GM Authority

GM Threatens To Wind Down Production At Striking Canadian Plant, Increase Mexican Chevrolet Equinox Production

Discussions between General Motors and Canadian union Unifor took a wild turn yesterday after the U.S. automaker warned the union it would begin to wind down production at the CAMI assembly plant in Ingersoll, Ontario, Canada, and “ramp up production in Mexico.”

General Motors builds the 2018 Chevrolet Equinox at three North American facilities: the CAMI plant, and two Mexico-based plants. Right now, the Mexican plants are not capable of producing the volumes the CAMI plant can, but GM plans to study how quickly it can move key supplier operations to support the Mexican plants, according to a Reuters report.

The decision to move GMC Terrain production from the CAMI plant to Mexico is the key bargaining issue in Unifor and GM’s discussions. The union previously said it would not give in unless GM declares CAMI the lead Chevrolet Equinox assembly plant, which it believes is essential to ensure future job security. At the CAMI plant, 600 jobs were lost with the Terrain production relocation.

It’s gotten serious for GM, too. The most recent report stated the automaker only has a 41-day supply of the hot-selling 2018 Chevrolet Equinox since CAMI workers walked out on the job almost one month ago.

Unifor President Jerry Dias said he would not call off the strike and said, “[GM has] declared war on Canada.”

Former GM Authority staff writer.

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  1. Aaaand soon they all will be out of jobs….from above average job to no job. Greed.

    1. Spoken from the truly uninformed

    2. You are right, greed by GM.

      1. Not at all. Costs are high in canada. These are not jobs where there is education needed. Listening to union leadership is typically a terribl3 idea. They have no skin in the game. Leader of union is more concerned with bashing gm then agreeing to the template already created at oshawa plant.
        They will be out of jobs and wishing they did not listen

    3. LMAO, Greed? They didn’t even ask for raise and their wages now been frozen for 11 years. How about GM, is that not Greed? Walking away from assembly plant that generates $2B per year so they can make more in Mexico, exploiting workers there. You need to learn definition of greed lol.

  2. I understand why the employees are upset but GM has the leverage here. If the plant has been on strike for a month then it seems like GM realized that negotiations weren’t going to work and are now playing hardball

  3. This is a bluff by GM. They wouldn’t be able to increase production that fast.
    GM won’t get my business if they ditch their most productive plant for higher profit, same price of vehicle from Mexico.

    1. How is it most productive plant?

      1. GM announced on several occasions over the years that CAMI assembly plant builds most vehicles per year with least number of people. Other assembly plants run with a lot higher number of workers to build same amount of vehicles, this would make them most efficient.

        1. we work 6 days a week for 7 years, That is why they produced the most vehicles. a 54 second time cycle on the ass line is on par with other plants. Not to mention the hole weld shop is run by robots.

  4. It seems obvious that they intend to “wind things down” at CAMI anyway? If not, then why not agree in writing to build there going forward? Remember the new Equinox is smaller, but more expensive than ever. I guess job security is too much to ask for from slave to share price GM.

    1. Job security? That’s the problem with today’s employee……. “no matter how well I do my job (great or poorly), I am entitled to keep my job until I see fit”. Entitlement. The worst thing ever!!

      The only thing anyone is entitled to is if you do your job well today, you are entitled to come back and do it again for one more day tomorrow. That is it! There are millions of employees with NO pension plans, NO health plans, and ZERO job security. Many of these plant workers have ZERO post secondary education yet make as much or more (plus have top line benefits) than many post secondary graduates who are thousands of dollars in debt after paying for that education, trying to EARN a better living.

      Job security……. hahahahahahaha!

      Yeah, the new Equinox is smaller (4.5 inches shorter and all other dimensions are within 0.5 inches of previous gen, yet more overall interior cargo room) and overall, about $1500 more than the previous generation in the top line trim (lesser trims are even closer in price). But for that $1500, you get better gas mileage, surround view camera, lane keep assist, hands free lift gate, skyview sunroof, driver alert seat, passive entry with push button start, low speed forward automatic braking, lane keep assist, lane change alert, HID and LED headlamps, Intellibeam headlamps, Apple Carplay and Android Auto, active aero shutters, plus more.

      A great buy for only $1500 more than the old generation.

      1. I love the way you describe great country of United States of America in your comment, couldn’t have said it myself better. Used to be when you worked hard and had great work ethic you were safe at your job, now it doesn’t matter because average American is uneducated and doesn’t support local economy, and doesn’t care about his neighbour, it’s all about me now. And corporations are the same. I hope Union in Canada tells GM o F Off and get lost. Don’t worry guys, life didn’t start with GM and it won’t end when GM leaves, you’ll be fine. In mean time our great country is falling apart.

    2. What if price of gas goes up and people go back to cars en masse? A whole generation of american industries died due to inflexibility. Steel and auto especially were hemmed in by union agreemets and lost to more nimble competitors.
      This union seems to not remember why gm died in 2008. Incompetent
      Leadership and terrible union comtracts. GM would be wise to run away from them.

    3. since when did job security ever become a right? you guys are a joke! If you want job security go to school and work at a skill or trade certificate that makes you marketable, that is how you should have been raised. Not to cry and whine “corporate greed” because the scum bag union officials tell you to do so. I feel the lack of cami workers ability to think for them selves over the years in negotiating contracts is now going to put them and me out of a Job, not to mention probably 10,000 others connected to this boondoggle. all the while Van Bokel and Dias sit in positions where they get paid { more than they should } crazy bucks, and workers don’t even get enough to live on. Just think how much union money Unifor is now going to get from all the exploited Mexican workers once they get their greedy hands in the Mexican market, and get GM to close shop.

  5. Over the last several years, GM has invested over $500 mil into the CAMI plant. For that reason, CAMI should have a good future.

    GM wants to keep their options open while NAFTA remains an active concern.

    1. if NAFTA goes to crap, Canada won’t be a better option than Mexico, they’ll have to move production to the states.

  6. When a union tries to hold a company hostage, in spite of being very cost inefficient, the company should be able to pull the pin. Nobody has the right to work. Jobs (especially in a trudeau run Canada) are a privilege, not a right. I say shut it down, maybe the unions will learn their value…yeah right, like they would ever learn. remember “you need to reduce wages or we will go bankrupt” … “we won’t take a pay cut, we deserve to make double the national average” … “now you don’t have a job at all, was that worth it?”
    I don’t respect the current unions, when they were in it for safety reasons, they were good. Now they’re just in it for greed. (kinda like GM but with less leverage)

    1. When a company tries to hold a union and the workers hostage…………….

      1. The agreement is done except for union wanting job assurances. If gm gives in it will be a terrible precedent.

      2. WTF are you smoking? 36 dollars an hour for unskilled labourer to turn a screw or bolt, with a pension to die for, not to mention all the other perks available to an employee, free gym on site for the hostages. lmao where else in Canada can a smoker get a smoke break EVERY HOUR! Or a non smoker just takes that 10 minutes to walk around the plant. I work there and see this so don’t tell me that’s bull shyte either. Your over paid for what you do, do I think you should have money taken away, no, but your over and above the Canadian average income so quit asking for more more more.

        1. Anti union….by all your incorrect facts it’s very obvious you do not work at Cami and are just trolling for a fight.

        2. I agree with some stuff AntiUnion says, some people do abuse breaks etc… I even appreciate that he says he doesn’t believe workers should have money taken away. But he says quit asking for more and more … isn’t this strike about job security and not money etc…. What am I missing? Even media is reporting that job security committment from GM, or lack there of, is at heart of this strike.

          1. Hello Dear,

            Good day to you and your family, I apologize if the content here under are contrary to your moral ethics but please treat with absolute secrecy and personal.

            My name is Mr Naji Otri from Damascus Syria. i’m now a retired government officials I was the former prime minister of the Federal Republic of SYRIA and ex-agriculture minister,personal investor & financial consultant advisers to some Top Politician in Syria, I chairman a group of company Kabour brothers co (Hermanos) and Al Furat Petroleum Company (AFPC) the leader in the region in Reservoir Management AFPC was established under Service Contract no. 210 ratified by Law no. 43 of 1977 and named as per decree-law no.12 in 1985.

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            Hope to hear from you soon


            Mr.Naji Otri


    2. Kinda like gm? Gm, by definition is in it to make as much money as possible. They lost site of that and almost died because of that.

      1. Ummmmm they didn’t almost die because of that, they built a junk product plain and simple.

        1. Dear Anti Union…. have you ever thought about anger management training. There seems to be an underlying nastiness there. You continually troll for fights with no substantiation of facts. Even using lies to further you arguments or to start one. I’m sure your a good person, you just might need some help finding the right direction for yourself.
          Good luck to you Anti Union.

    3. hear hear now there is some truth!

  7. This has been General Motors’ secret ace up their sleeve and reason why GM hasn’t been in a frantic in negotiation with striking CAMI employees because if push comes to shove, General Motors will close the CAMI facility and simply ramp up production at their Ramos Arizpe facility in Mexico; this is a demonstration of why Mary Barra is the most powerful woman in the world.

    1. lol Barra most powerful woman in the world. I just spit my water out. Ever hear of the Queen of England? owns 60% of the worlds property, now that’s power. Barra just another corporate stooge that will be replaced and forgotten in time.

  8. Its too late to move production to Janesville. Would have been a good spot if they were not selling the plant.

    1. Janesville may be gone. But they still have Lansing Michigan Orion Michigan Lordstown Ohio Detroit Hamtramck Fairfax Kansas. All of these building cars that are not selling well.

  9. Companies should respect hard work and reward it. These people put in 6 days/ week for 9 years, are the best in the world at what they do. All the while getting quality awards and making the company billions per year. They should be able to know that that hard work is job security. For the people that say it’s not. You need to walk up to your boss tomorrow and say… no matter how hard I work, no matter if I’m the best in the world at what I do. Please tell me everyday that you doubt I’ll have this job tomorrow!! It sounds like that should be very motivating for you. It sounds so good you should probably say that to your boss today.

    1. So no matter how hard you work it doesn’t matter to GM? It’s also puzzling that GM wants to close the leanest most efficient plant with numerous quality awards and move the product to Mexico. I guess the only explanation can be greed and oh yes also you can exploit your employees too paying them next to nothing. I hear the minimum wage is 65 cents just what kind of product will GM get for that? This is a classic example of maximizing profits coming from a company that made $12B profit last year. So the automakers found a simple loophole in NAFTA they pay 2.5% tariff and backdoor the vehicles into the US market.

      Ironically the same people who “bailed out” poor GM in 2009 are getting screwed out of thousands of jobs by Mexico now and in the future.

      1. Howndo you knownthey were working hard? Or that plant received awards due to making the same product for 8 years and all the bugs were worked out.

    2. I see a couple thumbs down… tell me your employers contact info and I’ll tell them how you feel. I’m sure they would be fine with turfing you tomorrow …. once you up your performance today of course.

      1. No one has absolute job security today. The number one employee of any franchise can lose their job tomorrow if their store decides to close. But if you do a great job today, you in all most likelihood will have the chance to do a great job again tomorrow.

        BUT, if you do a great job, but demand to have excessive pay and better benefits when compared to similar jobs in other companies, then there’s a problem (hence where unions went off course). These people make upwards of $60K per year and have a top notch pension and benefit plan, while many if not the majority have ZERO secondary education (and many don’t even have grade 12). But they demand to keep getting raises, better work environments, etc. If you want to make more money than you do now, find a better paying job. Just because you do a great job doesn’t mean you should get paid more to do that same job. When an employer hires you to do a job, you are expected to do a great job at the pay you are hired at. You don’t deserve a raise just because you did what was expected of you. That is what is nice about Mexico; people who do a great job enjoy that great job and benefits. Those who don’t do a great job, GET REPLACED! (which they can’t do in the US or Canada due to unions).

        I work in the automotive industry (for 20 yrs), for a GM dealership actually. And I can tell you for a fact we have more issues per 100 vehicles with trucks built in the good ol’ US of A (VIN starts with number 1) than those built in Mexico (Vin starts with a 3). What does that tell you about the quality of work you get for the dollar paid? Those who have guarantees and security get complacent, expect more for the same work, etc.

        If I don’t do a great job, I will get replaced. Hence the fact I’ve been in this industry for 20 yrs tells you I do a great job at what I do. But I don’t beg for more money every couple years and go on strike if I don’t get it. I know my job. I accepted my job for the money it paid.

        1. Wow struck a nerve!!
          Now let’s try some facts shall we.
          I think everyone understand no one has absolute job security.. but this plant was not closing or burning to the ground or falling into a sinkhole. They have done a great job and so should have “some” job security that number 1 build designation would give them that..”some”.
          so not sure what was your point there??
          As for pay, they are asking for the same contract as the other autoplants just signed 1 year earlier in Canada. They only pay raises would be for the second tier wage earners. The highest wage employees were to make the same from what I’ve heard. Oh and those workers haven’t had a wage increase in 10years… even though they’ve been working 6 days/ week for most of that time line. Their pension has not seen any adjustments in 12 years, so not top notch. But better then nothing that’s for sure. Benefits have been reduced the last few contract, so again not top notch, but better then nothing. Unfortunately those better jobs you speak of are few and far between. With what has to be paid for the upper management, there seems to be less money for the floor workers.
          Anyone on the floor at Cami has to have a secondary education or better. A lot of the old higher wage employees have very high skills and educations. A few line workers are licensed trades and engineers. I would guess that’s one of the reasons for all the quality awards. High wage brings in high skills and produces quality awards…. sounds plausible.
          Ask your parents if they asked for a raise for doing a “great job”. I think it’s very acceptable to ask for a raise for doing a “great job”…as I’m sure you have over the years.
          As for Mexico, I haven’t heard that their work ethic is very good. But I’ve only talked to management and engineers that have been at Mexican plants. So how you know better then them I’m not sure?
          Oh people do get fired from Union plants just like non-union plants. But they do have representation to try and get their job back if possible. Non-union would use ministry of labour.
          I to have heard that the American plants have more issues with quality then others. The Cami plant seem to have very high quality compared to some. But you have to take into account that most machinery and equipment in Mexico is much newer and can hold better tolerances then a lot of the old equipment north of their boarder. A guy I know does work place equipment and machinery age investigation. Canada and the USA have some of the oldest working equipment out there. Average of factory equipment in Canada is 28 years old. Even the best talent with worn or old equipment has a hard time competing with the latest in equipment.

          I have no illusions that I’m going to change your mind from using your coffee machine facts. But having real fact in a discussion is always better.

          1. spoken like a true union rep, all air. love how you try to slime around the OP post about no one has a right to job security. you say “absolute job” security like the semantics change something. This is not the Jimmy Hoffa era when unions were legit in bargaining safe working conditions and wages for people who are actually exploited! Cami workers are in NO way exploited or burned in any way. My boss hired me to do a good job every day, I do that so that I have a job the next day. If he were to tell me he has to close and move elsewhere, do I have a right to block his driveway and shut him down till he tells me the buissness will stay here. Is that how your reality is buckw?

            1. Anti union…..again,I’m not under the illusion I’ll change your mind on anything. But here we go again. We use words in the English language to give clarity. If you’re unsure of their meaning the Webster dictionary could help you. “Absolute” and “some” should be in there.
              As far as Jimmy Hoffa Era being legit, there are some good books or for you some movies that might change your opinion on that.
              I don’t remember saying Cami worker were exploited or burned in any way?? They are looking for the same contract that was offered to the other Canadian facilities other then the #1 designation. Which has been well established they deserve from their productivity compared to other plants.
              That’s good that you recognize that doing a good job should give you a job for the next day. That’s exactly what the Cami workers are looking for.
              And “no” you do not have the right to block your bosses driveway and shut him down, you would need a union for that. This is reality and law.
              You must be very happy how Sears Canada has treated their employees. No pension, no benifits, no severance…. unless your part of the upper crust. Seeing how your a history buff. Pretty sure this is why people look to unions for help. To protect and help employees when the government doesn’t use the labour laws to help.

        2. What I find amazing is that people that don’t get good compensation for their work don’t look to improve it, instead they look at lowering those that have it to their standard, this is true race to the bottom, if you live in America and you work in automotive plant on line, where you have to complete a vehicle every minute, and you make under $20/h it’s not worth it, go find something that’s more rewarding, not just in monetary ways, but where you are more appreciated.

          United States is falling apart, country is filled with uneducated, drugged, psychotic population. This nation will implode soon.
          No need for outside interference, Las Vegas was prime example where America is heading, jobs and salaries will be least of our worries in near future.

        3. Dpach, well said! looks like some one is not living in the matrix of entitlement.

    3. buckw: If good engineering dept is not placed ahead of advertising dept you can bust your ass all you want and the product still won’t be as cherished as my 1970 Buick straight six Automatic! Remember the “Rusty Fords” ? Corvairs that lost engines on corners, Fieros bursting into flames on the roads and then there was the Aztek horse shit? Big V-8 engines sold off the lot with terrible piston slap?

      1. Very true Bruce Miller. Good engineering, good machining or producing of parts and good assembling is all necessary for a quality product.

    4. job security is not a right! Not in Canada or anywhere else in the world. Its a privilege to have a job. You should be content that you make insane amounts of money, benefits, pensions, paid education programs and other perks. cami workers greed is sickening and the fact they keep blaming GM shows their ignorance of the situation UNIONS have created for them… Government is not innocent in all of this either. If our government would look out for Canadians and tax or tariff the heck out of any vehicle not made here that come into Canada, corporations would be forced to build here like HONDA,TOYOTA,NISSAN and so on. From what I hear you guys had an agreement 2 weeks ago until DIas sabotaged it all with the demand of job security.

      1. Anti union, Honda and Toyota do build here… again real facts would make you look more informed…. oh I’m not a union rep either. But thanks for thinking I’d be good at representing people.

  10. Malibu sedan/ Cruze sedan,hatchback sales are up, CT6 sedan sales are up, Cadillac will reshape it’s sedan line (CT6,CT5,CT4) small, medium, large.

  11. There defiantly was a period of time in america where labor unions were a necessity, they helped form today’s middle class. But now, most unions are just groups of greedy workers, a factory worker should be content with making $60,000 per year including benefits, but no, they always want more, more, more. I applaud GM here, greed will get you nowhere, and threatening a major corporation is sure to end badly for the opposing party. If we were back in the 1800’s, I would be siding with Unifor, but today, I side with GM, I hope GM shuts down this plant and moves all production south, (preferably to America).

    I see this all of the time with teachers, some make in excess of $100,000 per year where I live, and they still want more….. most people don’t make that much in a year (working much more demanding jobs) let alone 9 months.

    1. Another typical fellow American, I love it. If I make little then dammit so should every one else, how dare they make more than I do lol.

      Why was I born in this screwed up country, Come on Kim, clean this mess up lol.

      1. give your green card up and go back to the commie state. If you make little… GO BACK TO SCHOOL AND GET AN EDUCATION like you should have in the first place if you were all about making big bucks in life!!!!!!!!! sorry you sound like a commie speaking like that. I want it all for nothing, the voice of youth today.

  12. I see it as Equinox sales have been on the increase as of the current model. So moving the Terrain down to Mexico to make room for the Equinox is how I see it. I dont think this is necessarily about job security, but like more leverage over GM. I side with GM

  13. I never understood the entitlement thinking.

    I grew up where you did a days work and got a days pay. If you were not happy with the results you move on.

    There was a time Unions were needed mostly for safe working conditions. A company does owe their workers that. Once the goverment stepped in that rendered unions mostly to bargain for money and benefits.

    That worked when there was little compitition. Today the have many competitors and little to no leverage.

    Times have changed and we all now have to be flexible and more competitive. Odds are you will work for many companies or jobs unless you get a goverment job.

    GM has many plants to choose from and unions willing to be competitive.

    The problem here is more Canadian goverment. They promise you free health care and all sorts of social programs and leave out how they really are not free. You pay outrageous taxes. Then you have devalued money. Finally they mismanage the economy so an average house is up over a million dollars in a Toronto neighborhood.

    Sorry but you are finding out much like the folks in California you are going to be left dependent on goverment and left with little in your pocket.

    The nox will be a major bargaining chip for GM at many other plants that will be much less trouble.

  14. I think as Americans we don’t give a crap about other’s jobs. We don’t care if workers in any area are out of a job as long as we have a job. We are weak and we are ignorant, that’s us Americans, I admit it. I didn’t even care about what happened in Texas, Florida, Las Vegas, as long as my home is dry, I have a roof over my head, and a bullet didn’t strike my ass, rest of you poor bastards fend for yourselves.

    1. not all Americans are as selfish as you are so next time avoid putting all of us in one basket.

      1. I’ve met lots of Americans on my travels…. absolutely amazing people. Their talents and successes are only being held back by the 1%er’s at the top.

  15. It’s easy to hate unions for the overreaching when flexibility is needed. But unions contribute to living wages for everyone in the industry. I see them as a necessary but sometimes problematic party. For those who hate them, consider the future we all face with automation/AI/global trade putting most or all of our jobs at risk. What I wish could happen here is compromise by both sides. GM may have no desire/need/risk tolerance for giving CAMI a forever guarantee but perhaps they could do so over a 2 or 3 year span. GM retains medium/long term flexibility and the CAMI workers gain something as well.

    1. Hey Bob, are you suggesting we need the unions and their rable to cull this new technology of robotics? Its called progress man, if your worried go back to school and start taking robotics courses, there will be lots of jobs in that field soon, with good pay!, Global trade is your world governments creation, not GM, GM just used those trade agreements to their bennifit. Governments could have put a stop to globalization efforts if they wanted to, but they did not. They can use tariff and taxes to force importing companies to build here instead. Or consumer has a huge amount of buying power and can use that to hurt a company’s bottom line by boycotting their products. Lots of options other than one that includes corrupt unions.

    2. Bob, you are right, it’s a fine line we walk between the success of the company and the fare working environment of the workers. It’s a real tug of war. It’s not common, but the companies that are the most fare to their employees are usually the most successful. One well know is Google. But there are others. Cami is one of those companies that treats their employees pretty well. It was the GM Corp that is the crushing blow in negotiations. These anti union people need to read Bob Lutz book…car guys vs bean counters. This book gives the real insight into what hurts the auto industry.
      He’ll be the first to tell you, unions are not the poison some people think.

  16. ********* well looks like GM appreciates hard work.
    The local88 union has announced there is a tentative agreement to vote on. No idea what’s in it. But I’m sure it would be fare or they wouldn’t present it.
    I’m sure the union members will be glad to get back to doing their job and building one of the best vehicle on the market.

  17. Oh, union hater…. I guess you’ll be back to work at Cami on Monday….. oh that’s right you were full of crap when you said you worked there. I guess now you can go back just wishing you had the education and skills to be an auto worker.

  18. Well I have two things to say…

    #1. Cheers to our Canadian neighbours to the North! You fought for what you believed in and you won, you proved nothing these days is handed to you without a fight! Your grandfathers fought the same fight decades ago, and now it was your generation’s turn. You stood up to a giant greedy corporation and you proved you can come out victorious.

    #2. To my fellow country Americans, I feel ashamed, in USA we became pushover, we bend over and take it up the A$$, we don’t fight for anything g any more, this country is full of selfish losers that hate to see someone succeed and have something better than them. USA has become a country full of sheep.

    Good for you Canadian workers to showing us Americans what it means to have balls, we were castrated and forgot what it means to stand up for our beliefs. We are more concerned whether or not football players stand up during national anthem lmao.

    Way to go Canada! Country of 30 million is showing a country of 350+M how It’s done!
    Maybe I’ll move North of the border one day.

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