Cadillac will soon move from its high-end Manhattan headquarters in SoHo to a far less trendy pad in Warren, Michigan.
GM Authority’s sister site, Cadillac Society, recently took a trip out to Warren to get a look at Cadillac’s new digs.
The building is located at 30400 Van Dyke Ave and is situated right across the street from General Motors’ Warren Tech Center. This places it right across the street from the site where nearly all of the engineering for its vehicles will be carried out. Cadillac’s recently-appointed president Steve Carlisle has previously stated that the main reason behind Cadillac’s decision to flee New York for Michigan involves “inefficiencies” associated with developing the upcoming onslaught of future Cadillac vehicles in Michigan while being headquartered all the way on the East Coast.
There were a few current Cadillac vehicles in the parking lot when Cadillac Society stopped by, but apart from that, there was nothing indicating that this will be the future HQ of one of America’s most famous luxury automakers. The sign in front of the building still read “General Motors – Vehicle Engineering Center East” as well.
Cadillac’s NYC offices looked like every New Yorker’s dream workplace. The company also operates a cafe out of the ground floor of the office space called Cadillac House, but we imagine that will close down now that it’s bailing on Manhattan.
Cadillac has plenty of time to make itself comfortable, however, with the automaker not expected to move in until April 2019. We’re sure GM will clean the place up nicely, but for employees, we imagine it will still pale in comparison to its Manhattan HQ. Or even the Renaissance Center in Detroit.

Cadillac Headquarters – New York City
Cadillac’s new office building was previously home to longtime GM ad partner Lowe Campbell Ewald, but GM has been using it for additional engineering operations since the company moved out.
Stay tuned to GM Authority for more Cadillac news coverage.
(source: Cadillac Society)
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Looks like an old college freshman dorm. Orkin pest traps under the desk, drab-monochromatic lighting in the cubical offices with no windows and water-damaged ceiling tiles. Good thing the test track is near there so besides jumping-off the top floor, depressed workers can run themselves into test vehicle traffic…..
i’ve worked in the aerospace industry for years. at a lot of these sites, the engineers work in what could be best described as temporary shelters … that are 60+ years old. go to lockheed’s skunkworks in palmdale or their facility in fort worth. go to bell helicopter’s facility in hurst. they are absolute dumps compared to this building.
since when did everyone expect to work at an “architectural digest” worthy workplace?
GM is pathetic…. ever see Porshes new headquarters or Mercedes Benz new headquarters? Ever see BMWs headquarters…? This is typical BS from General Motors. I hate to say it but I don’t think GM will be around in 10 years… very sad.
No one even cares anymore about what Chevrollac is doing.
GM traded in an upscale New York skyscraper for a haggard water-stained office building? This is actually hilariously depressing.
They likely didn’t ‘trade it’ (the property in NY).
GM was/is locked into a lease deal in Soho. Expensive. So they could sublease the property at a loss, or hang onto it thru the lease.
And use the space as GM offices for all brands to use when doing business in NY. (Just a hunch). Spread the cost out through four brands, a place for GM to have space during the NY auto show, media meetings, etc.
NY is the world’s media capitol – makes some sense to hang onto it, as long as you have some positive media messages to distribute.
They’re locked to a 10-year lease contract for the New York building.
Serves their short sighted beancounters right.
Smh if you want the best you have to attract the best. How does Cadillac expect to move foward leaps and bounds by moving into an old building that probably smells like an old newspaper from the 1980’s. Its uninspiring and does not do the brand any justice. At least the NYC building had a modern look and was in a trendy location. Also lets be honest NYC is a tourist destination and home to some wealthy individuals it makes more sense to be in NYC then Warren sorry just my opinion.
That is one miserable building, looks like an office for some irrelevant government agency. If it looks this miserable from the outside, can you imagine how bad the inside will be? Office Space comes to mind. No wonder people are quitting. Very uninspiring.
I know I know, we shouldn’t judge a book by its cover, but this is GM we’re talking about here.
Enjoy the view, Steve. By the way I’m still waiting to hear your thoughts on GM’s decision to kill your flagship & youngest sedan. Also, how’s expediting JDN’s plan going for you? You’re already behind on the mythical product assault.
don’t forget mountain dew bottles as urinals and taco bell bags as commodes.
If you own a GM, don’t get another one. As someone here already said, GM won’t be around in 10 years. Those vehicles will be worthless and not easy to fix (eventually). This will be taught in business schools of the future how *not* to run a company.
GM is like Sears. They need to sell off their Craftsman (Chevrolet) before the ship goes down or just let it go back to being it’s own company like it started out as. At least it would have a shot at living on into the future… Just like Sears with Craftsman, GM has for the last many years taken an American Icon in Chevrolet and just tarnished it with sub par quality and weird/gimmicky designs. It needs a new owner to save it. I’m not sure Cadillac can be saved. It’s like their Kenmore.. It was was the pinnacle of it’s game and what everyone wanted. Now it’s so damaged that it’s not worth much. Their Die Hard (Buick) was once coveted by the older generation but worth very little in today’s world outside of China. Sell it to Chinese and just be done.
This building needs $30 million just to be presentable. The landscape is not even maintained for goodness sake! Just sad, really.
it also needs a train station to give that steampunk vibe the kids dig.
Train station? LOL You really don’t know anything about Metro Detroit do you. Public transit limited to buses.
unless i’m missing something, 20 pics of a building’s exterior isn’t exactly “exclusive”.
should we set up a gofundme campaign for the poor workers who have to toil there? where do i drop off the bottled water and my thoughts and prayers? ohhhhh the humanity!!!!!!
Who says anyone that shows up there in that building actually do any tangible work? How much work is involved cancelling projects and car lines? The biggest decision made each day must be where to go to lunch. If they really want to make well designed, well engineered Vehicles, they should go buy several Lexus and just copy them. Or is that even beyond the skill set of this fraternity of good old boys?
If these are exclusive photos they damn well should remain that way.
And If anyone thinks these comments are harsh they need to watch this:
Mercedes: “The best or nothing.”
Cadillac: “We’re assigning a special parking space for our recently appointed president right out front. Can we squeeze these handicapped parking spaces a little tighter?”
looks like a commercial for a las vegas casino. only thing missing are asians and slot machines.
if there were strippers, you might have a point … “best or nothing” indeed!!!!
Steve, that is the grand opening for their USA headquarters in Atlanta. There is also a new Mercedes Benz stadium there. Cadillac is a dead brand in Atlanta and the south. But, then again, it is dead in L.A., Miami, Dallas, Seattle, and any other place were there is growth.
china’s growth outstrips all those cities.
i don’t know why you are touting the south … it is basically america’s version of mexico without the tortillas and culture.
I never seen so many GM cars in one place.
You never seen something like a GM car dealership maybe? I hear there are a few of those around……
Yeah, and the lots are overflowing with UNSOLD vehicles, even with 15 to 20% on the hood !!
What is really telling is if you go across the street to the Tech Center during a work day and walk around those parking lots. At a minimum 30 to 40 percent of the vehicles are not GM, a high percentage of FCA vehicles followed by Ford and a smattering of import brands. A lot of this probably due to the fact that GM’s current employee discount sucks compared to when I first used it 30+ years ago. I mean when your employees don’t even buy your cars that is a sign of trouble!
Everyone hated Cadillac moving to NYC and now the ADD mongoloids hate Cadillac moving back to Michigan….par for the course, wash, rinse repeat.
And were knocking a building now… if the Micky’D/Walmart where most here work was the best one in the US………
Does anyone here have an IQ over 82?
The appearance of this building perfectly fits Government Motors.
I’m quite certain there are, or perhaps will be, extensive renovations done to this property to better reflect the “new Cadillac”. If not, I hope they’re prepared to receive more mud in the face from all the irate GM supporters and opponents!
Speaking as someone who works across the street from there. Currently that entire campus full of folks who would be happy to work in a dungeon as long as come mid January they still have a job! The fear and panic is palpable right now.
It should be fear and panic.
Look just because GM leadership says nobody wants sedans it doesn’t mean nobody. People just don’t want GM sedans, and this includes Cadillac. Someone said “No more crappy cars once”, lets just say for one minute that were true. OK every sedan in the world was equal OK. GM could NOT keep loyalty like the others. GM has NO customer service. Its like this, every large company these days is trying to sell you a service. OK, you know like a monthly payment. Onstar, XM, TV, Internet, Cell Phone, Electricity, Water, Sewer, Extended Warranty. A few months back Lutz was talking, you know you can drive any car you want for a monthly payment. You know like GM NOW trying to get BACK into FLEET, Government vehicles. Sure, true but why? Well the lease started because the automaker thought it would keep a constant flow of cash and the customer could always drive a new car. However the owner of a GM sedan leased do the LACK of CUSTOMER SERVICE, and REPAIR COSTS associated with the owning a GM sedan were to high compared to the foreign. They all stood around talking how ” I don’t care if it breaks down now its GMs trouble, I just get a different one”. They still wanted to own a GM product but could no longer afford it, so they leased. However the foreign automakers also saw the potential benefits of a monthly service charge collected every month. However the foreign automakers set forth a LONG TERM plan for constant monthly cash flow. Foreign sedan makers sold CHEAP cars, BUT the cheap cars ran, and ran, and ran. The ones that did not run, and run, and run, they FIXED,(Customer service). The foreign sedan makers were essentially BUYING LOYALTY. The LONG TERM plan paid off and today NO USA automaker can sell a sedan, or even lease a sedan, at least in enough quantity to make it pay.
Who’s fault is this? Well its NOT the USA consumer, they just want value. The USA automaker wants the most $$$$ it can get ASAP and is simply unable to form a LONG TERM PLAN. Even if the GM sedans today had as high of QUALITY ( like the TERRIBLE GM TV ADS, would have you believe), or any reasonable RELIABILITY, the GM sedan would not sell. Why, CUSTOMER SERVICE.
GM needs to form a LONG TERM PLAN and stick with it. You CAN NOT quit a long term plan, its no longer a long term plan. Someone needs to set down and say WHAT DOES GM WANT TO BE. If its a tech company, fine sell the auto company to someone who wants to be an auto company. If its an auto company than be one, make vehicles ALL the people want and BUY BACK there loyalty by fixing your junk, (CUSTOMER SERVICE).
So your long term plan now is to try to be like TESLA. OK. Tesla is young, inspiring, LONG TERM THINKING. GM and the old auto media have tried and tried to tell the public that Tesla is not worth anything, they should leave the auto making to those who can make cars. Tesla can’t make deadlines, JUST LIKE GM-CADILLAC. Meanwhile Tesla just keeps plugging along. GM tries more ads, you know GM has the most advanced self driving tech, in the only vehicle GM-Cadillac just ended. Meanwhile Tesla tech is LITERALLY SENDING CARS INTO SPACE AND RELANDING THE ROCKET. Who is GM trying to fool.
Maybe GM is trying to fool there share holder. Elon gets into trouble because he is tired of the negativity and says things about his stock and company. Meanwhile GM is buying back stock like mad, with tax breaks. Who is more wrong?
Anyway back to you should be worried. If GM does have a LONG TERM PLAN. And that plan involves being like TESLA. GM will HAVE to hire REAL TECH. People who understand it AND make it work. Elon sleeps at his shareholders plant. SLEEPS THERE. Who at GM is sleeping at Cadillac to make it work? Steve? Marry? Mark? Sure it is my opinion that Mark could make a great 1960 to 1970 ICE something, But is he a coder? In my opinion Steve will do anything GM tells him to do no matter what, but will he become a coder, sleep at the plant? In my opinion it is Marry’s job to run the place, not be a coder. Elon might not even be a coder, but he knows who is, how to treat them, what to pay them, and how they work and live. So until GM, the shareholders and the board, get someone who is young or understands NEW TECH it will NEVER be able to execute the new LONG TERM PLAN. Just sending Dan there to tell them to make deadlines, does not help them with NEW TECH.
Do you remember back when Bill Gates was turning out millionaires by the year. NEW TECH. NEW TECH cost ALOT of money. In this building, where. Sure back when I was in the auto/truck component industry 20 years ago, and our head of engineering came from huge GE, he talked of skunkworks projects in dungeon like places, when , in the 60s. Not today, I come from a family of Computer engineers and electrical engineers, and today you better have something to offer them, they can go anywhere and it will not be WARREN, and not in this building.
In My Opinion
Well as The Dude stated. That’s like your opinion man.
I guess you never had a BMW. Pay me now and pay me later. My son’s happiest day was when he solded his Beamer. Try pricing out a electric water pump that went bad at 70,000 miles. Let talk about his 2002 Infinity. $750 to replace a throttle position sensor about five years later. By 100,000 miles the car was falling apart. When was the last time you had to change a water pump? For me it was my 1992 Saturn that I ran into the ground by 145,000 miles. Today, GM vehicles will go 200,000 miles with proper maintenance.
How fitting for a maker (Lincoln) mostly known for airport rental vehicles.
Well, they tried to reinvent Cadillac and free themselves from the bean-counting corporate hacks who have killed off two of five divisions by moving to a world capital city in order to attract the best and the brightest.
Now it’s back into the suffocating and stultifying arms of Michigan and mother.
Why don’t Mercedes, BMW, Porsche,,Audi, et al, have these problems? Is it because the actially sell cars? That’s CARS. And globally.
American customers think they are getting a better vehicle and prestige when buying a BMW, Mercedes, Porsche, Volvo, etc. until they hit with a repair bill. These manufacturers don’t have to worry about price points, they can set the price for profit and win. The big three constantly fight for market and try to win over customers with price points. Many do buy that way but as an example, Silverado, F150 and Ram will have some discounts at the end of model year but they are still priced to make a profit and able to sell more than a 1/2 million trucks each. To sell cars the price point makes it difficult to make a profit. You can buy a $25k Cruze, try buying a new BMW at that price point. They don’ exist. If the Cruse sold at 1/2 million units a year, GM would have two plants running.