Everything’s bigger in Texas, including opinions and controversial stickers on the back window of GMC Sierras. This past Wednesday, a Texas sheriff posted a public Facebook message asking for information on the driver of a white Sierra pickup truck sporting an obscene sticker over his or her displeasure with President Donald Trump.
The sticker reads, “F*** Trump and F*** You For Voting For Him.” Well, we know where the driver stands on certain issues.
Sheriff Troy Nehls asked for information after he explained the local district attorney has received numerous complaints about the sticker and said she was ready to support disorderly conduct charges. Sheriff Nehls then said he’d simply support a modification of the sticker. His post has since gone viral on Facebook even though he removed it from public viewership last Thursday.
Of course, the Sheriff was flamed on social media for potentially impeding on an individual’s freedom of speech, but we get it. Rolling around with a double F-bomb on the back of a truck isn’t exactly courteous. We’re sure we won’t see the last of this story.
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Some people are just too f*cking Immature, Trump won, get over it. If you live here in America he IS your president. There was not even half of the current backlash when Obama won, or Bush or even any other president ever.
Drained the swamp? Nope
Ditched Obamacare? Nope
Tax breaks? Nope
Taken care of NK? Nope
Got Russia in defend-mode? Nope
Markets on consistent rise? Nope
Long-term energy plan with security? Nope
Increase in Military effectiveness? Nope in Niger
Republican Party at his beck-&-call? Nope
I’m having a lot of trouble finding exactly where I’m supposed to get over this TOTAL FAILURE to deliver what he SAID he would deliver. I don’t have a problem with him winning, I have a problem with him DELIVERING his agenda. Can Trump do what he says he can do? If he can’t, even though he has the White House, that’s only one person’s fault. And y’all should stop apologizing for his failures, that’s PC!
Lowest Unemployment in 16 years: yes.
Pulled out of Paris climate agreement: yes.
Supreme court justice appointed: yes.
Trade talks: yes.
Markets on consistent rise: **yes, not to mention an all time high.
As for the wall, tax breaks and ditching Osamacare, he’s working on it, the Dems and the rest of the “swamp” (republicans) are the real fly in the ointment. Also, anyone notice how ISIS (now WASWAS) is not on the news anymore and is going bankrupt?
Sorry Henry but the credit doesn’t go to 45 as his economic policies are not active yet. As of October 2017 we were still under the Obama era financial plan.
When and if anything does get passed, we’ll see 1 year from now what effect his administration has on the economy.
Actually much of what is going on is in anticipation of tax cuts.
The economy will remain strong till they approve and continue or if the fail and the market pulls out.
We saw the changes in the market the day after the election.
He may have the title but he surely isn’t qualified to have it. Most inept individual put in office by an archaic system called the Electoral College.
Watching him as POTUS is like someone getting ahold of Thor’s hammer; they can’t get much accomplished cause they’re not supposed to have it.
Henry its called “Free Speech” You should keep reading the sticker until its mesage sinks in.
BTW – Has anyone ever seen Trump’s Original Birth Certificate?
It is considered disorderly conduct in this jurisdiction of Texas to display profanity in such a manner…plus it is quite classless. Read up on the local law.
Free Speech is not defined as being able to say anything anywhere. SCOTUS has consistently ruled that obscenity does not fall under the first amendment.
Exactly, like him or not he won. Try focusing the energy on supporting him/our country and maybe we will all be better off. A display like that does nothing. And divides.
Elections aren’t the freakn NFL or NASCAR.
Nobody “wins” at the end of an election.
FFS, back in Eisenhower’s day (he was a republican, y’know) presidents used to make a big effort to reach out to the other voters, because that’s like nearly HALF the population.
In sport, the winner takes the trophy home, but that means nothing when the whistle blows for the next game. In politics, the winner is supposed to help the worst loser in their country to make the WHOLE country better.
But Trumzies? No, they WON, they want their f*cking trophy, and they want to spray the white frothy ‘champagne’ over everybody’s face.
Unfortunately the comment he made saying he likes to grab pussy and gets away with it because he’s famous divided America.
America started to divide before that.
Yup. America started to divide when Eisenhower retired and handed over the Republicans to Nixon.
why are trumpanzees so soft about freedom of speech? remember when trump told buisness’s “Go f** themselves”?
Perfect example of moving the goalposts, typical narrow minded cry-baby boomers. Man up.
an informed civillian
Yup, I remember the old days of “PC This” and “PC That”, but nowadays when folks speak their mind right in yer face its “Safe Spaces Everywhere and stop Triggering me”
That sign on that truck is FREE SPEECH protected by the 1ST AMENDMENT. Get over that.
If you want people to get arrested for mentioning sex, I’m ready to agree that “F*CK” is equally bad as “Grabbing P*SSY” and should be equally hassled by equal police. Get it yet fools?
Since it’s been decided it’s free speech I’ll go ahead and order my F**K HILLARY and F**K You For Voting for Her sticker.
You are late . Bill already f*cked Hillary and she have a daughter.
Yea, he f*cked Hillary…….. and every other women in the white house.
Exactly Tom It’s your vehicle. Go right ahead.
My only suggestion would be, like Mitt Romney, Hillary will soon be forgotten. You should go after someone currently in office.
Go ahead, they’re already for sale, have been for decades, no biggie, nobody got PC about those stickers.
Therefore, exactly what is your problem? Did you only just learn about the 1st after 2016? It was around before that, y’know.
Politically correct is for Communists. Joseph Stalin was politically correct. And anyone who disagreed with him was not politically correct.
I’m all for free speech. And that’s you opinion fine and this is the most constructive thing said person thought to do with their feelings. But doesn’t this border on being obscene? Do i need my kids reading this?
‘Don’t blame me, I voted for _______’ woulda done it.
That said, I imagine the Sierra is easy to find the grocery store parking lot.
“Do i need my kids reading this??”
Then you should shield your kids from being exposed to the public sphere, but you won’t be able to do that forever.
Free speech (or in this case, free expression) cuts both ways in the public sphere. It means you have to put up with the stuff you don’t agree with just as well as you put up with the stuff you do agree with.
I’m simply stating it’s in poor taste.
The quality of something being in poor taste as judged by the public in the public sphere doesn’t guide or inform the legal protection of free speech.
It is about applying standards to our freedoms that give them stability.
You make it anything goes then freedom begins to die.
There is no such thing as total freedom as it still needs balance of respect, dignity and responsibility.
That is why all freedoms rely on standards of conduct.
I would have used another four letter word actually related to trucks: DUMP
Classy dame!
“On Thursday, Fonseca was arrested on an outstanding felony fraud warrant, issued by the police in nearby Rosenberg, Texas.
Fonseca’s bond was set at $1,500, and she was released late Thursday night, according to CNN affiliate KTRK.”
Before you make a spectacle of yourself you had better settle all your legal obligations.
I have never had a warrant let alone a Felony Fraud Warrant but I guess they must be a pretty easy thing to forget??????
A woman driving a large truck like that, with a F*ck Trump sticker on it….. can you say lesbian.
I am conservative but I think it is this person’s right to express his or her opinion on the back of the truck’s window. I vote for Trump. He has a tough job with no easy decisions.
^ This.
Free expression cuts both ways. An F Trump window sticker would irritate members of the public just as much as an F Hillary window sticker would. Either way, as a political statement, the US’s freedom of speech means that US government cannot censor an individual. This would be a different story if this was a FedEx or Ambulance.
Personally, if need to use your car to publicly to make a political statement (left, right, or otherwise), then you probably don’t have cogent argument that you could make you case verbally.
People living in glass houses …………………………….
I don’t know what the laws are in Texas , but to be punished in any way for expressing your views is a slippery slope . Who is to say that the sign is vulgar punishable by anything . So many calls were ” apparently ” made to the Sheriffs office complaining , thats their right to do so , just like it is the constitutional right of this trucker to complain .
What’s next , is someone going to call in because I have an American Eagle sticker on the rear glass of my truck , is that going to offend someone !?!
Even if the sign was made eliminating the ” u ” as in F*ck whoever , reading the sign with the letter removed you are still going to read it as it was intended to be . Would that have been anymore PC ?
We need to stop telling others what to think & what to say . The Political Correctness in this country is way over the top .
As an example , I will tell everyone have a ” Merry Christmas ” , not “Happy Holiday ” , thats my right and I don’t think I should have to say the later in case it may offend someone .
If you don’t like Donald Trump say so , that is your right , same goes for Hillary Clinton .
Same goes with the information coming out of the White House , are they telling us a ” false-hood ” or a ” lie ” .
Just like the Supreme Court not deciding what is pornography , it’s a personal conclusion .
As for the sticker on the truck , should he have put the f-bomb on such a public display , probably not but that’s how I feel . And know one has the right to tell me I am wrong or right , it’s not on my vehicle .
Let’s make this simple for 1st amendment learners:
The US Mail truck is NOT allowed to have a sticker saying “F*ck Tr*mp”
My Truck IS allowed to have a sticker saying “F*ck Tr*mp”
Your Truck IS allowed to have a sticker saying “F*ck the Old Trombone” (if you really want that)
Go right ahead and put a sticker on your truck saying “F*ck like a Roy Moore Rental” and see if the 1st amendment is for real, or not…
“The US Mail truck is NOT allowed to have a sticker saying “F*ck Tr*mp”
My Truck IS allowed to have a sticker saying “F*ck Tr*mp””
Pretty much.
The mail truck is government property, therefore it’s public property, and it’s operated by civil servants. The body of the mail truck is no place for political opinions, and the truck should only be used for delivering mail and packages.
Your truck (if you own it) is private property, and you can put whatever political message you like on it, although people in the public sphere might disagree with it.
That’s not entirely true. SCOTUS has consistently ruled that obscenity is not protected by the first amendment.
You guys in the US are really passionate about your politics, it is really interesting to watch from a far. Up here in Canada, it’s kinda boring. Justin Trudeau wins, get sworn in as Prime Minister, and the next day, everybody forget about the loser. I can’t believe Hillary is still in the news, over a year after the election, but, I guess politics in the US is just interesting, as U guys seems to be having some form of election every few months. America is the most powerful country in the world, whilst its neighbour to the north might very well be the most boring, but I guess we enjoy our boring country as much as you guys enjoy your exciting politics.
During last year’s election, I took pictures of a beat-up old van that had nasty things written all over it about Hillary. It was parked near the door at my voting location in clear violation of the voting laws. After I mentioned it inside, an older guy who didn’t have a clue that it was a problem, finally came out and moved it. What would they have done in Texas if it was about Trump?
This is not so much about the F Hilary or F Trump as it is about the F anyone.
You can display your displeasure in many ways and not have to resort to phrases from a trailer park.
This is a deal neither side should need to stoop to this level to express their feelings.
Some people have tosses aside all standards and society and often themselves end up worse off for it.
If you want people to take your view respectfully then present it respectfully no matter who you support.
The truth is people behaving better get treated better. While you may have a right to do as you please then accept the fact if you behave like trash or a criminal you will be treated as such. life is not fair but that is how society works.
Right now there is a power struggle on both sides that has been going on to take control of our country. Sanders and Trump both got in the way and both have paid a price.
Now we have the shrilled voices of Hilary and Mcain both due to the fact they failed the power people they represented. Now they are using people to try to bring things back to their control.
Many of us really need to get a grasp on the big picture. The high debt and
Many other issues need to change and many in DC are not going to let it happen.
Many are walking away from DC because it has been controlled by the people who are the problem.
Agree or not with him on many things but DC really is a swamp no matter what party you are in.