GM Authority

Canadian Man Changes Gender To Save On Insurance For His New Chevrolet Cruze

A man in Alberta, Canada found a clever – albeit problematic – way to get a deal on insurance for his new Chevrolet Cruze compact car: change genders. After receiving a quote from one car insurance provider for $4,500 (about $3,400 US) per year to cover his brand-new whip, “David” casually asked what he might expect to pay if he were a woman. The insurance provider’s answer: $3,400 (roughly $2,600 US) per year.

So, the young driver, who has an accident and two tickets to his name, decided to go through the process of legally changing his gender so that he could get coverage for his Chevrolet Cruze for less. He got a doctor’s note, simply by telling the physician that he’d begun identifying as a woman, and used that note to get the gender changed on the necessary government documents – birth certificate and driver’s license. He now enjoys a substantially lower insurance premium than he would if he were still a man in the eyes of the law.

“I was quite shocked, but I was also relieved,” David told CBC. “I felt like I beat the system. I felt like I won.”

David told CBC that he understands the methods he used are in place to help people who need to correct the gender labels on their government documents in order to reflect who they truly are, but he “didn’t do it to point out how easy it is to change genders,” he said. “I didn’t do it to criticize or ridicule transgender or LGBT rights.”

“I did it for cheaper car insurance,” he said.

At the time of his legal gender transition, David was 23 years old. In Alberta, as in many other places, men below the age of 25 are hit with steeper insurance rates to reflect the higher statistical incidence of accidents among that demographic. Interestingly, CBC notes, in the European Union, the practice of charging more or less depending on gender is considered discrimination, and is banned.

(Hat-tip: The Truth About Cars)

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Aaron Brzozowski is a writer and motoring enthusiast from Detroit with an affinity for '80s German steel. He is not active on the Twitter these days, but you may send him a courier pigeon.

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  1. Thank you very much for such great blog!

    1. ^ bot.

    2. Well, if the fact that Canadian government controlled insurance industry (like the American one) wasn’t so sexist in the first place, this would never have to happen. I encourage more to fight the sexist policy of women paying less for auto insurance even though women statistically drive less than men which accounts for less accidents.

      Doesn’t even matter if they have less accidents…Would it be okay to give men more airline seat space for the same price because they are statistically taller and bigger? Should we charge African-Americans more security fees because they are more likely statistically to commit murder and other crimes? Double standard that needs to be stopped.

      1. Or we could just roll out the autonomous car, rendering the whole matter meaningless.

        1. Doesnt change the fact that the policy is sexist. Needs to be stopped now.

          When autonomous cars stop crashing, then we can roll them out. But how sad of a world would we live in when you cant explore in a car, the independence and freedom of the road…Instead you have to enter in your destination every time and have big brother track your every move.

          1. There’s nothing to say you can’t input a destination that you haven’t been to previously, thereby exploring a road with an autonomous car.

            Also, your whereabouts are already being tracked while your drive. Why is this only alarming you now with the prospects of the coming autonomous car and not 10 years ago?

  2. Trump got a note from Putin explaining he now identifies as Russian to get cheaper bank loans.

    1. If your comment was funny, Johnny, I might give you an upvote. But not even close to funny.

      Really sad your Trump Derangement Syndrome is overtaking your daily life and forcing you to post useless blabber on a car blog about losing the election. How fortunes change. You are on the wrong side of history, my friend.


  3. This is a thing now. Changing sides for fun and profit. Trump got a better bank loan by identifying as a Russian.

    1. When you weren’t funny the first time, please do not try try again…

      Meanwhile under President Trump:

      – Economy is booming, GDP is growing at 4.2% plus!

      – Unemployment levels at HISTORIC LOWS

      – Black and Hispanic unemployment LOWEST in history (hear that, Nobama?)

      – Black-owned business up 400%+ since Trump took office (and African-American support of Trump has more than doubled in the last year as a result)

      – Manufacturing (includes auto industry) and Consumer sentiment highest in 20 YEARS

      – Tax cuts largest in history, put money back into the pocket of Americans

      – 10,000+ human trafficking arrests since Trump took office. Interesting how the bias media is silent on that one.

      – Foreign companies pouring into the U.S., investing billions, hiring Americans…Hear that, GM? Toyota and Honda are helping America.

      QAnon did say “These people are stupid!” No wonder they lost the election to President Trump.

      1. I can see you like being under Trump. Me — I prefer sex with women.

  4. Kool-Aid prices at a new low. Keep drinking!

  5. This is a pathetic story

  6. Only something some one from Alberta would do but isn’t that where Harperman is understandable…


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