At this point, we think it’s safe to say that the debut of the new 2020 Corvette C8 was a resounding success, generating heaps of praise and attention for Chevrolet’s all-new sports car. The move to a mid-engine configuration was big news, no doubt about it, but now, rumor has it there’s something even bigger on the horizon – a Corvette SUV/crossover, which could be part of an as-of-yet unconfirmed standalone Corvette brand that would also contain a Corvette sedan.
According to a recent report from Autoweek, which cites information gleaned from anonymous “GM insiders,” that’s exactly what The General is considering. The report points out that the potential spinoff Corvette brand is still very much in the planning stages, and could hit the dustbin should the industry face some serious trouble with the next downturn. But so far, GM execs remain cagey on the subject, neither confirming nor denying the possibility of a separate Corvette brand.
“I can’t say anything one way or the other,” said vice president of performance vehicles and motorsports, Jim Campbell, at the recent Corvette C8 debut event in California.
GM President Mark Reuss was even less enthusiastic, but nevertheless held back from a flat-out denial, saying, “Probably not going to see that.”
Possible products under the supposed Corvette brand include a crossover/SUV as well as a new sedan. What’s more, Autoweek says Cadillac may utilize the C8 platform to build its own version of the sports car.
We’ve already covered the possibility of a separate Corvette brand for a while now. Back in April, we posed the question of whether or not such a thing would be a good idea, while in June, we covered statements made by former GM exec and industry top-shot, Bob Lutz, who, in an interview with Automotive News, championed the idea of a Corvette SUV.
Going back even further to September 2018, we captured a possible Corvette crossover-SUV making a run at the GM Milford Proving Ground.
Gauging by the public’s overwhelmingly positive reaction to the new 2020 Chevrolet Corvette C8, an entire Corvette brand may not be a terrible idea. It goes without saying the purists will balk at the notion, but with the nameplate now moving the engine to the midship position, perhaps the floodgates will soon open to other changes for the Corvette just as well.
For now, a release date in 2023 has been floated as a possibility for the new Corvette brand. In the meantime, we’ll continue to keep our eyes open for any further developments, so subscribe to GM Authority for more mid-engine Corvette news, Corvette C8 news, Corvette news, Chevrolet news, and around-the-clock GM news coverage.
Source: Autoweek
This was being considered over a decade ago before the bankruptcy during the development of the Kappa II platform that would have been for the second generation Solstice. Corvette was to get a small roadster to act a more premium hi-po model above the Pontiac Solstice. And I believe there were rumours of an LS7 powered Tahoe that would get the checkered flag badge too.
They were still behind Porsche, but would’ve only been a few years behind the release of the Cayenne instead of 2 decades.
It was very likely Bob Lutz driving the train for such a thing in 2006. He was pushing all sorts of unique and performance vehicle forward.
Interesting. That sure sounds like Lutz. I suspect the CT4/CT5 would be very different cars had he still been at GM during their development. I also think he would have pushed through Cadillac’s modernized SUV lineup much sooner and it would have been RWD-based and performance oriented.
I’d be all for a nice muscle car sedan (similar to Charger) that actually looks exciting, unlike the bland looking sedans that Chevy has recently spewed out.
I can’t wait for the SUV and ESPECIALLY CUV craze to die out. They are gross.
not gonna happen, soon the SUV’s will become electric vehicles as well.
I would be down for a Corvette SUV and a sedan. My personal favorites are the 2006-2009 Trailblazer SS with the LS2 and the SS from 2010-2017. They should consider bringing those back.
Also, I kinda felt like the Tahoe RST, Yukon Denali, and Escalade were like the corvette since the L86 engine was based from the LT1 but modified for the BoF trucks.
GM needs to create Corvette Brand, with Premium Sport products like a Porsche.
Chevrolet Corvette= Corvette Zora/ Zora06/ ZoraR1
Corvette sedan= Corvette America
Corvette SUV= Corvette Typhoon
GM already has Cadillac. If they stuck to long-term planning and proper benchmarking, they’d already be there with Cadillac.
If GM can’t get Cadillac right, what makes you think they’d get a Corvette brand right?
Hopefully we’ll get a 4 tier, light weight NA Z06, turbo ZR1, turbo/hybrit Zora
Corvette is a Model of sports car from Chevrolet. They even made it a point to drive that home in the presentation. They made more references to Chevrolet than ever before.. It’s been a Chevrolet since day 1 1953. They’d be completely flushing it’s heritage,legacy and lineage down the toilet to take it away from Chevrolet. The small block Chevy is also tied to the car. Again since day 1. And of course everyone loves the C8! Chevy nailed it, finally!
If GM did this, I’d be done with them. They would have ruined the Corvette and Chevrolet both permanently for me.
Land Rover figured this out with Range Rover. I am sure Chevrolet can have a Vette Sub Brand.
They should have the Sports Car, a four Door Coupe, and a CUV.
A very touchy subject with Chevrolet purists. In my opinion this could be beneficial to Chevrolet and Corvette. This thought process is almost as old as the first Vette. The original Impala was shown first at the 1956 GM Motorama. It was called the Corvette Impala. I would like to see the leaping Impala over a set of crossed flags make a return.
As much hand wringing and whining we do about Cadillac not getting what it needs, Chevrolet is the division that deserves anything it desires. Chevrolet is and always has been the flagship of GM!
I’m all for a spin off along with additional vehicles like the panamera like sedan, compact CUV and 3 row SUV but want stand alone dealerships…The problem is the execution as the overwhelming majority of GMC dealerships are also Buick dealerships…Therefore I would predict there would not be a standalone requirement and therefore most customers will still be going to a Chevy dealership to buy a Vette making it pointless for the customer…
In my opinion, they should not have a Three Row CUV.
Just a Panemera type and a Mid Size two row CUV.
I think this is the plan, both CUV and sedan will be C8 based (think $60k base, 2+2 seats, DCT, LT2 engine standard). The C8 Sedan would both be a Charger Hellcat/Panamera type competition and an impromptu SS replacement, IMO an Alpha based sedan should be offered below C8 sedan for po’folk performance, police/fleet duty as well.
Yesss!!, finally a Vette to look forward to!..
Thanks GMA for finally posting this story.
I guess I really don’t understand what most of you complaining want. I guess neither do you.
You guys complain that everything should be V8, RWD, and manual. Here is GM dipping their toes in that realm, and you guys still manage to be unhappy.
At this point idk if you guys are really GM fans, trolls, lead completely miserable lives, or seem to never be satisfied with anything GM does/plans.
You guys play armchair CEO’s, and constantly berate Mary Barra. I really doubt you guys would have much if any spine in her shoes. I digress.
I like this idea. As long as it’s pulled off correctly.
I remember seeing a render of a Corvette SUV that looked similar a Lamboghini Urus. It actually looked really good!
Saw a Urus yesterday and just not feeling it.
They could keep the C7 Corvette, design a sports sedan using the Cadillac CT6 as a starting point and then a CUV with the the 2019 Blazer as a starting point.
I think that should bring back Pontiac instead of creating a Corvette brand.
They should do both….
Agreed… If GM is going to go down this path, I’d rather see them bring Pontiac back and let that be a high performance niche brand for things like sedans and CUVs. That way the Corvette name doesn’t get diluted.
Chevrolet Corvette Stingray. That’s a full name. I don’t see why an SUV or sedan couldn’t be called Chevrolet Corvette [fill in the blank]. I think it would work and I like the idea of Corvette sub brand.
Do it.
If GM’s top brass were to strait out say “NO”, this and hundreds of other articles wouldn’t be produced and be going “Viral”?
They feed you what you want to hear!
NO! Keep the Corvette a Chevy! Let it be known that all these high powered supercars have just been defeated by the same company that made the Celebrity!
But at least, not the Edsel! ?
I can hardly wait!!!!! a 30 year old millenial with too much testosterone and not enough brains with two or three child car seats in his suv corvette. Throwing the kids in a panic doing 0 to 100 in 7 seconds and taking the curves at warp speed. When he gets home the kids are battered, bruised and throwing up the wife will no doubt kick his a** from here to gone. Whats next , a drop top silverado just to be cool delivering pizzas? Corvette is an icon period. Theres only one like it, only one. No one will ever make anything like it . That said , leave it alone. If you want a suv, go buy one and hall your happy a** around with your friends/kids/family whatever. Wont it be nice 10 years from now when someone asks what you drive you say a corvette minivan arg. Grow up people, you to General Motors
Well you have dozens of candy ass GM CUVs to choose from. Nothing says “grown” then a 130-200hp fwd/awd mommymobile.
Aww are you butthurt by this?
I don’t usually don’t comment on things that don’t concern me that much, but by doing so It seems to some, I am only negative towards GM.
So I’ll give it more effort.
While I love what GM has done with the Corvette, in the C8.
And can’t wait to drive one.
I also think a Corvette ” branded ” SUV would be a mistake, a Corvette is a Corvette !
GM has plenty of SUVs to make into performance vehicles, just make that happen.
Really, name a GM performance SUV made this decade…… All these grandpopas still think it’s the 50’s and everyone in America wants a Barbie 2 seater .
The Corvette will be the next “forever” nameplates like GTO, Grand National, Firebird, etc if it doesn’t evolve. The CUV/sedan will pay for the standard coupe, what’s not to like about it?.
The new 2020 Corvette C8 is sold out!. That is a fact and not an indicator of failure by any means. I for one do not see a problem with GM considering Corvette as a brand as long as they continue their commitment to quality, high performance and affordability. It was a decline in the above mentioned factors what caused the invasion of European and Asian vehicle imports in the ’60s. Consumers for the most part have always understood rather quickly what’s good and what is not. You cannot cheat consumers for long…
If and that is a big if they did do a SUV and Sedan they would have to be read wheel drive and V8 engine. IMO this type of vehicle would be better as a Cadallac which already have a V8 sedan and the need for a high volume rear and all wheel drive V8 SUV smaller than the Escalade.. Corvette is a Chevrolet sports car and it needs to stay that way.
For me, too little, too late. I’ve suffered through several purchases of brand new Corvettes from plebeian Chevrolet dealerships. Unbelievable ordering and sales processes. During the ownership, I’ve been treated like I’ve just purchased an economy car, not Chevrolet’s flagship vehicle and America’s only true sports car. Dealerships that lacked the proper equipment and personal and most importantly, the proper training. I have driven home from the dealership with crooked steering wheels due to improper wheel alignment and then discovering said selling dealer didn’t even have a four wheel alignment rack. Parts departments that would mishandle special orders and were just plain difficult to work with. I have made multiple purchases of multiple generations of Corvettes starting with the C3 and ending with the C7.
No thank you Chevrolet, I’ve moved on…