After months of negotiations and behind-the-scenes discussions, President Trump and his administration are expected to release new auto emissions standards, perhaps this week.
Bloomberg reported on Monday the new standards will include an end to state’s waivers to not follow federal regulations, which will affect California’s current right to set its own emission laws via the California Air Resources Board. In addition, the revision may also freeze fuel-economy standards at 2020 levels, 35 mpg. Under the Obama administration, plans are currently in place to grow fuel-economy standards to 50 mpg across an automaker’s fleet by 2025.
California’s waiver has also allowed the state to mandate a number of electric cars sold in the state, which has given way to “compliance cars” from numerous automakers. The state’s rules are more stringent than the federal government’s and a dozen other states have opted to follow CARB regulations. Colorado will join California’s rules in the near future.
Automakers initially rallied around the thought of a fuel-economy and emissions regulation rollback, but have quickly come to the current rule’s defense. Now, numerous automakers fear regulatory uncertainty could prove more costly than the rules as they stand. And global automakers have already begun tweaking vehicle portfolios to match new regulations in China and Europe. GM has already said relaxed regulations won’t shift its strategy.
On the political side of things, the regulatory rollback could amount to a major legal battle over states’ rights. Automakers will have to eventually choose a side.
Enemy of the United States = California !!! (fear, loathing, distrust, scary, ooooh, they have Tesla’s there don’t they?)
Enemy of the United States is definitely not our BFF’s over at the KGB, that’s for sure, right?
American economy is booming, jobless rate lowest in decades, African-American and Hispanic unemployment LOWEST EVER, stock market at record highs, manufacturing optimism highesr in 30 years, small business sentiment highest in decades, taxes lowest in generations possibky ever…
Meanwhile, California is bankrupt both economically and morally, homelessness everywhere, fights, smog, taxes highest in nation, public schools failing, people moving out in droves..
Kind of puts things into perspective, doesnt it?
Thank God for our strong, no BS President for saving us. The fake news and left-wingers can lie and cry all they want, but President Trump is deliverying for us.
We agree. California is the enemy of the USA, not folks from outside the USA.
I see you watch alot of fox news… you fool. It has a 6.1 billion surplus, for the first time in a decade. Economy was already booming before donnie took office. I bet if something bad happens youd be like “obamas fault”, if something good happens ” i love you donnie” go kick rocks.
That’s all Obama did, and he has been saying that for 2 terms.. he always blamed the previous administration, even in his 2 term. He wasn’t good at making US economically better, or helping the middle class.. but I’m not getting to politics on here. But since Trump has been doing what he said he was going to do, and things are looking brighter, somehow Obama gets the praise I don’t know how though. People just love to hate, I can’t stand media today for that reason there.. it’s all built on hate and to smear people, oh but they go on the defense for a certain category of people. It’s a headache and a half. But anyways back on subject.
You have a very short memory. The Bush admin. removed the regulations which led to the financial crisis. Obama started with the country in near total financial collapse. Obama led the auto bailout, while republicans vehemently opposed it. Without Obama, there may not even be an American Auto industry.
You Americans are so tribal, you will end up fighting yourselves into total collapse.
are you serious right now?
good job randomly insulting one of our own states. Very classy… Washington would be proud.
“American economy is booming, jobless rate lowest in decades…”
You are aware that Obama was responsible for our current economic growth, right? Economists attribute the recent prosperity to the bipartisan economic policies and stimulus packages that Obama passed during his tenure, which ensured the financial stability of many American companies and businesses (for example- GM).
“Meanwhile, California is bankrupt both economically and morally, homelessness everywhere, fights…”
Which trashy news site do you watch to come to that conclusion? California literally has the largest economy in the Union. CA would be the fifth largest economy in the world if it were a country, beating out UK, France, S. Korea, Russia… etc. We house some of the worlds best education institutions with UCLA, USC, CalTech, Stanford, and Berkeley leading the pack. Our electronics and biotech industries are incomparable to anywhere else on earth, where we house mega-corps like Facebook, Amgen, Google, Twitter, Apple, Intel, Genentech, Cisco, Qualcomm, and Lockheed Martin. Do a bit of research before you post trash opinions. Thanks.
***This Is Not A Political Post*** (Could care less who everyone here votes for)
If Trump convinces the US Auto Manufacturers to just concentrate on BIG Trucks and SUV’s which bring in the big profit right now, I fear the UAW Jobs will completely disappear in about 10 years time. The Big Companies around the World are now starting to get in the Electric Vehicle Arena and there is no going back. The Trump Administration unfortunately wants to Lobby for Big Oil and not pass legislation for Alternative Energy like all of the rest of the First World Powers are doing. His Administration wants to take us backwards instead or forward. Now I am not picking on Trump only as both parties the last 10 years have been on cruise control collecting Big Oil handouts. Please know this, I love Big V8’s like the rest of us here but once electric vehicles get scaled up in production numbers, there will be no going back. I do not want to see GM and Ford fall behind and disappear in the market.
I know exactly how you feel! I started dabbling in the stock market when I graduated from high school. It’s just a hobby really. I’ve never made more than ~$4,500/yr. from it. In the past 12 months, I’ve made over $11,000 and I’m so mad, I could spit tacks!!! I can’t stand the site of Trump! I got so angry one time, I actually threw my shoe at the TV and broke it. I’m used to making a few measly dollars here and there as a hobby. How dare he upset my apple cart like this. Dammit, knock it off!!!
keep it up. i like to get into stocks when people are risk averse but what do i know.
with trump at the helm, great time to get into stocks.
don’t dabble … put some shoulder into it. dow 30K is on the horizon.
Are you out of touch with reality? The DOW peaked in January and has been down ever since.
Being at war with then entire will cause a collapse of the market soon. Talk to these guys, there are thousands of such stories out there.
Agreed Vivian. 100% agreed. Dumpy Trump should’ve simply sent pallets of cash to these obtuse leaders instead of meeting with them face to face. He should’ve sent them so much cash, it’d made Obama’s gift to Iran look like grade school lunch money.
I’m willing to wager that you are completely unaware that the money that went to Iran was Iran’s money which had been frozen in US bank accounts.
That’s what happens when your only sources of information are slogans, misinformation and nonsensical rhetoric.
Sorry Vivian, “gift” was a poor choice of words, typed in the heat of the moment. I am in lockstep with you on this topic.
I’m in favor of abolishing borders across the globe. I demand that families making at least $250k per year, be taxed 90-95%. Universal healthcare and free higher education are a must. I’ve recently read that California is testing out the waters on a $500/month stipend to several hundred families. To Hell with that! I know it will work! And $500/month is nothing. I say, make it at least $1,500/month!
These changes must go through!
The Dow Jones industrial average is not a good indicator of the overall health of the market. Because it only lists 30 companies. The S&P 500 Is better. Because it includes the 500 largest companies. And it is up 14.89% from a year ago today.
State’s Rights, State’s Rights !!!
Except for California, which isn’t a State really, it’s a snowflake. Right?
Elections have consequences, Old Socialist.
Time to move on and accept your election loss, buddy. Hitlery Clinton will never be president.
Hmmm. Elections have consequences in Washington, but not in California, where they have to start doing what they’re told, … by Washington, right?
I lived in DC y’know, taught kids whose parents are on both sides of the isle in the big building we could see from our library. S’funny how they all came from outside Washington DC, they all came to FIX Washington DC, and when they all got there they found nobody from Washington DC in those isles. Instead, they found folks from Kentucky, Vermont, Georgia, NY, Montana, NJ, from all over America all fighting each other to be the best at Fixing everybody else there. And who ended up getting fixed f’real? The train drivers, the police officers, the librarians, the small businesses with long family histories like Ben’s Chili Bowl, all the folks who never hurt anyone anywhere in KY/VT/GA/NY/MT/NJ or anywhere else.
Same as California. Do you really hate those folks who do the Peterson Museum, or the LA Auto show, or who fight so hard to keep Laguna Seca open for racing, or the Woodies at the Beach in Santa Barbara? Do you really hate those people just for where they live?
Why bother, you’re arguing with an unemployed virgin…
Drain the swamp! By giving lawyers years of $Billable by putting OEMs against states in courtroom after courtroom across these “United” states.
When are blue-collar voters going to realize that their hero gives their future to his lawyer fiends, every day in every way???
I see the clown in office is hard at work draining the swamp. What a circus this administration is.
You are a clown for what you just wrote. Go away.
LMAO what are you talking about!? As a car guy this is great!
Im a human on this planet 1st, car guy 2nd.
Sore loser. Time to move on.
Thank God we have President Trump.
I agree…Time to move on to midterms…
He’ll be in prison soon.
This is not some Third World country where presidents go to prison. So next president will always pardon the former president. Doesn’t matter which party it is. This gives them carte blanche to do wherever the hell they want. Because they know they can do whatever they want the next president will pardon them.
Trump has made us a Third World Dictatorship. Watch and learn.
Getting back to the topic.
We need to get the country all on one page when it comes to emissions and MPG standards. The willy nilly free for all is expensive and ineffective for both sides.
Once we get to a consciences then we can work to have a global standard for all MFGs to help them cope financially and economically with the global market.
Now I know that is a dream but that is what we should all be working for not California and a few other states going rogue and the rest falling in line nationally.
A lot of Russia bots here today..
No matter what the regulations are, automakers are not going to slow their pursuit towards a zero-emissions or ultra low-emissions corporate future. I hope to see stronger regulations on the energy used in the production of vehicles and most other consumer products put into place. There’s no excuse at this point for most manufacturers to not utilize sustainable/reusable energy sources to ensure zero-emissions production. I’m not a tree hugger, but I do think that we can reduce our impact on the environment.
I am not a tree hugger either. But I do appreciate the oxygen they supply. But then again we could always get that from broccoli and Wacky tobaccy.
There should be zero emissions laws! Let the manufacturers decide how clean they want their vehicles to be and then the customer will pick the winner with their wallets!
Then you should move to lawless, tyrannical Libya where there isn’t a functioning government, no rules and complete anarchy. Good luck!
I didnt say zero laws just emissions laws! The people who do the buying should be the ones that set the industry standard based on what sales!
Having govt regulations on cars and trucks is one of the reasons vehicles look and perform similar across the board! Which is one of the main complaints of the automotive industry.
If you want to build a line up of gas guzzlers cars and trucks then you should be able to. The buying public will end up telling you if you made the correct decision.
That’s just as ridiculous. I was in LA in the 70’s and the entire city was choking in smog. This leads to massive health costs, cancer and a much higher death rate to name a few. Now there are multiple times the number of cars and the city would be a wasteland without the current strict emission laws.
Maybe you don’t see it because you live in a small town.
Nope wrong again! I live in a city that is around top 5 in population. I think it’s currently 6th!
I’m certainly not wrong. In that case, you’re just stupid. And sometimes, you can’t fix stupid.
If I am stupid then your a complete moron!
If people want cleaner cars then people will buy them, you dont need the gov’t to tell you to do it
Along your line of thinking, you would want the crash test regulation to be rolled back.
You could be the dummy in the 59′ Bel Air.
Investing heavily in higher MPG standards, Autos now have to change course to account for a lower standard. Like it or not, large companies don’t really fight regulations, they just adapt and pass on the cost to the consumer. In fact, regulation gives large organizations an advantage because they can afford to meet the regulations whereby smaller competitors cannot. In that environment, large companies & government are almost like crony-capitalist partners. “Over-regulation” is the enemy of innovation and competition. Uncertainty is often harder for large organizations than onerous, but predictable, regulations.
California needs to separate and become its own country. They are already the 6th biggest economy in the world. This would also mean the end of the US which will happen anyway in the coming years as soon as the US currency is replaced as the reserve currency and trillion $ deficits become a thing of the past.
Remeber when we used to just talk about cars on here? Halcyon days indeed.
I give you one guess as to who is responsible for this and is leading the destruction of the US.
Old Trombone?
Marxist leftist police state liberals – that’s my guess 😉
Capitalist PIGS where 0.1% of the population owns 90% of the assets and pays no taxes. Great if you’re a billionaire. If not, you’re getting it up the backside.
That’s the exact definition of a banana republic.
I was trying. To many others with agendas.
Yes states have rights for internal issues. However it should not have the right to make a company make products specific to a state. The emissions for all the country should be same. We also need to go to one grade of gasoline period. Its stupid to have all these different grades in different states.
California can’t understand if they need water they have big ocean but they want to steal it from other states. So they obviously are not someone who I would trust on any environment issues
I’m sorry, but no where did I see any state force any manufacture to make a product specifically for that state. It’s either those manufacturers saw the benefit of abiding by local laws, and the potentional for additional revenue, or they don’t; and pull out all together. Hell, half of the cars GM makes anyways are already California emissions compliant. California doesn’t do this to squeeze automakers. They do it as a public precaution, smog is a problem, and the health of others comes before company profits.
If this is how most people think on this blog, what was your sentiment towards taxes being raised in packs of cigarettes nationwide? What was your reaction to states voting for the health of the public, on smoking in public? C’mon. It’s for the benefit of everyone. I don’t want to breathe in someone’s toxic fumes as a bi-product of their habits.
F*ck off all of you. This is about health of all of us. California has long been doing what every state should be doing. They and the following states are the ones pushing us all forward, leading parts of Europe into banning petroleum cars from 2025, and in city centers. It’s about the health of our planet that were destroying, and refuse to acknowledge.
Typical leftist/fascist attitude:
“You don’t know what’s good for you – WE do – and will FORCE it on you against your will for the ‘good of the people’ – rights be damned – F#*k off !!!”
This is the US. You have not rights, not even to your property. If Wal-Mart wants you land they will expropriate you. Rich people have all the rights and the poor have absolutely none. Rich people don’t go to jail. Most of the jail population, (largest in the Western world) is poor.
Before being president, the Traitor said that if you’re poor, you’re a loser…
Here’s a idea instead of complaining about rich people! WHY DONT YOU BECOME ONE!
Then problem solved!
The person with the most money should have the most options!
Got to be kidding me.
So then all of us little minions should kneel down before his or her privileged ass just because the were born lucky? All the 1%, large corporations, China, etc are laughing their butts off at the thoroughness of your brain washing. Trump is running the Putin dictatorship playbook and you all are eating it up. Corporations know that the next administration will reverse all of Trump’s self serving folly and they will be ready.
Born lucky! Do you know how many millionaires grew up poor? Most of them! That’s why their opinions matter more then yours does
Water flows downhill California does not steal water from other states. California only steals water from Mexico. But they need to so that all the Mexicans living in California have water. Colorado and Hawaii are the only two states that only use water that falls within their state. So by your logic 48 states are stealing water.
trump is president, economy is good so he gets credit i guess. but if it goes south, he’ll be blaming everyone under the sun.
the economy is the turd blossom of this presidency. he better hope it continues.
If auto tariffs go through, we’re looking at up to 1 million jobs which will be lost.
The traitor went bankrupt 6 times before. This one could be Huuuuuggggeee!
When economy is good, rich, middle-class and poor have some money. When economy is bad only RICH have money.
That’s false. Despite a current decent economy, why are over 20% of Americans still on food stamps?
They are lazy!
There will always be folks on food stamps regardless of economy. When there are jobs there will be fewer on food stamps. Remember the Great Depression? No work and only the rich had money.
To hell with the poor, people dying from opioid addiction, those on welfare/food stamps, losers, mentally ill, unemployed, the disillusioned and discouraged, all those who have been used and abused, incarcerated, biker gangs, rednecks, uneducated….
That’s exactly what the privileged have been saying for decades. And then Trump rounded them up and they got him elected. He knows how to manipulate the bottom end of society.
Wonderful , who is going to explain the new standards to Trump . The idiot doesn’t read unless it is only one page and his staff put his name in every paragraph . Chumpy cannibalized the EPA by putting Scott Pruitt , a foe of the EPA in to run it into the ground . He almost did , thank God he had the presence of mind to spend wads of cash on himself and get booted out , unjustly of course . The word global Warming is not allowed now in any Gov. publications as there is NO SUCH THING AS GLOBAL WARMING , ask CHUMPY yourself , he will with such sincere truthfullness say that Obama was at fault for spreading such lies about G. Warming and perhaps depending on the demeanor of the crowd , also throw in H. Clinton , for good measure . Got to love Chumpy , only Pres. in history to use the oval office to enrich his and his families businesses . Lets have a big HURRAY for Chumpy Trump 1,2 3……! Disclaimer , as Chumpy may get his way and put media members in jail when they write things he doesn’t like , I hereby express these remarks as personal comments only !!
I am not a trump supporter but global warming is a joke!
And I’m convinced that the world is flat. Brian, let’s get together and talk about chemtrails, the government building mind control and weather control machines in Alaska, Area 51 being run by aliens, lizard people… Uggghh, GOT TO GO! I’m being watched.
Dude I am all for it! I’ll give you my email if you want to really have a good conversation