The C7 Corvette Z06‘s overheating woes continue. On Wednesday, General Motors was served a fourth lawsuit alleging the high-performance Corvette is plagued with cooling system defects, and the automaker was aware of them.
GM previously addressed the matter in 2016 and said the 2017 Corvette Z06 would boast improvements to remedy the situation. Recall, the sports car was unable to complete a lap at the 2015 Motor Trend “Best Driver’s Car,” and the cooling system was one of many issues that day. At the time, GM said less than 5 percent of Corvette Z06s may exhibit overheating issues.
But, the lawsuit says otherwise. The lawsuit states over 30,000 cars exhibit overheating issues, which causes the car to enter a “limp mode” to protect itself from further damage. Most owners complained that the Z06 overheats within 15 minutes of track driving, though some claim the issues has occurred at freeway speeds on public roads. Lawyers argue this puts drivers of the car in an unsafe situation.
The fourth lawsuit covers owners from Colorado, Connecticut, Georgia, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, and Texas.
Lawyers representing the plaintiffs will seek reimbursement for owners who have purchased aftermarket parts in an attempt to fix the cooling system defects and costs for those who have taken their cars to dealerships for what the lawsuit called “futile repairs.”
So how is GM responsible for the heating issues if they give the operating limits in the owners manual.
In terms of driving the car at or over a certain outside temp. Don’t drivers read the owners manual anymore. If you new the car had this limitation then why did you purchase the car?
I think this is all on the owner take responsibility for what you buy and how you are going to use it.
Dude it’s a race car, that’s pretty bad. I’m sure I could rent a Chevy sonic and track it all day without an issue.
How is it bad if it performs like the owners manual says it should?
So if ram started saying that its truck could tow 2000lbs more than GM…But in it’s manual stated that it can only do this down hill with the parking brake half engaged in 5 minute intetvals. That would be totally cool?
If the limits are written in the owners manual and you as a owner exceed those limits and the car is damaged then tyhat is your fault!
If you wanted a car that exceeded those limits then you should of read the owners manual before purchasing the car and determined that this car was not going to fulfill your need and look for something else to buy.
Why can’t buyers be responsible for the items you purchase?
If you buy a truck and it’s tow rating is 5,000 pounds and you tow a 15,000 trailer and something on that truck breaks it is not the companies fault or responsibility to fix the repair.
That is why every product has its operational limits and the owners manual tells you not to exceed them!
Well at least some lawyers won’t go hungry…hate it when they suffer.
The same class action should be happening with the pickups eight speed, shutter, rough shift problem that`s in it`s fourth year of being ignored.
It’s pretty sad that in the year 2018 that GM can’t figure out how to keep its halo sports car from overheating and going into limp mode 15 minutes into a run. Then you have the weird shifting shuttering 8 speed in the trucks and SUV’s and the vibration prone Silverado/Sierra pickups. Do these so called engineers actually test these things on real public roads before unleashing them on the public?
I have addressed the overheating but fail to listen. The transmission and vibration issue is a joke!
GM is also turning a Blind Eye to the HUNDREDS OF LT4 ENGINE FAILURES the the 2018 Camaros.
This is why I BUY PORSCHE GT and stopped buying GM years ago, GM DOESN’T CARE ONCE THEY HAVE YOU MONEY.
If the failure happens under warranty then it gets repaired if it’s out of warranty then the customer has to fix it. Why is this so hard for people to understand?