GM Authority

Trump Administration Proposes Fuel-Economy Freeze At 2020 Levels

On Thursday, the Trump administration and the Environmental Protection Agency published its fuel economy and emission rollback proposal. In short, the government proposed freezing fuel economy standards at 2020 levels, which axes the current regulation to keep fuel economy numbers growing through 2026.

However, the EPA left the door open for a different final decision after a public-comment period that will commence in the weeks to come. The 2020 freeze is the “preferred alternative” to today’s current standards, which call for fuel economy levels to reach 51.4 mpg by 2025. The proposed freeze would push automakers to acheive 41.7 mpg for cars and 31.3 mpg for light trucks by 2020. Automakers have argued that the Obama administration goal of 51.4 mpg is out of touch with today’s current market conditions and was envisioned during high fuel prices and an economic downturn that saw Americans purchase smaller cars.

Today, sales of crossovers, SUVs and trucks is the norm and the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers and Global Automakers applauded the proposal.

“We applaud the president and the administration for releasing this much-anticipated proposal that includes a variety of standards for public consideration,” their joint statement said. “Automakers support continued improvements in fuel economy and flexibilities that incentivize advanced technologies while balancing priorities like affordability, safety, jobs and the environment.”

The proposal also foresees one national fuel economy standard and does away with California’s waiver to set more stringent standards. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) has led to numerous automakers building “compliance cars” to fill a regulated quota for zero-emission vehicles. Think Chevrolet Spark EV and Fiat 500e among others.

Unsurprisingly, California plans to fight any effort to revoke its current right to set its own standards.

The EPA included other options aside from its preferred proposal. The EPA could keep the current standards put in place under the Obama administration, allow fuel economy standards to increase more slowly during 2020-2026 by 0.5 percent, 1 percent or 2 percent each year, or push fuel economy increases off to 2022 to give automakers more time to adjust. A final proposal looks at combining fuel economy changes with air conditioner and motor idling efficiency tests, which could net automakers MPG credits.

While automakers are pleased with the proposal, the California question will likely weigh on companies. Regulatory uncertaintly and unknowns will make product planning difficult as the state likely gears up for a legal battle, should the administration seek to revoke California’s waiver. Automakers have already begun calling for one national fuel economy standard to streamline operations and vehicle development.

The Trump administration futher argues in its proposal that even with lower standards, health will improve as new cars become more affordable. The administration foresees consumers trading in dirtier vehicles in favor of more fuel efficient vehicles should the changes go into effect. Numerous environemental and health organizations have already slammed the proposal as irresponsible.

Former GM Authority staff writer.

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  1. The need for fuel economy and emissions legislation is practically redundant in this day and age. The global shift toward electric vehicles is inevitable at this point and will happen regardless of government interference.

    All these regulations do is stop small companies with niche products from being competitive and preserve the market dominance of the world’s largest automakers by raising the cost of entry into the auto industry. These corporate monopolies are bad for everyone. Freezing this legislation could potentially introduce some much needed competition back into the marketplace.

    1. Plenty of dislikes but no arguments.
      Where am I wrong?
      Fite me!

    2. Dear Blogger Sean:

      Some day you have to wake up and realize you lost the election; Hitlery Clinton will never ever be President; and Obama’s corrupt, illegal governing acts are getting erased from history for good by President Trump’s strong, determined leadership.  No amount of repeating the same tired propaganda/ your “car stories”, spinning the truth, scaremongering, or just flat out lying about President Trump will change this reality.

      Time to move on and take care of that Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), don’t ya think?  Or it is going to be a long and rough next 6 and half years for you.


      A Car Fan That Really Wishes You Would Focus On Auto Stories Without Your Political Bias

      1. Dude, stfu. This article doesn’t mention any side with bias. Dumbas*. Sean, you’re doing great.

      2. Congrats,

        I’m sorry you believe this news, which comes from the Trump White House, is “propaganda.” There is no spin here, no political argument, just news—news that affects every major automaker doing business in the United States. And that includes General Motors.

        We’ll continue covering the news as it pertains to GM and we appreciate constructive comments and good discussion. Please, save the rhetoric for your favorite news network’s comment section.

        Thanks for reading,


    3. Small innovative electric mobility companies?

      I’m not going to fite you, I’m going to CHEER you! That’s exactly what America should be backing!

      Try these:
      Specialized Turbo S
      Specialized Levo FSR 6 Fattie
      Specialized Kenovo

      Hi-Powered Cycles (HPC) Typhoon and Revolution

      Aussie company Stealth has their Fighter and Bomber models

      In Europe they have Haibike, Moustache, and BMC.

      And just take a red-hot look at the announcement, just 2 days ago, of the new full-electric range from HARLEY-DAVIDSON !!!

  2. Most present hybrids can reach and pass 40 MPG now. If they become PHEVs, such as the Chevy Volt, the average can reach 50 MPG sooner than 2025. Just get rid of ICEVs and Diesels by raising fuel cost slowly.

  3. How do these people sitting with Chumpy Trump smile like it they are at a Birthday Party ? Trump lies so much , it is unbelievable how anyone or group can take this idiot seriously , in my opinion . Barra looks for all the world like a child waiting for the birthday cake , go figure , sucking up to a genius , oh YES !

    1. Pathetic Trump wants to take us back to 1948. Good luck with that…the rest of the world moves forward without us.

      1. and so are you, you moron.

    2. Sore loser syndrome?

      Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)

      There is psychiatric help out there for that, Sean.

  4. What a farce. Like they have any intention of listening to public comments.

  5. old picture……guy to Trumps right died last week

    1. Great to hear. Another Trump crony out of the mix. Whoot whoot.

      He did say he would “clear the swamp”…. Lolz.

      1. Hey, where is all that Russia evidence?

        I thought President Trump was going to be impeached by now?

        Then again, you were convinced Hitlery Clinton had a “96% chance of winning.”


        Not everyone is born with intelligence in this world…

        1. Where is the “Russia Evidence”?

          Try this:

          Trump on a POTUS dais right next to Putin with his POR dais, with Trump saying “U.S. officials should be questioned directly by Russian officials”

          If you literally can’t see that EVIDENCE of America’s slave-state situation, then you are part of the propaganda, not part of America.

        2. “Not everyone is born with intelligence in this world…”

          But you are certainly very CONFIDENT about your own intelligence, and you’re understanding of Trump’s thinking.

          Ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger Effect? Look up the confidence part of it….

  6. Unless there’s a major breakthrough in technology, it’s difficult to imagine a non-hybrid gasoline powered vehicle getting beyond 48 mpg and while the Obama Admin kept pushing for green alternatives, the Obama Admin didn’t spend a cent to increase the US National Power Grid or offer money towards the infrastructure necessary to recharge millions of electric vehicles.

    The sh_t will hit the fan for all countries around the world who signed the Paris Climate Accord and all new cars sold needs to Zero Emissions in 2023 because no one has spent a cent to increase the electricity output needed to recharged tens of millions of electric vehicles.

    1. You can not explain reality to the delusional. But good try!

    2. 1)the paris climate accord is voluntary with no enforcement mechanism

      2)where does it say that all new cars sold in 2023 will have to be electric? that is only 5 years from now. germany and japan have signed on to the agreement. are you saying that all the vehicles sold in those countries will be electric in 2023? that doesn’t make sense.

  7. With tariff protectionism that’s straight out of 1820…

    and race relations reminiscent of 1920,

    it’s hard to be surprised the current administration would freeze fuel efficiency, effective 2020.

    And leave the door wide open for China to take the dominant position determining the future of 21st century mobility.

    1. who the hell cares f*** china.

      1. china is the largest auto market in the world today.
        china has 1.4 billion people vs 325 million in america.
        china is already the 2nd largest economy.
        when their per capita gdp is within spitting distance of that in america, their economy will dwarf every other country. that is why china matters.

        1. …and China’s economy is collapsing under bad debt…They are begging Trump to stop the tarriffs while giving in to him on many taxes and policies.

          Meanwhile, the U.S. economy is the best it has been in decades. 4.1% GDP growth last quarter…stocks at all-time highs…tunemploymentaxes lowest possibly ever…lowest in decades or ever, with Black and Latino unemployment lowest EVER! And America solidifying its top status as the world’s largest economy.

          Thank you President Trump!

          1. if things are so great, why is trump doing so much complaining?

            usually, when the economy is doing really well, the deficit goes down. with his huge unnecessary tax cut, it is actually going up.

            remember that during the next recession and you get an itch to start complaining about deficits.

            do you consider that bad debt to include US Treasuries? china is the biggest holder of our debt.

          2. good for trump, china is falling in it’s face.

          3. “China’s economy is collapsing under bad debt” — bad debt: the US debt which China owns.

            China is the USA’s largest creditor, while the USA is the largest debtor of this planet.

            The USA should start actually paying for what they are consuming, instead of only handing out debt certificates which the US will never be able to honor.

            1. I Could care less, china is just plain trash

    2. Sore loser syndrome hitting you hard, isnt it…

      Elections have consequences, right?

      Dont let the Trump Derangement Syndrome take over your life now…Otherwise it will be a hard long 6.5 years for you.


  8. So for the next 2 years R&D departments can p*ss around and produce very little ground breaking engine tech and spend a lot less.

    Meanwhile automaker profits go up, and so do shareholder dividends, along with Mary reaping an enormous salary & increased benefits. Shock. Quelle horreur! Her plan worked…

  9. White house official lately crowed on TV that the economy under Trump increased over 4% , hadn’t been done for many years….under Obama and higher taxes for the rich , he did it 4 times . Lord how I love it when Trump’s mouthpieces are exposed for lying , thanks to lady interviewer who knew the facts. Sad part is , Trump’s base says ” So what ” !

    1. Who cares, nobama double the national debt and gave us more stupid wars and everything else.


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