GM Authority

Trump Administration To OK E15 Gasoline Use Year-Round

The Trump administration is set to give the OK to lift the ban on E15 gasoline during summer months. Reuters reported on Tuesday that President Trump has directed the EPA to begin rulemaking that will allow for E15 blended gasoline to be sold all year.

Currently, E15 is banned from use during summer months in the United States as it’s been linked to smog issues. However, proponents for ethanol and biofuels say the smog concerns are unfounded. The timing of the announcement comes as a potential boost for Republican candidates up for re-election across the middle of the U.S. where most corn farmers reside.

Corn field

The review could make E15 available by as early as next summer, and if the process moves smoothly, it will likely require two billion more bushels of corn from U.S. farmers. President Trump also said he will seek reforms to biofuels credit trading that will reduce market volatility.

Ethanol in gasoline is a relatively new idea. In 2005,  the Energy Policy Act of 2005 established a Renewable Fuels Standard that required a minimal annual volume of ethanol to be included in gasoline. Thus, the market for ethanol opened and the blend replaced a previously used substance called MTBE. It was linked to causing cancer but was designed to reduce summer smog across the U.S.

Gas pump

And opposition to ethanol-blended gasoline has brought together numerous groups who otherwise wouldn’t cross paths. Some conservative groups oppose the mandate as government interference, while more liberal groups have called for checks on the carbon process surrounding ethanol production. Collector-car organizations are also notable opponents to ethanol-blended fuel.

E15 is only safe in vehicles made after 2001, which accounts for about 90 percent of vehicles on U.S. roads today.

Former GM Authority staff writer.

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  1. Love our President!

    Even more now after the whole disgusting political attack by the Demonrats on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanagh.

    Our economy is firing on all cylinders, trade deals are becoming more fair, the EU, Germany, and China are dropping barriers and taxes on our products, billions of new investments from foreign companies in the U.S. including Toyota, Mercedes, Black and Hispanic unemployment lowest in history!, unemployment level lowest since 1969…Taxes at the lowest ever…working families finally have more money in their pockets…Manufacturers (that includes auto makers) optimism highest in more than two decades…Consumer confidence highest in three decades!!…USMCA deal replaces horrible NAFTA…The Mexicans and Canadian gave in and had to sign it…The list goes on…

    Thank you, President Trump!

    1. Greetings from Italy!!!

      Couldn’t agree with you more. Let the Fake News attack him…Let the sore losers whine and cry and smash things…But the reality is President Trump is, well, the President and there is nothing they can do about it. He is the best thing for our auto industry as auto manufacturing moves back to the U.S., thus bringing billions in investment, construction jobs, taxes, and more to our communities. New trade deal only emphasize this and are forcing both foreign and domestic auto makers like GM to invest in America. No wonder American optimism is at a multi-decade high!

      Ignore the extremist sore losers. Optimism is back!!!

      1. “Greetings from Italy!!!”
        “He is the best thing for our auto industry as auto manufacturing moves back to the U.S.,”

        Yeah, you’re really from Italy. Sure kid. Lying by saying you’re from Italy is just as bad as fake news.

    2. Down votes to statements like the lowest unemployment levels for African Americans and Hispanics in American history?

      These people really are sick. No wonder the American people kicked them out of government and brought in a winner. A bunch of racist sore losers!

    3. Inflation is outracing wage growth, but nice try. That means wages are in effect falling for working families, many of which have seen their taxes go up not down. Your American automaker Ford has lost more than a billion dollars because of Trump’s tariffs–that no countries are backing down from, LOL–and they’ve announced layoffs like many industries affected by Trump, who it turns out wasn’t a self made billionaire as he claimed to be (Surprise!) and even stole from his own father.

      Kavanaugh lied dozens of times throughout his confirmation hearings. He was appointed against the will of the people and is the most unpopular Supreme Court Justice to ever be seated–a win, I suppose, for the most unpopular president in history and many Republican senators about to lose their seats in congress. The American Bar Association opposed Kavanaugh.. the American people opposed him…. his friends that were never questioned by the FBI opposed him… and more than a dozen appeals court justices filed misconduct complaints against him that Supreme Court Justice Roberts hid from congress and the American people. I’ll let you figure out why he is really on the court.

      E15 is another loss disguised as a win.

      I could go on all day. Just as I could refuting your half-truths, outdated stats, and complete BS here all the time. Be thankful I barely have time to laugh at your posts.

      1. The site is being overrun by Q forum members is what’s happening.

        1. Now how would you know that, left-wing Canadian Reggie? Do you frequent the “Q forums”? You just doxed yourself, buddy.

          Don’t cry that you LOST AGAIN to President Trump…Kavanagh was confirmed because Americans did not believe your leftist bs tactics anymore? Notice Ms. Ford withdrew her harassment claim and the Dem party threw her under the bus when they did not need her for their disgusting tactics?

          By the way, “your American Ford” comment proves you are not American and therefore have no right to comment at all about internal AMERICAN politics, Take your communist bs somewhere else…We obviously have reject your hate-mongering and juvenile scare-mongering political tactics…loser.

          1. You’re out of your mind. “Ms. Ford” is actually Mrs. Ford, or Dr. Ford, and she in no way whatsoever has retracted her claims.

            And “your American” was in reference to the sometimes American / sometimes Canadian Trump cheerleader I presumed (and still assume) you to be. I am very much an American, not so much proud anymore, however, thanks to the likes of yourself.

            Good day, sir.

      2. EDIT: there were more than a dozen misconduct complaints against Kavanaugh sent to Justice Roberts BY appeals court justices. (And “outracing” should be “outpacing.”)

        1. Reggie, you lost buddy. And you keep losing…Trump keeps winning. No amount of evil political spin or lies is going to change that. The election is over…there is nothing you can do about it. You lost. Time to move on…

          Thank you.

      3. The first comment was the best one, so it deserves to be read again…the others don’t rate. By the way, Sean keeps downvoting the original post every time someone upvotes…Did you notice? He has author tool access which allows this…so sad.

        Love our President!

        Even more now after the whole disgusting political attack by the Demonrats on Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanagh.

        Our economy is firing on all cylinders, trade deals are becoming more fair, the EU, Germany, and China are dropping barriers and taxes on our products, billions of new investments from foreign companies in the U.S. including Toyota, Mercedes, Black and Hispanic unemployment lowest in history!, unemployment level lowest since 1969…Taxes at the lowest ever…working families finally have more money in their pockets…Manufacturers (that includes auto makers) optimism highest in more than two decades…Consumer confidence highest in three decades!!…USMCA deal replaces horrible NAFTA…The Mexicans and Canadian gave in and had to sign it…The list goes on…

        Thank you, President Trump!

      4. What Reggie said!

        1. is incorrect. MAGA!

  2. I don’t want E15 any time of the year. I don’t even want the E10 I use. You get a lose in fuel economy and a loss in performance.

    1. Not true and most consumers wont notice.

      They will however notice the lower gas costs since this action was taken to 1) counter the OPEC countries on raising gas prices and 2) counter the Chinese which would be too long to explain on here…search it.

      Great to see a President going on the offensive for Americans and keeping two steps ahead of his enemies. His enemies don’t like it, but we as Americans (yes, Americans live in Italy and many countries!) DO!

      1. Damn this is maddening. It IS true. What’s also true is that most cars aren’t designed for E15. But don’t let that stop you. FILL ‘ER UP!

      2. “Not true and most consumers wont notice.” What is it? Not true or most consumers won’t notice? Your sentence logic is flawed. It is true, but you are correct, most consumers won’t notice.

    2. e85 is about 110 octane. I know the 5.3 Silverado is rated at 355hp on 87 regular fuel, and 380hp on e85.

      1. But it doesn’t have the BTUs of pure gasoline, so it has less real world energy density and you will travel a shorter distance er gallon of E15, or E85

    3. Poor Sean Szymkowski, our resident leftist and anti-Trump whiner, always seems to miss the positive facts when writing about President Trump…Coincidence?

  3. Looks like the bots have finally taken to this site. Thinking maybe comments should be closed for most posts now, and only opened when there is an AMA.

    1. No, no bots. Stop making excuses.

      I like President Trump too. A bot can’t do that – respond to your direct message content.

      1. “A bot can’t do that – respond to your direct message content.”

        I see you’ve never heard of a leaning algorithm.

  4. I value my lungs, Trump. I vote. And I buy American cars. Instead of looking for support from midwest farmers looking to grow more genetically modified corn (sprayed with Round Up, of course), how about requiring a minimum percent of algae-derived bio-fuels for diesel and jet fuel?

    Also, it’s MTBE (methyl tert-butyl ether) that is linked to cancer, not “MBTE.”

    1. After losing soooo many times, do you realize your sad leftist propaganda does NOT work?!?!?!?! Are you really that stupid?

      Looks like President Trump will just keep on winning…

  5. mechanics are rejoicing. ethanol does a pretty job ruining engines.

  6. Banned in the summer? Not in Minnesota, that crap has replaced the mid grade fuel in a lot of stations.

  7. People starving all over the world, and we’re turning food into motor fuel.

  8. Not in favor of E15 unless E10 is still available. I keep my vehicles up and running for many years and if E15 will be the only gas available, my vehicles will be obsolete. I’m sure that I am not the only one in this boat. Can’t afford to update to newer vehicles either.

  9. Quick Question to everyone…When did I sign up for CNN or Fox News about General Motors Information?
    Asking for everyone that loves General Motors on this site. There’s other sites you can confess your utter love affair with Trump or your hatred of the man. This is for General Motors cars. It is seriously getting ridiculous. If I am in the minority of this thinking so be it but I seriously doubt it.

    1. you didn’t sign up for anything. you can come and go as you please.

      it is their show. they can post whatever the hell they want.

      1. Never said they can’t post what they want. What the site posted was a general article about E15. Then everyone here turned it into a Trump Love fest or Trump bashing. I thought this was a General Motors Car Website.

    2. Did you really think you would receive a reasonable response from these pinheads?

  10. I remember the first year that the geniuses at NASCAR went with ethanol . A couple of announcers at Pocono were talking about how the teams were going to have to be very careful about running out of gas especially on the backstretch. The year before, the cars averaged 4.2 mpg, but with ethanol it dropped to 3.8 mpg. Ethanol is a rip-off making ages few people filthy rich . At least we can still get plenty of Pure Gas in Louisiana.

  11. I’m from Canada and I like Trump, but for the love of God, get corn out of our fuel please. Keep corn for our dinner table, and Gasoline in our engines thankyou.

  12. Not excited about this at all. For engines you run often I guess it would be fine but for things where the gas can sit a while like boats, pressure washers, chain saws, etc its just horrible even if you treat the gas with products like seafoam. I’ve actually switched all my 2-cycle stuff over to non-ethanol premix stuff and have had alot fewer problems. Nothing is more frustrating than wanting to use a power washer for a quick cleanup and you spend your day disassembling the gas tank and carb.

  13. So, forget all the political stuff……….my friends have a new Impala……..when they fill up with a 100% tank of ethanol the car shuts down. The GM dealer told them DON’T use 100% ethanol only mix it with regular! Any comments on that?

  14. I agree with the President on most things, but not this one.

  15. Reply

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