On Wednesday, we took a look at some of the consumer sentiment regarding General Motors’ automatic engine stop-start system, which seeks to conserve fuel during daily vehicle operation by temporarily shutting the engine off when the vehicle is at a stop, restarting only when the driver is ready to drive again. Much to the chagrin of many customers, GM remains committed to the technology, resolving to install it in nearly every new vehicle by the year 2020. Research indicates that it can effectively boost fuel economy in some driving scenarios, although that boost is perhaps not adequately reflected in EPA testing results.
Today, we’ll be looking at how to turn the feature off, especially when no dedicated shut-off button is present in the vehicle. Plenty of GM products do come equipped with an engine stop-start defeat button, wearing an icon that consists of a capital letter “A” encircled by an arrow. Anytime that GM’s auto engine stop-start is active, the driver need only press that button once to turn the system off for the time that the vehicle is in use, until the next shutdown and startup.

Engine stop-start defeat button in a 2019 Chevrolet Silverado 1500.
For vehicles without that button, such as the 2016-2018 Chevrolet Cruze and 2017+ Cadillac XT5, deactivating GM’s engine stop-start on automatic transmission-equipped cars is nonetheless a simple matter. The easiest way to defeat the system is to drive with the shifter in any mode other than the normal “D”. No, we’re not suggesting that you reverse your way to the grocery store. Instead, you can put the vehicle in whatever low-gear (“L”) or manual (“M”) mode option it has, and set it to shift through all the gears.
Such modes allow the automatic transmission to do its thing, with the driver setting a limit by selecting the tallest gear they want the transmission to reach. By selecting the top gear in the transmission, you’re allowing the transmission to shift into all gears as usual, but auto stop-start is deactivated because you’re outside of “D”.
On that note, another quick fix is to select Sport mode, assuming the vehicle in question has one. GM’s auto engine stop-start isn’t active in Sport mode, although the driver should be aware that other settings on the vehicle – throttle calibration, exhaust mode, suspension mode, shift scheduling, etc. – can also change in Sport, possibly causing a further reduction in vehicle fuel economy.
Finally, if the driver wants to temporarily disrupt the engine stop-start system, he or she can quickly move the automatic gear selector into any mode other than Drive – Low, Neutral, Reverse – and then back into Drive to manually force the engine to kick back on. This can be especially useful if you’re waiting to turn out into a busy intersection and you don’t feel comfortable with the delay in thrust introduced by stop-start.
Stay tuned for more GM engine stop-start news as we publish our third and final part in our series on the feature on Friday.
Sport mode does not turn off Start/Stop, at least not in the XT5 or Regal GS.
You are correct Jon, Sport mode does not deactivate Auto Stop/Auto Start on my 2019 GMC Sierra Denali either.
Thanks for the article on work arounds for GM’s auto start-stop. I realize everything new takes some getting use too and I’m not totally opposed to the technology. However, for what you pay for a vehicle today I believe the owner should have the option to disable the system in certain instances or when needed.
I don’t like your last option. A better solution is to put pressure on the steering wheel, as if you want to turn the wheels, it will automatically turn the engine on because the power steering doesn’t work with engine off.
The power steering pumps have been electric for some time now, so the car does not need to be running in order to have power stewering. Also holds true if your car breaks down on the road. You still have power steering.
the Gmc vehicles (specifically gmc terrain, maybe more) will allow you to turn the wheel like normal and have power with the stop start activated.
You can also get a calibration which will delete this feature at a pretty moderate price ($350 for the Cruze) – https://www.trifectaperformance.com/store/product/2352-2016-2018-chevrolet-cruze-cruze-hatch-14l-turbo-advantage/#elProductInfo
Well, if all the mfurers are going to have it eventually, here’s another niche for the aftermarket business, and I’ll be one of their customers, no doubt.
Well if I’m paying 30000 to 40000 for car I shouldn’t have to put up with this garbage. Just from reading this group alone how many potential buyers is GM losing ?? They are forcing me to look at like a Jeep Grand Cherokee next time, at least there is a switch on theirs .
If it’s an auto start-stop defeat switch you’re after, then you should know that the 2020 Blazer will have one. Details:
That’s good to know. Too bad I have a 2019 Blazer and I’m not likely to trade it in or sell it just for this inconvenience……HUGE INCONVENIENCE. So I’ll continue to drive around with my window defogger on, since that appears to disable the auto stop.
probably leaves the A/C on which keeps the motor running.
probably leaves the A/C on which keeps the motor running. If you put trans in manual and select the top gear the stop/start feature does not work.. 😉
Hello, I test drove a 2020 Blazer yesterday and can confirm it does have a button to disable the auto stop/start feature.
Most cars have the ability to do a disable when they get in the car. What they don’t like is having to do that each time they start the car. Did you verify that if you disabled the stop/start that the next time you start the car it is still disabled? My guess is it resets to enabled again when you start it.
the new Regal does not have a disable button in the US, but the European version does – that is what is very frustrating.
Because of this stop start feature, I am not buying a GM product. I have been buying GM products since 1987. I just told the dealer this week that I am going to another manufacturer.
Lost me, living in the northeast I want nothing to do with any start/stop vehicle. We were all set to buy a new Equinox, not now. While I understand all the work arounds and shifting my certainly will not. As she put it “if we’re spending this type of money I don’t want to have to fool with things!”. Were back to Toyota… too bad we like OnStar Allan
GG, I am with you you, already looking at a Jeep Grand Cherokee’s
Any time you flash the ecm with a “tune” GM can find out with a diagnosis when you bring the car in for warranty work. So, good option if you are out of warranty.
Range technology dot com makes a device for $200 that cannot be detected by manufacturers or dealers. Works on AFM or DFM vehicles. Some say leaving the AC on works, but reduces gas mileage and performance and at least one guy tested it on a varying type roadway over several trips, Mike’s, speeds, weather conditions and shows it to improve gas mileage in his GM truck slightly, pays for itself in one year under moderate use conditions, search YouTube for his videos. The AFM Disabler does NOT affect REMOTE START (and is “silent” until the engine is actually started). It WILL disable eAssist Start/Stop as a side benefit. To install the Range V8, simply plug the device into the vehicle OBD II port under the steering wheel. Remove it when you go to the dealership because they will need access to the port to diagnose any other issues you may be having, other than that just leave it plugged in all the time. YMMV
Sorry, the DFM version for GM vehicles from Range Technology is still not available, but I just received an email saying it is in “final” testing mode and should be released soon. I’m at the top of the list to get one and will report my findings here as soon as I have tested mine, hopefully sooner rather than later.
I can’t believe the dealers aren’t up in arms about it.
Even if it isn’t noticeable, I would worry about it wearing out the starter and battery prematurely.
Speaking as a EE here – The starters on these guys are actually beefed up a LOT to compensate for the larger number of cycles. A standard car/truck starter are usually rated for 10-15k starts. The starters in vehicles with auto start/stop feature are typically designed to a rating of around 150k.
Can’t speak to the battery though. Nice thing about lead-acid is that they aren’t excessively worn by cycling the way lithium ions are. What kills them is the depth of discharge.
I would like to read an article either from GM or quoting GM officially that says the starters are actually “beefed up a LOT” to compensate for Auto $/$ on their vehicles, same goes for Ford, etc.
Would really love to see an article regarding the battery effects with this new feature, be it Ford, GMC, Fiat, etc,
With todays technology on engines they can stop the engine exactly where they want to optimize in starting the engine with a power stroke firing of the spark plug. Todays engines start so easily it does not take much to get them going with crank sensor and cam sensors. Mercedes and BMW and any other car maker that is using auto stop/start do this. Most of the time the starter is not even used unless you car does not start easy. Go read up on it you might learn something
Yea and LED bulbs last 25 years or 2 years sometimes. I’m calling BS on the 150k cycles, 10 times better, I think not. I bought a 2018 Traverse in July and did not know it had this feature until September when the temperature cooled down and AC demand was decreased. Hate it and cannot wait for bypass/disable product.
I had a 2013 Mercedes C Class and a 2015 Malibu. The Malibu’s Stop/Start far far exceeds the Benz, which was absolutely horrific (but it did have a button to shut it off). The best way I found to defeat the system in the Malibu was after you brake and are stopped, relieve the pressure on the pedal so that the car doesnt roll but the system thinks you are about to go. After a few times you find where in the pedal range the deactivation point is (like you were driving a manual car with clutch). Becomes second nature and is really easy.
If your GM vehicle is equipt with Precision Shift, just tap the shifter. Retap to allow automatic transmission operation. Another way is to engage the E- Brake. Release before traffic resumes flow. Stay safe, sane. M4rk
I am not a fan of “Start Stop” And I never will be…. I was all set to lease a 2017 Lacrosse, once I learned I could not disable “Start Stop” I leased a 2018 Acadia Denali V-6 I also own a 2018 Camaro SS Convertible. (both are without “stop start” GM needs to provide a SIMPLE means to disable this feature (a dedicated shut-off button) as Chrysler and Ford are doing. I am and have been a LONG term loyal GM customer. But I will not own or lease a vehicle with this uncontrollable feature. Lastly I can’t believe GM plans on installing this in the majority of their vehicles by 2020. If so I will have non GM vehicle lined up well before the lease for my Acadia is up.
I would think that more models will have defeat switched at least by then. And it’s not just GM that are striving for most models to have this in the next few years. Ford and FCA are also going this route along with German marques like Mercedes and BMW. Even Hyundai is starting to use it.
When a manufacturer choses to put a button in the car that disables auto start-stop, they get less credit under CAFE regulations. That’s why manufacturers chose to have a disable button in some of their cars but not in others.
Almost any other idea to save gas would be better than this garbage feature . I dont want to be sitting i n the middle of an intersection waiting for traffic to clear and “HOPE” this thing is going to start and you be able to get thru the intersection safely .
Looks like more “Bidenomics”!
Thats weird the 2018 would not have it, but the 2019 does.
Same reason they did not put blind spot detection on the 2018 and they did on the 2019 sierra/silverado. There were technical design changes that needed to be made.
Another thing that works for me is to put the AC to front window, works for me very well 😉
Having the AC on, windshield only or otherwise does work to disable the Auto Stop/Start (A$$), but takes away power and decreases gas mileage. Taking vehicle out of Drive works too, but why not just flip the simple on/off switch instead? It is literally the very first thing I do after starting my engine to avoid it. Or spend $150 to $200 for a simple device to plug in the OBD II port and forget it. I find it easy to just flip the switch that GM conveniently includes on the dash of my GMC Sierra Denali so it is my choice to use it or not rather than the government or GM or Ford or Ram/Chrysler deciding for me. I have a Range Technology unit ordered just to test some other features and will report back here and on the various GM-trucks forums that I follow.
Shawn M
We leased a 2018 terrain not realizing it has this terrible feature! If I could return it I would, never again GM unless it can be disabled.
Most of the newer GM vehicles of which I know that have these also have a button to switch it on and off, unlike the Ford F-150 for one Ford example (their #1 selling vehicle) does not come with a button or switch to disable this feature without purchasing one of the workaround gadgets on the market or some clever wiring trick to permanently disable it which most likely voids your warranty.
Was auto-stop ever tested in the real home owner world of easing into one’s garage by tapping the brakes so as not to mar a new $52K investment? Having driven a shift for decades, I have the manual sensibility but still one should not have to go through extra steps in a $52K vehicle designed for comfort ‘n luxury. How much gas will this design truly save? I would think it uses more gas to stop/start at a stop sign within one second. Now if there were a 2-3 second delay in this system, it would make more sense and not be as irritating. The near-sightedness of this “feature” is so frustrating.
I could not agree more!!!! I have a 2017 Cadillac XT5 and I didn’t realize when I purchased this vehicle that I couldn’t disable this feature and honestly didn’t really notice it all that much when I first test drove it. After driving it for about a week I drove me insane!!! I wouldn’t have gotten it had I known about this issue. I love everything else about the vehicle. It’s a shame….especially considering the price point.
I recently purchased a used 2017 xt5 and somehow my auto start/stop isn’t active. Idk how or why but I’m so glad, that feature is annoying.
Simply run the car with drivers side a/c set to low. No more problem. Use passenger side a/c to regulate cabin temp
Hi, I have a XT5 and have the SPORT driving option and when this option is selected the stop/start is dissable. Thanks
Anyone try one of the aftermarket Auto-Stop Disable modules? I have seen them online and not too badly priced, around $150. I have been trying everything in my XT5, the sport mode suggested above does not disable the feature. So far the only thing that works for me is to shift into another gear (Neutral or Manual) each time I come to a stop OR once I am stopped then lift the foot off the brake to reengage…I call it the stopping 2 step! LOL…..Both of these are extremely annoying so I was considering the module.
UPDATE: So I ended up purchasing one of the after market Auto Stop Disable modules and it worked great! Very easy to install. Unfortunately the first time I went to use my remote start it threw a Service Engine light/code. Because of this I had to remove the module and send it back as I don’t want to do anything to void my warranty. The manufacturer of the module did refund it and apologized. He stated that has only happened a couple of times and they haven’t figured out why yet so once they do they will let me know and I will give it a try again.
Go online and buy a device from stopstart. Problem solved
smartstopstart.com could never get the remote start to work with their gadget on my daughter’s 2019 Chevrolet Traverse. They were very helpful, even building me a one-off version, but the Traverse would not remote start with it installed.
Hi DeAnn,
I have not heard of these modules at all, but I will consider it and really, really appreciate your mentioning them. Being and old school shift driver I am quite used to paddle shifting to avoid the stop,but really, why should we have to? Wish I could bill GM for one of them!
Interesting spelling if your name BTW. I have a very close friend bu the name of DeeAnne Dimeo Tompkins who is a wonderful vocalist, google her.
I read another article about this and the writer said that the average driver will see less than $50 savings on gasoline per year.
It may have as much to do with emissions as with mpg. Think traffic jams in California and their rampant environmentalism.
It also probably helps the automakers more in the complex calculations of CAFE than it does in real life for consumers.
but how much will they spend on a new starter after a couple of years? Especially if one has a garage and tries to inch into it…totally absurd design. and my master cylinder just went, car is two years old. Read that other owners experienced the same within less than 10K miles. for a $50K vehicle, this is just wrong…
Unless you live in LA where you are sitting in traffic all the time it will probably be even less than that .
Hi, I live in a small town and even that bothers me. This stop/start is a safety hasard because your always thinking what to do at a stop sign so the engine would not stop and not paying attention at the road and seroundings… I hate this device and I am considerign selling our new Cadillac XT5 because of it
Wasn’t this company just about bankrupt a few years ago? And this is how they respond?
My father worked for one of GM’s largest suppliers and my grandfather worked for Packard Electric both owning numerous examples of GM brands for their entire lives. Personally, I have never purchased a GM vehicle and with this latest foible never will. It is reprehensible that a manufacturer would install a very limited use feature with no method of disabling. It is surprising that nobody has yet dug under the hood to figure out which wire to cut. However, I’m certain such a feature is very useful on those 200 mile trips to Walmart in Montana.
The monolithic, unadaptable beast that GM is hasn’t produced a vehicle that Americans actually want since the 1960s. The only people who clamor for a GM these days are the Chinese. Please feel free to set your auto stop sails to the East… And remember, for stupid mistakes rather than engage in endless litigation, China just puts the execute in executive.
Buy Korean.
Actually General Motors was one of the very last manufacturers using auto stop/auto start technology, so your reasoning for not purchasing GM is flawed. Toyota was one of the first to use auto stop/start tech in the 1970s along with Volkswagon and others long before GM including Ford and Fiat/Chrysler/Ram. GM sells more full-size trucks than anything and that is where their real profits are made, only cars that make much profit for them are Caddies and Vettes, but the volume is not there like Chevy and GMC Trucks which combined outsell Ford trucks.
The auto-off feature is the most inconvenient feature I have ever seen. Along with GM’s decision to no longer offer remote starting and door locks from the MyGMC app without a $15 per month subscription, GMC is making many very short-term decisions which will make me look elsewhere. I am just waiting to read about the lawsuits for the auto-stop delays that fail and cause someone to be killed in oncoming traffic as they attempt to to pull out into traffic. My $70,000 2019 GMC Sierra Denali will be traded off very soon and I will not be back to the GMC camp.
I completely agree!! I just hope I’m not the one that gets in the accident and needs to sue.
you can avoid the start/stop at intersections by learning how to use the paddle shifters. I am not suggesting that using the paddles shifters makes the inability to shut the thing off OK, just saying that it is one way to feel safer. I have been driving a shift for over 4 decades, so i can adapt easily…although for $50K one should not have to adapt. My master cylinder went at 23K miles…now i get nervous every time i brake… to be fair, i have heard horror stories about other luxury brands as well…
Got a new 2019 GMC Terrain SLT with the autostop transmission. Since I never had this before, I was uncertain if I would like it? I don’t.
I’m essentially forced to do rolling stops as this vehicle implementation has no delay? Even 1 second would be better. The engine restarts even before it has stopped in this case. I do think it would be good for traffic jams.
A somewhat workaround (NO MODS REQUIRED) is that the restart will take place if most of the pressure is taken off the brake pedal. Sitting at a light, I can mostly release the brake, the engine will restart, then it is ready for the light change without any delay. It doesn’t shut down once started this way for a 2 minute run cycle (if I read that right).
Here in Canada I typically have A/C or heat on so that will alleviate the issue at times too.
Would really like a disable option in setup similar to the main safety features that can be configured but will get used to it I guess. The push button transmission is the really strange and will take a while to feel “normal”.
I have same 2019 GMC Sierra Denali and love that it is has an easy button to press to defeat the auto stop/start technology unlike the Ford and most other trucks where you must use other methods to defeat the “feature” which GM vehicles were among the last to implement. BTW, the MyGMC app uses the free basic OnStar account for 5 years before you have to pay anything unless you want full OnStar features which I do not.
ALL Fords have a button to defeat the auto stop start system. So do Toyotas and Chrysler products.
Mark… I have the identical 19 GMC Sierra Denali with 6.2 motor … If you look in the manual, or on your dashboard you will see a disable switch for Stop/start.
I LOVE everything about this vehicle!
Just purchased a 2018 Buick Enclave with Auto Start/Stop feature, I didn’t know anything about this feature, however, I hate it now. Looking at other comments it’s clear to me that GM recognizes it made mistake putting the feature in a vehicle with no driver override. Hence, 2019 models coming out with driver override buttons. If GM were really customer oriented they would be astute enough to realize there are a lot of unhappy campers with the Auto Start/Stop feature on recently purchased vehicles and scramble to provide an aftermarket fix, which I would be happy to pay for versus buying some module that might or might not work and if not removed on service calls could void my 4-year warranty. Are you listening GM??? Do nothing and my next car will be purchased from a brand that does listen.
No auto start / stop for me. When it comes time for a different vehicle it definitely be one without auto / start stop.
I very much may go to an older vehicle without it or different brand.
Just got a 2018 Silverado 5.3 and the 4/8 cylinder changing sucks. I have it running in V8 mode all the time and the mileage is great. The drive by wire system sucks also. My old 1995 5.7 engine Silverado will beat it any day.
Guess this new technology may be my end of buying a new vehicle.
I have a 2019 Traverse that has the auto start/stop ! Did anyone test this feature in real life situations, You would think they would have put a 5 second delay so you would not need to roll thu stop signs!
I shift mine into low gear when pulling into my garage.
Some times the on / off is so quick that you can hear the starter gears grind.
obviously not tested by anyone who parks in their garage…or who makes left turns at intersections…even a 3 sec delay would be sufficient. and of course they can implement it. the sheer lack of foresight is simultaneously amazing and sad. I really love most everything about my 2018 XT5, save the autostop…and less egregious but clearly a miss is the placement of the AWD/Sport mode switch, and lack of dashboard AWD light. The 2019 at least has the light in the same place as the sport mode indicator…inexcusable for a car (and company) once the face of America
you can put the vehicle in whatever low-gear (“L”) or manual (“M”) mode option it has, and set it to shift through all the gears.
Never heard of this. How is it done?
Yes! Put in L and manualy up shift to #9 and it then dive ,it will shift up as if it was in D.
Only problem is that you must set this up each time you restart the car!
I need to purchase a half ton pickup truck for my fire department. There is no way I will consider a GM product with this start/stop feature for an emergency vehicle. I will have multiple radios, a light bar and multiple warning lights running during both driving and on scene. I can’t imagine that a battery and alternator could last very turning on and off under such loads.
I believe this feature will also remove these trucks from any plowing operations.
Chris, although I’m replying to an older Post, this may help…..
” I will have multiple radios, a light bar and multiple warning lights running during both driving and on scene. I can’t imagine that a battery and alternator could last very turning on and off under such loads.”
Keep in mind that the autostop only “stops” under specific conditions. Under electrical load, it will not initiate an engine stop, or it will at least restart when the load becomes more than the non-running system can handle.
Believe me, I’m *NOT* defending the technology in any way as I don’t like it, or at least don’t like the way it is implemented in my vehicle, but it doesn’t simply shut off the engine when the vehicle isn’t moving. There is some intelligence built in to monitor conditions. I’m curious to see how often it kicks in in during the winter here in Canada.
yeah, well, i hope that someone from GM will actually read your comment. And if they did, would it get up the chain? who knows.
Just purchased a new 2018 Buick Enclave and knew nothing about the auto start stop feature. After doing some research, I found out that Buick likes to say that they “listen to their customers” and started putting a auto start stop switch in their 2019 models, too late for me. I contacted GM by email and asked that since there seems to be a lot of pre-2019 customers that don’t like the feature, why don’t they offer an optional aftermarket fix, that owners could pay for so that the issue could be fixed without voiding the warranty. I got a three paragraph response that I’ll paraphrase: first being thank you for contacting us; second being about four sentences long telling me that if I tamper with the feature I will be voiding my warranty and final paragraph, will pass your suggestion on to our engineering staff. Apparently, Buick division of GM could care less about listening to current customers regarding Auto Start Stop remedies.
The 2019 Enclave does not have a button to turn off stop/start.
I am a mechanic and have rebuild approximately 380 engines in the last 35 years. The manufactures state that the auto stop/start feature vehicles have stronger starters and batteries that will not wear at an accelerated rate and can handle the many additional engine stops and starts, Great, however that’s not the issue. If you are stopped at a traffic light for approximately 2 minutes, oil has drained from the main, rod and cam bearings and other engine components, depending on engine design. . The engine now restarts, shocks the oil pump and has to pressurize the engine bearings with the crankshaft already turning. Extreme accelerated wear to main engine components that will result in catastrophic fail rates. These systems have not been tested and the consumer is the guinea pig! Please do not believe me and educate yourself about how bad the stop/start feature really is.
thanks so much for that great info. i typically defeat the s/s 98% of the time, now I will endeavor to do so 100% of the time.
It is supremely arrogant of GM to assume customers don’t care if they have control of engine ON/OFF.
Anytime you take control away from the customer, you create anxiety.
GM is making an enormous mistake here.
A permanent disable feature is needed badly.
I’m shocked they don’t get it.
Put in a button to turn it ON So the owner can turn it on if they want to.
Yes all of the thing mentioned probably work. But who wants to mess around bypassing something they don’t want. So, GM you most likely have lost another customer with a lot of this newfangled Garbage. ——– While I am on this I will say “Drive By Wire” Really SUCKS.
I have been researching SUVs and I really like the new Chevy equinox, but I will not buy one if the auto start stop feature isn’t allowed to be turned off. GM you have just lost another customer, I will buy the Toyota RAV4 instead. Good luck with that feature, I have tried it on a rental car for a month and absolutely hate it!!
The easiest way to defeat the stop/start function is to disconnect the hood latch sensor, however doing so does turn on the ‘Check Engine’ light. If you don’t want the light on you can install the module from Smart Stop/Start.
Module works great…well worth the money. No more start stop and no check engine light. Memo to GM: Look at the money you’re missing out on by not developing this module yourself.
I recently picked up a new 2019 Traverse (fleet vehicle) and need to know how to disable the engine start stop feature permanently. What a piece of crap! Please let me know. If this can’t be disabled I will need to talk to our fleet department to stop ordering GM vehicles with this feature
As you can see in previous posts, disconnect the hood latch sensor or install the aftermarket module.
I’ve been loyal to GM, but after the stop/start crap they’ve pulled with the Cadillac XT5, I’m done. I did purchase the Range Technology disabler and so far, it’s working great. no codes, no check engine lights. But the fact that Cadillac forced this on their customers with no disable button is a deal breaker for me. Never. Again. By focusing on appeasing CAFE standards instead of their bread and butter (buyers) they will join the bygone era. Because Americans won’t support this fleecing. Cadillac had better run to China, like they plan to, because they won’t be welcome here if they keep this up.
I just posted a question about has anyone tried the Range Technology disabler before seeing your post. Great to hear that it has been working well for you. I am going to give it a try!! Thanks for posting.
I’d recommend the Range Technology disabler, I’m very happy with mine. Just make sure to unplug it before heading to the dealership service department- just in case they would refuse warranty work because you’re using something aftermarket. If your state requires emissions testing, Range also recommends removing it for a few days prior to your appointment:
Other than these 2 precautions, I forget it’s even there. Except that it makes my car act the way it’s supposed to, of course! ?
A week with a brand new silverado and the auto stop doesn’t work , it work for 3 days and then nothing, will take the truck to the dealer
Anyone try the Range Technology start/stop module to delete this horrible functionality? I want to purchase one but haven’t seen any reviews for the start/stop module only the AFM module
Looks like I’m not going to buy another GM because that option sucks
I simply “hate” this feature! I have a 2019 Traverse. When stopped at a light and the AC compressor kicks in, the car starts but lunges forward. If your foot is not securely on the brake, I really think it could cause a rear-end collision. Looking to get rid of mine now, but not sure what other comparable vehicles do not have this feature, because I do not want it ever again!
I override the auto stop on my 2019 Buick Regal tourx by braking with my left foot and putting slight pressure on the gas pedal leaving the rpm just under 1000.
Good morning, I have a chevrolet cruze 2017, the auto / stop function, it was working until I went to the revision of the 20mil kilometers, leaving some components badly connected and the light of the heck engine was on, they managed to repair the problem that lit the light, but after two days the car / stop stopped working, I took the car to the workshop 10 times and in this last occasion reported me that after days of not presenting the fault, they called me to tell me that they failed and that they will review because I stop working, I have never been bothered by that function, my concern is that I stop working for a damage that they caused in the workshop and they may have damaged something else in the engine.
Any GM vehicle I’ve driven will not turn off if you toggle the shifter rearward to enable manual shifting. When you return to driving simply toggle the shifter rearward again to return to automatic transmission mode
At a long light. You may also simply engage the parking brake. Take your foot off the brake pedal. When light changes, depress brake pedal then disengage parking brake. Welcome to the 21st Century. Regards, M4rk
I just purchased a Buick Regal tourx with the auto shutoff which I dislike. There is no override to disable it. I figured out how to stop it by breaking with your left foot and keeping your right foot lightly on the gas pedal while making sure the rpm stays around 1000. It takes a while to get used to doing it but it really works. You must make sure that the car is stopped where you want it to be. And you must make sure that your left foot is firmly on the brake as the car wants to keep moving forward. If the car had a simple screw to adjust the idling at 1000 I would do that, but I was told that doesn’t work like many years ago.
It’s much easier to simply disconnect the hood latch sensor or install an aftermarket device.
trying to buy a module but there is none for the 2020 terrain
Range Technology has one to stop it. A Little hard to find on their website — call them.
Thank you Ed, I will call tomorrow.
Just went to the site. I did contact the owner a few weeks ago and he said he would let me know if & when they had something for the 2020 Terrain.
Thank you, Gary
It’s much easier to simply disconnect the hood latch sensor or install an aftermarket device.
Only downside is that check engine light activates, not sure if this a problem or not?
Has not been one so far, no changes in performance noticed!
Yes, disconnecting the sensor does activate the check engine light which is slightly annoying, but doesn’t otherwise affect vehicle performance. The aftermarket device does not activate the check engine light. Either method is much better than starting and stopping your engine thousands more times than normal.
Hi I drive a 2018 GMC TERRAIN SLE-2 and I found that the most simplest and unknown built in feature to deactivate the auto-stop feature is to slightly double tap the brake when you are stopped. Okay just listen carefully. To try out what I am talking about simply drive you car like you normally do. And when you stop at a light or sign or what ever and the auto stop kicks in once you break. Simply lift your foot ever so slightly, just enough so that the cars brakes still remain locked in position and double tap quickly with your foot. If any one had ever played cruisn the world at the arcade it’s exactly like that. This will get your engine back on even with the auto feature on at a stop light for a even quicker take off.
* Double tap brake at a stop light to disable auto-stop on GMC terrain sle 2
Don’t even have to do that. Most cars you let up on the brake just before you stop to where the switch for the brake lights turn off but allows you to still stop and the stop engine won’t happen. Each to his own. I myself buy computer handheld to disable features I don’t like.
Double tapping the brake doesn’t deactivate the stop/start function. The engine still stops, and then starts again when you slightly release brake pressure, so you’re still subjecting the engine and systems to unnecessary cycling.
The only way to deactivate stop/start is to install an aftermarket module or disconnect the hood latch sensor as has been described in previous posts.
Reporting back in after my purchase of an aftermarket module (price $150.00) back in February of this year and it works beautifully. Hooks in-line with hood release latch. Forget the “brake tapping”, “AC settings” etc., and get the module. Once installed, the modules function is transparent to the operator. Just got to remember to take it out for service at the dealer. GM/dealer would love to void my 4-year warranty; less money out of their pocket and more out of mine.
You don’t have to remove the module when you go to the dealer. It’s just an accessory and doesn’t void the warranty according to the Magnusson-Moss Act. But it’s probably easier to just remove it anyway to avoid a potential hassle.
I just push that “A” button with the arrow circled around it immediately after I start my truck, works every time 😉 and thank God GM includes it unlike Ford, Ram/Dodge/Fiat, Toyota or whoever else, they all have it, GM was the last to include it and everybody saying they will never buy another GM because of it, good luck, GM held out longer for its customers than anyone and included a switch to defeat it unlike the others.
Also, I would remove the after-market module if you have one because the dealership needs to access the port, and they might give you are a hard time not knowing what it is or does, or steal it if they do know what it is or does for their own vehicle. Lol. No braking, A/C setting, Sport Mode setting, trailer light fitting, or anything else works (not including wiring modifications) unless your vehicle is out of Drive, that is the only thing that always works w/o modifications.
Not all GM vehicles have a defeat button.
You don’t have to remove the aftermarket module when going to the dealer.
The aftermarket module is attached to the hood latch sensor, not the OBD port.
Neither disconnecting the hood latch sensor nor installing the module is a modification and both work just fine.
I never said all GM vehicles have the defeat button, but my GMC truck does and GM is one of the only makers to include it. I never said you have to remove anything just stated what I would do. I would still remove any modification to avoid any discussion about it with my dealership rather than take chances. My module plugs in the OBD II port and is completely undetectable but I still remove it because it, like any other module, device, or wiring trick, they all “modify” the original way the vehicle is intended to operate and the manufacturer will win that argument. My comments were not directed to you D Porter but rather supported your comment but you sure read a lot into what is not there. Have a great day good sir.
I have a friend who has a 2019 GMC TERRAIN and he uses this method to disable the STOP – Start feature.
1) Start vehicle
2) Leave Vehicle in Park
3) Apply Brakes
4) Place vehicle in DRIVE
5) Push L button for Transmission Selection
6) Select highest Gear ( 9 )
Stop Start should be disabled
Although “easy”, it certainly isn’t “convenient” to perform those steps at every vehicle start.
It should be mandatory for an override (one button press) to be installed with this technology.
My 2019 GMC Terrain (Canada) does not have an override so I use the “trick” of releasing brake pressure when stopped at a street light, but this obviously is not a solution in the sense that the battery, starter and other components will wear quicker. If they force this technology on us, then they have to extend warranty on associated parts (IMO).
My biggest concern is that it encourages people (I doubt I’m alone in this) to “roll” through stop signs (and other situations) to avoid a 1 second shutoff and restart. At a minimum, there should be a (settable) delay, 1-5 seconds before the autostop kicks in.
Personally I don’t really care that I’m saving about $3 a year on gas, although multiplied by a couple million I see where it is “good for the planet”.
Get a handheld tuner to disable it in the ecu then you can drive like a normal person and not put extra strain on your vehicle. Next you will be complaining that the transmission went out because you were hard on it.
I have a 18 buick regal gs that I installed the German version GSI cluster that has the start stop on off button. question is how do I activate it>
I’m 72 years old and have been a GM man since 1965 with my 1957 Chevy, I wish I still had it, and when when I bought my first new car a 1967 Camaro. Two years ago, I bought a low mileage used 2015 AWD Equinox and I love it. I was thinking of getting a newer one until I heard about the BS engine stop-start. I will not buy a car with engine stop-start and if GM still has it on a vehicle I’m looking at and it doesn’t have a disable switch not way. I kept my 2002 Trail Blazer for over 12 years, it looks like I will be keeping my Equinox that long.
just bought a 2018 enclave the auto stop has to go just missed 2 wrecks it at the dealer now if i had test drove the car more i would not have bought it ..
GM needs to wake up or go down the tubes again listen to your car buyers ???
Right now serious problems are not evident because we are dealing with newer vehicles. Wait six to eight years from now and these vehicles will be dangerous to drive. High quality parts that are OEM now, will be replaced by cheap overseas parts. Prepare to get creamed at an intersection.
What cracks me up about this is what little gas is saved , yet they happily install remote start so a cold car can sit in a driveway and idle in its most inefficient mode (cold start) . Seems to me they should get rid of that feature too if this was “really” an environmental decision .
My problem is the shift to park light stays on after my 2017 Acadia is in park. The engine shuts off but all the lights stay on. Notice this was a problem with other GMCs. Goes in the shop on Monday and I’m still covered under the bumper to bumper warranty. Hopefully this part will also be covered and the problem will be solved.
I was told by the Jaguar dealer that the auto-stop equivalent feature on Jaguars could not be circumvented because that would result in the EPA not allowing the feature to be used when it was determining fuel economy. So, the manufacturer kept the feature on all the time.
But I also spotted a comment that the auto-stop feature was not powered by the main battery in the car. It had its own smaller battery in the trunk of the car. So, if that battery was disconnected, the feature was completely disabled. It worked. Not sure if Cadillac/GM has a similar setup.
Try this: https://rangetechnology.com/start-stop
Works fine on my daughter’s 2019 Traverse.
One threat is not going to make them change. Buy a handheld tuner to set it the way you want
So I joined this community because I bought a 2018 Cadillac XT5 which did not have the option to turn off the start/stop feature. I ended up buying an after market product to disable the start/stop and it worked perfectly. Never had an issue with it. It is easy to install as it plugs right into the OBD2 port. You can take it in and out in seconds (but you don’t have to). My car went in for maintenance many times to the dealer and no issues. It wasn’t just the start/stop feature that bothered me about the XT5, the seats weren’t comfortable, you pretty much had to go into the screen to do anything like change the direction you want the air to come out, etc.. I’m very disappointed in Cadillac and decided to give it back (trade it in). Believe it or not, I ended up going with the GMC Acadia. Although it is a little bit bigger, it is more comfortable, has better get up and go, the access to features is easier, etc. Bottom line here is that I kept the aftermarket start/stop disabler for the XT5. If anyone is interested, I will sell it for $100. They are almost $200 brand new. Let me know!
I will buy it I am in canada
Send me your contact information to [email protected] and I would be happy to sell it to you.
Why doesn’t GM install a delete for auto/start for the caddy. When u pay huge bucks for thus
Xt5. Why should consumer pay after dishing out 60-70 grand.
The Corporate Average Fuel Economy (CAFE) standards.
yet some GM vehicles have it. I have a 2018 Buick Regal, it does not have the delete button. However, I had it in for an inspection and the loaner they gave me from the dealer was a 2019 Chevy and it did have the delete button. The version of the Regal sold in Europe also has the delete button. thE BS about not being able to add it only seems to apply to certain models. The module to override it sounds worth looking into. It is the worst feature ever created.
I agree, if you buy a BMW they will make it so you have to turn it on to use it. It is not a safety feature so they should give us an option on how to use it.
I tried using L for my 2018 Malibu and it disables auto stop. I am just wondering if this would have impact on transmission or engine if I use this trick on regular basis?
Try disconecting the hood release connector plug under the hood !
It will solve the start /stop feature, But gives a false check engine light!
Sure lets just band-aide this and not doing it a proper way. Just keep disconnecting things so you can get it to behave the way you want. At some point your vehicle will go into limp mode and not go over 45 till the things you disconnect are reconnected and that may still require a trip to the dealer. You are probably the same people who stick a rag in the gas filler pipe because you lost the cap.
I have a 2018 Sierra and don’t like the V4 mode or what others call DOD/AFM. Instead of driving in tow mode all the time or put it in neutral at stop lights or turn on the defrosters when it is 110 degrees in Phoenix, I paid for a hand held tuner that has the option to disable DOD/AFM in the computer so V4 mode is disabled and I run in V8 mode all the time.
Those who say but the dealer will void your warranty, no they won’t. They can see how many times your ecm has been written but not what. Plus they are not even going to know or look unless you are stupid enough to tell them or there are other serious problems with the vehicle that GM upper level support wants to investigate issues. Turning off DOD/AFM or start/stop in the ecu is not going to void your warranty, if it would have then mine would be flagged.
Go look at hand held tuners like diablo, sct, eflive and see if they will disable the start stop feature. If so then buy one and you can do this change the right way and not jacking your vehicle up and putting it on cinder blocks.
Why did you buy it in the first place knowing it had start/stop? Just curious.
some people previously had mentioned this as a great alternative, https://www.smartstopstart.com
I have “Sport Mode” but it does not disable the Start/Stop
I have not found a work around on my 2018 GMC Terrain Denali (4250 mi.) but I did have the 1 year old battery replaced by the dealer this week. That’s the only reason the start/stop feature stopped working, battery failure. Not sure whether the feature contributed to the short battery life or was it just coincidence?
Just buy a hand programmer that supports your car and disable it and be done with it…and no it won’t void your warranty….
I found your blog site on google and check a few of your early posts. Continue to keep up the superb operate. I just extra up your RSS feed to my MSN News Reader. Seeking ahead to studying more from you afterward!…
Just test drove a Cadillac CT5 which is now the biggest car they make…..it’s no longer a Cadillac in my opinion!!!!!! Rides identical to my 2015 Honda Accord and that start/stop feature is very annoying…..well my Honda is paid off and only has 80K miles on it…..guess I’ll have no car payment for the next 3 yrs….Thanks GM for saving me 💰
Sounds like you don’t want to spend the money…understandable, otherwise you would find something good to say if you really wanted the car. 2nd the start stop can be handled with a hand programmer for most GM cars and trucks. I turned off the Active Fuel Management (GM’s answer to gas mileage by disabling 4 cylinders at non demand power in the engine) the day I drove the truck home. Mileage is no different than with it active. BTW I still get the same mileage on the highway with the supercharger installed.
Don’t let the other yahoo’s tell you that you will void you warranty if you disable the start/atop. First the dealer won’t know it unless you tell them and the tech won’t know or care if he discovers it when moving the car around. If it is an issue they will just re-flash the ECM and make sure it is working, you just redo your part when you get home. Had my truck in a couple time with the AFM off and they never said a word. Neither did the Mercedes Benz dealer when I took my Benz in for work and I had start/stop disabled…..
That’s not the point! The point is that the GSi comes with a lot of features that the GS is missing! When you ask 44k for a car you better not have blank buttons on the dash!…the European didn’t!…so why should we settle for less!…GM screwed up a potential winner because?…..someone is truly clueless when it comes to understanding the market!
Only one who is clueless is the person who is complaining about the car is the same person who bought it knowing it was like that when they drove it home. If they did not know it then they can only blame themselves for not doing their home work….If you don’t like GM or any other manufacture then don’t buy that brand and move on…you will find inner peace faster,,,,If you can’t afford it than either save money or get a better job.
I want a new Chevrolet truck, however there are more features that I don’t want on the new trucks, than the options I do want.
I will not own a truck with stop/start feature or the “dynamic fuel management”. Both these features won’t hold up long term, are severely over tech and prone to failure at large expense.
The previous named “active fuel management” systems are failing now, the results are catastrophic engine damage and GM will not honestly deal with the issue. The newer Dynamic fuel management is even more complicated, big red flag .
@Wally then I suggest you either go buy a 1990 or earlier vehicle or look at vehicles with V6 or 4 cylinders…they don’t have the AFM…as for stop start you will have to buy an older vehicle.
Do some research and you will probably find out that most of the vehicles that are failing with the AFM/DOD are probably due to poor maintenance…Yes you will have people say I maintained my vehicle per the manufacturers recommendations….changing oil at 10,000 miles with synthetic oil is not acceptable with the AFM/DOD systems in my book..Sorry and I know people will disagree….The AFM/DOD can get clogged very easy causing them to fail…Before synthetic oil I used to change my oil at 5,000 mile intervals religiously…with synthetic I have upped it to 7,500. Dirty oil and sludge will clog an AFM/DOD and cause failures. The reason (not always) that people have issues is because of poor maintenance and not paying attention to how their cars/truck engines are running…Not know when something is going out vs waiting till it squeals and makes all kinds of noises to fix it is unacceptable.
With my 2018 GMC Sierra 6.2l I deactivated the AFM the day I got it home from the dealer. You can purchase hand held programmers to deactivate it in the engine so the lifters stay locked all the time. My mileage is just the same as what the stickers says. And I do get 21-22 mpg on the highway. So those who say my mileage will go down are wrong…Beside I even put a supercharger on it and my mileage on the highway is still 21-22 mpg. In the city…well that is different depending on my foot…
I got a Mercedes that has stop/start on is and the wife did not like that at all. There is an obdll module that you can get for about $150 that will flip the bit in the computer to put it at last used. If I turn it off then it stays off even after I manually restart the engine. If I turn it on then it turns on each time I start my engine. Great feature.
2 points her Wally, 1) if you like the vehicle than find tools to deactivate or disable something you don’t like, it is not that hard to do. You will not win against the manufacturers for things they put into because they have to meet gov’t regulations….I sure love my Benz and with the stop/stop deactivated I love it even more. Same goes for my truck, I am not worried about the AFM failing because I keep my oil clean and I keep the mechanism locked so it has a lot less chance of failing.
2) Don’t think that by making these small mods in the computer code you will void your warranty…you won’t. Most of the time the service tech does not even know you made these changes. They don’t spend time trying to see what Wally changed in the code when he brings it in for service or a repair….they got better things to do. If you are worried then back out the changes. Most changes like this are not even recorded by the computer unless you reflash the whole ECM then it might put a log with a date that it was reflashed. As far as I know the ECM does not keep a detailed log when a bit is flipped, like disabling the start/stop….There will be people who will say…ooohhh I can’t do that I will void my warranty….Let me tell you about warranty….My Sierra’s fuel sending gauge was showing the wrong amount of gas in the tank. Took it in for service and because I have the supercharger on it I got asked if I messed with the fuel pump/gauge since some superchargers require a higher pump pressure. I told the service tech that I had not touch the fuel pump/sending unit at all, that it was still stock. No issue, they repaired it.
If you are not willing to deal with the little things you don’t like on the vehicle, either by living with it or find a way to change the features behavior than you best start looking at an older vehicle or a car with less options and smaller engines. Maybe a Toyota Yaris….
Good luck
Good luck with that, GM was one of last US truck makers to add this technology, maybe a Kia is for you? J/K Ford and Ram both have it, so do Mercedes and even Lambos, what? Yes, they all have it on many of their new models, the ‘best selling’ F-150 has it and the Ram 1500s too. Ram 1500s use the eAssist tech which GM is dropping from it’s last car to have it, the Impala which they claim costs more than AFM/DFM and has almost zero benefits. Ford F-150 2.7-liter EcoBoost V6 has/had this tech last time I checked. Most US vehicles with these technologies, even eAssist, can use the Range Technology OBD-II device to defeat Auto Start/Stop and AFM, and now even DFM. So for $100 to $300 you can get back full power on your $50k+ truck or other vehicle, not a bad deal in my opinion. The AFM/DFM Disabler is NOT currently compatible with 2019+ 6.2L 10-speed Silverado and Sierra models (supposedly coming soon), but it works on other engine and transmission setups like the 5.3L 8-speed. The simpler/cheaper Range Tech Start/Stop Disabler works on most makes and models of US trucks that have this tech built-in. I am not familiar with the other similar devices and do not personally recommend any of the home-made wiring methods to trick the system, but that’s just me. Some ‘tricks’ leave your “Service Engine” light on and you possibly won’t know if something else is wrong or your dealer/mechanic might waste time and money looking for a problem that is not there, plus who knows what other things these home-made remedies may do to your new $50k+ truck. You won’t know the Range Tech device is in the port except for no Auto Start/Stop and AFM/DFM technology, and your dealer will never know it was there unless you leave in the OBD2 port when you go in for service.
@GMike…i totally agree with you on doing the homemade mods to get AFM/DOD or any other feature changed or disabled because as you stated you are only asking for trouble and or going to possibly have safety issues.
I tried the Range Technology but it kept kicking out codes and lights on my truck and when I contacted Range they told me to ignore them since some vehicles will do that. That was unacceptable to me so I sent it back. I prefer the hand tuners (if they are available for your car) that disables the AFM/DOD for a couple reasons. It changes the actual setting in the ECM for AFM/DOD (only) and It is not tricking out my system by sending a signal to my ECM all the time. I use my OBDII port for my Banks iDash guage for engine performance monitoring information. There are OBDII splitters you can get but that just adds complexity and more possible issues since the CANBUS can be a finicky system.
Another advantage of a hand tuner is that you can apply one of their canned tunes to get a bit more power or mileage if you want. Plus if you change your tires most will allow you to adjust your speedometer to the new tire size….just my 2 cents worth,
Exide actually hand an R&D project to develop and new battery design to help with battery life. This was due to the starting frequency on new vehicles.
Great information! I have a 2018 Chevy Equinox 1.6TDI I place the gear selector in Low gear to disable the auto start/Stop, was not aware that you can select a top gear and the auto will select the gears. I thought that it was manual select shifitng. I will try this on the way home from work today. Actually not a big problem although sometimes I have started off in Low in 1st gear and forget to shift into second or place it back into Auto D and revs the crap out of the motor. Love the diesel and the great fuel economy and range.
There are several of these aftermarket devices that will disable the Auto Start/Stop (A$$), but for a little more money you can get a device that will allow you to make many more “adjustments” such as keep your V-8 vehicle running on all 8 cylinders at all times and not drop down to 4 cylinders or 2 cylinders when cruising on the highway, make changes to your speedometer to make it correct when you decide to put different size wheels or tires on your vehicle, and make computer adjustments to make your pedals more responsive without a hesitation that many cars experience. They are completely legal and they do not void your warranty in any way whatsoever, whether they plug directly into the OBD II port under your dash or connect “in-line” under your hood which I personally like. Some operate with a remote, some use your smartphone and at least one uses the controls on you dash that you use to change the language, reset your trip mileage and such settings that works pretty neatly and easy. Some have up to about 10 separate adjustments that you can make to your vehicle that the manufacturer thinks you are either not smart enough to do on your own, or they want to make money from you for servicing these items for you. Yes, these are just basic tuners and some cost up to $500 or so, but you will save that in repairs with one transmission service call, or new battery and starter, etc. Times and prices have changed in recent weeks, be ready for major sticker shock on your next trip to the dealership for any work. I only take mine in for the lifetime free oil, filter and tire rotations which they stopped offering a year after I bought my truck, but I’m grandfathered in for mine. This is NOT just a GM or GMC thing, it is Ford, Fiat (formerly known as Ram/Chrysler/Dodge/Plymouth), and all foreign cars that abide by the same rules as US made cars, exact same rules. From the factory for example, most cars have a speed limiter that these tune devices will allow you to change, completely legal, will not void warranty. Ask the sellers of the devices to provide with written proof, they will anyway when you make a purchase, but if you doubt them be sure to ask no matter the question, ask first, don’t complain later. Do a google search and by all means watch the YouTube videos, of course all claim to be the best and I’m not going to give my opinion here because there are advantages to each. Range Technology makes at least 3 different versions under different names such as Diablo Sport and another good device is Pedal Commander, check out the comparison sites, but do your own research, these things are weighted by whoever supplies devices to the people who test and compare them. I know, hard to believe, but it is very, very cut-throat in this very competitive business right now and they ALL will lie to you so you buy their brand and everyone that owns one claims it is the best. Good luck!
Ike, you sound like you know your onions. Would be nice for you to opine on these various devices after posting about them.
Thank You
I agree with what you are saying and glad someone else has spoke up to support some of my older posts. I prefer the handheld tuners (well now that i use HPTuners it is a bit different) over the devices you have to leave plugged in to trick the engine out so the auto stop/start is disabled. I totally disprove of disabling stuff like the hood latch switch or putting a resister in the trailer hitch light plug to trick the truck into thinking there was a trailer attached. I prefer to make changes to the ECM since it is a better place to make those types of changes, and more stable. There are some home remedies that are being done that could cause accidents or put your vehicle into limp mode that will require the tools or dealers to remove.
When I bought my 2018 Sierra 6.2l CrewCab I had a handheld tuner waiting at home i purchased so I could immediately disable the DOD/AFM on my engine. I bought a V8 and prefer a V8 at all times. Plus the way they are deactivating the cylinders is a breakage waiting to happen. My engine has been locked in on V8 mode starting at 20 miles on the truck. I definitely did not wanting it to kick in to V4 mode once the super charger was installed. I have had no issues since the DOD/AFM was disabled and still get 18-20 mpg on the highway where I live…
I never had any issues with the Dealer because my truck has been tuned for the super charger and they have never told me that they would not warranty my truck. I had a heart to heart talk with my service manager and told him that if something broke because of my mods I would own up to it and not claim the warranty. If it was not due to the mods then he needed to be honest with me and support the claim. Example, my fuel sender went out a year later after the super charger was installed. My service advisor called and asked me if I had done anything to the fuel pump that would have cause the sender to go out. I told him that the fuel pump was never touched and they super charger i put on did not require new injectors or pump. He fixed it under warranty….
What I find interesting is GM/Ford/Dodge/RAM, Toyota, Lexus, and other Asian manufacturers lock down their computers yet you can buy a Mercedes and Bimmer and their computers are unlocked. If you buy an expensive tuner you can make changed to things like auto stop/start, dash instrument layout etc with no issues. When I had my Mercedes GLE43 I bought a device that plugged into the ODBII port and made a bit change for the auto stop/start to switch from always on to last used each time you started the car. If you had the auto stop/start turned off when you turned off the car the next time you started the car the auto stop/start was off. Once the module did its thing you could remove it and put it in the glove box or where ever you wanted. If you wanted the auto start top to go back to factory just plug it back in and let it do its thing….it was an awesome device for the money….
Anyway…as IKE stated do your homework and pick something that works for you. Just keep in mind if you are uncertain about if it will cause a hazard or you are disconnecting a wire or something like that you might want to keep looking for safety reasons……