Shooting And Smacking An Armored Cadillac Escalade ESV: Video
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Being pursued by skilled assassins? Transporting precious cargo? Just paranoid? If you fall under any of these categories, you may want to get in contact with the armored car specialists over at AddArmor.
AddArmor was founded by Special Operations and law-enforcement veterans and offers a range of armor packages for a variety of vehicles, including a new package the Cadillac Escalade and Cadillac Escalade ESV.
In a statement, AddArmor said its new armor package for the Escalade “features various levels of ballistic and explosive protection,” at different parts of the body, “which allows the stunning vehicle to withstand high-velocity 30-06, 7.62, and .556 munitions.”
AddArmor’s armored Escalade ESV also has other modern-day safety and security features such as barricade busting bumpers, hidden gun ports, 360-degree night vision cameras and a satellite communication system. There’s even some James Bond-rivaling gadgets like a smokescreen system, a counter-attack sound cannon, electric-shock door handles and pepper spray dispensers.
The company recently put together a video demonstrating its armored Escalade ESV’s bulletproof windows, shooting it with two different sized rounds at close range before proceeding to smack the window a few time with a baseball bat.
AddArmor says the Escalade uses 2-inch-thick ballistic glass with a “multi-layered sandwich of polycarbonate and leaded glass,” which is capable of withstanding “prolonged physical attacks from blunt objects such as bats and cinder blocks.”
It also offers an upgraded ballistic windshield with anti-fog and de-icing elements along with embedded antennas for GPS and radio frequencies.
“This truck not only features the best in lightweight, modern armoring alongside a’ host of other hidden countermeasures, but also presents it all in a luxurious package,” AddArmor said. “Modern-day technology has completely redefined the driving experience using armored transportation, allowing us to introduce the best of everything for our AddArmor clients.”
Check out the video embedded above to see what this armored Escalade can do.
. . . and what about the body armor? No shots taken at that. Were I to be spending the big bucks on one of these vehicles, I’d sure want to know that all of the features function as claimed.
Montana Bob
How well would it do against an RPG?
Not too well, Bob, I would guess.
Montana Bob