New leaked photos of the 2021 Cadillac Escalade surfaced online this week, which we’re sure General Motors already wasn’t thrilled about. Unfortunately for GM, now photos of the SUV’s interior have also been published, showing off its redesigned dashboard and fancy dual-display infotainment system.
Our eyes are immediately drawn to the new infotainment system, which appears to use two separate screens to create a widescreen shape that takes up more than fifty percent of the dashboard. The smaller driver’s display screen is framed by the larger center display and its housing, while a third, smaller screen sits to the left of the driver next to the door. The design of the dual-display setup is directly inspired by the Cadillac Escala concept, which featured two overlapping display screens placed in a similar manner.
The center console, along with the dash area beneath the infotainment system, looks more like the ones in other Cadillacs such as the XT6. The HVAC controls are also positioned the same as in other new Cadillac models and are joined by a smaller, separate screen that acts as a display for the climate control. A rotary dial can be seen sitting just ahead of the Electronic Precision Shift gear selector, while a smaller secondary dial (likely for adjusting the audio volume) can also be seen near the rotary dial. These various details also appear to be inspired by the Escala concept.
Just like the leaked exterior photos, the interior images seem to have been taken at GM’s Arlington Assembly plant, where the 2021 Cadillac Escalade will enter production alongside GM’s other new T1-based full-size SUVs. The new 2021 Chevrolet Tahoe and 2021 Chevrolet Suburban are expected to go on sale in mid-2021, so the 2021 Cadillac Escalade probably won’t hit dealers until Q3 or Q4 of 2020. We expect the luxury SUV to make its debut sometime in Q1 2020.
Like the new Tahoe and Suburban, the next-generation Escalade will utilize GM’s T1 platform and will benefit from a new multi-link independent rear suspension setup. Other big changes are in store for the SUV as well – including a battery-electric variant that may have up to 400 miles of range.
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Like I said before, I will wait to make my final opinion about this interior, but so far no way. And for those who attempt to make the comparison to the Escala concept car dash/interior, look again. There is a HUGE difference in how this Escalade’s new dash and obnoxious screens look vs. the concept car’s design. Although there is a similar theme, the Escala’s screens are totally integrated to the dash and sit below the dash top, giving it a smooth and elegant flowing look. This new Escalade’s dash just looks like a “want to be a Mercedes”, but didn’t want to spend the money to get there. I’ll say it again: I can’t wait for this tablet stuck to the dash fad to pass. BTW, it doesn’t matter what brand of car it’s in. I’m not just bashing on Cadillac here. That look sucks on any brand weather MB or Toyota or Lincoln or now Cadillac. Kudos to Buick for keeping a nicely integrated screen.
Ok boomer
I double that SAM’
OK Boomer
Well I have to agree with Sam cause this dude dan has no freaking idea what he is talking about.
Care to expand on your comment? My comment is obviously an opinion (says that in the very first line). So instead of making a comment that I have no idea what I’m talking about, how about you put your money where your mouth is? Declare to the world just why this new dash/screen layout is so awesome in your view?
Dan, I can answer that – tons more info, more configurability, updatable/expandable. It’s very close to the Escala execution except for the fact that the dash doesn’t extend up behind the screens. The Escalade configuration actually seems better to me as it keeps the main dash low for better sight-lines. Gotta get used to screens man, this is honestly one of the most thoughtful executions I’ve ever seen IMO.
@SAM: and your age is? From your comment, I can guess not that adult-like?
I try to be as adult-like as possible but I personally am 9 years old. Good call-out.
lol. Are you really 9? I love the fact that there are still younger people loving on cars! Also, if that is your true age, then your other comment above “more configurability, updatable/expandable” totally makes sense. Not saying I agree with it that much, but gives me more understanding. My Encore doesn’t have any huge dual screens, yet it is configurable, update-able and does everything needed. I have zero clue what you mean by expandable in this setting.
I’m not 9. That was a joke.
More/larger screens means more screen real estate to do more advanced stuff and display more information. Super simple.
So you mean more distracted drivers? Great. Got it. Now that’s exactly what this world needs.
Put the phones down. Stop playing on screens, Stop texting, even if through carplay. My OPINION is that if you can’t drive without a bunch of screens and distracting connected devices, then get off the road. I think people have lost sight of the FACT that your drivers license is a privilege granted by the state in which you are licensed. That little thing belongs to the state, not you (as in anyone who dives). If a person can’t be in a vehicle for a short time without all electronics, then take a taxi or Uber and play all you wish.
Ok boomer
So Sam, you can make petty little comments as such. The fact is this country (and I’m sure others too) have a crisis on the roads with distracted drivers. Have you lost a family member or friend to an accident due to texting or distracted driving? I have. I have stood next the the casket of a young girl, the daughter to my friend, who was killed due to texting. The other driver was crippled for life. As an ex-police officer, I have rolled up on accidents where lives are changed forever…….all because people can’t pay attention to the driving. Sad, and then there are people such as you who think you are so funny with the little one-liners.
Fact is, distracted drivers (yes, from screens, phones, tablets, etc) are as dangerous or more dangerous than drunk drivers. So I say again: more distracted drivers. Exactly what this world needs.
There is a swivel wheel below for physically controlling the screen if you’d like. You went from personally not liking the design of the new Escalade to implying that I want people to die due to distracted driving. That’s never what I was saying. The key to all this is that it’s YOUR OPINION that larger screens lead to more accidents. Not fact. Go back and look at your original argument. It’s all about how you don’t like the design. That is what I was replying to. Calm down.
“Are you really 9” hahaha.
Dan the Man, you may want to put the big guns away and call it a day, buddy. You’re not doing yourself any favors 😉
@SAM: Wrong.
You are correct in the fact that I don’t see the need for such large screens. You would be correct if you said that I don’t care for the design/layout of the new Escalade screens.
However, where you are totally wrong is that my factual comment about distracted drivers was NOT based on my opinion of the screens. It was based on your comments above “More/larger screens means more screen real estate to do more advanced stuff and display more information. Super simple.” as well as “tons more info, more configurability, updatable/expandable.”. This is all stuff that distracts drivers from what they should be doing: Driving.
I get that I’m one of few who dislike the fad of large-tacked on screens. I get that I’m one of few who may still like driving. I get that my opinion of how some of these systems look is different from yours. What I don’t get is the lack of compassion from people like you who think having bigger screens makes you more important that other people’s lives.
Distracts them IN YOUR OPINION. Doesn’t make it fact.
Lack of compassion? More important? Never said any of that. Check out the down-votes on your comments man and stop trying to make this a personal attack.
Like Ostriches. Tell yourself what makes you feel better. You can’t just say it’s not factual. Google it.
And if you are posting on here for the up/down votes, go with god.
Praying for you.
“Are you really 9? I love the fact that there are still younger people loving on cars!”
Wholesome Boomer comment.
I agree with you on the screen just stuck on the dash is dumb design. The one in the new explorer is joke. This one at least is not sticking up High like in Toyotas and Mercedes and others. Its trend like midnight/black out look that hopefully passes. Tesla Model 3 seems to be what everyone is chasing regarding the interior and I personally hate it but I have heard some like it. I guess people are becoming more concerned with a big screen instead a interior that looks nice.
I don’t pass judgement on a vehicle until I actually see and experience it in person. Grainy photos don’t tell the whole story. And regardless, it won’t matter anyway because Cadillac will sell these like hotcakes just like the current generation with its less expensive interior.
Escalade’s screen is also integrated into the dash. We just can’t see the top of the “roof” because of the bad photos. Check the carscoops shots. U will notice the beginning of the roof from the passenger’s side.
Ever drove one? I own 2019 Escalade platinum, best vehicle I’ve ever had. No matter what they do to the inside, Cadillac is the best. I have a Mercedes also and my fav is the Cadillac. Buy one then make a comment.
KB, I have owned 6 Cadillacs. I will make a comment here.
Why do you own a Mercedes ?
What Mercedes do you own ?
And if you love Cadillac so much, how come you don’t have a Cadillac instead of the Mercedes ?
You see, I love Cadillac also. But we drive mid-sized vehicles. And there is not one mid-sized Cadillac in todays offering that we will buy.
What do you love the most about your Escalade ?
In my opinion, if GM would do the exact same thing with the mid=sized Cadillac line that is offered in the Escalade, you would not own that Mercedes.
If the CT6 would have come with the 2.7T or the 3.0TT 10 speed from the get go, stocked on the lots and included the new Escalade interior, why would you buy a Mercedes ?
If the CT5 would come with a 2.7T-10 speed from the get go, stocked on the lots and included the Escalade interior, why would you own a Mercedes ?
If the XT6 would have come with the 2.7T or 3.0TT-10 speed from the get go, stocked on the lots and included the new Escalade interior, why would you drive a Mercedes ?
If the XT4 would have come with the 2.7T – 10 speed from the get go, stocked on the lots and included the new Escalade interior, why would you own a Mercedes ? and we would have one in our garage as I wright this.
However EVERY Cadillac other than the Chevy Suburban of Cadillacs in the last 20 years have been a mess !
Reliability is junk !
Quality is junk !
Customer support is junk !
Reviews have been junk !
We own one and it is junk ! We to should have bought a Mercedes !
So as I do love the looks of the new Escalade, in and out, the ONLY reason you drive one instead of a Mercedes is the GM truck platform !
What engine do you have in your Escalade ?
Why didn’t GM put only the 5.3 in the Escalade like the mid-sized Cadillac line ?
Any way just trying to make a point, that if Cadillac would do the same things exactly with their mid-sized lineup, maybe, just maybe, people would buy them instead of your Mercedes, or Audi, or BMW !
Just my opinion though, what is yours ?
Um… but no @lifelonggmowner. I’m sorry, but I have experienced Mercedes for myself and they are complete garbage. I can’t trust Mercedes as far as I can throw a rock, and I can’t throw very far because I suck at throwing. That’s beside the point, Mercedes shouldn’t even be a company, especially a vehicle manufacturing company. I have experienced many GM vehicles and I’d take that any day over a Mercedes. Heck, I am not a very big Ford person, and I’d still rather buy a Ford/Lincoln over a Mercedes. That’s saying a lot knowing how much I trash talk Fords.
I’m sorry @Dan Berning but welcome to a new era. Get used to it bud, because this is a constantly changing world and this new design was going to happen at some point anyway. I can almost guarantee that Buick will do the same within the next five years. And while the old way was good, the new way is a whole lot better. Again, welcome to a new era. We’re in the 2020s, not the 2000s.
These are just grainy, cropped screenshots from Much more details of the interior, and in much better quality, shown over there.
Now, I want to really see the specs for the Escalade BEV.
The info readout on the left side of the cluster looks pretty cool.
Interior is fine, not far enough in design. Playing catch up always Cadillac. The exterior is horrid. Mary Bary and her merry SJW men and binary trans should be axed pronto. Cadillac is dead.
God do you people do anything but bitch? BMW could make a dash out of cardboard and you’d still say Caddy was playing catchup with them.
I do agree about the screen integration though.
I much prefer the screen sit just below a solid flowing top dashboard.
I just think it looks like it was meant to be when it is integrated.
Look at the new Chevys, the top flows nicely until you get to the screen, then pow there is the screen, sticking up.
Just put a third center rise flowing behind the outer one or something, but each to their own.
At least they get a 10″ screen in those Chevys.
Not like my $80,000.00 Denali dash 8″ debacle !
Although it seems many on here do not agree, that’s ok (just no need to be obnoxious about it like they were). But I would guess these are the same people who feel so important that they need multiple screens on their home and/or work computers. Maybe it makes them feel important? I don’t know. But what I said above is simply my opinion. Really doesn’t matter that much, because I’m not vain enough that I must drive an Escalade anyhow and never will. I’m the kind of person who doesn’t care what anyone thinks about what I drive. Anyhow…
Back to the screens: The way the concept Escala dash/screens look are very elegant and they look integrated. Not at all so on this new Escalade. I really do give Buick credit for their dash/screen/interior design.
You have to remember there is no way in what you see in concept can be built in mass produced vehicle. If they were all built by hand and your willing to pay 1 million dollars then maybe.
Dan Berning, and Joe,
I do have many screens on my desk, one for CAD, one for coding, one for this crap, etc. not to mention my phone screen.
My problem with the vehicle screens is this.
If you are buying a cheap vehicle and that is what you want, great get a 7″ or 8″ screen, iv you don’t use NAV and don’t have all the camera views, OK, you can get one – right.
But on the highest trim, most expensive GM truck, with all those cameras, and Nav. the min should have been the 10 ” like the new full-sized SUVs, with an option to go bigger if you choose.
The Escalade is right where it needs to be here for the Cadillac line, the screens will serve it well. Hopefully you can customize them some. But this is a Cadillac, it is supposed to be the biggest and best !
I too like the integrated screens like Buick and I hope the new Yukon screen is integrated and at least a 10″ and the dash will fit in my Denali HD, but here’s to dreaming !
Now to Joe, so did the cave man say when one developed the wheel, that plane will never fly, that gasoline engine will never work, that gosh darned electricity is going to kill us all, and Joe says they will never be able to mass produce that ! WHAT !!!! Look at what we as human mass produce, are you serious ?
XT6 steering wheel. By far the worst part of this nice interior.
If there is any hope that the CT6/Omega platform will return as something else, it needs to have this dashboard. This is the dash the CT6 should have launched with.
Though I was somewhat disappointed with the new Tahoe/Suburban’s interior, this Escalade interior will be a hit! Definitely will be the standard of Luxury SUVs. Exterior does look like a bigger XT6 which was what everyone expected but it looks elegant and not overdone.
Great job GM!
Between all the debate here the screens are only going to get bigger and used for more things.
This vehicle and th3 Corvette are only the first models to get these. why? GM just started to release the new electronic architecture that can support it.
The old GM electronics were too slow and inefficient.
As they upgrade these models the most expensive first we will see the move to cheaper models over time.
These screens are lighter and will be cheaper in the long run to install and more able to be configured to a number of models with the same screen.
Say this goes into a standard Cadillac. It can be programmed for the standard model. The same screen then can be programmed for a V or V Blackwing. One screen One part number can support the entire range.
We will see an expansion now with electronics as they not have the system to support it.
It will take time to change everything but they finally have completed the work and stated the changes with the Corvette.
I wonder if the new coming truck interiors will be part of the change over as they still need updated.
I must withhold my verdict until I can caress the lower door panels.
I actually like it. It looks big and imposing. The interior is not bad looking – Gm Chevrollac downfall. I see that shifter that looks stupid too me. I do like the layer screens. I can’t wait to see the rest. The two Chevys looks fine too me. They will continue to be a hit.
While, I do like the interior of the GLS, the exterior is rather bland. The X7 meh…
The Q7 is not big enough.
The Navi looks okay. Too much bright work in the interior. I have inside of it in person.
The LX it’s a Lexus strong resale, and reliable – but its awfuly old.
The Infiniti – Well moving on.
The Range Rover – How can an SUV cost so much and be so UNreliable?? – GEEZ.
Have you driven new X7? Any other car feel dumb compare to it. Attention to detail is insane. Essentially you are getting discounted Rolls Royce Cullinan.
A bit off-topic here but Cadillac news none-the-less. Automotive News is reporting that Carlisle has said Cadillac will ditch alphanumerics as they morph the brand from a BMW wannabe positioning to Tesla wannabe.
If there is one thing a Cadillac can do better than any other car on the market, any other car that has ever existed, it’s the U-Turn. Cadillac is the master of the U-Turn.
I have to say I welcome the news but on the heels of so many other changes in direction, it has simply become comical. The “first ever” CT4 and CT5 haven’t even launched and yet we learn those “names” will be short-lived. I suspect the products themselves will be too.
Truthfully, if it weren’t for the Escalade, Cadillac might already be out-of-business. It’s a low-investment, easy money product but its really the only thing they’ve stayed committed to. Escalade has been around 21 years which is an eternity for Cadillac.
The new dash look is refreshing and it’s obvious that GM wants to shy away from a big center stack touch screen where most of the info is translated to the center dash screen. It’s where I rather look at than off the right and down. I just bought a 2019 1SS Camaro and the center dash screen emulated the four dials, temp, oil, battery, & gas. There are other displays but the look of these four gauges look like the real deal. Only the speedo and tach are real. It is easy to see how an all flat screen dash can be designed for any look. It be nice that you can buy your own skins one day and get the look of classic 1950 dash’s.
Wow this looks like a Chrysler from the 1960’s I’m guessing about 3 grand to replace.