GM Authority

Who Is Cadillac Citing In This Escalade Ad?

This isn’t your average “Ad Break,” where we normally like to step back and take a look at current advertising and marketing messages surrounding General Motors brands. Today, however, we have a question: who is Cadillac citing in this ad spot?

The video above is for a quick 15-second ad spot for the Cadillac Escalade, and around the 0:03 mark, a quote shoots onto the screen.

It reads:

The best SUV ever built. And I think it’s only the beginning. – @Fortes2565

Foremost, we found it really strange Cadillac’s ad agency would simply choose a random person to cite. So, we searched for the username on Twitter to see who the quote may come from. But, the name “Fortes2565” turned up zero results. Through the power of Google, we also searched the username. The search engine returned one hit for the username directly, which linked to a rather dormant Instagram profile with six posts. None of them were related to the Escalade. Or Cadillac.

What appears to make matters worse is the video description for the ad: “The Escalade reviews are in.” Whose review? We certainly can’t trace the quote back anywhere.

Perhaps we’re mistaken, and I, the author, will stand corrected if the quote is floating around the internet somewhere. Until then, this ad spot is a disappointment from the department that pushed much better quality content as of recent.

Former GM Authority staff writer.

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  1. At the very least the ad agency that produced this as should’ve made a dummy account

  2. This is the equivalent to picking one single 5 star amazon review when there’s 10,000, nobody cares…I’m sure with this story out, IF there wasn’t already an Fortes2565 account, that GM or a GM fan/investor has already created one…Yet if they GM got exposed, it could make the story far more interesting and create a lot of buzz for the brand…

  3. This is Cadillac saying that the JDN experiment of the past few years didn’t work and Cadillac is trying a new approach to sync with a younger group of Americans.

    1. How does it sync with younger Americans? Because it uses a Twitter-like @ sign? The attribute might as well be “Joe Schmoe”. Fortes2565 is not exactly JD Power. Plus he say he thinks (based on what?) that it’s only the beginning. In other words, don’t buy one now, because they’ll make better ones in the future.

      This ad simply looks like something that is a copy of other people’s ads. I don’t know if it’s from the “Lovin beats hatin” McDonald’s woman, but Cadillac needs better marketing/advertising people. Remember the “fab four”, which included Melody Lee? What a joke that was. Carlisle needs to clean house.

  4. 15 seconds, an unattributable ‘review’, and they still manage to shoehorn-in a retail click-through invitation.

    Still haven’t seen any of these online, as pre-rolls or whatever.

  5. This isn’t the only reason this ad is dumb — what does “Believe the Hype” mean? Even if this quote came from, say, Ward’s Automotive or Edmunds?

    Seriously, who is all abuzz about Cadillac (beyond the bad buzz of the messy breakup with Johan)? What “hype”? When was the last time someone (who wasn’t a GM-fan boy or really, really into cars) said, “Hey, did you hear about the new Cadillac?”

    If GM wanted “hype” they could have put into production the $100k-plus “halo” concept cars — they decided not to do that (which I disagree with, because I think they could have used the “hype”, but understand that funds are limited).

    They need a focused, appropriate marketing plan — and soon.

    1. So basically what your saying is that you dont believe theres hype in cadillac therefore its a dumb ad.

      Well i can say this for damn sure, I’m sure as hell hyped for cadillac ESPECIALLY with that escala coming 2020, the ct5, the 2019 xt5, and the 2019 xt6.

      My point: not everyone agrees with you bud.

  6. Rick Carlisle should take charge and send a message immediately, by firing whomever came up with the “Believe The Hype” with the Ford F-150/Denis Leary style HUGE TEXT. If that means firing the recently hired McDonald’s woman, so be it. Cadillac can’t afford to make a joke of itself at this point. Fortes2565, really?

    1. Is Rick Steve Carlisle’s brother?

      1. Whoops, good point – make that Steve Carlisle. Rick Carlisle is an NBA basketball coach.

  7. Googling for “And I think it’s only the beginning” turns up 3 pages of results.

    Nothing particular, though.

  8. “Believe the hype” is more inviting than “dare greatly”

    1. And a B minus is better than a C.

      But progress, nonetheless!

  9. “@Fortes2565” and “The Escalade reviews are in.” might be leftovers from the ad agency, either by sloppiness or consciously aimed at raising the curiosity of people like Alex Luft…

    “@Fortes2565” looks like a Twitter account, but might also simply be a user ID at this ad agency, or in the GM internal network.

    1. There’s an IG account as mentioned in the article, of the six posts one has a dude with a Tahoe in the background…

  10. I can’t find much either. Very interesting. Post could have been deleted….


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