The General Motors Janesville, Wisconsin, plant went offline for good nearly four years ago, and today, it’s quickly becoming a pile of rubble. To ensure continued asbestos abatement and debris removal, the Wisconsin Economic Development Corp. announced a $500,000 grant for the project.
Commercial Development Company, the site’s new owner, and government officials marked the grant with a ceremony, according to The Gazette Xtra. The hope is to redevelop the property for light industrial, manufacturing and distribution industries. CDC said the 113-acre site could be redeveloped more quickly since there’s less demolition and environment cleanup needed.
When all is said and done, the company is certain that every building will be razed. Originally, CDC imagined some of the structures could remain, but 75 percent of the plant is now rubble.
According to a timeline, it could take another 18 months to finish cleanup and demolition. Around 2020 or 2021, new tenants could begin to construct on the former GM plant.
Build the Blazer right here. Quit screwing around with the enemy Mexico. Just do it here MAGA we mean it GM!
The plant is being dismantled right now, and the site won’t be ready until 2021. Building a new plant would take more than a year, and by then the 2019 Blazer would already be 4 years old.
You didn’t even read the god damn article.