larger good service dealers are generally the best.

      1. Our dealer won’t do anything – I paid out of pocket for them to try to reset the system and now have to pay out of pocket for them to replace. Doubly annoyed that it takes multiple trips and multiple times paying for something that should be covered since it is such a widespread issue.

    2. Let me help you Dan.

      Forget about it, go to an independent tech in your town and have them fix it for you.

      Or fix it yourself.




      But it simply does not matter, you are out of warranty and that is how GM as a company operates.

      You will be much better off NOT dealing with GM after your warranty is up, they will NOT do anything for you and it costs more to get fixed !

      C8.R is a GM guy, he will not personally help you either !

      In my opinion

      1. How do you fix it yours
        Ed? Are there instructions and part number available anywhere?

      2. Even when your power train warranty is still in effect, this is not a covered issue.

        1. That’s what I was told just yesterday. GMC told me it’s going to cost me $526 to fix the issue on my 2019 Acadia.

  9. Shift to park was a major issue with my 2017 acadia. The car was 1 yr old when it would not turn off at a softball tournament in June of 2018. I had the shift to park message and I could not get my car to turn off. I went to hudson valley Cadillac and was told that they would order the part. It took over a month to come in, replaced my gear shift. For over a month I left my car unlocked and on in parking lots, no loaner provided. Then under 1 year later I receive the shift to park message again. I left my car unlocked in aparking lot with shift to park on ignition after attempting to turn it off for over an hour. SHIFT TO PARK IS AN ISSUE!! GM should compensate owners for time,stress, and inconvenience this malfunction causes owners.

  10. We had same problem with our 2017 Acadia. It got so bad it killed the battery, had car towed to dealer 27 miles away ( we paid for the tow). They said we were wrong when we told the tech about the shift problem. It is only the battery we were told, replaced the battery and we took it home. We returned to the dealership the next day and had the shifter Cable replaced. Hopefully this is the last time.

    1. The cables is not what is wrong note my first post with the service bulletins that have the correction.

      1. We have a 2019 GMC Acadia . It is 3 yrs old, and it has started doing the same . I shift into Park and it starts dinging. It reads shift in to park. I pull it out of gear and back to park , but it keeps doing the same thing. Frustrated

  11. Keep your fingers crossed, I received a shift to park message less than 1 year after my first gearshift was replaced

  12. I had that issue early this year and my dealer changed without asking me. The technician tell me it was around 20 issues at that time.

  13. My 2018 Acadia began doing this intermittently about a month ago. My dealer said he has heard a wire harness has been tried to fix the problem but he ordered one for a customer a month ago and has not received one from GMC yet. The one thing that we have found for now is that when the message comes up if we squeeze the switch on the backside of the shifter the message goes away. To me that may be a temporary answer because I think long term the problem will persist and probably get worse.

  14. 2017 Acadia started having same problem in late summer. Little over 12,000 miles, so was still under warranty. Left it at dealer Friday-Wednesday and was told they could replicate the problem and to pick car up. First stop on way home and got the error again. This time, it was there for a month while waiting on a new wiring harness. Picked it up and problem reoccurred on second stop. Was in for six weeks waiting for new shift assembly to arrive. So far so good after two weeks. If it happens again, I’ll pursue redress through the Texas lemon law.

  15. I own a 2018 GMC Acadia Denali and have experienced the problem of ding ding ding, ‘shift to park’ the only constant factor I’ve be able to recognize is that it occurs when I’m parked on flat ground. Sometimes I’ve wiggle the gear shift, others I’ve set my parking park. Once in a while I can open the door and it stops. There’s no rhyme or reason. Waiting on a recall

    1. No recall but there are two service bulletins that will fix this.

      1. Where’s the recall bulletin on this service parking brake? My car has been stuck for couple days in the parking lot due to my parking brake is stuck. It’s bad enough with the pandemic happening and all the shops are closed. To make it worst, I’m currently station in Belgium away from any Chevrolet/GMC/GM Dealers. I really regret buying this 2018 GMC ACADIA.

  16. We are going through this currently on our 2018 acadia denali. This vehicle is too expensive to be having the problem, GM needs to step up a d take care of this dangerous issue!

    1. Don’t worry Shaun McHenry,

      scott3 aka C8.R says its not a dangerous issue !

      He and GM of course will do nothing for those who have this exact ” FAULTY PART ” issue, and are out of warranty !!

      Unless this is deemed, by the government , a personal safety issue, not by you or other owners of the vehicle, GM does NOTHING to help owners out of warranty.

      NO EXCEPTIONS !!!!!

      Some dealers mite work with some people, but it is up to the dealer owner, not GM.

      GM has ZERO customer support !!!

      In my experience.

      1. I was lucky enough to get Enterprise rentals at (mostly) GM’s expense for my Acadia’s two lengthy stays at a dealer BECAUSE it was still under warranty. IF problem ever reoccurs, my legal position will be that the problem was never remedied so the new shift assembly, wiring harness and jumpers started a new warranty for that particular issue at 0 miles/0 months.

        1. I’m a retired disabled woman with an 80 year old husband. Wanted to buy a dependable car through my reputable dealer. Shift to park has started coming on. !?!?!? When I read the comments on this forum, I think I should go back to Cadillacs. They are better to their customers and much more concerned!!! I should have thought twice when I was informed of 60,000 mile warranty… now what do I do???

  17. I have a 2017 Acadia Denali. We have the issue. Have taken it I’m twice to have fixed. After the second time, we traded it in.

  18. I own a 2017 GMC Acadia Denali. I had the same shift into park message with the shift lever clearly in park. Dash message was displayed and car would not properly power down after pressing the start stop button.

    I took the vehicle to the GMC Dealer where I purchased it and they replaced the shifter assembly. Problem solved. But now I am concerned that the issue may come back. The Good news I bought the 10 year, 100K mile extended warranty.

    1. Please keep an eye on it. My car was 11 months old and had the very same issue. The dealership put a new shifter in and problem solved. Now, 10 months later it is going back in for the same issue. I also had to replace the battery last month. I bought my car new and it is a 2018 Acadia Denali.

      1. Same story for me. I purchased my 2018 Acadia new and within the first year experienced the shift to park issue. It was under warranty and repaired. One year later it happened again and was repaired. Now the car is not turning on at all as it doesn’t recognize that it’s in park to start up and it’s being towed to the dealership today. I haven’t even owned the car for two years. Would the lemon law apply or is there a class action in my state of Florida as well?

      2. I have A 2017 GMC Acadia Denali, I’ve had it fixed at 16,900 miles, and again at 45,000. The battery had to be replaced as well. It’s super frustrating. $600 (with the warranty as well).

    2. My 2018 Acadia is now doing this! And now does not wanna start all the time! Very frustrated reading all these comments and not having a recall on this issue!

    3. Happening right now with my 2017 Acadia.
      I have turned it on and moved the shifter out of park then put it back in park at least 20 times and it won’t shut down. It keeps showing SHIFT TO PARK. This is the 2nd time with this car!!! I had it repaired last year!!
      So frustrating.

  19. Why just 2017 or 2018?? My 2010 will give me the same message at times! It doesn’t matter the conditions I’m parked in either. There’s also times when in park the vehicle will continue to roll a little bit.

  20. We just had our vehicle fixed on Dec 10th 2019. The dealer installed a new Trans Control Module, works correctly now. Had the same issue as other owners, message was shift to park on the cluster, it was a intermittent issue. Dealer was great and gave us a courtesy vehicle for the day

    1. Having the same issue with my 2017 Acadia. Brought it in to the dealership and they stated they couldn’t replicate the problem, therefore could not fix it. Problem is it doesn’t happen everytime I place it in the park position. Been having more issues with it lately. Dealer stated I would have to pay if they do find an issue next time I bring it in. Has 53,000 miles. Not happy!!

      1. The problem lies with the shifter trigger’s “micro switch” that is part of that harness/shift lever assembly. Gm has obviously never upgraded the switch. They simply replace the old failed switch, with a “ready-to-fail“, but “new” micro switch… which eventually corrodes the same terminals, starting the cycle all over again.

        This happens specifically because this micro switch is obviously not controlling any high voltage (or high current) loads that will blast through most any “light terminal corrosion”. The voltage being switched is only “micro volts”, which is quite sensitive to any contact corrosion. There is just enough oxidation on the contacts, to prevent the sensitive micro voltage signal from reaching the ECM, which then sends a fault code producing the infamous, “Shift to Park” message.

        Micro switch contacts in such a sensitive voltage environment (ie, computer controls) are most always gold plated, which is so thin, it’s really not all that costly, but was not an available option in this size micro switch. Obviously, they NEED to come up with a NEW micro switch with better (gold plated) contacts, which won’t likely happen until GM is forced (class action suit anyone). Soooo, until then, here is what works 98% of the time with the first “flick” on my 2018 Acadia:

        Simply flick the black “trigger switch” at the front (forward) underside of the shift knob with your right hand and fingers, using a brisk, upward “brushing style”.

        You accomplish this by using a rapid upward motion so the “trigger switch” is flicked (by one or more fingers) as your hand is passing swiftly upward, just above the shift knob (note: your fingers are perpendicular to the shift lever). These quick, multiple flicks, cause the micro switch contacts to once again make contact, telling the computer “all is well”, and the “Shift to Park” indication will extinguish. Rustie….

        1. 2017 Acadia 41,000 dollars new shifter problem 550 dollars to replace at 37,000 miles. I a new Toyota in our future to replace this piece of junk.

          1. What did they replace for the $550? They replaced the shifter harness in July of 2020 and now they are replacing the transmission control button on mine which is still under warranty until 1/13/2021

            1. My 2018 GMC Acadia started doing this issue today. Still under warranty. Calling the dealership tomorrow. Frustrating !

              1. MY FIX!
                If it happens…I hold the shifter and use my fingers to “flick” the button…essentially hold it in and let snap back. I do this no more than 3 times and it stops the Shift to Park issue from happening for a period of time… might be a week or a couple months before it happens again.
                2017 Acadia Denali

  21. I have had my 2017 acadia all terrian for six months and this has happened a handful of times. I can usually turn the car back on and off and it will recognize park.

  22. My 2018 Acadia had this problem, took it to the dealer in Michigan & they said it needed a harness, but it was during the GM/UAW strike & they couldn’t get the part. We were leaving (driving) to Florida and I couldn’t wait for the strike to end, so the dealership gave me my car back & I didn’t have the – Shift to Park – show up for 2 months. I then took it to my dealer in Florida & they said changing the harness was a temporary fix, changing the lever was the correct fix & they had them in stock. It would be nice if GM knows this is a systemic problem & notify Acadia owners & put out the correct fix to the dealership service. It’s called Customer Satisfaction

    1. I just bought a 2018 GMC Acadia, 2 days later this started happening. It only goes away after about two or three times of turning the car back on and shifting to reverse then park then turning it off again.

  23. My Cadillac does this maybe twice a year.

  24. Happened to me too with my 2017 Acadia many times intermittently then stopped for a month.

  25. Yes!!!! Have had it in the shop several times and they replaced the sensor then that didn’t work..
    Took it back again and they replaced the shifter
    Other issues are that my car keeps showing. “Brake Assist” but noone can figure out why this is going on
    Another thing is that my front collision system goes off on its own. .
    Shop tells me that they are working with GMC to get “codes” to fix the problem
    I have even took videos to show the shop and so they can update GMC…
    Hum wonder if they will do anything before someone gets hurt

  26. Issue with my 2017 Acadia started intermittently and finally increased beyond annoyance. Keyless, issue would not let me lock doors and running lights were on: obviously security risk and risk of battery discharging. Only fix was to start, shift into drive or reverse, travel a few inches, then back to park and try to shut down. Reached the end of my patience when I parked in a huge open access lot at the college where I teach. Had a class from 6-10 pm, so I wanted Acadia locked and secured. Spent 40 minutes doing the procedure above repeatedly until it finally worked and I could secure the car. Made me late to class. Actually thought about leaving it, with running lights on, unlocked and door open, and Ubering home to file an insurance claim. Had a 2013 Yukon before (sadly totaled when I was rear-ended); no issues. Liked the Acadia until this problem surfaced. Not acceptable.

  27. I have a 2018 Acadia and it did do the same I took it to the dealer they did a software up date and replace the shifter and my car has been working great.

  28. Wow! I have a 2017 Acadia and it has been doing this infrequently . It hasn’t done it in a while but after reading this I will be on the look out and I’m taking it back to the dealership.

  29. Yep, my 2017 does this at least once a week!

  30. Anyone with the issue take it in and present the TSB numbers at the start of these posts. Insist the dealer take care of it. If they give you trouble see another dealer or call GMC CS.

    They will put in the jumper harness and it will be resolved.

    Being informed with service bulletins is the way to deal with this as even a bad service department will know you are informed and not some babbling long term GM moaner.

    1. Do not believe C8.R,

      I agree that an informed customer gets better results, but will have nothing to do with your GM warranty.

      GM will do nothing for you, when you call GM they will send you back to the dealer to help you, if the dealer does not and you call GM CS-Customer Support, GM will just send you to another dealer, that will do nothing for you if you are out of warranty.

      I am the one scott3, or now he goes by C8.R, ( as he changes his name to try to convince new people of things that simply he knows nothing about ) calls ( today ) long term GM moaner. However it does not bother me as it is his only response here to people that do not agree with his opinion, and if he doesn’t like yours he quickly goes into personal attack mode. Calling you names, etc.

      But each to there own !!

      If your GM vehicle is out of warranty, GM, scott3, or C8.R , none of them will do anything for you !!
      If the government makes GM do a recall do to safety GM will fix your and all vehicles GM tells the government are faulty.

      That is the truth, and it is your warranty, there is nothing you can do but spend your money and have your GM vehicle fixed.

      C8.R may sound like he is well informed, yet he is connected to GM and just tries to help make them sound like the have any Customer support. Most people on this site on a day to day basis are GM employees or GM dealer employees trying to make ” real customers ” feel that they have had GM help them in some way.

      It is a FACT that GM themselves has ZERO CUSTOMER SUPPORT, it is ALL done through a dealer, and the dealer has the legal right not to have to fix your vehicle. And GM can not make them. GM dealers are independent franchises and that’s it, privately owned.

      He likes to use words like, you should insist, and if they give you trouble, go to another dealer, but he knows GM will do nothing for you unless the government forces them.

      Your turn scott3.

  31. Agreed. No argument. Service advisories are always great to have prior to a dealer visit. (I’m a private pilot; the service advisories we get from manufacturer/FAA, especially the mandatory ones, usually result in much financial pain for the owner). Except: harness/jumper was on back order for weeks. Didn’t fix the problem when it arrived and was installed. Then shifter assembly was on back-order for weeks more. After my Acadia was there for five weeks, dealer called: “Good news, bad news. We got a shifter assembly in today, but it’s going into an Acadia that has been here for three months. Yours should arrive sometime soon.” Not making this up.

  32. I guess a simple shift cable to do the job it has done for 50 years is asking too much?

  33. 2014 Chevy Malibu had the same problem. Dealer didnt believe me until I showed video of it. Replaced sensor in the shifter.

  34. I had the same problem. Took it to the dealer multiple times, they verified the problem, so they didn’t have a fix. Finally they replace the entire gear shaft and I haven’t had the message sense. Has been about a year since I last saw the message. 2017 Acadia.

  35. Just started this today, pulled into parking spot, got the warning shift to park. Did it 3 times in a row, then stopped.

  36. 2016 Malibu also has a known issue with this. Tragic. Its beyond annoying. Have to be embarrassed and looking silly turning the car on and off several times to get it into park in order to get out of the car.

  37. My husband and I have a 2017 GMC Acadia. We are having the exact same problem with a “shift into park” message on the dashboard when it is already in park!!! Brought to our GMC dealership in Norwich, CT. I was told it was a sensor issue and could be fixed for almost $600.00!!! Then the service employee stated that, ” it wasn’t a big deal, the vehicle won’t roll away on you, so do you want it fixed?” Ummmmmmm, NO!! was my answer!!! I asked if there was a recall. She “looked” at, or pretended to look at the computer and said ,”no, but keep checking back to see if more people complain about it because your the 2nd one this week!!’

  38. We bought a 2018 gmc Acadia with 17k miles on it from a dealer and after a couple months we started getting the shift to park message. It does it randomly. When it does happen we have to juggle the shifter a bunch of times for the sensor to read it so we can turn off and lock the car

  39. Acadia owners the problem with the shifting is due to a bad shifter assembly. Our 2017 had this problem, had the dealer replace the shifter and problem was solved for free (recall)

  40. Dang Gm why is it so hard to build safe reliable vehicles any more

  41. I had the Shift to Park issue in two different GM vehicles, a 2016 Buick Regal and a 2017 GMC Acadia. Both times my dealer replaced the sensor and the issue was resolved.
    Currently driving a 2018 Regal TourX so we’ll see if the issue persists with this vehicle, too.

  42. Just purchased our 2018 GMC Acadia in April, 2019. It had approximately 25,000 miles on it. It just started doing the “shift to park” thing last week. How inconvenient and annoying!! Will someone please tell me when a recall comes up? Thank you.

    1. Grace just take it to the dealer. Reference the two service bulletins I posted in the first post and they should address it.

      There is no recall but if you present the vehicle they have a fix for it waiting.

      Not all Acadias have the issue so only those presented are fixed.

  43. 2017 acadia battery went dead because of the shift to park. Gmc should have a recall on it and fix their screw up.

  44. Yes! I have also experienced the same issues with my 2017 Acadia. I was able to get the shifter replaced at the dealership, but there are still issues with the replaced shifter.

  45. I had the same issue 2 days after purchasing a 2017 Acadia. I brought it back to the dealer and they replaced the shift assembly. I have not had an issue since (knock on wood).

  46. Had the same issue in 2018 Chevy traverse, gear selector was replaced haven’t had issue since

  47. I have had my 2018 GMC Acadia Denali for a year and it has just started having this park to shift problem. I had made an Appt with the dealership next week and was researching it when I found this forum.

    1. We experienced the same problem with our 2018 Chevy Traverse, the dealership has to replace the park safety switch, it took about an hour and no problem since.

  48. I too had this issue in my 2017 Acadia. I googled this issue and found a thread similar to this. It was exactly one year ago that I took it in twice to get fixed and I think finally got it resolved by the dealership.

  49. We have a 2017 Acadia and are experiencing the same problems when vehicle put in park.

  50. Well scott3,

    Are you going to call all of these people liars ?
    Is GM going to fix All of these shifting troubles ?
    Why aren’t you helping these people ?

    To all the GM customers here who have this trouble and others from GM faulty parts. From my personal experience, GOOD LUCK !!
    If you are one of the lucky ones, like scott3 was with his GM 8 speed junk transmission, GREAT, good for you. I am seriously happy you had your GM faulty part fixed to your satisfaction.

    As for the rest or you, who have not had your GM faulty part fixed by GM, I am truly sorry, and I feel your frustration as I have been there, more than once, if you can believe that.

    In my opinion, C8.R is correct !!! GM has figured out all they need to know to fix the problem, GM knows what to do.
    But in my opinion, GM strategically manages the known faulty part issues. GM will prolong the fix as long as possible, blaming the supplier, and the dealer, or just whoever possible to push the trouble further along the warranty calendar.
    By doing so GM will not be responsible for as many repairs, thus saving GM their precious cash.
    Soon if enough GM customers are not happy with how they were treated, these GM customers will start a class action lawsuit, as they have no other choice. But this to is just a GM tool, as GM can at this point pay a small sum, of that O so precious cash, and make the problem just go away.
    Its the auto world we live in today.

    Sometimes I would like to know if GM spends more money avoiding the customer and not fixing known faulty parts ( lawyers, marketers, fake bloggers. ) then if they would just fix them ? I’m sure someone over there at GM has run the numbers.

    Any way, just more opinion, and good luck out there, I feel for you !

  51. I own a 2017 Acadia and i also experience the same problem I’m told to shift to park when it shows I’m in park already

    1. My 2018 Acadia SLT has been doing this nearly every day for at least six months and it doesn’t just do it once or twice, it’s a 90% of the time throughout the day kind of madness.
      Steps to park every other automatic vehicle: Press Brake * shift into “Park”.
      Steps to park and turn off 2018 Acadia:
      Step on brake * Shift into park * Wait to see if beeping is rear seat reminder, shift to park notification or something else * Shift into park more by pushing shifter forward as much as possible without breaking it.
      * Literally slap, bat and shove it like a caveman * Repeat last two steps until notification disappears and you’ve gained ability to shut off and confidently exit vehicle.

      1. Take it in. My dealer fixed this problem in two hours under warranty.

    2. I’ve had this same issue with my 2017 Acadia. I took it back to dealership a week after I bought it because it was saying “shift to park”. The computer wouldn’t shut off for hours one day. They came and got it. I had a rental and they gave it back 3 weeks later. That was over a month ago and recently it’s been giving me the same error. It’s not as regular as before. I am able to move the shifter a bit and it shuts off. I just really hope it was truly fixed and not a bandaid on it until my warranty expires. I’m extremely disappointed in GM and how they are trying to treat this situation.

  52. My 2017 model did as described and the dealer replaced the shifter mechanism.

    1. I had the same problem as of December 11th 2019 I was told there was a fix and they replaced a harness and this seemed to solve the problem. This was completed at my expense of about…..

      I have the same problem with a 2018 GMC Acadia. On December 11th 2019 I had this problem solved as they described in a bulletin from GM with a harness problem. The GMC dealer made this repair at my expense for about $250.

  53. This happened to me / was told it was gear shift at one gm place / however since it was my battery that kept dying I went to another gmc Buick dealership and they told me it was battery / spent $300 in new battery and the the shift problem kept happening / instead of paying another $500 to fix that I traded it in

  54. Same problem, most attempts to shut off the system was 8. New parts installed by the GMC dealer helped but it does it still every so often.

  55. Had the same problem in 2018 Chevy traverse fixed under warranty. Dropped off at dealership after waiting a week for appointment. Did not fix part was not in stock would call when part arrived to set up new appointment. After 3 weeks of no phone call I called and made a stink because issue was getting worse plus driving vacation was a week away. Bought in the next day and was fixed under warranty. Obviously a big problem because no part in stock service writer told me he took another customers part to fix mine so I can go on vacation without a issue.

  56. I have experienced the same shift to to park problem this past summer (2019) while on a driving vacation. I did find a work around for l9cking the vehicle by using the key fob or passenger door lock. The problem was fixed by my dealer when I returned home with no problems since.
    But I still have a very noisy transmission whine while driving in allwheel mode at 60km (35mph). I have been told that there is nothing that can be done. Anybody else?

  57. Glad I have a 19 Cruze.

  58. Shift To Park Issue.
    I had the same problem reported on the GMC Arcadia on my 2017 Malibu. I took it to my Chevy dealer and they said they had no bulliten on this but they did fix what ever the problem was, since I have not had the problem reoccur.

  59. We bought our GMC Arcadia Denali about 5 months ago and we are currently experincing the same issue and the shift to park problem I figure out to release the break after putting the car in park. It work but there times the Car does it all the time. It sucks

  60. Just got our 2017 Acadia fixed on Tuesday 12/10/19 they explained they replace the the TCM. Vehicle works correctly now.

  61. I brought my 2017 GMC Arcadia and I am just starting to have these problems.

  62. I have a 2017 model Acadia. I have experienced this several times. My car will not shut off when it does this.

  63. Set the parking brake

  64. Had a 2017 Acadia Denali and put 37000 miles on it. Never had this issue though a better trans would have been appreciated.

  65. I have a 2017 Acadia, and experience the same exact problem! Sometimes it’ll happen every time I put my car in park, then there’s times it’ll go weeks without doing it! I haven’t found a fix either. I sometimes have to restart my car and move it to drive and then back to park several times before it recognizes it’s in park.

  66. I had the harness installed in my out of warranty 16 Malibu LT a month ago for $50 by the dealer…no issues since.

    BTW if you tap the shift selector button several times quickly, it almost always turns off the message. A good workaround until you get the harness installed.

  67. Back when Mazda service was in the same building as GM and Chrysler I’d sit there waiting for scheduled service to be completed on my Mazda and most of the GM owners were there for recalls. I recently called my daughter about a recall on her 2017 Tahoe because it sounded serious concerning one wheel locking up as the vehicle went down the road.She said great, I can put that one with the other two I have in my glove box.

  68. Our 2017 GMC Acadia also does this. I took it to the dealer and they also said it is something that cannot be fixed. It doesn’t do it all the time, but it is still a pain especially for the amount of money you pay for a new vehicle. Very disappointing I have always wanted an Acadia.

    1. My GMC Acadia Denali has the same shift from park to another gear is not operating correctly. I had the vehicle in the garage six times for same service of the vehicle. My question is what happened to quality and respect of the customer and not just looking at profits.

  69. Same issue with my 2017 acadia. Sometimes it takes 10 minutes of trying to “park” just to make a quick trip into the store. Sometimes I could have been done shopping and home by the time I actually get the dumb thing to work.

    1. My Acadia just started doing this is there something I can do ?

  70. My 2018 Acadia was doing the same thing. Took it to the dealership and they replaced my entire gear shift. Works great now.

  71. Same issue I’ve experienced…twice. entire gear shift assembly replaced twice. Had to have the car towed to dealership twice…they covered first row and then couldn’t believe the car was back second time. I covered second.

  72. I have a 2019 Acadia and this started at about 12000 miles. Happens intermittently and is annoying. Haven’t taken it to the dealer yet

  73. I have a 2009 Acadia SLT with almost 209,000 miles on it and a month ago I had this issue with the gear not recognizing it was in park. I was told it was the whole assembly arm had to be replaced but a friend googled it and only the little rubber connector was missing. He ordered the $25 part for me and I popped it in myself. For the week I waited for delivery a binder clip was all that was necessary to keep it in place and that was driving on the Houston freeways.

  74. I recently purchased my 2017 and I have noticed this issue to happen off and on. When was occurring I scheduled with maintenance review then the error stopped. Then after scheduling for an oil change it started again so I scheduled another appointment then it stopped. I just don’t know what to do because it’s hard to report a problem that isn’t presenting itself at the time of your appointment.

  75. I have a 2018 Acadia and this started happening at about 20,000 miles. I have an appointment to take it to the dealer this week. Very annoying and something better be done.

    1. Mine started around 23,000 miles….also the “brake assist”…..

  76. I have a 2017 with 19,500 miles . I am having the same problem. Is there a recall on it .

  77. My 2107 as done this 2 times 1st time they said they fixed 3 days later my wife and daughter were stranded in a parking wife had to set there with her foot on the brake because it was in park but want to roll they fixed again .

  78. I have a 2011 GMC Acadia and I am on my 3rd 3.6 liter engine, 3rd catalytic converter, and multiple other items that add up to 11,000. The vehicle has 146,000 miles on it. A friend of mine has a 2008 and is on the second transmission second complete set of timing equipment second throttle body…..see where I’m going with this, gmc should have pulled this line of junk and issued lemon law refunds or trades for something else for an American auto company to produce this for this long with this many problems they should be ashamed.

  79. I have a 2017 Acadia which I bought exactly four months ago two weeks ago it started the message error shift to park when the car is actually in park it’s ridiculous that they sold me this car knowing that you already had a problem with these shifter selectors and that you should have told me during the time that I purchased the car that that might be an issue now it takes me up to 10 to 20 times just to get the car to turn off because it won’t turn off cuz it doesn’t recognize that it is in park I will tomorrow call my the dealer that so me me this junk and see what they could do about it if nothing can be done then I will call GM Headquarters if nothing can be done then I will be on the list with everybody else on this class action suit

  80. I lease a 2017 Acadia which had the problem. I took it to the dealer and they replaced the shifter, resolving the problem. It took several hours, but there was no charge and I have have not had the problem since.

    1. I have the 2017 Arcadia and just started noticing this problem. Will be calling the dealer today.

  81. We had this problem with our 2017 Acadia “Denali”. We took it to our dealership and they replaced the entire shifter. No problem since then after several thousand miles.

  82. have a 2018 Acadia, with 46000 miles started having this same problem at about 39000 miles,conveniently 3000 miles after the warranty expired. luckily it’s not an every day thing,and I noticed if you put it in reverse go around 6 or 7 feet pull back forward and try again,it usually works .still a ridiculous problem to have on a 40000 dollar vehicle.

  83. I have the 2017 Arcadia and just started noticing this problem. Will be calling the dealer today.

    1. Had the shift to park problem,shifter replaced. Since then I have a problem witb my remote not unlocking or locking doors. It started a month after the shifter was replaced.

  84. I too am having this problem. 2017 Acadia. It’s very frustrating when you turn your vehicle off and you get the message “shift to park”. I’ve been having to do this multiple times before the message is gone.

  85. 2018 started the shitt to park at 23 thousand miles, doors would not lock, couldn’t turn off the car twice, local delarship switched it out, so far so good, always paranoid especially since warranty is almost up

  86. My Acadia has started doing this.

  87. Obviously, the problem is huge. (Wonder what the failure numbers are.) And GMC could take a major hit in a class-action settlement.

    If the company hopes to recover with any customer good-will and trust left. It should:
    Admit the issue.
    Replace the entire assembly with NEW and REDESIGNED assembly and stop screwing around with wiring harness and jumper. That’s not the root cause.
    If a customer brings a car in for service, respect the customer. Don’t pull the “can’t duplicate the problem” tactic. The issue can be maddeningly intermittent, but the part is clearly defective. A customer’s cell phone photo of the dash displaying the error should suffice. Replace the freaking part.
    Uh . . . . There is a lack of sufficient inventory of new assemblies. Ramp up production so a customer doesn’t have to wait three freaking months for the part to arrive. 48 hours would be acceptable; 24 hours even better.
    It IS a safety issue. One example: You park your Acadia alone in a college/mall parking lot at night. Issue occurs Preventing you from securing vehicle. You come back three hours later in the dark. If the Acadia hasn’t been ransacked, there could be an assailant hiding INSIDE the unlocked vehicle waiting.

  88. We are having the same issue with our 2015 GMC Acadia. We called our GMC dealership who did not sound optimistic in being able to fix the issue. My wife was stuck with the car runnning and unable to turn off for 30 minutes today.

    1. I would quickly be finding a dealership that would fix the problem. The other one would never see another dime of business.

  89. I have a 2018 Acadia Denali and it started having the shift to park issue when the car was about 11 months old. They replaced the whole shifter for me and all has been well until about 3 days ago. The car will now be 2 years old in February and 29,000 miles on it and it has started again. Taking it back to the shop for the second time with the same issue. It is frustrating to pay this much for a car and you have to keep restarting it, shift to reverse and back to park again several times to get it to turn off! I also had to have my battery replaced on it about 2 months ago. Not very happy!

  90. As previously stated, I had this problem on my 2017 Acadia Denali in October at about 23,000 miles. I made a service appointment and my dealer did a repair in just a couple of hours. I have driven about 4,000 miles since with no problems. I just took a look at my repair invoice to see exactly what it says. It states that they performed the repair per the service bulletin and that they replaced the shifter, as cables were not available due to the GM strike. Work was done under warranty and seems to have fixed the problem.

  91. My 2018 Acadia started doing this today. Called the dealer to set up an appt but can get in for over a week and I’m scheduled to leave town. I’m really afraid to drive it

  92. I have a 2018 Acadia and it recently started having this issue. It’s so frustrating to try and park at work, home or anywhere and have to start and stop my car several times, attempt to move the car around to make it “happy” enough to cooperate and register the car being shifted into park. It’s annoying and time consuming at the same time! I love this car, but HATE this issue and need to find a fix.

  93. This has been a recurring problem for our 2017 Acadia maybe for the past year and a half. I noticed it mostly happens when we are on a hill or uneven ground/lot. Dealershio Maintenance service here is horrible, they don’t even acknowledge your presence so I’m sure they could care less about a problem like this.

  94. My 2018 GMC Acadia started this in September, they replaced my harness and it stopped however, it started doing it again! So frustrating. I have to shut off and restart the ignition and change shifter to drive several times before it shuts off. It has drained my battery twice. And needed to get it jumped. I am taking it in again today to see if they can resolve it. Has anything worked for any of you?

  95. I own a 2017 GMC Acadia Denali & yes I have had my vehicle in twice for this issue. They told me the first fix they did would solve the problem, not so much as it developed the same issue 4 months later!!!Now I will constantly watch & wait to see if this time it is fixed. I have my doubts.

  96. 2018 Acadia Denali . was doing this for weeks. dealer put me in a rental during the strike. that was 3 months ago.

  97. I have a 2018 acadia, we are having this issue with the shift to park, my family and I was going out to eat dinner last night, we put the car in park. The *shift to park came on* we push the shifter button, it turned off. So we get out try to lock the doors and it wont lock. The car didnt shut off because of the shift to park. Its so frustrating to be dealing with this. First the emergency brake, now this. Its a 2018 we should not have all these problems.

    1. I just had mine in for a second time. 2017 Acadia. I purchased in 2018 and it happened shortly there after less than 20,000 miles at the time and still in warranty. They replaced the shifting assembly. Happened again last week out of warranty. The dealership contacted GM to cover the cost of repair. GM payed part and the dealership picked up the rest but what happens next time? I called GM and filed a formal complaint. I want out of this car.

  98. My 2018 acadia started doing this, it would not lock or did not shut off all the way. Its so frustrating, first it was the emergency brake, then this *shift to park* its a 2018 we should not have all this issues with a new car.

  99. Got my car back yesterday, GMC dealer installed new transmission shift control. They replaced the harness in November, which helped but didn’t solve the problem completely. We will see how this fix goes. Someone mentioned parking brake problem. We had that too.

  100. My 2017 Acadia is having this issue. I took it into dealership and they replaced the harness..that lasted about a month and now I’m having the same issue again. Called the dealership to report it and was told they have no other fixes and are waiting for GM to release another guess I’m just stuck dealing with this issue. It is so frustrating!!

    1. I would call another dealership. When I first had the issue they replaced the entire shifter. When it happened the second time they replaced the harness. When it happened the third time they replaced the shifter again. My car just turned 2 years old. I would stay on them. It’s been about a month since my last fix, but I’m not holding my breath because it seems to be happening after a few thousand miles. I feel for you!

  101. My 2018 acadia just started to do this shift to park every time. It does not allow me to turn off the car as it thinks I’m still in drive

  102. Same issue with My 2018 Acadia. It took me 40 minutes the other day to get it to shut off. It is currently at the dealership now. I hope they fix it right. I agree … This is a on going problem and since GM knows this is happening they need to step up & take responsibly for they mistakes. They need to send out a public recall before some get seriously hurt or worst. Corporations need to stop looking at the $$$ & start looking at their consumers they are putting in danger

  103. I have posted on here before about my nightmare with this car. I bought it new and it’s a 2018 Acadia Denali. The car was 11months old and it started the shift to park. Took it to the dealership and they fixed it right away. They took out the shifter and replaced it with a new one. 11 months later the shift to park comes on again. Complete frustration now. Took it to the dealership again and this time they did something with harness wiring. All fixed and given back to me. Not even 2 weeks later shift to park comes on again. Back to the dealership and they have replaced the entire shifter again. My car will be 2 years old in February. When you pay a lot of money for a car you expect it to work. I am very disappointed in this car. I also have had a new battery put in. Please be aware that just because they fixed it doesn’t mean it won’t happen again. Take it from someone that it’s happened to 3 times.

  104. My 2018 Acadia just started doing this and is quickly getting worse requiring me to try and trick it into doing what it’s supposed to do!! I have two small kids. I can’t have my car refusing to park! Unacceptable. I have put in a call to the dealership I bought it from. Waiting to hear back…

  105. My 2018 GMC Acadia started giving me “park to shift” message about 1 week ago. It fi ally took me about 35 minutes to turn off my car while grocery shopping with my baby.

    My car is now at the local dealership and will be there for 1 week while they wait for part. Per service advisor, part is a harness that is not communicating.

    Hopefully this will get issue resolved.

  106. 2018 GMC Acadia started doing this about 3 days ago, 29,000 miles on the vehicle.

    1. Wow at the rate you’re going you’ll have 100,000 on a 4 year old vehicle.

  107. Over 2 visits several months apart, my dealer replaced the wiring harness with limited success, then replaced the shifter assembly. After 2 weeks, so far, so good.

  108. We have a 2017 and it’s been doing this about a month now. 32k miles

  109. I have a 2017 Acadia and have had this issue since 19,000 miles. Have had it “repaired” 5 times and supposedly replaced parts in shift lever but it still occurs even now. I’m about five with this vehicle. Now has 36,000 miles and still a problem occasionally with same message/locked up transmission so I can’t move vehicle. Hate to see that shift to park message and nothing but run around from the dealer!

  110. I traded in my 2018 Acadia after it left me in reverse in a parking lot after it had been at the service center twice and had the shifting mechanism replaced TWICE already. I was so upside down with the trade. I went into a 2019 Sierra, and it was just in the service center for a week and a half after they told me “they can not duplicate the error” ironically I get home after driving only 10 miles and it’s giving me the alert again! The service rep told me this is the first Sierra he has seen with this being reported – I feel like they don’t have any answers which is why they are stating they can’t duplicate it. They already know my history with my Acadia!

  111. This actually just happened to me. I parked in my drive way and it was fine. Went into the garage to park the car and it said it. I had to turn the car on and off 5 -6 times. I reversed it and pulled back in and it quit, still put my park brake on. 2018 acadia 50,000 miles

  112. I have a 2018 GMC Acadia All Terrain with 24,000 miles. This has been happening to me for a month now. I took video of it for documentation. I have yet to take it to the dealer and it sounds like I would be wasting my time if I did.

  113. I found with mine the issue was that the button to switch gears is sticky so whenever it pops up “Shift to park” I press the button and release it a couple times and it turns off.

  114. We have a 2019 GMC Acadia that has this same issue with the fault notification that the transmission is not in park.We took it to the gym dealer and they replaced the control cable,problem solved for a short time,now it’s doing it again intermittently so back it goes on Monday,don’t know what they’ll do this time.

  115. My 2017 Acadia is doing the exact same thing. Action Required: Shift to Park. You would think that if more and more people is experiencing the same problem that they would at least cover some of the expense.

  116. I’ve had my 18 gmc Acadia less than a mth with only 22000… and its showing the shift to park warning and wont shut off has done it now 2x within 2 hrs apart..I’m freaking out.. I’m waiting on the dealership to call me in the monring..prayers

  117. I have 2017 Acadia I have same problem

  118. I was able to get a loaner vehicle while they serviced my 2018 Acadia for this issue. They told me the transmission shift has to be replaced. It’s been a two days since I got my vehicle back and I haven’t gotten the message. Let’s see how long it lasts.

  119. I have a 2018 Acadia that has been doing this also. Soooo frustrating, not to mention time consuming to fiddle around to try and shut the car off. Does anyone know how we can join the class action lawsuit?

  120. Well…. the 2017 GMC Denali…. is driving me crazy with the “shift to park” error message that I am CONSTANTLY getting every time I park!!!! HELP!!…. I’m tired of this!! Had to run errand just a minute ago…. thought I wasn’t gonna ever get to leave the car!!! Then it did it again when I got
    Back to school. Not counting this morning when I GOT to school!!

    This is from my wife.

  121. I have a 2017 Acadia and have also had this same thing happen to me 6 times. Today it took me over 5 minutes of turning my car on and off and shifting through gears to get it to actually go into park and shut off. Very frustrating with my kids in the car needing to get out and not able to until I can get the car into park.

  122. What do I do? I thought it was me, and now it keeps saying shift to park and I have to use my E brake.

  123. I have a GMC Acadia 2018 with 16000 miles on it. It says shift to park when it is already parked.this happens several times a week.

  124. Just left the dealership re my 18 Acadia I am dropping it off Monday for them to check things out re the shift to park issue..they say they will replace this..then check it about 50 times have me drive it then if it does again then they will replace the gear shift assembly..only if it fails.. ughhhhhh
    So we will see..
    It’s happened to me like 5 times I’ve only had my Acadia 2 mths..
    Gm needs to do the right thing and recall it and really fix the issue..

    1. I just had my Acadia “fixed” For the second time last week. Already started up again. I’m going car shopping tomorrow. I’m backwards on my loan but it’s worth the piece of mind not to have a car with such issues. Just today my son opened his door when I “parked” I took my foot of the break and it rolled back. Had he gotten out he could have been injured. This is a very serious problem and needs to be addressed.

      1. I have only had mine less than 2 mths cant get out of it .. they have got to fix this issue and fix it right
        good luck

  125. Dealership wont fix being there is no recall on my specific VIN, having to pay outta pocket!

  126. I just bought my 2018 Acadia with low mileage in July of 2019. Of course after the warranty went out i started having this issue. It even made me late for work because i was sitting in the parking lot turning it on and off and moving the gear shift from drive to park each time. We are taking the car to the dealer tomorrow but i was hoping to find out it had been a reacall done on this issue and would be fixable. It does not look that way to me.

  127. It needs to be a recall.
    GM needs to step up and do the right thing before they have another Cobalt fiasco on their hands

  128. Is there away to join a lawsuit against this I have a 2018 GMC Acadia it just started doing this. The families that have children like mine this can get dangerous. I feel like something needs to be done.

  129. I have a 2018 GMC Acadia. This started happening to me. I would like to join the lawsuit and how do I do that . People with kids like I do this can get dangerous for us and them with this problem.

    1. Hi Ashley,

      It’s funny that you mention lawsuit, because I was just thinking class action lawsuit today as well!! I googled how to get in touch with GMC and came across this phone number. 1-888-988-7267. I pushed 0 and it connected me with a GMC customer service. As of right now, there is no recall. They rook my VIN number(which is on your insurance card) and made a note of it in our file. If they get enough (not sure how many, enough would be) for GMC to issue a recall. So, with that being said, call, call ,call them, or we will all be stuck with the bill to fix what is CLEARLY a car company glitch/problem/issue, and not a vehicle owner’s fault!!

      1. thank you I will call daily.. LOL

  130. Yes how do you get in on the lawsuit.. I have grandbabies 4 that’s why I traded my impala in on the 2018 gmc Acadia
    Someone needs to contact the news station..
    You would think GM learned their lesson with the Cobalt..

  131. I too am having this issue with my 2017Acadia. Started last month. How do i get in on the lawsuit. Or get more information. This issue is becoming more of an issue every day.

  132. Yes I just an email to the investigations dept of Fox 4 it will help or not IDK.. But I tried.. I don’t understand GM you seriously would think after the CHEVY COBALT fiasco they would recall and fix this problem before lives are lost.. I guess that’s what they are waiting on.. for deaths to occur.. which is so sad!!!
    I take mine tomorrow to get it looked at.. will update yall as soon as I hear.. Its a process they are telling me.. replace this first.. try 50 times drive it for a couple of days see if that fixed it.. if not then we will do this??????????????????? really.. just fix it right in the first place!!!!! I do love the Acadia just very concerned
    Prayers for us all

  133. My 2018 just stared having the same issues. At first it was just annoying now it making me mad. Have to turn the car on and off several times for it to reset.

  134. This has obviously been a clusterf**k for customers over several model years and clearly involves a grossly defective manufacturer’s part. Over the course of three visits to my dealer did the issue in my 2017 Acadia with <13,000 miles and under warranty, I was without my vehicle for about three months. Had loaner for some of that. First “fix” (wiring harness) lasted until my first park. Second fix (shifter assembly) still working after several months. I’m lucky, apparently: dealer covered stuff done under warranty and got approval for rental car for all but the first week of first visit. I know that all weren’t as fortunate. I’m trying to find out more about the class-action lawsuit in case my Acadia breaks again. If it does, I’ll also pursue remedy through my state’s lemon law (check the guidelines for your state’s lemon law; generally applies even post-warranty). IF I had even a single share of GM stock AND I lived closer to Detroit, I’d show up to disrupt the next shareholders meeting with a question.

  135. Had my 18 Acadia worked on monday they replaced the wiring harness ..first step.. so far so good.. praying this fixed it.. prayers for all that are having this issue..prayers that GM will recall and take ownership of their problem.

  136. I had my harness wiring replaced in Sept. 2019 by Dec. “Shift to Park” started up again. This time more often and would take me 6 plus times to get it to stop or battery would die. I brought My 2018 Acadia back to dealer since my warranty was going to end soon and I complained that they never fixed the problem. They change the entire shifter. So far, it is working however I read from others this is temporary. If anyone has information regarding class action please share

  137. I have a 2018 gmc acadia denali and I have been having same issue. It say I am not in park when the shifter is in park

  138. This just started two days ago! At first, I didn’t think I put in park, now I’m really upset! Reading this article, how can they not have a fix for an almost $40,000 car that I have 30,000 miles on? Calling Monday, can’t wait to see what they say!

  139. This has continued to happen to our 2017 GNC Acadia Denali, even after taking it in and having it repaired under the BRAND NEW Service Bulletin that was released the day I took it in (1/30/20). The problem is even worse now; the dealer is now going to replace the shifter assembly. Fortunately, it is under warranty.

  140. Took my 2018 on a test drive in June 2018 no issues. Brought the truck. A few days later I was receiving the shift to park error. Took it to dealership they replaced the shifter. Currently receiving this error message again. So annoying. I’m ready to trade in for the TELLURIDE. GMC sucks.

  141. Having the same shift to park issue. Made an appointment for tomorrow. Hopefully all goes well. Have a feeling it will be a headache!

    1. Curious as to how much you were charged. Picking mine up in a couple of hours. $600 for gear shift change.

  142. I just started having the same issue about two weeks ago. I haven’t even had the vehicle for a year yet.

    1. Same happened to us. The truck wasn’t even a year old when we bought it and as soon as we took it home off the lot it was given me the shift to park message. Didn’t happen on the test drive of course. Lucky the dealership paid for it to get fixed back in 2018 however it started doing it again this year.
      Just got rid of it for a HONDA PILOT and we should have went to Honda a long time ago!

  143. I have a 2018 Acadia that I have had this problem with for several months now. When I bought a new car I didn’t think I would have to spend a bunch on repairs so soon. GMC has let me down I thought they were better than that.

  144. I had my 2017 in for this service yesterday at no charge. They said it was covered by the bumper to bumper warranty on the car.

    1. Bumper to Bumper ended at 36,000 miles. I have 38,200 and was told out of pocket!! NOT right AT ALL!! IF GMC decides to recall, I can file a claim to have it reimbursed!

  145. I am having the same issues with my 2017 Acadia

  146. PLEASE HELP! i am literally sitting in my car waiting for the notification to stop – it is getting worse everyday. please help – how can i join the suit??

    1. Inez. I’m so sorry you are having to deal with this! When it happened to me last week, I literally drove up and down my driveway-putting in into reverse, drive, park until it would turn off. As you know, this is a VERY dangerous situation. Please take your car to your GMC place and ask them to fix it. I’m praying the changing of the gear shift – $600!!!! Will help. I know a lot of money, but I’m praying GMC will DO THE RIGHT thing and have a recall. If they do, I was told I would be reimbursed. I’m not losing my life or the life of a loved one for GMC lack of concern. Let us know how you make out! 🙏🏻

  147. I have a 2018 GMC Acadia. It doesn’t have the shift into park issue every day, but when it does, it’s ALL day long!! 😡 I have to go forward and reverse until it decides that it’s in park!! It’s VERY frustrating and annoying. Sometimes it’s 10 or more minutes before it finally acknowledges it’s in park. I’m sure my neighbors think I’m crazy. I’m taking it in next Friday for its oil change. I’m hoping they can fix it!!

  148. This started on the 20th. Had a GMC advisor through On Star talk me through a series of steps to get the to recognize it was in park. The next morning it happened all over again. Took the Acadia directly to the dealership where they replaced a harness. Corrected the problem temporarily. Returned home from work that same night it occurred again. Drove around the block then it was ok. We’ll see if this continues.

  149. I own a 2018 Acadia that has been to the dealership 3 times for the shift to park message. The service advisor quietly told me that GM really does not have a permanent solution for this problem yet and are just trying things and hoping for the best!
    A hint for you to try if stuck trying to get the car to power off….wiggle the shifter stick around and click the shifter button like crazy until it finally makes a connection and shuts off. I learned this tip from another Acadia owner and so far it has been working for me so I don’t sit in a parking lot for 30 minutes trying to shut the car off.

    1. Jess,
      That wiggle “solution ” is exactly what my husband and I do! The weird thing is, it hasn’t happened in the last 2 months!! I guess it comes and goes!

  150. Thanks for the news, but “just trying things and hoping for the best” doesn’t particularly instill confidence in the Acadia or ANY GM products. You are describing an electro-mechanical fault. There are a limited number of things that could be faulty. Replacing them all with proven/tested components/assemblies should result in a permanent remedy and relief to owners. The Boeing 737MAX test pilot could’ve been describing the Acadia and GM: “This airplane is designed by clowns, who in turn are supervised by monkeys.”

    1. I don’t disagree with you, but was simply giving a tip for those to try that say they are stuck trying to power the car down for an hour. I’m definitely not accepting this problem and am working through my state’s Lemon Law process to hopefully make GM make things right. This is total BS.

  151. I dont understand why GM doesn’t recall these. I wish they did because I dont need to put my daughter in danger or anyone else. I dont have 600.00 dollars to get the gear shift replaced.

  152. I am starting to have this problem. Please recall these because I cant afford 600.00 to get fixed.

  153. Took my car to the dealer they changed the wires and when I picked it up it continued to do the same thing. Returned to the dealer and now they are changing something else.

  154. My 2017 Acadia with 37,933 miles would not go to park. Dealer replaced shifter and electrical harness. No warranty. Reminds me of the GM ignition switch fiasco. Does anyone know how to get financial reimbursement from GMC?

  155. My 2017 GMC Acadia has 53K miles and has the shift to park issue. Dealers want $500.00 + to fix. Any resolutions anytime soon? Starting to regret my decision for Acadia.

  156. My 2018 Acadia just started doing this today. I happened once a couple of days ago, but I thought it was a fluke. Called the GM service center. They have not gotten back to me. Now I understand why. I have not found anything that works consistently to get it to acknowledge park. I’m keep working different options with the parking brake involved to get the car to acknowledge park. The last thing that work was put in neutral, press brake put on parking brake. Take foot off brake, shut car off and then put in park. That may not work the next time. I need this fixed, I cannot leave my car unlocked with the bell dinging.

  157. I am having this problem. Am going to make an appointment.

  158. Everyone please call GM yourself and come plain because if they get enough people they will issue out a recall, and also get the people that fixed or fixes your car please tell them to call and let them know what’s wrong so we can get a recall on this problem

  159. I took my car in for the same issue only to get it back after they changed the wiring and it made no difference. I returned it back to the dealer 2 hours later and then they replaced the Transmission computer/module. So far so good, no issues

    1. Isn’t that part housed inside the transmission?

      1. Not sure just stated what the paperwork says to see if it would help anyone else.

  160. I took my 2018 GMC Acadia with SHIFT TO PARK issue to dealership (28k miles). Harness was replaced and it was good for 1 day! Once again the issue started and this is very frustrating! I called service advisor here in Yuma, Az and was told GM does not know what is causing issue. Next step is to replace the shifter. There is no real solution according to service advisor, but they have to follow the next steps. This is frustrating and I needed to vent.

    I found a video on YouTube that mentions to “flick” the shifter once in the park position and this did work at least once.

  161. I have a 2018 Acadia and have had problems with the “shift to park” issue. I have taken it to the local dealer and had it “fixed” once. I am experiencing the issue again. Is it safe to drive or do I need to continue to take it to the dealer to fix every time this happens? It’s annoying! Is there something I can do to stop this? Anyone have suggestions?

    1. Call GM and tell them what the dealership said and tell them everything. I shave been doing the same thing now in the process of getting fixed for free or ending up in a recall

  162. I, too, am having issues with my 2017 GMC Acadia’s ”Shift to Park” message. I had the gear shift replaced less than 1 year ago and didn’t have to worry about receiving the message for a while. Now the message has come back and it is displayed every time I get ready to leave my car. I’m concerned that GMC will not fix it. I was told by a dealer that I’m no longer under warranty, and that I would have to pay to have it fixed.

  163. I am having the same issue. I called the dealership and they said they knew about this issue. Why can’t they let us know

  164. I had my 2017 Acadia in three times last summer/fall. First time, dealer “could not replicate issue.” Had problem first stop on way home and returned. After waiting for parts, wiring harness replaced after weeks. Had failure again on the way home and returned car. After six weeks, they got new shifter assembly and installed. This was covered under warranty. I let dealer know that should the issue reoccur after warranty, I’d be submitting a claim for installation of a faulty part and would also pursue compensation under the Texas lemon law. OK so far, but just had a failure of automatic tailgate lift rod. Rod detached and tailgate nearly decapitated a guy at a farmers market who was loading a crate of veggies. Seems there was a recall for previous years. Guess GM is still installing faulty/substandard parts during manufacturing. Without car at least one night while part is trucked in. If this isn’t covered under warranty (little more than 14,000 miles), I’ll scream, charge it, then immediately contact credit card company to dispute the charge (and line up an attorney).

  165. This is now the 2nd time in 2 years that I have this issue, furthermore I also have an issue presumably with the throttle body that keep the car on a higher then normal rpm when stopped in drive.
    Now I need to take it again so that they can replace the faulty shifter sensor.

  166. I have a 18’ Acadia and for the past few days this has been happening! I find that if I push the shifter forward more it finally shuts the annoying message off, but this is worrisome as I have 4 children. It also went into neutral itself as I was driving slowing down last week. My vehicle only has 15K miles on it as I bought it brand new!

  167. I am having the same problem with my 2017 GMC ARCADIA. I have to shift into park several times hard. Hopefully that won’t damage anything. I will be calling the dealer.

  168. I have a 2017 GMC Acadia with the same problem not recognizing the shifter been in park it started at 44,000 miles. I’ve heard it’s a common problem with this car. I called the dealer they told me to bring it in and they will try to diagnose it but they hadn’t heard about this problem.

  169. Yes, I have a 2017 Acadia and I have been having this issue for a couple of weeks.

  170. My 2018 Acadia has just started having this problem leaving me in the parking lot of my job (often late for work) as I sit and shut my vehicle off and on trying to get the Shift to Park to shut off. Then when I go home I sit at home having the same problem before I can go into my house. Extremely annoying and could be dangerous!!

  171. I just started having this happen on my 2018 Acadia last week and could not lock the car. Restarted the car and turned it off….all is good. Happens intermittently.

  172. I have a 2018 GMC Acadia. I’ve had this issue “fixed” twice already at dealer. The first time I was told it was fixed and that they had switched out the shifter box. So when it happened again I took it back and they told me that they were sorry, but the first time they didn’t actually change the shifter box. Then they said they had one on hand and they would change it. That was changed supposedly on Feb 8. Now, not even two full months later, I was left stranded with 20 month old daughter. I put my shifter into park but it showed I was still in drive. The shift to park error came on but this time I couldn’t move my shifter at all and I couldn’t turn my vehicle completely off because of this. I had to call a tow truck and disconnect the battery in order to shut it off. This should not happen with a two year old vehicle.

    1. Thank God, you both are okay. I simply don’t understand what it’s going to take. A death? Like all the issues were having, people have to die for folks to do the right thing?

      GMC. So many of us have had this problem. So many of us are struggling in these times. DO THE RIGHT THING and recall this issue. The $600 I paid to get mine fixed sure would come in handy.

  173. I have the same problem with my GMC Recently.

  174. How do I join the lawsuit same issue

  175. How do I join this lawsuit? I have this problem with my 2018 Acadia

  176. I have a 2017 Acadia and it’s doing the same thing. How do I join the lawsuit??

  177. I’ve experienced this same issue with my 2017 Acadia. Where do I find in-depth information about the law suit?

  178. This frustrated woman would like link to lawsuit as well…my 2018 GMC Acadia has been to shop twice for same issue. I have no idea if fixed yet, since local dealership has had my car now for 1 month.


    Veronica Jenkins

  179. I just started having the issues shift to park with my 2018 acadia. My fear is the rolling . My question is will the dealers know how to fix and is there going to be a recall

  180. I am also having this same Issue on my GMC ARCADIA has there been a recall?

  181. I am having the same issue with my 2018. GM refuses to pay to fix it! 450.00 I paid to fix it. They said it was not going to be covered under power train. I am not a happy customer.

  182. I have a 2018 Acadia Denali, bought new. I only have 60K miles. It started doing this about a month ago- intermittently. Sooo aggravating! With this damn virus & quarantine I’m leery bringing it in fir service. I guess I should’ve stayed with a FORD EXPLORER.

  183. Just started happening to me last week with my 2017 Acadia it’s happened twice now but since I’ve owned this (1st owner) I’ve ALWAYS had key fob issues where it won’t recognize them I’m about to buy a ton of batteries for my remote just incase it’s that but I’ve had the battery swapped out and the infotainment center issues twice now and I’ve had it for less then 3 years ! I purchased this vehicles in hopes of paying it off and keeping it for a long while but now I’m starting to be a bit concerned with all these things …. plus defective tire issues I had to pay $550 to replace 3 of them at a prorated cost with manufacturer only covering half … has anyone gotten any new information on this and what can be done ?!

  184. I have a 2019 Acadia with 14,000 miles and mine started it today took me 5 times to get it in to park . It’s in park but dash is saying it’s not in park

  185. Same problem here!! Extremely frustrated. May ditch GMC when this lease is up.

    1. Mine is in for repair now saying its a common problem will eventually recall they are going to have to replace the shifter!

    2. Unless you get the new 2020 without the leather gear shifter..I think gmc will always have this problem if

  186. I have this exact problem! Took my 2018 Acadia to the dealership 6 weeks ago where they “fixed” the issue by replacing the In line jumper harness to transmission control circuit and yet I’m having the exact same issue again! Not planning to take it back to the dealer but will trade it in.

  187. Tomorrow will be the 3rd time to my dealer with the “shirt to park” problem. 2 were under warranty this time I have 50k on my car. I’m not encouraged by remarks here…

  188. I have a 2017 Acadia and have had this issue forever. No recall and I can’t afford to fix it. My car actually rolled while in park into another car! Now I’m stuck with a bill I can’t afford and no one wants to help.

  189. I just ran into this issue with my 2017 Acadia. I called the dealer and they want to charge me $150 just to do the diagnostic! Then they would charge me to repair it! Anyone can help me in how they fixed their issue and how much. I just ran out of the warranty!

  190. Same problem with my 2018 Acadia! I’m scheduled for service tomorrow and was told it could take up to 7 hour to determine the problem! I am just barely still under warranty.I did just watches YouTube videos suggesting the problem is in the gear shift knob. Anyone know if this is a viable solution?
    Illbegkad to join the lawsuit if it results in a recall.

    1. I had mine fixed last week they replaced entire shifter they were very familiar with the problem said it was very common and that it would eventualy become a recall. So far so good after they replaced it.


      1. They replaced our shifter a couple of days after we purchased our 2018 in 2019. It started doing the same thing this year. I didn’t have the patience to deal with it so we got rid of the whole vehicle!

  191. Same problem with my 2018 Acadia! I’m scheduled for service tomorrow and was told it could take up to 7 hour to determine the problem! I am just barely still under warranty.I did just watches YouTube videos suggesting the problem is in the gear shift knob. Anyone know if this is a viable solution?
    Ill be glad to join the lawsuit if it results in a recall.

  192. I am having this issue on my 2017. This is ridiculous and there should be a recall fix.

  193. My 2017 Acadia was in the shop yesterday for the 3rd time. The second time they changed out the gear shift. Obviously that was mot the problem cause the shift to park reappeared. Yesterday they put a harness in bypassing the gear shift. This fix was also in a technical bulletin I saw on line. The dealer tried to get me to pay the $14 the harness cost but I argued and they paid. They know it’s a problem.

  194. I am having the same issue as well. My car is in park and my display reads Shift to Park. I am stuck right now and cannot get it to clear.

  195. Same issue. Car in park Shift to Park displayed. Stranded and annoyed.

  196. I experienced the shift to park issue in November 2019, my gmc dealer replaced a harness in the shifter, it continued to have issues in late December 2019. The dealer replaced the shifter, then yesterday 5/1/2020, I put it in park and my car was stuck in neutral in a friends drive way. I had to get it towed because it wouldn’t electronically shut off and the shifter was locked up, I have a 2017 GMC Acadia all terrain.

    1. I honestly regret buying the GMC Acadia 2018. Very nice car but struggling with this car.

  197. Same problem with my GMC Acadia 2018. It’s been happening for months. My sister has a Chevy 2018 sedan and has this problem as well.

  198. I was born and raised in Texas, so my first car was a pickup truck, a GMC hand-me-down from my uncle. Drove it in high school and first few years of college (wish I still had it). Owned lots of makes and models through the years. In 2013, I found myself in need of an SUV. Remembering that first truck, I got a GMC Yukon. Great car and problem free until 2018 when it was totaled in a freak car accident. When I recovered, I decided I no longer needed a full-size, so I bought an Acadia. Still like it, but took three visits to dealer to get this problem “fixed.” Support for hatchback suddenly broke, almost decapitating a guy loading produce into the Acadia at a farmers market. All eventually repaired under warranty, but I’m leery. At first sign of “shift to park” problem again, I’m pursuing remedy under my state’s Lemon Law. Sad, but this will be the last GM product I ever buy, unless GM offers a recall/reimbursement/permanent fix. Not too surprising, but I see where new Acadia sales tanked even before the pandemic. Too bad; could’ve been a great vehicle.

  199. My mother in law has the same problem with her 2018 Acadia. Every time she shifts to park the message persists for 10-30 seconds. She doesn’t even like driving anywhere because of this issue, it leaves her vulnerable when she tries to park. And she’s already taken it in once for this and the dealership “installed jumper wiring harness to transmission controller per 19-NA-206” to no avail. She’s interested in the class action.

  200. I am currently experiencing this issue and have a service call set up this week. I am experiencing the same issues that are in the report where the vehicle will not shut off or lock. The issue started intermittently a couple of months ago to occuring after every trip over the last week.

  201. I have a 2017 Acadia Denali. So far, I’ve blocked the pickup line at a Middle School and so many of us in line were late picking up kids after school. I had to call someone to pick up my Grandaughter as I had to wait for a Service Truck. Today, my SUV wouldn’t start. It was as if the battery was dead. But the whole instrument Panel was lit up. I couldn’t turn my lights not my windshield wipers off. I couldn’t turn off my Blue Tooth nor could I get the Radio off. The Tow Driver managed to force charge the battery enough to get my car into Neutral. I feel like I’m being blown off by the GMC Service Centers. I missed two Appointments today and tomorrow I will pick up a Rental. I think GMC should pay for this. I had a 2016 Ford Explorer. I had Carbon Monoxide leaker GN into the Cabin. Ford wouldn’t take responsibility in the beginning but the Dealership Service Center Knew their was a problem. They took care of the Rentals from the very beginning.

  202. I have a 2018 Acadia and the “shift into park” message just started and I am in park. Is there a recall on this issue?

  203. I have a 2018 Acadia and the error message “shift into park “ when in park just started. Is there a recall?

    1. No recall at this time, but it should be

  204. I have an 2018 Acadia Crossover and I’m experiencing this very same thing. I put the car in park and when I turn off the car the message says “shift to park”. I have to juggle the gear shift or hold the button on the gear shift to get it stop. I have also experience that when I put the car in park, the shift to park light comes on and the radio continues to play, and the bell continues to ring. Then I would have to turn the car back on, put it in another gear, then back to park to get it turn off.

    I called Fusion GMC Service department and was told that they are getting several calls about this issue. He also said that GMC has not issued a recall on this to his knowledge. GM need to look further into this issue. This is my first time ever purchasing an GMC and since I have family working for GM, I thought I would support them by purchasing a vehicle. I know that vehicles have depreciation values and issues, but for GM not to do an recall when there is a pending lawsuit, is mind boggling to me.

    1st time GMC buyer

  205. My Acadia 2018 displays shift to park notification when I’m in park. I just took it to my local GMC dealership it cost close to 700 dollars to fix and my car has 40,000 miles on it. Not cool GMC I rave about this brand and have bought only GMC. There should be a recall on this shift sensor I should have to pay this much during Covid due to GMs mistake

  206. Yes have this issue on my 2017 Acadia. First it was just once every 6 weeks and I could just jiggle shifter. Now it is happening every day and simply jiggling it is not working. I was running errand yesterday and was scared I was stranded I finally got it to work. There needs to be a recall for this.

    1. I called GMC and they called me to see if I got the issue fixed if enough people call on this issue my dealership said eventually it will be a recall

  207. Yes! I have 2018 GMC Acadia and am stuck in it right now and can’t get it to “shift to park”. The problem only continues to get worse. I’m so frustrated!

    1. I took my car to the dealership service department (small town one we typically work with and know – not the one we purchased from) and they fixed the problem. I asked the service dept. supervisor about continued problems and he told me that the original way they were fixing them did have some returns but they are now using a redesigned shifter and haven’t had anyone bring them back with continued issues. Time will tell and my fingers are crossed.

  208. Yes I am having the same problem and was told by my dealership that o have to replace the entire control. Does anyone know if this fixes the problem ? It doesn’t sound like it

  209. I have been fighting with GM to fix this shift to park problem on my 2018 GMC Acadia since July 19 . It was diagnosed at dealership under the bumper to bumper warranty. They now say since my car is over the 36000 miles I have to pay for this to get fixed even though I have documents showing mileage when I took to dealership. I am beyond frustrated!

    1. Imagine being stuck for a whole week without a car and in a foreign country that doesn’t have any GM dealerships. I bought this GMC Acadia for my family to go on tropes while in Europe and I regret it so badly that I’m about to trade it in for a Toyota. I got super lucky that a retired mechanic here in Belgium helped fixed my car by removing the park brake that’s located on the back left tire. That was the only way to get my car to drive.

    2. Outfreakingrageous! I would demand that the dealer demonstrate that any parts and labor ARE NOT covered by a guarantee. Does your state have a lemon law? If it ever happens to me again after two “repairs” I’m lawyering up.

  210. I’m a sedan guy. I’m glad I bought a 19 Cruze LS. No recalls, perfect running.

  211. Yes, I had my recall done on 2/13/19 and it started the shift to park again 4 /30/20, car won’t shut off is it in PARK! Called the dealer and now just over a year later and at 45K miles no warranty to their fix! Absolutely not right GMC and your dealer!

  212. Im having the same issue with my car after many other issues such as the car accelerating forward without my foot hitting the gas pedal and the car shifting into another lane while I’m in my lane. I’ve had no help from gmc and I will never buy another vehicle from them.

  213. My dealer charged me yesterday $447 to fix this issue. He swore to me this would work and said they had done a number of these. Mine was out of warranty but i’m mad because when I took in for service during warranty if someone had asked me if I had ever gotten the message I would have said yes. But back then it would happen once every 6 weeks or longer and it was not a big deal and a quick jiggle corrected it. I never thought to mention it when taking it in for oil change etc.

  214. I had the same exact issue with my 2017 Acadia. I just had it replaced today. Luckily, I had an extended warranty. Good that I found this blog to report it.

  215. Just started experiencing this problem with my 2018. Will get to dealer next week. Only at 39000 miles. Haven’t driven vehicle much lately due to vivid quarantine but from reading some of the statements here definitely needs to be fixed correctly! Where’s the recall gm???

  216. Yep, our 2018 Acadia Denali just started having this “shift-to-park” issue right at the 20k mile mark. The emergency brake is also one of those new electric “jack screw” types, but does seem to stay engaged even when the shift-to-park indicator appears (at least so far). All we have done is simply let the electronic chimes, radio, and beeping horn simply “time out” (which occurs after about 15 minutes or so). Even when beeping and honking, we are still able to lock the car by the key fob (which we also don’t like), but we have no alarm function, just locked doors. Just give us a damn key and trash this (useless) keyless crap and (electric) E-brake garbage asap. Just make it an option on ALL models.

  217. Purchased 2017 GMC Acadia Denali in March and just started to receive the “shift to park” message. Used keyless lock to stop the honking and lights to turn off. Returned to dead battery!

  218. I purchased my 2018 GMC Acadia used and I am experiencing the shift to park issue. I have not taken it to a dealership due to the pandemic covid 19 quarantine, but I will be doing so soon….can anyone give me an estimated cost for the fix?

  219. My 2017 GMC Acadia also has the shift to park issue, took in it once before to the dealership they “fixed” it under my warranty. Now at 30,000 miles it’s happening again. I’m still under warranty but VERY annoyed.

  220. This is happening to me on my 2019 Chevy Malibu. Will this mess up your car if you do not get fixed? Also if it is certified pre owned and your withing the range will everything including the diagnostics test be covered?

    1. I took a picture of the message with gear shift in park and they didn’t even question mine because the dealership had seen this on many of the Acadia’s.

  221. My 2017 Acadia has the same problem: ‘shift to park’ when it’s already in park, I took it to the dealer four months ago. It was repaired. Now it’s happening again. What to do?

  222. Mine has started doing the same thing. You have to start it again and pull forward and back again and try and see if it goes away. The radio wont go off when it’s doing it as well.

    1. This issue seems to be intermittent for us so far. Thank you for that additonal info. I will pay closer attention to the accessories too , like the music. We are eager to get the vehicle to our dealer service department and learn more.

  223. My 2018 Acadia had this issue a month and half ago and took it to dealer and they “fixed it” actually horrible customer service but that’s a whole different issue… well this started happening again… in that time my fuel pump also went out… in a month and a half this will be the third time I have to take my Acadia in and they said that the reason it is happening again is that there are two parts that should have been replaced but at the time they didn’t know it at the time so only replaced one part. Such a headache, the next thing that goes wrong I’m trading it in. It’s one thing after another. If it wasn’t for theses issues I would totally love my suv. But definitely won’t go with same dealership, horrible service.

  224. I own a 2017 Acadia and have the same problem with Shift to Park. It’s intermittent but dangerous and annoying.

  225. Update
    Had vehicle serviced. Over $550.00 later they tell me it should be fixed. Replaced shifter assemble and harness. Even service manager says he can’t believe there hasn’t been a recall yet so there’s definitely a problem. I called gm to complain because no recall and I’m just out of warranty. We’ll see what happens.. EVERYONE WHO IS HAVING THIS ISSUE NEEDS TO CALL. SO HOPEFULLY A RECALL WILL BE ISSUED!

    1. I called GM when mine happened but mine was under warranty they did call me back to see if it had been fixed so I definitely recommend fr everyone to call because its obviously a common problem and my service guy said eventually it would be a recall.

  226. Just started happening to mine a week ago. We will see what GMC says next week.

  227. I’m having the same problem shift to park I call the dealer they acted like they never heard of the problem told me to bring it in so they could diagnose it. 2017 acadia with 45000 miles.

  228. This problem happened to me yesterday. I was in the country, at a greenhouse and tried to turn off my vehicle…no can do. I called GMC Canada three times but no one could answer even the most basic questions. I asked to speak with a supervisor but they kept connecting me to road side. It’s strange…everyone was so helpful when I was deciding to buy this
    I also left messages locally however the dealership was closed, so I left a message on the GMC Canada Facebook page-no response.

    When I arrived home, my husband has to disconnect the battery to shut it off. Almost $60k for this vehicle, no thanks. This is completely unsafe and totally unacceptable. We will be doing what ever it takes until this is properly resolved.

  229. This is what worked for me. Place gear shifter in Park and if ‘shift to park’ comes on then fully depress the release button on the front of the shifter. I’m not saying this is normal. Just a temporary fix.

  230. I purchased my 2018 Acadia new and within the first year experienced the shift to park issue. It was under warranty and repaired. One year later it happened again and was repaired. Now the car is not turning on at all as it doesn’t recognize that it’s in park to start up and it’s being towed to the dealership today. I haven’t even owned the car for two years. Would the lemon law apply or is there a class action in my state of Florida as well?

  231. Purchased a 2018 GMC Acadia Denali with 22,000 mi this past Dec. this shifting to park issue has been happening intermittently to me past 3 or 4 months. With recent Covid, I haven’t been driving it as much. Called dealership today with concern. Secretary in service dept confirms having heard this. I have an apt for an oil change and for the service dept to look at this.

  232. I have a 2017 GMC Arcadia and mine just started doing the same thing. I would shift to park but it gave me notification to shift to park. This has happened occasionally but today it happened 3 times. Going back to dealer again. I just got it out about a week ago because I had a sweet smell coming out of the AC vent. Turns out I had a leak in the heater coil and they replaced that. At least I bought the extended warranty and that was covered but I’m at about 58k and my warranty only goes to 75k. I have had to replace quite a few things on this car for how young it is.

  233. I have a 2017 GMC Acadia that is doing the “shift to park” We took it into the GM Service center here in Golden Valley MN on 5/8/2020 where we bought it and they replaced a wire harness they said was the cause. Due to the stay at home order in MN we had not driven the vehicle much. We drove it on Sunday and twice it did the “shift to park”!!!!! We called the shop today and were told we have to bring it in when it does it. Problem is we NEVER know when it is going to happen! This is VERY frustrating to say the least!!!

  234. Just drove my 2018 Acadia off the lot today for $26,000. Brought it to the store parked it and had this SHIFT TO PARK message issue. Will be calling the dealer in the morning. **Eye roll**

  235. Having the same issue with my 2017 Acadia. Brought it in to the dealership and they stated they couldn’t replicate the problem, therefore could not fix it. Problem is it doesn’t happen everytime I place it in the park position. Been having more issues with it lately. Dealer stated I would have to pay if they do find an issue next time I bring it in. Has 53,000 miles. Not happy!!

    1. I was able to get the error and shifter in park and showed my dealership but they said hey were aware of the Acadia having the issue so they replaced my entire shifter on my 2019

  236. My 2019 Acadia has this same problem with the shift to park message appearing in the dash.

  237. I was not questioned at GMC, they fixed the “harness” as step one, I can bring it back a second time for further repair if that does not fix it.

  238. Yep… my 30k mile 2018 Acadia Denali is doing the same thing when put into park: the “Shift to Park” warning pops up causing several other problems. The radio won’t shut off and the horn beeps that triple chirp as if you left someone in the rear seat (along with that same message). At that point, I have previously just walked away (with the radio on), and although the alarm will not arm, the doors will all lock.

    BUT… I have found a temporary fix until I can take it in to the dealer for a permanent repair… and that is what one other poster previously mentioned, but didn’t provide many details. So, simply snap the shifter “trigger switch” (just below the top of the shifter), once or twice sharply. Usually one quick snap will do the trick = pull the “trigger” and quickly slide your finger down, releasing it sharply so you can hear it “snap”. This has worked everytime I’ve tried it… everything resets back to normal and the radio shuts off (the major telltale of that failed “”trigger switch” problem). So, it seems to be just that… worn out (or dirty/corroded) contacts on that small switch. Give it a try….

  239. I found this article due to looking up this issue. We have a 2018 Acadia and already had this issue once. We took it in and they fixed it. Now over the weekend it has started again and the vehicle is no longer under warranty so I have no idea what the cost will be to fix it.

  240. My 2017 Acadia Denali recently started doing this frequently. About once a day. I have just over 55,000 miles on it.

  241. My 2018 is doing this. Shift to park. How annoying. How can they say this is not a big deal when cars are rolling away? I only have 41,000 miles in it!

  242. My 2017 acadia is starting to do the same thing its frustrating be cause I have to restart it and move it forward or backwards and turn the steering wheel to make it stop , I use the parking break because I’m afraid something will happen , we paid a lot of money for this vehicle and it only has 18, 000 km on it

  243. I simply called and they fixed mine…no questions asked and no charge.

  244. I have a 2018 Traverse with the same problem. The problem is in the limit switch that is depressed when in Park. The contacts inside this switch get corroded because insufficient current flows through them. This is a common problem with micro-switches and any EE should be aware of it. This should be a simple switch to replace but the problem could re-cure unless proper wiper current is run through the switch when activated. GM will have to increase the current flow or use a different switch design to fix the problem correctly.

    Can you add my name to the suit? This should be a no-brainier for GM to fix.

  245. But they are first replacing wiring harnesses, and, when that doesn’t work, replacing entire shifter assembly, supposedly with new switches. A micro switch runs <$2 retail, unless it’s for the flap control on a Cessna 177B. FAA-certified runs in the 3-digits. I know. Should be easy to diagnosis on an Acadia and repair cheaply and quickly.

  246. This was the second time in less than two months that my 2018 GMC Acadia Denali has been in to service for the same issue. The first time I was told that the harness was replaced and the second time I was told that nothing was done because GMC does not have a fix for it. So I need to just deal with it until maybe the end of June. Supposedly that is when GMC might have a new bulletin with a fix. My vehicle will not shift into park without much effort or, as in last night, it never did go into park and now today my battery is dead!!! I now see that this is a know issue for this vehicle. It is an unreasonable to expect me or anyone to continue to drive around in a $44,000 vehicle that does not turn off until the battery goes dead. I would appreciate a response and a resolution to this problem.

  247. My husband figured out an easy fix for this problem. We had the harness replaced once but when it started doing it again he figured out what to do and fixed it in like 5 minutes. We haven’t had the problem since! Wonder if GM will pay him for his knowledge???

  248. My husband figured out an easy fix for this problem. We had the harness replaced once but when it started doing it again he figured out what to do and fixed it in like 5 minutes. We haven’t had the problem since! Wonder if GM will pay him for his knowledge???

    1. I’ve had my harness replaced also and still does it. Are you going to share with other desperate Acadia owners your fix

      1. He took the shifter apart and put some electrical lubricant on it and then put it back together. We have only had it do it one more time that same day but no more! He said if it does it again he will put some more lube on it and we will just see until GM comes up with a fix, if they do???

  249. I have a 2017 Acadia and I have experienced a SHIFT TO PARK issue. It is a problem but so far I have not got stranded in my vehicular. I will be adding to this comment if i do!!!!!!

  250. We have a 2018 Acadia and have had it in to service the “ shift to park” issue 3 times. 2 days ago it shifted into reverse and would not go into park at all. Our driveway is up a hill and and when started rolling down hill. I had to pump the break multiple times in order to stop it from rolling down the drive while my husband put blocks under the wheels. The dealership picked up the car and today called and said it was a bad battery cell! I told them about reading about the shift to park issue and that I don’t believe it is the battery and I do not feel safe driving the car! They are looking into the issue. Please keep me informed as to updated information. Thank you.

    1. Really fun as well when you’re:
      On a multi-day cross-country trip with for senior rescue dogs.
      Trying to get an oil change.
      Trying to buy new tires.
      Trying to get an annual required state safety inspection.

      Only good thing is it’s my vehicle. Wife has a reliable Honda CRV.

  251. I intermittently had the shift to park issue recently. I had bought my 2018 Acadia Denali in December 2019. I brought my vehicle to dealership and they confirmed this happening in the Acadia and Malibu’s. They installed/replaced an In-Line Shifter Harness Jumper. Will see.

  252. I have a 2018 Acadia and in the last 3 months I put my car in park and then shut the car off. Then a light and a dinging sound goes off saying shift into park!

  253. My name is Michael bland I have a 2019 GMC Acadia with the same issue.

  254. 2019 acadia bought brand new in April of 19. Issue just started intermittently

  255. 2018 acadia 38,000 started this couple of weeks ago. Haven’t been to dealer yet.

  256. Yep same problem with my 2017 Acadia. Where do I sign up for the class action?

  257. We have a 2017 Acadia that does the whole shift to park thing…beyond annoying it is a problem GM needs to fix.

  258. Yep I have the same issue with my 2017 Acadia. Whee do I sign up

    1. I’d like to know too.

  259. My 2017 GMC Acadia Denali just started doing the “shift to park” message. At first I thought it was a fluke thing, but now it does it every time I try to park the car. I took it to GM to have it fixed they say the transmission control jumper harness and shifter need to be replaced and that “should” fix the problem. I am astonished that GM won’t recall this problem and stand behind their cars.

  260. We have the same issue with a 2017 acadia.
    Had the harness replaced last march for the fix and the problem just recently returned. Now it is not a warranty fix.

    1. So many have this problem you’d think Gm would do something about it. I bought my 2017 used with 27000 miles. The day after I bought it the problem occurred took car to dealer. Had to pay to get it fixed.

    2. Your 3 year 36000 bumper to bumper should cover it. But it is whichever comes first. I have a co-worker that this appeared on a brand new 19 two weeks old. They replaced his entire shifter assembly. Hasn’t had issue since. Mine has 14500 miles so my warranty better cover this.

  261. I am having the same issue with my 2018 Acadia, I will take it to the dealer and see what they say.

  262. My Acadia is doing this and was just told to many miles for warranty to cover it. Is this a recall from GMC?

    1. At this point only service bulletins. No official recall according to my dealer

    2. This is not a recall. However the dealership I took my car to said to keep my receipt so if it becomes a recall they will reimburse me.

      1. File a complaint with the safety board. If enough people complain, they MAY investigate and GM may issue a recall. Phone number is 888-327-4236

  263. My 2017 has 39000 miles on it now and the problem has just reappeared, out of warranty.

    1. Did you have it looked at once already? What was done? Mine goes in the 29th so I’m curious

      1. I had my car fixed 06/16/2020 and they replaced the transmission control harness jumper and the shifter. They said “this should fix the problem ” however it’s no guarantee.

  264. I started to have this problem on My Acadia 2017 but service changes the gear box before the warranty ends. Now I started to see the problem again but warranty ended. I didn’t know that it is a common problem in this model. 2017 was the first year with the new shape.

  265. Yes. My 2018 SLT1 just started doing this 5 days ago. Consistently occurs when I shut it off and and I have to keep restarting..shifting until it goes away.

  266. I just bought my 2017 Acadia in February 2020 and I’m also experiencing same issue when I park. What can I do?

  267. I bought my 2017 Acadia in February 2020 and I’m also experiencing same shift to park issue. What can I do?

    1. Give the gear shift a good thump when it is in park. Toward the front of the car. works best. If after a few thumps it still says shift to park, you will have to disconnect the battery for about 10 minutes. That almost always clears the message. At this point you will need to take your car to the dealer. Just did that with mine; repair bill:$470

  268. I have a 2019 with 44000 miles on it and its doing the shift to park , it don’t stop i have to disconnect battery.

  269. I am also having this same issue. I called the dealer to make an appointment and they have yet to call me back or return an email (2 months later). I too had my vehicle start to roll the first time this error happened before I realized what was going on. Luckily my foot was near the brake and nothing happened but my infant was in the car. I find it hard to believe they still don’t have a fix to this issue after a class action lawsuit has been filed. Unbelievable.

  270. Yes my GMC Acadia gives me problems so much, I just want out of the lease. Ihave taken it to get :”fixed” but it still continues to happen. The car wont register that it is park. Takes me 20 minutes sometimes to get my car off and have been late for work, etc. I cannot wait to be done with this vehicle. Never again!

  271. My 2017 GMC Acadia 40k miles just started having this problem, put it in park and get a shift to park message

  272. Yes, my 2018 Acadia started doing this at 20k miles. I mentioned this temporary fix before, but I improperly described the method required to stop this. Here is the proper method:

    Once your Acadia is in park, and it gives you the infamous “shift-to-park” message, simply flick the “trigger” switch at the front edge of the shifter knob rapidly UPWARDS, with a quick snapping release, once or multiple times until the shift-to-park message stops and returns to normal. Once reset, you can finally shut the car off.

    My Acadia has often only required only one “upward flick” to reset, and other times, it may take several rapid “upward flicks” to reset, but it has not yet failed to reset.

    Soooo… the problem obviously lies with corroded contacts inside this “trigger switch”. Replacing it (and/or the harness it is connected to) will fix the problem. GM (or their supplier) obviously put a low quality trigger switch in our shifter which is causing all these “shift-to-park” problems. Go figure…

    1. It is hard to say without a description of the switch. I think it is safe to say this is a low current, DC design. If so, the proper switch would be a sealed switch with gold contacts. Any EE worth his salt should know this. Banging on it is, at best, a temporary solution. Judging by the number of failures, I would guess that GM used a switch with silver contacts and did not supply sufficient current to keep the contacts clean.

    2. The “flick” worked for me. ..although I did have them replace the harness. We will see. They still need to address it.

  273. I have had my gear shift replace three times in the two years that I’ve had it. Mine is a 2018 and I love the truck but this is a serious issue. I cannot leave my car until it’s shifts into park or the sensor picks it up. It’s like playing a game with my car until I win 😔😔😔😡😡😡

  274. We are having this issue with our 2017 Acadia Denali, we brought it up to them but they said “they couldn’t recreate or see the problem but reset the system for us”. Whatever that means.

    1. Resetting will not fix it. To recreate the issue try to park the car on a slight uphill or downhill. I was able to recreate the issue at the dealership by this method. Eventually it will do it more frequently and you will be able to show it to them.

  275. Yes, our 2018 was just in the shop yesterday for this very problem. It was showing it was in park but would tell me to “shift to park” and wouldn’t let me lock it.

  276. Common problem. Will GM respond?

  277. Mine is at the dealer right now for this. Of course not in the bumper to bumper warranty period so the dealer said they reached out to GM to see if they would assist. I will be responsible for paying $200 deductible amount to get it fixed.

    1. They covered mine under the 36,000 3 year bumper to bumper warranty when mine was repaired for same problem dealer was very aware of the problem no questions asked.

      1. Unfortunately I have 48,000 miles on mine after 2 1/2 years of owning it and no longer covered by bumper to bumper warranty. 😠

  278. I everyone filed a complaint with the safety board, maybe GM would issue a recall and those of us who have already paid for the repair could get reimbursed. Call 888-327-4236 and have the agent file a complaint.

  279. GMC Rick Henderson in Duluth is changing the shifter part for $170 P&L. I’m surprised that low. We’ll see if the fix holds. I’m out of warranty @52,000 miles. 2018 Acadia

  280. My 2018 Acadia more often than not shows shift to park when it is already in park.

  281. Yep, my 2017 Acadia is doing the same thing@

  282. My 2017 Acadia has Shift to Park problem.
    What should I do??

  283. My 2017 Acadia is currently being worked on for the 2nd time for the shift to park issue. The 1st time was in March of this year. This is a terrible defect that GM needs one effective fix for. Don’t keep bringing me back in for the next possible fix.

    1. Uh just started that game. Had my 19 in and the jumper was not confident this is going to work. But I did notice in the close out notes from dealer that if this occurs again they will replace shifter…

      1. The only permanent fix is to replace the shift assembly and this assumes that GM has changed out the improper microswitch that is the cause of the problem. If they have not done that, this problem cold come back.

  284. Experiencing the same issue the dealer has fixed this but it has happened again since warranty has by now expired they are refusing to fix we are looking at our options to file suit

  285. Resetting the system is not solving the issue. To recreate it try to park the car on slight uphill or downhill. This is how I recreated it at the dealership. Try and see. Eventually it will frequently happen and you will be able to show it to them.

  286. I have a 2017 Acadia. Had this problem after I first purchased it and they changed out my shift harness, and it was covered under the warranty. Now, it is happening again, and my car is out of warranty. It will cost me $300+ to get it fixed. Shouldn’t have to pay for a GMC glitch.

    1. File a complaint with the safety board. If enough people complain, they MAY investigate and GM may issue a recall. Phone number is 888-327-4236

  287. I have a 2017 GMC Acadia and had this problem right after I purchased the vehicle. It was covered under warranty so GMC fixed it. Now, about 2 years later, I am having the same issue and the warranty expired, so it will cost me about $300+ to fix it again. It takes me about 5 minutes to get it to register that it is in park.

  288. Same as everyone else 2018 GMC Acadia shift to park already took it in around a year ago fixed for free
    They said if it does it again we will have to pay. Is
    There anything we can do

    1. File a complaint with the safety board. If enough people complain, they MAY investigate and GM may issue a recall. Phone number is 888-327-4236. There may also be a class action suit you can join. Do not know for sure if it has actually been file yet.

  289. I have a 2017 GMC Acadia Denali ,it has been in 4 times since purchase on 8/14 17 for the shift to park issue. Each time they say this will fix the issue to no avail . So I really have little hope that this latest fix will cure the issue. I’m sure glad I purchased a 10 year warranty , I had hoped this vehicle would last me 15 years but that hope gone.If it continues when the warranty expires so does me owning a GM . I have owned GM vehicles my entire driving history (50 years)beginning with a 67 Chevelle SS 396 and have purchased more than 10 new GM vehicles 1984!!!!. Maybe time to think about an Acura MDX.

  290. My 2017 gmc acadia just started doing the same says shift to park already in park.40000 miles haven’t got it to dealer yet

  291. Same here 2017 acadia 40000 miles just started haven’t got it to dealer yet

  292. I just had my 2019 gmc Acadia in the shop for shift to park with 35000 miles on it under warranty. I’m sure it will happen again after warranty is out. It is a little under 500.0 to replace shifter and harness. Should be a recall.

  293. I also have a 2017 Acadia out of warranty. The problem started about a month ago. In the last week it is almost every time I turn off the car. I have to start it 4-5 times, put it in gear and turn it off again. If I get lucky it will go away. Any suggestions?!? I keep seeing that dealers are not sure what’s causing it so they aren’t sure how to fix it. That is not comforting!!

    1. Tell them to replace the shift assembly. There has to be thousands of failures like yours nationwide so I find it hard to believe any GM dealer would not know how to fix it.

    2. I recently got my 2017 Acadia repaired at the dealer and they referenced repair document I.D. #5403533. They replaced the transmission shift control assembly and installed an updated jumper harness. As a workaround prior to getting it fixed, I flicked the shift button a few times after putting it into park. Such a shame, I used to love the vehicle…..

  294. Can confirm. I recently noticed this started happening. Sometimes, the issue would be resolved by me pushing the stick forward beyond the PARK position, and the sensor would recognize it. Other times, I would have to turn the car back on, put it in REVERSE, turn the car off so the notification would appear, and THEN put it into PARK.

    Either way, I hope there is a recall or notice of a fix sometime soon before this turns into a more severe issue.

  295. I am in Oregon and this issue stranded me and my children this past June. I can’t believe this is not a recall after seeing so many owner reports and a lawsuit on the web. My repairs cost over $500 and I was only 1 month out of warranty. I own a 2017 GMC Acadia Denali with 23K miles on it.

  296. Same issue with 2017 Acadia Denali, 61k miles so out of any kind of warranty. This is my wife’s car and regularly leaves her confused as to how to fix the issue, I have received several phone calls and can’t give her an answer. I would like to be part of this lawsuit.

  297. I’m having the same problem as everyone else! I’m 3 years into my 2017 Acadia. I want to say we took it in sometime last year to have this repaired. I foeget what exactly they did however they had my car for maybe a day or two.
    I’ll be calling the dealer tomorrow as well as the vehicle safety line tomorrow.

  298. I am having the same problem with the shift to park. Took my 1/2 hour shifting back and forth to get it to stop saying that.

  299. Same issue with 2017 Acadia. I would like to be part of this lawsuit. the servise center check for 6hour then say we need pay 500 more dollars to fix.

  300. Same issue on my 2017 Acadia with 41k miles. Stupid thing took me 30 minutes starting/shutting off same issue. Shift car into park and it rolls backwards in my garage. This is going to cause a problem and hurt someone as this is serious and I hope gm is ready to pay if it does. I hope it won’t but I’ll be staying in the vehicle until it doesn’t show that.

  301. We’ve had our 2018 Acadia for a little over a year and we are having the same problem. I love my car but this is frustrating.

  302. I have a 2017 GMC Acadia which the dealer replaced the shifter cable on January 2019. The problem resurfaced in June 2020. Plan on calling my dealer once again.

    1. Replacing the cable does not fix the problem. The only way to fix this is to replace the entire shift assembly. There is a design flaw in the original and I don’t know if it has been corrected in the replacement assembly. If the faulty part in the assembly has not been replaced with the correct part, the problem could happen again. With luck a new shift assembly would last for at least a year.

  303. I’m actually at the dealership now getting this replaced for the 2nd time. The first time was a year after purchase. Today marks 3 years after purchase.
    The replacement is covered under my extended warranty. I just have to cover the $100 deductible.

    1. Replacing the cable does not fix the problem. The only way to fix this is to replace the entire shift assembly. There is a design flaw in the original and I don’t know if it has been corrected in the replacement assembly. If the faulty part in the assembly has not been replaced with the correct part, the problem could happen again. With luck a new shift assembly would last for at least a year.

    2. You should not have to pay that $100 deductible if it is the SAME problem you had 2 years ago. This is a known issue and GM needs to take responsibility for it. Consider having your dealer contact GM about this and have them waive that $100. Granted, I had to pay about 200 for a new battery this last time. :-/

  304. Same issue… although I first dealt with the “drained battery issue” 2 weeks after initial purchase in 2017. They looked several times for an issue — couldn’t find one. They finally just said it was the crank shaft of the battery — and I think they just made that up. Persistent problems of car not shutting off or not allowing it to lock because the car would not engage fully in park — or the computer would not recognize it was in park. After several complaints and taking it down there a few times, and finally an error showed, “Shift to Park” in Aug 2019 they finally said the shift gear needed to be replaced. Fast forward again to July 2020… it is doing it again and my battery is drained again. No “park to shift” error came up but a “parking assist service” light came on. The dash would not go to slumber. I kept fiddling with the gear and gave a loud “pop”, learched and then the computer went into slumber. Mechanic verified it was the same issue again and replaced the gear shift one more time. I am soooooo not happy. They were not going to cover it at all until I reminded them I have had continuous issues with this. Mileage is at 41k and I am going to go for the lemon law. This vehicle drives like a dream — but this shift gear problem is dangerous and I feel GM is being irresponsible in not recalling it or admitting there is a real issue. We have been die-hard GMC patrons for decades. I think this is the last GMC product I will own.

    1. I think you are correct. Battery does not have a “crank shaft”. The problem is with a microswitch in the shift assembly. It is not designed correctly. GM has to know about this as they have had so many problems. There is reported to be a class action suit being filed because of just this problem.

  305. Having problem with shift to park it wont turn car off until in park. 2017 acadia 54000

  306. I just bought a 2017 Acadia. 53000 Kms. Brought it in for shift to park issues and they couldn’t find anything wrong.
    Today by battery was totally drained and I had to get a boost. Shift to park keeps happening. I want to cry.

    1. The dealerships are aware of the problem! Sucks that GMC won’t issue a recall. My shift to park warning luckily came on while I was at the dealership. I bought my car with 0 miles. I had less than 12k when they fixed it the first time. 3 years later Im at 32k. They told me after 75k miles, I’ll have to cover the full cost if I need it replaced again.

      1. What did they do to fix it?

        1. I wish I could upload a screen shot of my invoice.
          Per the bill they replaced an “S Controll” Code 84699764. They also replaced “Harness”. Code 84733196. The total for those two was abt $150. They also charged $300 for labor😔

          1. Stephanie have you had any problems since

            1. No, thank goodness! I’ve only driven it twice since. We’ll see how this goes. Seems to happen every 2 years for me.

  307. I wish I could upload a screen shot of my invoice.
    Per the bill they replaced an “S Controll” Code 84699764. They also replaced “Harness”. Code 84733196. The total for those two was abt $150. They also charged $300 for labor😔

  308. Obviously the Acadia is having a major problem with the shift . I bought my 2017 Acadia about a year ago and got it fixed once under the extended warranty that I purchased from the dealership. I am worried that it will break again. I found this blog by luck. I am sure others are not aware of our group and would like to join us. How could we all file a suit or make a group complaint with the better business bureau BBB. Is there other ways that we could jointly file a complaint.
    It will be nice if GM makes a better shift and get the issue fixed. Please, advise.

  309. I am having the same issue with my 2017 Acadia. I would like to be part of this lawsuit. The service dept has to order anew shifter, plus the cost of labor. And of course the warranty is just up.

  310. I am having the shift to park issue with my 2019 GMC Acadia.

  311. I’m also having shift to park issue on my 2017 gmc Acadias. The dealer replaced a wiring harness which worked for 3 months but now it’s popping up again and of course the warranty is up.
