These days, it’s tough for students to find a good job right out of college, even with a degree under their belt. They are often forced to take a low-wage position outside their field of study just to pay the bills. To make matters worse, high student loan debt can make it even more difficult to succeed. Luckily, a new GM scholarship program looks to fix these problems by working with local community colleges to bridge the gap between school and a career.
It was recently announced that Owens Community College will join a list of seven similar establishments in Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania to launch the new GM Dealer Technician Scholarship program. Through a joint partnership between the automaker and the community colleges, the new GM scholarship program is intended to help students graduate debt-free with a two-year associate’s degree in automotive technology. What’s more, there’s a 100-percent hire rate for graduates that complete the program at Owens.
Additionally, the GM scholarship program helps eligible students enrolled in GM Automotive Service Educational Program with full tuition coverage. The program has begun this fall.
Demand for trained automotive service technicians is high, and thanks to partnerships between community colleges and local dealers, students are provided with valuable experience as they work alongside technicians. This provides a streamlined path for the students to launch a career as a technician themselves at the dealership.
Students gain hands-on experience with the latest automotive technology, including Wi-Fi hotspots, battery-electric propulsion systems and autonomous drive systems like GM’s Super Cruise feature.
It’s great to see the connection between school and a career made so clear. Students will no doubt appreciate the debt-free path towards a rewarding job at a local dealer, and with the experience gained, the dealership can remain confident that the students will have the skills needed to do the job.
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I am very pleased that the company provides students with opportunities for further career development, or rather the first steps in its construction. At one time, I was extremely happy that I got into the program propapers about which I generally found out by chance from a review. Even such an accident helped me move towards my dream and future.