GM Authority

NAFTA: Here Are Exactly What Cars & Trucks GM Exports From Mexico To The U.S. And Canada

The deadline for the new NAFTA is this Friday, with auto trade between the three member countries, the United States, Mexico and Canada, being at the heart of negotiations. The United States and Mexico have already reached a bilateral agreement, and Canada has rejoined negotiations earlier this week. The ramifications of the new agreement on GM can be significant.

Per popular demand of our readers, GM Authority has researched exactly what models and – perhaps more importantly – how many of them GM currently exports from Mexico to the other two NAFTA member nations.

The Models

GM exports a total of seven models from Mexico to the other two NAFTA regions:

Mexico exports to U.S.

  • Chevrolet Cruze 5-door (hatchback)
  • Chevrolet Equinox
  • Chevrolet Silverado 1500 (certain configurations)
  • Chevrolet Trax
  • GMC Sierra 1500 (certain configurations)
  • GMC Terrain

Mexico exports to Canada:

  • Chevrolet Cruze 4-door (sedan)
  • Chevrolet Cruze 5-door (hatchback)
  • Chevrolet Equinox
  • Chevrolet Silverado 1500 (certain configurations)
  • Chevrolet Trax
  • GMC Sierra 1500 (certain configurations)
  • GMC Terrain

Chevrolet Cruze at dealer

The Numbers

In the first seven months of 2018, General Motors exported a total of 417,538 vehicles from Mexico to the U.S. and Canada:

  • 376,575 units (90 percent) to the United States
  • 40,973 units (remaining 10 percent) to Canada

General Motors Mexico Exports To USA - Jan 2018 - Jul 2018

AutomakerBrandModelJan 2018 - Jul 2018
General Motors CompanyAllTotal348,146
General Motors CompanyChevroletCruze 5 Door15,572
General Motors CompanyChevroletEquinox82,607
General Motors CompanyChevroletSilverado 1500129,255
General Motors CompanyChevroletTrax32,156
General Motors CompanyGMCSierra 150052,229
General Motors CompanyGMCTerrain64,756

General Motors Mexico Exports To Canada - Jan 2018 - Jul 2018

AutomakerBrandModelJan 2018 - Jul 2018
General Motors CompanyAllTotal40,973
General Motors CompanyChevroletCruze 4 Door1,306
General Motors CompanyChevroletCruze 5 Door2,651
General Motors CompanyChevroletEquinox376
General Motors CompanyChevroletSilverado 150014,196
General Motors CompanyChevroletTrax2,927
General Motors CompanyGMCSierra 150012,902
General Motors CompanyGMCTerrain6,615
General Motors Ramos Arizpe Plant Mexico

Entrance to General Motors Ramos Arizpe Plant in Mexico

The Factories

General Motors currently operates the following four plants in Mexico:

In addition, GM Mexico operates the following supporting facilities in the country:

NAFTA Member Flags - Canada United States of America Mexico 001


The new bilateral NAFTA agreement between Mexico and the United States calls for 75 percent of automotive content (parts) to be made in the NAFTA region, up from the current requirement of 62.5 percent. The requirement is expected to shift production of some automotive parts to Mexico from China.

In addition, the revised deal requires 40 to 45 percent of auto content to be made by workers earning at least $16 per hour. The move will likely result in the relocation of some automotive production from Mexico to the United States, but could also result in an increase in Mexican automotive wages.

The agreement also limits exports of Mexican cars and sport-utility vehicles to the United States at 2.4 million vehicles annually, with any volumes above that level being subjected to tariffs.

GM Authority Executive Editor with a passion for business strategy and fast cars.

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  1. It looks like Mexico builds about 50% of all GM 1500 PU trucks. Double up the numbers for 12 months and that is about 360,000 trucks of the more than 700,000 sold this past year. So when does it become American made or imported?

    1. Even if it was 100% assembled in Mexico, it is “Amercan” See my post below.

  2. This is good news for all American citizens, since all three nations (Canada, U.S., and Mexico) are “American”, belonging to the North American continent, and to the American hemisphere, covering almost half of the Earth. Now that is truly “American”!

    My 2009 Chevy Equinox and my 1995 Buick Regal were assembled in Canada. Both are “American”.

    1. That’s why it is called the “North AMERICAN Free Trade Agreement”

      Otherwise it might be called Cum or Muc, or Muc-aft.

    2. I get how Mexico and the US has a close relationship as they are two nations in North America.

      Canada isn’t a real country though. Maybe we should just negotiate with the Queen that’s on their $20 bill.

      1. On the close relationship … “¡Pobre México, tan lejos de Dios y tan cerca de Estados Unidos!” — “Poor Mexico, so far from god, and so close to the United States” — phrase coined by Mexican writer José Nemesio García Naranjo, and made famous by former president Porfirio Diaz quoting this on his exit from Mexico to his final exile.

    3. I have never seen something that says on it “made in American”. Lets keep it “made in America” .

    4. Most Equinoxes come from Canada.

      There was a strike earlier in the year, so they switched supply to Mexico during that period.

  3. 2017 or 2018? Text says 2018 but chart says 2017.

    1. It’s 2018… 2017 was a mis-print. All’s fixed.

  4. I read elsewhere that all of the GM cars will be above the min parts content threshold.

    A couple of VW/Audi products and the Nissan Versa won’t without some supply chain updates.

  5. Looking at the Mexico NAFTA agreement, we can see how this will eventually be used as a basis for auto trade with other countries such as Japan and Germany. This deal puts a cap on an eventual flood of Mexican imports, from all global auto manufacturers, while leaving some room for just some additional Mexico production to remain in place.

    It’s good to see some trade regulation in place to insure the long term health of the U.S. auto manufacturing.

  6. 60-70% part made in American, so it s still American made. Assembly is process of fixing the “lego” pieces.

    1. Assembly is more complicated than “fixing Lego pieces”

  7. There is no Canada deadline, since the U.S. /Canada trade deal is separate from Mexico. Only Mexico had a deadline because of the change of the government there. The negotiations could go on for another couple of weeks between Canada and the U.S. or maybe longer.

    1. The deadline is Mexican — if the revised NAFTA treaty would have been signed latest past Friday, Peña Neto would not have to care about interfering in his successor-elect’s competences. Now, Lopez Obrador will have his say.

      1. Observer7 is correct. The deadline was pushed by Mexico and also by the U.S.

        Mexico is pushing it as a result of the upcoming presidential election and the U.S. pushing it to get things done by the Trump admin, pressured by auto workers and the dairy industry on a local level.

        But as we saw, the deadline is self-imposed and is therefore a bit flexible.

        1. Maybe this is a typo, but the presidential election took place already on July 1st, the upcoming event is the taking office by president elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador (“AMLO”) on December 1st, 2018.


  8. I will never buy a made in USA. car but i would buy a car made in Mexico….

  9. No numbers for the Chevy Trax? I’m pretty sure they are also shipped North.

    1. Those are made in Korea.

      1. According to the vin numbers that start with the number 3 the Chevy Trax in my local Chevrolet dealers lots were assembled in Mexico. I guess someone should tell them they aren’t suppose to exist?

      2. They are indeed built in Korea. They are also built at the San Luis Petosi plant. Both are imported to the US.

  10. The fact General Motors of Canada Limited was the first General Motors Corporation that started by McLaughlin Carriage Company from 1867 and Incorporated in 1918. The Archives in the Pennsylvania State University from 1918 to 1974 are proof the two Amalgimated in 1918 never bought by the US corporation as Fake History is in the USA.

  11. Just like Ross Perot said…. “A giant sucking sound” and 15 years later parts of Detroit looked like a third world county.

  12. Alex, this is interesting information. I would be interested in seeing this data for all U.S., Mexico and Canada. How may vehicle are exported from the U.S. to Mexico and Canada and from Canada to the U.S. and Mexico. Taking it a step further, how many vehicles are built in the U.S. and exported to the rest of the world. I have heard this is a big number (exports more than it imports), but have no idea how big or if it is really that big.

    1. Charles, thank you for the comment. We are working on compiling the data you mentioned. We’re starting with North America, and will go from there.

      Stay tuned!


    2. The South Korean publication Hankyoreh referred to the Japanese daily “Nihon Keizai Shimbun” (Nikkei) when they wrote:

      In 2017, global automakers manufactured more than 2.2 million automobiles in Canada, of which the majority – over 1.89 million – were exported to the US. In the same year, over 4.07 million automobiles were produced in Mexico, and more than 2.7 million of these were exported to the US.

      This is not detailed, but gives a glimpse on the magnitudes implied.

      »“Canada leaving the NAFTA would inevitably sow massive chaos in the automobile industry,” the Nihon Keizai Shimbun, a Japanese daily newspaper, reported on Sept. 2.« writes Hankyoreh, and »If Canada is booted from NAFTA, sedans that are made in Canada and exported to the US will be subjected to a 2.5 percent tariff, while sports utility vehicles (SUVs) and trucks will be slapped with a 25 percent tariff.«


      BTW, South Korea also has a free trade agreement with the USA, called KORUS FTA.

  13. Dis UAW ever think of being competitive? Probably not. Plants close because of Unions. I am obviously not a Union member, but I agree on not buying from Mexico. i look at the sticker of where a car is made before i buy. Had an Escalade because it was made in Texas.

  14. ARE Chevrolet made in MEXICO. USED in the USA. Entitled to treatment under DR-CAFTA?

  15. Teslas are the true American invented, made, and manufactured cars. Founded by an immigrant, developed by American ingenuity, disrupting old industries organized by bureaucracy and cronyism, and unfazed by the fake news media smearing it… Tesla is as American as it gets.

    1. Tesla manufactures not only in USA, but also in China.

      Probably sone also in Germany (Musk gets a factory being built without the necessary building authorisation, with only provisional authorisations; the regional authorities are creeping in the mud before this dictatorial … eh … person, accepting even that he will not pay union wages).


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